The Armory Frosh / Novice Meet 2025

New York, NY

Meet Information

For the Frosh/Novice meet tomorrow night at the Armory:

We cannot get on the Track until 5pm.  Teams who arrrive early must sit in the stands.  Warmup can be done in the 2nd floor hallways.

1.  We will be using the a Staging Area for the 55HH and 55 dash - The Staging area will be in front of the Spike Check and Awards pick-up.

2.  Your athletes need to know their Heat & Lane (available the day of the meet) 
3.  They will be called up to the track from the Staging Area
4.  The Finals will be also posted online - announced -  Please keep your athletes in the Staging Area if you feel they have a good chance to make the finals.  Top 8 in each
5.  We will do the hurdles to a final in each gender and in the 55 we will do all the trials and then all the finals

The Frosh/Novice meets is closed to new entries.  

For More information: