Letters To Coach Gary Raby of Lewiston Porter - A Tribute

Coach Raby touched all of our lives.

I have asked some former teammates to share some of their own personal memories and photos for this tribute.

"I would say my distinct memory of Coach Raby is when one day at practice, he walked up to me and said, "Jake, I signed you up to do the pentathlon later this week at a special meet". I had never done the pentathlon, and honestly didn't want to.  Coach convinced me by saying "I want to see what you can do. I know you've never tried most of the things in it, but I think you can do really good." That short conversation and memory wouldn't do justice to the kind of coach Mr. Raby really was though. He was the kind of coach that you just wanted to run for, the kind of coach you wanted to give it your all for. That's why I ultimately did the pentathlon like he asked me to. But coach Raby's inspiration didn't just end with track.  He was the kind of role model that made you want to be a better person. He made you want to be nicer to the people around you, try harder in school, and just do better in life in general. In my opinion he is one of the main reasons Lew-Port had successful track athletes. The man just made you want to win not only for him but also for yourself"

-Jacob Braun, Class of 2015

"My favorite memory with Coach was a league meet at Niagara Wheatfield. I had just finished the steeplechase, and this was the race that I had wiped out into the water pit on the last lap. After I had finished, I remember Coach at the end, telling me good job. I said that I could have done better if I had not fallen. Coach said, "Well did you have fun?" I replied yes, and Coach said, "Well that's all that matters!"

- Caitlin Drennan, Class of 2012

"Coach Raby was more than a coach to me, he was like family. He always stressed that we were more than a team; we were a family. He has to have been one of the most influential people in my life. One of the best memories that I can recall was that before a race, sometimes when I would get really nervous, he would lay his hands on my head, and tell me how much he believed in me, and that he knows that I have the confidence to go out and run the best that I can. That has to be one of the best memories that I will never forget. I know he will be watching over all of us"

- Madison Dunn, Class of 2018

"Dear Coach Raby,

I wouldn't be where I am today without you. I think about you every time I run hill, and each time I end an abs workout with monsters. I think back to the days you warned me that I would be a distance runner, and how I would always deny it. Now, running is my therapy. I run more than 50 miles a week most weeks, and I honestly love it. I joined my college cross country team my Freshman year, and it's unbelievable how happy the sport makes me. I plan on running the 10k this outdoor track season, something I could never imagine myself doing before I met you. You kickstarted this massive portion of my life, and I wouldn't be who I am today without your guidance. Thank you for strengthening my mental and physical running practices, and for introducing me to this sport I love so much. Your support was unwavering, and I still feel it as I step on the starting line, years after I have graduated from your team. I will always be one of "Raby's Runners," and I will forever be proud of that.

Thank you, Mr. Raby. With all my love."

- Brenna Donovan, Class of 2015

Before my first race ever I was so nervous and I just assumed that I would do horrible. He came up to me and he put both of his hands on my head and told me to believe in myself. After that he always told me to believe and I continued to get better and actually begin to believe in myself. He's one of the kindest, most genuine men I've ever met. He's done so much for my brother and I and I couldn't imagine ever continuing track in high school without his help.

Sending his family my love and prayers and thanks for giving us such a wonderful man to be taught by."          

- Taylor Aversa, Class of 2015

"One of many memories that I will cherish forever is the look on his face when he found out that I was joining the cross country team. I am beyond thankful for making that decision, as I have learned countless life lessons from Coach Raby. He has not only helped make me the runner that I am today, but also the person that I am today. I strive to be half the person that he was. Coach Raby will forever be in my heart."

- Amber Custodi, Class of 2016