Girls NXN-NY Teams
Breakdown: No surprise on the outcome at the top. Manlius scored 41 points at halfway, but saw a fade one of their top 3. To make up for it, their back two responded in unison to make up the difference. The real story came behind them. Coming into the race, there had been real uncertainty. North Rockland's 5th runner was dealing with shin splints, unsure if she would be racing. Shoreham had been undefeated as a team all year, and was ready to race above class. Saratoga too, had a key injury to their number 2, that altered the outlook.
And then there was Shen. They showed they had the pieces for a strong team at Sectionals, but showings at States and Feds put doubt in their potential. Consider that corrected, as they held positions 13-15-16-17 at halfway. That kind of compression can make up for almost anything. The race was then left to their fifth runner, who was well back. But knowing what was on the line, she hit her highest speed rating of the year.
North Rockland and Shoreham brought the scoring within reach. But teams saw their regular #2 runners fade to their fifth position, which threw the projections on their head. Saratoga rounded out the Top 5.
Video Highlight - See Boys Team Recap