With our trip to Olympic Trials pending, I was inspired to start a blog about some of our travels. When I say we, most of the time it will be me and Chris Hunt, ArmoryTrack.com’s writer.
I got to know Chris when he worked at The Journal News covering Section 1 track and field. Over the years we’ve spent a lot of time together at state meets and national meets. Even before we worked together officially here at The Armory, we always worked well together at the bigger meets, often sharing hotels when one of us forgot to book our own (this happened often). READ MORE
"Oregon is ga-ga for the 2008 Olympic Trials, just as they were in 1972, 1976 and 1980. Since then this great track meet has roamed around the country, roaming bands of tracksters thrust into their own diaspora: the sprawling L.A. Coliseum, the fetid swamps of New Orleans, the obnoxious future baseball park in Ted Turner’s Atlanta, and lately two turns at the plate for Sacramento, a midsize community that, while proud to host the event, switched its attention back to the NBA the moment the last starter’s gun had fired." READ MORE
all of Jack Pfeifer's article are available here