How We Train: Evan Bloomberg

This edition of's How We Train features Northport senior Evan Bloomberg. In this new feature, we will take a look at high athletes, coaches, road runners, professionals, and anyone else who is an interesting story.  If you're interested in being featured in How We Train send an email to (enter How We Train in the subject line)

Name: Evan Bloomberg

Age: 17 

School: Northport High School

Coach: Jason Strom 

Personal Bests: 

400 - 57 (in practice)

800 - 2:05 (relay split) 

1500 - 4:10 ( Thursday night armory) 

1600 - 4:29 

3200 - 9:34

5000 - 15:45 (NIN) 

3MI - 16:01 (Sunken Meadow)

5000m - 16:56 (Sunken meadow as a junior)  

Championships: I'll let you know when the year is done, as of now I am yet to win one. 


Typical Training Week


Sunday - 12 - 15 miles (long run)

Monday: Fartlek - Gym 

Tuesday: Double: (barefoot running in the morning) -  longer run at night 

Wednesday: Long day - Gym 

Thursday: Double: (barefoot running in the morning) - longer run at night 

Friday: Tempo run - Gym 

Saturday - easy day 


Sunday - 12 - 15 miles 

Monday: Repeat 1000's (5-7) (gym) 

Tuesday: Duel meet - Tempo run 

Wednesday: Easy day (gym) 

Thursday: Long run (gym) 

Friday: Repeat miles, or 1500's  (3-4)

Saturday - Race 


Goals: Going into the season my main goal has been to break both the high schools 3mi & 5k record - set by Kevin Tshirhart in 2005. Along with those goals, I have set my sights at placing amongst the top 5 individuals in the Eastern States race in vcp, placing in the top 3 as an individual at states, and qualifying for nxn as a team. Whether or not I reach my goals this season I hope that the team can benefit from my influence as a hard worker and continue the legacy that Northport will leave this year. 

As for the gym work I rotate between shoulders and arms (Fridays) -  (For gym stuff I do 3 reps of 10 sets) 
- shoulder press 
- Turkish get ups 
- shrugs 
- dips 
- tricep pulldowns

Chest and back (Wednesdays) 
- medicine ball bench 
- pull ups 
- regular bench 
- incline bench 
- bent over rows 
- lat pull down 
- back extensions 

Legs (mondays) 
- Squats
- med ball lunges 
- knee extensions 
- hamstring curls 
- calf raises 

That's pretty much all of my gym stuff... I do core stuff like planks and such, but just at home every now and then.

Evan, we hear that you're enrolled in seven advanced placement courses. How do you handle it all and train??

I take the full International Baccalaureate program, it's the same thing as an A.P class except ap is more of an american program where as I.B is international. Anyway, there are almost no differences aside from the certificate you get when completing the IB program. As for the classes I take they are: 
- IB english 
- IB math 
- IB social studies
- IB physics (2 periods) 
- IB spanish 
- IB Theory of knowledge 
It's a lot of work I must say, I get a few solid hours of homework every night. Unfortunately though, I have to sacrifice studying during the week due to my demanding track schedule (weekends are usually when most of that gets done, and i have to pay extra attention during class). After getting home I usually stretch, ice bath, eat, shower, do as much homework till 10:00-10:30, and then wake up the next morning to either run and go to the gym or just go to the gym.