Virtual Race
Follow the numbers sequentially
Odd numbers correspond to pictures on the left, even numbers to pictures on the right
1. View from the starting line - Run straight towards the break in the trees for 800 meters
2. At the break in the trees, you will bear right, past the red shed by the entrance to the trail
3. Runners will pop out on the left side of a fence separating them from a baseball field. Marshlands will be on their left
4. Hugging the fence to maintain even elevation, they will again make there way into a small patch of woods
5. Upon entering the woods, they will see a divide. Bear right
6. They will come out unto a gravel parking lot (not pictured) Continue on the marked path to the far baseball field (Right)
7. Run around the wall with the VVS school logo. You will be making your way to a small opening in the woods, clearly marked.
8. Once in the woods, follow the trail. Bear right as marked at the taped off area.
9. You will see two hills around the corner. The first one is slightly smaller yet still legitimately steep. The second one (pictured left) is longer and similarly steep
10. Once over the hill, you will have a steep decline back to the playing fields
11. Runners will hug the cleared path, making their way back towards the school
12. As they are hugging the trail, they will come upon a hill with two paths. For the first pass, they will bear left.
13. They will stay on the specified path running on a path cleared out of short brush. They will run around the corner, out of view from the playing fields
14. This back stretch provides a nice straight, relatively flat area that is great place to pass
15. About 3/4's of the way down the straightaway is the 1 mile mark. At the conclusion of the straightaway, runners will hug left
16. They will run up a short incline with the fencing of the water tower on their left
17. At the top of the short incline, they will turn left, finding themselves on a paved road. To the left or right of the road leaves ample grass for running
18. The road continues down a bend. It is suggested for runners to be on the left side of the road at this time
19. The runners will keep running parallel to the road until they find themselves turning left. Growing evergreens will be on their right.
20. Running past the nature preserve sign, runners will bear left at the wooden fence, putting the cornfields on their right
21. They will continue of this path as they pass through sorghum field (corn like biomass)
22. As they run this path, they will eventually come upon an entrance into their first wooded trail
23. There is a short incline upon entering the woods
24. Which then evens out as you run through the pine trees. Be careful of your footing
25. The woodchip trail through the pine will eventually turn to grass
26. You will then encounter a right turn. BEWARE: This is the tightest turn on the course on a very small path. Wait to pass
27. Runners will now encounter grassed over whoops, claimed to be the favorite part of the course by the VVS home team
28. The trail will bend back ever further, cut through mild to medium underbrush
29. Athletes will continue to head straight back until this large, spacious turn
30. They will then double back on a straightaway parallel to the one they traveled to approach the turn
31. The path continues flat to make for some great areas for passing
32. The area begins to thin out which will allow for some definite sunlight to hitting the athletes
33. Runners are now encountering a slight raise in elevation. Runners not in the lead will notice the trail will double back on the other side of the small brush
34. As runners are doubling back, they will hit the 2 mile mark
35. Continuing on this road, they will run until they are forced to take a left turn, entering the woods
36. Runners will now begin running through the maple trees on a relatively flat portion. The trail gets noticeably more narrow
37. The trail continues in the woods
38. Runners will notice small tubes running between the trees. These are not to be touched as they are part of a maple tree tapping project to collect the syrup
39. Continuing down the trail, runners will encounter their first of two bridges. Be mindful of your spikes
40. Continuing over the bridge, runners will notice the ground is becoming less flat
41. Runners will now encounter rolling hills with numerous ups and downs
42. The trail will be lined with downed trees and all roots will be painted
43. Runners will then encounter a quick, steep incline
44. The incline quickly plateaus and you run flat on the top of a hill
45. You will continue running, now gradually inclining until you reach a left turn
46. At which point you will start your descent again
47. 50 meters after you reach the bottom on the declination, you will reach your second bridge. Be aware of your spikes on the wood
48. You will then proceed to a slight incline yet again
49. As you are inclining, you will cross under a direct maple sap line. The tube is only above the ground by 6'5", so if you are taller, you will have to duck
50. After you cross under the tube, making sure not to touch it, you will continue up the hill
51. As you continue, you will encounter a hill parallel to the one you ran up in the first mile. This side is equally as steep, if somewhat longer. This hill is not to be taken lightly, especially this late in the race.
52. Once again, after you ascension, you will cruise back down the hill, and follow the same path along the playing fields, hugging the left side brush
53. This time, when you approach the split in the trail, you will take the right path, and travel behind the scoreboard.
54. The scoreboard is at the top of the hill, followed by evergreens on the right side. There is a slight downhill after the trees
55. At the bottom of the declination, you will find a backstop. Continue forward and you will find the course wrap around this tree. This is the 3-mile mark.
56. Once around the tree, run on the right side of the evergreens. The course may be altered here to go on the other side of the tress if the course distance needs to be elongated
57. The runners will keep running on the previous straightaway until they reach the tennis courts, where they will turn right. Both straightaways are great places to start your kick. They are relatively flat.
58. You will run towards the break in the fence, turning right as the course dictates.
59. This is the finish. Run under the wire to complete the course. Pumpkins will line the way
See an Interview with VVS' own Kerry Miley and Seth Macdonald