Great American Cross Country Festival 2010

Cary, NC

Red Invitational Girls

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit           Registered to: Brandon Miles,

             Great American Cross Country Festival - 10/2/2010             
                       WakeMed Soccer Park, Cary, NC  

               Red Invitational Girls 5000 Meter Run Finals               
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Morgan Price                 Brentsville District HS    18:55.50     1
  2 Christine Coughlin           Shaker HS                  19:17.00     2
  3 Kayleigh Lavender            Shaker HS                  19:24.50     3
  4 Alex Justice                 Western Branch HS          19:26.20     4
  5 Allison Brackin              Wheeler HS                 19:29.20     5
  6 MaryAnna Lansing             Shaker HS                  19:31.90     6
  7 Morgan Jackson               North Cobb HS              19:37.21     7
  8 Natalie Ritchie              Webb School of Knoxville   19:37.90     8
  9 Allison Lynch                Morgantown HS              19:39.21     9
 10 Natalie Wynn                 Western Branch HS          19:39.71    10
 11 Katie Bishop                 Western Branch HS          19:46.50    11
 12 Sam Kiblinger                Wheeler HS                 19:55.10    12
 13 Lindsay Cheu                 Bethlehem HS               19:55.70    13
 14 Grace Yoakum                 Wake Forest-Rolesville HS  19:55.80    --
 15 Jill Marianos                Brentsville District HS    19:56.90    14
 16 Kenzie Fennell               Brentsville District HS    19:57.90    15
 17 Brynn Harshbarger            Morgantown HS              20:07.00    16
 18 Gillian Tosatto              Sherwood HS                20:13.50    17
 19 Charlotte Bourg              Winston Churchill HS       20:17.50    18
 20 Blair Burke                  Shaker HS                  20:36.60    19
 21 Monica Kreager               Wheeler HS                 20:41.30    20
 22 Myra Kinder                  Brentsville District HS    20:42.80    21
 23 Amy Luke                     Bethlehem HS               20:43.90    22
 24 Amanda Tomlinson             Sherwood HS                20:44.70    23
 25 Katie Woods                  Morgantown HS              20:45.20    24
 26 Grace Mc Donald              Sherwood HS                20:46.30    25
 27 Shea Foley                   Bethlehem HS               20:47.40    26
 28 Meg Davitt                   Bethlehem HS               20:47.70    27
 29 Tyra Holloway                North Cobb HS              20:49.30    28
 30 Lauren Colletti              Brentsville District HS    20:52.50    29
 31 Gili Rusak                   Shaker HS                  20:52.50    30
 32 Meg Carey                    Webb School of Knoxville   20:54.10    31
 33 Madeleine Duarte             Morgantown HS              20:55.00    32
 34 Amanda Bray                  James W. Robinson HS       20:55.80    33
 35 Rebekah LaFata               Morgantown HS              20:56.40    34
 36 Sarah Ray                    Manchester HS              21:00.30    35
 37 Morgan Mooney                North Cobb HS              21:03.90    36
 38 Eileen Jin                   Shaker HS                  21:06.10    37
 39 Allison Morrow               North Cobb HS              21:08.40    38
 40 Jacqueline Weiss             Sherwood HS                21:08.50    39
 41 Sydney MacMillan             Bethlehem HS               21:13.80    40
 42 Taylor Odend'hal             Webb School of Knoxville   21:14.90    41
 43 Patricia DeLacey             Western Branch HS          21:16.80    42
 44 Mariel Doyle                 Bethlehem HS               21:18.61    43
 45 Jennifer Maestre             Colonial HS                21:21.20    44
 46 Abigail Iacangelo            Sherwood HS                21:21.70    45
 47 Adrian Walker                Manchester HS              21:21.90    46
 48 Rebecca Yoakum               Wake Forest-Rolesville HS  21:24.00    --
 49 Maria Ulisse                 Brentsville District HS    21:26.00    47
 50 Teresa Russell               Sherwood HS                21:28.00    48
 51 Julia Federici               James W. Robinson HS       21:28.90    49
 52 Jen Jin                      Shaker HS                  21:28.90    50
 53 Amy Licht                    Colonial HS                21:32.10    51
 54 Hyten Davidson               James W. Robinson HS       21:34.40    52
 55 Paula Rabade                 Winston Churchill HS       21:38.50    53
 56 Megan Gerrard                Colonial HS                21:40.90    54
 57 Neema Rowe                   Eleanor Roosevelt HS       21:44.70    55
 58 Gabby Siegel                 Winston Churchill HS       21:45.90    56
 59 Hailey Rice                  Bethlehem HS               21:50.50    57
 60 Elizabeth Duarte             Morgantown HS              21:54.90    58
 61 Ishi Keenum                  Webb School of Knoxville   21:56.70    59
 62 Jessica Piatt                James W. Robinson HS       21:57.30    60
 63 Caroline Su                  Winston Churchill HS       21:57.50    61
 64 Genevieve Garland            Winston Churchill HS       21:57.60    62
 65 Regan Taylor                 Winston Churchill HS       21:57.70    63
 66 Mikayla Moran                North Cobb HS              22:04.20    64
 67 Stephanie Rodriguez          Colonial HS                22:06.50    65
 68 Carole Ngondi                Eleanor Roosevelt HS       22:13.40    66
 69 Rachel Gaal                  James W. Robinson HS       22:15.90    67
 70 Juliette Zadrazil            Western Branch HS          22:18.20    68
 71 Katherine Matais             Western Branch HS          22:19.00    69
 72 Jeanette Perthel             Winston Churchill HS       22:19.90    70
 73 Lydia Nichols-Russell        Eleanor Roosevelt HS       22:20.50    71
 74 Veronica Handdunge           Eleanor Roosevelt HS       22:20.80    72
 75 Andrea Dooley                Webb School of Knoxville   22:22.40    73
 76 Emily McClellan              Western Branch HS          22:24.30    74
 77 Abbie Taylor                 Manchester HS              22:30.90    75
 78 Courtney Diamond             Manchester HS              22:37.21    76
 79 Katie Burlas                 Wheeler HS                 22:42.20    77
 80 Darryl Begg                  Wake Forest-Rolesville HS  22:47.10    --
 81 Megan Huffman                North Cobb HS              22:55.40    78
 82 Elizabeth Sabatino           Morgantown HS              22:56.20    79
 83 Megan Lin                    James W. Robinson HS       22:58.00    80
 84 Leanne Barrett               North Cobb HS              23:03.00    81
 85 Sara Price                   Colonial HS                23:10.50    82
 86 Emily Quiza                  Wheeler HS                 23:12.20    83
 87 Laura Ivy                    Webb School of Knoxville   23:20.90    84
 88 Katelynn Happney             Manchester HS              23:29.10    85
 89 Alla Yoonis                  Wheeler HS                 23:33.90    86
 90 Nicole Scott                 Eleanor Roosevelt HS       23:40.10    87
 91 Sydney Paey                  Manchester HS              23:47.10    88
 92 Shulamit Shroder             Eleanor Roosevelt HS       23:47.20    89
 93 Erica Medina                 Manchester HS              23:52.80    90
 94 Shaylin Castro               Colonial HS                24:06.00    91
 95 Madeline Barolet             Colonial HS                25:00.10    92
 96 Claire Bonnyman              Webb School of Knoxville   26:35.71    93

            Red Invitational Girls 5000 Meter Run Team Scores             
    Team                        Pts     1    2    3    4    5   (6)  (7) 
  1 Shaker HS                   60      2    3    6   19   30   37   50  
  2 Brentsville District HS     80      1   14   15   21   29   47    -  
  3 Morgantown HS               115     9   16   24   32   34   58   79  
  4 Bethlehem HS                128    13   22   26   27   40   43   57  
  5 Western Branch HS           135     4   10   11   42   68   69   74  
  6 Sherwood HS                 149    17   23   25   39   45   48    -  
  7 North Cobb HS               173     7   28   36   38   64   78   81  
  8 Wheeler HS                  197     5   12   20   77   83   86    -  
  9 Webb School of Knoxville    212     8   31   41   59   73   84   93  
 10 Winston Churchill HS        250    18   53   56   61   62   63   70  
 11 James W. Robinson HS        261    33   49   52   60   67   80    -  
 12 Colonial HS                 296    44   51   54   65   82   91   92  
 13 Manchester HS               317    35   46   75   76   85   88   90  
 14 Eleanor Roosevelt HS        351    55   66   71   72   87   89    -