CHSAA Intersectionals - Cities 2011

New York, NY

Girls 3000m Run

                   Varsity Girls 3000 Meter Run Finals                    
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Anne Carey                12 St. John the Baptist       10:08.12     6
  2 Colleen Schmidt           12 Holy Trinity               10:08.77     4
  3 Lauren Lavoro                Saint Anthony's            10:40.41     3
  4 Christine Connell         12 St. John Villa Academy     10:50.63     2
  5 Kylie Pearse              12 Kellenberg Memorial        10:52.11     1
  6 AnnMarie Zigrosser        12 St. John the Baptist       10:52.54      
  7 Kerri-Anne Flynn             Saint Anthony's            11:10.24      
  8 Kathleen Woods            11 Archbishop Molloy          11:14.19      
  9 Victoria Ciotti              Saint Anthony's            11:16.88      
 10 Mia Imbesi                10 Kellenberg Memorial        11:26.28      
 11 Maura Meehan              11 St. Francis Prep           13:25.26