Brian Carney Classic 2024

New York, NY


Licensed to The Armory HS Sports Foundation - Site License
                                                          HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                        Brian Carney Classic - 1/6/2024                        
                             Vince Lombardi Center                             
Girls 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Sheronick, Surriah           Ursuline Sch             30.41   1 
  2 Bhatti, Shanzay              Maria Regina             30.48   4 
  3 Palmer, Alecia               Ursuline Sch             31.15   3 
  4 Williams, Andujara           Ursuline Sch             31.97   2 
  5 Doumbia, Karidjat            Mott Haven               32.09   2 
  6 Soumahoro, Salimata          Mott Haven               32.83   1 
  7 Pizzurro, Madison            Holy Cross               33.11   2 
  8 McDonagh, Meghan             Ursuline Sch             33.39   3 
  9 Dimos, Ava                   Ursuline Sch             33.47   4 
 10 Treacy, Catherine            Ursuline Sch             33.49   6 
 11 Mahoney, Ava                 Maria Regina             33.78   1 
 12 Hilton, Jillian              Maria Regina             34.14   3 
 13 Espinal, Stephanie           Maria Regina             34.36   7 
 14 Taylor, Krista               Maria Regina             35.00   2 
 15 Justin, Marrahlissa          Holy Cross               35.07   3 
 16 Madappatt, Athena            Ursuline Sch             35.09   8 
 17 Daly, Keira                  Ursuline Sch             35.18   9 
 18 Woods, Breda                 Ursuline Sch             35.29   8 
 19 Dimos, Alexandra             Ursuline Sch             35.50   7 
 20 Scanlon, Catherine           Ursuline Sch             35.60   5 
 21 Nugent, Annemarie            Ursuline Sch             35.63   9 
 22 Kindelan, Alana              Ursuline Sch             36.06   3 
 23 Corripio, Karen              Ursuline Sch             36.10   8 
 24 Garcia, Bethany              Maria Regina             36.47   5 
 25 Healy, Lily                  Ursuline Sch             36.55   8 
 26 Aponte, Angelena             Ursuline Sch             36.64   3 
 27 Alcantara, Carmella          Maria Regina             36.86   2 
 28 Near, Sofie                  Ursuline Sch             37.04   7 
 29 Martinez, Diana              Ursuline Sch             37.39   8 
 30 Maslowski, Samantha          Ursuline Sch             37.41   4 
 31 Servideo, Isabella           Maria Regina             37.46   5 
 32 Becerra, Sophia              Holy Cross               37.50   4 
 33 Harris, Imani                Ursuline Sch             37.97   4 
 34 McGarvey, Sarah              Ursuline Sch             38.02   2 
 35 McElroy, Isabella            Maria Regina             38.78   6 
 36 Jackson, Sofia               Ursuline Sch             39.08   9 
 37 Alba, Angelina               Maria Regina             39.14   5 
 38 McCormack, Maura             Ursuline Sch             39.71   1 
 39 Jacob, Emily                 Ursuline Sch             40.56   6 
 40 Mejia, Amaya                 Maria Regina             40.89   6 
 41 Perez, Yari                  Maria Regina             43.20   5 
 42 Martinez, Andrea             Ursuline Sch             43.72   9 
 43 Caio- Adornetto, Giulia      Maria Regina             44.32   6 
 44 Simion, Angela               Ursuline Sch             44.72   9 
Girls 800 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Magassouba, Aissa            Mott Haven             2:57.86  
  2 Charles, Mia                 Ursuline Sch           2:57.95  
  3 Hutaj, Leonora               Maria Regina           3:04.97  
  4 Dimos, Ava                   Ursuline Sch           3:05.96  
  5 Lambrakos, Emma              Ursuline Sch           3:15.90  
  6 Osso, Lilianna               Maria Regina           3:29.04  
  7 Loyo, Camila                 Maria Regina           4:03.32  
Boys 200 Meter Dash 115-LB
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Ross, Rohan                  Fordham Prep             27.98   1 
  2 Garcia, Nicholas             St. Raymond'             28.29   3 
  3 Pantelis, Jacob              Iona Prepara             28.36   2 
  4 Frascone, Anthony            Iona Prepara             28.55   3 
  5 Kuan, Kyle                   Fordham Prep             28.80   2 
  6 Blowe, Kyle                  St. Raymond'             29.00   2 
  7 Ayala, Carmelo               Mount St. Mi             29.15   1 
  8 Silva, Otavio                Iona Prepara             29.59   2 
  9 Roza, Patrick                Iona Prepara             29.83   2 
 10 Addo, Avery                  Fordham Prep             30.67   1 
 11 Noriega, Guillermo           Cathedral Pr             30.95   3 
 12 Kram, Dylan                  Fordham Prep             31.06   1 
 13 Majors, Benjamin             Iona Prepara             32.91   1 
 14 Prendergast, Aiden           Mount St. Mi             33.00   3 
 15 Jean-Baptiste, Andrew        Iona Prepara             33.59   3 
Boys 55 Meter Dash Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Nunez, Carlos                Archbishop S              6.96   1 
  2 Kickasola, Matteo            Xavier                    7.04   1 
  2 DeJesus, Jordan              Fordham Prep              7.04   1 
  4 Cline, Javon                 Archbishop S              7.18   3 
  5 Wigfall, Nyzay               Archbishop S              7.20   1 
  6 Narcisse-Brown, Zorion       Fordham Prep              7.21   1 
  7 Scrima, Matthew              Iona Prepara              7.36  10  7.353
  8 Nero, Raphael                Fordham Prep              7.36   1  7.359
  9 Mckay, Luke                  Fordham Prep              7.52   2 
 10 Djuravcevic, Nicholas        Xavier                    7.63   4  7.621
 11 Grbesa, Jude                 Fordham Prep              7.63   3  7.629
 12 Chiesi, Lake                 Fordham Prep              7.67   2 
 13 Corrigan, Patrick            Regis                     7.74   6 
 14 Platt, Jeremy                Archbishop S              7.85   4  7.845
 15 McCormack, Andrew            Fordham Prep              7.85   4  7.847
 16 Agyemang, David              Fordham Prep              7.86   5 
 17 Monaco, Theodore             Fordham Prep              7.87   6  7.861
 18 Frascone, Anthony            Iona Prepara              7.87   4  7.862
 19 Gauthier, Jaedes             Archbishop S              7.89   4 
 20 Theander, Valdemar           Xavier                    7.91   6 
 21 Chan, Preston                Regis                     7.98   6 
 22 Kommey, Michael              Xavier                    8.00  10 
 23 Barton, Jordan               Fordham Prep              8.01   5 
 24 Gwin, Cecil                  Fordham Prep              8.02   6 
 25 Bednarczyk, Lucas            Archbishop S              8.04   5 
 26 Prus-Shearer, Eamon          Regis                     8.10   7 
 27 Stewart, Aiden               Iona Prepara              8.11   7 
 28 Parker, Bryce                Archbishop S              8.12   2  8.116
 29 Rios-Chanse, Kai             Fordham Prep              8.12   5  8.119
 30 Acampora, Joseph             Archbishop S              8.21   7  8.203
 31 Silva, Otavio                Iona Prepara              8.21   7  8.205
 32 Barton, Brandon              Fordham Prep              8.24  10 
 33 Vlak, Theodore               Fordham Prep              8.26   8 
 34 Roza, Patrick                Iona Prepara              8.27   9 
 35 Padilla, Yuri                Fordham Prep              8.30   3 
 36 Guapi, Nathan                Fordham Prep              8.32   7 
 37 Needleman, Adam              Fordham Prep              8.33  12 
 38 Collins, Owen                Iona Prepara              8.36   8 
 39 Mbonu, James                 Regis                     8.38  12 
 40 Jean, Ashton                 Holy Cross                8.39   9 
 41 Higgins, Liam                Regis                     8.41  11  8.401
 42 Jeanty, Samuel               Regis                     8.41  14  8.402
 43 Ferrara II, Lenny            Iona Prepara              8.41  10  8.408
 44 Cusack, Oisin                Iona Prepara              8.41   8  8.409
 45 Kwansa, Jaden                Fordham Prep              8.46   9 
 46 Pandya, Mohan                Iona Prepara              8.47  11  8.468
 47 Espejo, Kein                 Iona Prepara              8.47  13  8.469
 48 Huitzil, David               LaSalle Acad              8.49  17  8.486
 49 Marquardt, Archer            Xavier                    8.49  12  8.490
 50 Wynter, Andre                Archbishop S              8.50   5 
 51 Mistal, Gabriel              Archbishop S              8.51   9 
 52 Madden, Owen                 Xavier                    8.52  16  8.516
 53 Mena, Sebastian              Iona Prepara              8.52  12  8.517
 54 Aling, Norga                 Regis                     8.52   9  8.518
 55 Thompson, Bryce              Archbishop S              8.56   8 
 56 DeSantis, Joseph             Iona Prepara              8.57  11 
 57 Lennan, Daniel               Fordham Prep              8.61   9 
 58 Mora, Alan                   Fordham Prep              8.65  13 
 59 Contreras, Lucas             Regis                     8.66  12 
 60 Witherspoon, John-Adam       Iona Prepara              8.69  13  8.685
 61 Ovalles, Justin              Fordham Prep              8.69   8  8.689
 62 Gomez-Perez, Brandon         Regis                     8.72  12 
 63 Nocerino, Sean               Fordham Prep              8.79  10  8.788
 64 Feldicsko, Joshua            Iona Prepara              8.79  15  8.790
 65 McPartlan, Christopher       Iona Prepara              8.81  11 
 66 Prag, Giancallo              Holy Cross                8.83   3 
 67 Boyle, Brady                 Xavier                    8.87  14 
 68 Wallace, Cole                Xavier                    8.94  14 
 69 Watson, John Carlos          Xavier                    8.97  16 
 70 Delaney, Robert              Fordham Prep              9.00  15 
 71 Beech, Nate                  Iona Prepara              9.06  13 
 72 Huitzil, Diego               Fordham Prep              9.30  15 
 73 Jean-Baptiste, Andrew        Iona Prepara              9.34  15 
 74 Do, Toan                     St. Raymond'              9.51  13 
 75 Hutkoff, Declan              Xavier                    9.65  16 
 76 Ramos, Tristan               Cathedral Pr              9.69  16 
 77 Caltabiano, Archie           Xavier                    9.78  16 
 78 Gutierrez, nicholas          Fordham Prep             10.28  15 
 79 Reyes, Steven                LaSalle Acad             10.29  17 
Boys 200 Meter Dash Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Kickasola, Matteo            Xavier                   24.09   2 
  2 Nunez, Carlos                Archbishop S             25.23   1 
  3 Johnson, Josh                Archbishop S             25.61   2 
  4 Cline, Javon                 Archbishop S             25.75   7 
  5 Schaller, Matthew            Fordham Prep             26.48   1 
  6 Grbesa, Jude                 Fordham Prep             26.50   3 
  7 McCarrie, Matthew            Fordham Prep             26.83   3 
  8 Scrima, Matthew              Iona Prepara             26.85  13 
  9 Lamere, Miles                Xavier                   26.95   2 
 10 Cooper, Joseph               Xavier                   27.17   5 
 11 Vaccaro, Gianluca            Holy Cross               27.88  19 
 12 Auguet, Taylor               Xavier                   28.04   5  28.031
 13 Monaco, Theodore             Fordham Prep             28.04   6  28.036
 14 Theander, Valdemar           Xavier                   28.28   3 
 15 Chan, Preston                Regis                    28.40  10 
 16 Flynn, Matthew               Archbishop S             28.44   8 
 17 Rosado, Reuben               Archbishop S             28.45   7 
 18 Gauthier, Jaedes             Archbishop S             28.52  10 
 19 Bednarczyk, Lucas            Archbishop S             28.59   8 
 20 Kommey, Michael              Xavier                   28.60   5 
 21 Kaplan, Alex                 Fordham Prep             28.76   9 
 22 Diehl, Miles                 Fordham Prep             28.84   3 
 23 Brown, Julius                Mount St. Mi             28.90   2 
 24 Jackson, George              Fordham Prep             28.95   5 
 25 Amezquita, Stuart            Mount St. Mi             29.09  19 
 26 Djuravcevic, Nicholas        Xavier                   29.16   3 
 27 Stewart, Aiden               Iona Prepara             29.19  13 
 28 Rivas, Anthony               St. Raymond'             29.27  18 
 29 Clay, Christopher            Holy Cross               29.30  12 
 30 Lynch, John                  Archbishop S             29.40  10 
 31 DeSantis, Joseph             Iona Prepara             29.44  14 
 32 Barsoli, Gianni              Fordham Prep             29.46   6 
 33 Acampora, Joseph             Archbishop S             29.64   8 
 34 McInnis, Charles             Fordham Prep             29.75   6  29.744
 35 Platt, Jeremy                Archbishop S             29.75   6  29.749
 36 Autuoro, Matthew             Fordham Prep             29.85   9 
 37 Aling, Norga                 Regis                    29.88  10 
 38 Collins, Owen                Iona Prepara             30.00  15 
 39 Higgins, Liam                Regis                    30.18  19 
 40 Cusack, Oisin                Iona Prepara             30.23  11 
 41 Bailie, Daniel               Archbishop S             30.32   7 
 42 Guarnieri, Richard           Archbishop S             30.41   5 
 43 Ballester Yasso, Fernand     Xavier                   30.67   9 
 44 Jeanty, Samuel               Regis                    30.79  10 
 45 Espejo, Kein                 Iona Prepara             30.89  13 
 46 Totorello, Dominic           Iona Prepara             30.92  16 
 47 Switzer, Owen                Archbishop S             30.94  17 
 48 Alexander, Jake              Fordham Prep             30.95   8 
 49 Thompson, Bryce              Archbishop S             31.00  18 
 50 Madden, Owen                 Xavier                   31.05  12 
 51 Marquardt, Archer            Xavier                   31.09   2 
 52 Ferrara II, Lenny            Iona Prepara             31.15  11 
 53 Switzer, Niall               Archbishop S             31.17  18 
 54 Brenard, Xavier              Holy Cross               31.41  16 
 55 Mbonu, James                 Regis                    31.59  15 
 56 Travier, Isaiah              Archbishop S             31.62  17 
 57 McPartlan, Christopher       Iona Prepara             31.63  12 
 58 Boyle, Brady                 Xavier                   31.65  17 
 59 Pandya, Mohan                Iona Prepara             31.69  12 
 60 Rivera, Luca                 Fordham Prep             31.77   9 
 61 Mena, Sebastian              Iona Prepara             32.02  14 
 62 Beech, Nate                  Iona Prepara             32.11  15 
 63 Wynter, Andre                Archbishop S             32.43   6 
 64 Pasawala, Aditya             Xavier                   32.79  13 
 65 Wallace, Cole                Xavier                   32.92  15 
 66 Feldicsko, Joshua            Iona Prepara             33.42  11 
 67 O'Sullivan, Timothy          Archbishop S             33.51  17 
 68 Obrien, William              Archbishop S             33.56   8 
 69 Michelini, Cole              Archbishop S             33.65   7 
 70 Watson, John Carlos          Xavier                   33.98  19 
 71 Hamlin, Elijah               St. Raymond'             34.07  18 
 72 Fudge, Jacob                 Holy Cross               34.31  13 
 73 Hutkoff, Declan              Xavier                   35.35  14 
 74 Lin, Lucas                   Xavier                   36.14   4 
 75 Do, Toan                     St. Raymond'             36.37  19 
 76 Caltabiano, Archie           Xavier                   37.78  18 
Boys 800 Meter Run Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Johnson, Josh                Archbishop S           2:18.30   1 
  2 Chrostowski, Adam            Regis                  2:19.80   1 
  3 Cheatham, Henry              Fordham Prep           2:22.42   1 
  4 Lynch, John                  Archbishop S           2:29.04   1 
  5 Mecane, Thomas               Regis                  2:30.71   1 
  6 Bulter, Colin                Regis                  2:34.07   1 
  7 Sanders Jr., Equon           Xavier                 2:35.29   1 
  8 Rodriguez, Eric              St. Raymond'           2:35.30   2 
  9 Garcia, Mason                Xavier                 2:36.80   1 
 10 Flynn, Matthew               Archbishop S           2:37.67   1 
 11 Donoghue, Connor             Regis                  2:37.80   1 
 12 Marcell, Dylan               Fordham Prep           2:39.50   2 
 13 Neptune, Xavier              Regis                  2:39.60   2 
 14 Sanchez, Emmanuel            Xavier                 2:40.35   2 
 15 Gilardi, Lucas               Fordham Prep           2:42.71   2 
 16 Bailie, Daniel               Archbishop S           2:43.59   2 
 17 Torres, Luis                 Fordham Prep           2:44.14   3 
 18 Hardy, Justin                Mott Haven             2:44.31   1 
 19 Rosado, Reuben               Archbishop S           2:44.72   2 
 20 Obrien, William              Archbishop S           2:45.83   2 
 21 Guarnieri, Richard           Archbishop S           2:47.26   3 
 22 Rasimas, Lucas               Fordham Prep           2:47.65   1 
 23 Switzer, Niall               Archbishop S           2:48.70   2 
 24 Aragona, Leandro             Xavier                 2:48.79   3 
 25 Pantelis, Jacob              Iona Prepara           2:50.91   2 
 26 Kiely, Ryan                  Fordham Prep           2:51.36   2 
 27 Rathore, Neel                Xavier                 2:53.28   3 
 28 Teron, Jayden                Mott Haven             2:55.52   2 
 29 Laquercia, Shane             Xavier                 2:57.74   3 
 30 Sereda, Adrian               Xavier                 3:02.04   3 
 31 Schillace, Jack              Iona Prepara           3:05.76   3 
 32 Mistal, Gabriel              Archbishop S           3:09.60   2 
 33 Travier, Isaiah              Archbishop S           3:18.09   3 
 34 O'Sullivan, Timothy          Archbishop S           3:18.27   3 
 -- Wichterman-Knowles, Jack     Xavier                     DNF   3 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Prus-Shearer, Eamon          Regis                    10.66   2 
  2 Corrigan, Patrick            Regis                    11.12   1 
  3 Rios-Chanse, Kai             Fordham Prep             11.51   2 
  4 Greaser, Blake               Fordham Prep             12.76   2 
  5 Hamlin, Elijah               St. Raymond'             13.07   1 
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Freshman
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Fordham Prep  'A'                                   4:04.39   1 
  2 Archbishop Stepinac  'A'                            4:14.31   1 
  3 St. Raymond's  'A'                                  4:17.78   1 
  4 Fordham Prep  'B'                                   4:20.10   2 
  5 Mount St. Michael  'A'                              4:20.72   1 
  6 Iona Preparatory School  'D'                        4:23.27   2 
  7 Fordham Prep  'C'                                   4:23.30   2 
  8 Fordham Prep  'D'                                   4:36.71   2 
  9 Archbishop Stepinac  'B'                            4:40.09   2 
 10 Xavier  'A'                                         4:42.56   1 
 11 Fordham Prep  'E'                                   4:44.93   2 
 12 Fordham Prep  'H'                                   4:46.22   2 
 13 Fordham Prep  'I'                                   4:47.04   2 
 14 Fordham Prep  'F'                                   4:58.70   2 
 15 Fordham Prep  'G'                                   5:03.42   2 
 -- Xavier  'C'                                             DNF   2 
Boys High Jump Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Clay, Christopher            Holy Cross             4-11.00  
  2 Costa, Ravi                  Fordham Prep          J4-11.00  
  3 Wells, Chace                 Archbishop S          J4-11.00  
  4 Malloy, Ryan                 Fordham Prep           4-07.00  
  5 Beech, Nate                  Iona Prepara          J4-07.00  
  6 Auguet, Taylor               Xavier                J4-07.00  
Boys Pole Vault Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Warra, Lorenzo               Fordham Prep           8-00.00  
  2 Michelini, Cole              Archbishop S           7-06.00  
  2 Kaplan, Alex                 Fordham Prep           7-06.00  
  2 Barsoli, Gianni              Fordham Prep           7-06.00  
  5 Vlak, Theodore               Fordham Prep           7-00.00  
  5 Malloy, Ryan                 Fordham Prep           7-00.00  
 -- Diehl, Miles                 Fordham Prep                NH  
 -- Capron, Louis                Fordham Prep                NH  
 -- Ruiz, Dereck                 Fordham Prep                NH  
Boys Long Jump Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Wigfall, Nyzay               Archbishop S          16-01.25  
  2 Nero, Raphael                Fordham Prep          15-09.75  
  3 Cooper, Joseph               Xavier                15-07.00  
  4 Auguet, Taylor               Xavier                15-02.50  
  5 Mckay, Luke                  Fordham Prep          14-10.75  
  6 Lamere, Miles                Xavier                14-08.00  
  7 Schaller, Matthew            Fordham Prep          14-04.00  
  8 Agyemang, David              Fordham Prep          13-08.00  
  9 Pasawala, Aditya             Xavier                11-11.50  
Boys Triple Jump Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Wigfall, Nyzay               Archbishop S          27-03.00  
Boys Shot Put Freshman
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Cerulli, Antonio             Fordham Prep          34-07.00  
  2 Silkowski, Charles           Fordham Prep          34-03.00  
  3 Cade-Lewis, Kayden           Iona Prepara          32-04.50  
  4 Cardillo, Benjamin           Fordham Prep          32-00.50  
  5 Davis, Jonathan              Mount St. Mi          31-01.00  
  6 Dehardt, Tyler               Iona Prepara          29-00.00  
  7 Del Mistro, Niccolo          Fordham Prep          27-10.00  
  8 Nishida, Kosel               Xavier                27-08.00  
  9 Hoffman, Henry               Fordham Prep         J27-08.00  
 10 Pena, Garry                  St. Raymond'          25-09.00  
 11 Castro, Nicholas             St. Raymond'          23-10.00  
 12 Wilson, Jude                 Xavier                22-08.00  
Boys 55 Meter Dash Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Arius, Oliver                Archbishop S              6.76   1 
  2 Thomas, Ian                  Archbishop S              7.02   1 
  3 Baker, Nikolas               Xavier                    7.19   2 
  4 Urbano, Diego                Fordham Prep              7.29   2 
  5 McBride, Chayse              St. Raymond'              7.31   2 
  6 Sanders, Dwayne              Archbishop S              7.33   2 
  7 Smith, John                  Archbishop S              7.36   1 
  8 Pressley, Eric               Archbishop S              7.38   8 
  9 Porto, Ethan                 St. Raymond'              7.39   3 
 10 Stewart, Elijah              Xavier                    7.41  11 
 11 Colon, Michael               Iona Prepara              7.43   2 
 12 Guerra, Matthew              Fordham Prep              7.51   3 
 13 Soto, Roy                    Iona Prepara              7.54   3 
 14 Ruiz, Luis                   Mount St. Mi              7.64   4 
 15 Moore, Christian             Xavier                    7.65   3  7.643
 16 Reagan, Matthew              Xavier                    7.65   2  7.647
 17 Leone, Gabriel               Xavier                    7.66   4 
 18 Vigna, Domenic               Archbishop S              7.67   6 
 19 Rose, Jackson                Fordham Prep              7.77   6 
 20 Cortez, Zachary              Archbishop S              7.80  12 
 21 Arnett, Merrick              Xavier                    7.81   5 
 22 Drechsler, Jack              Xavier                    7.87   5 
 23 Niola, Andrew                Xavier                    7.90   4 
 24 Kessler, Quinn               Regis                     7.93   8 
 25 Lafferty, Ian                Xavier                    7.94   4 
 26 Hanif, Logan                 Fordham Prep              7.95   6 
 27 Lee, Joseph                  Fordham Prep              7.96   5 
 28 Christensen, Marcus          Fordham Prep              7.97   7  7.968
 28 Parrinello, Massimo          Regis                     7.97   4  7.968
 30 McRae, Isiah                 Fordham Prep              7.99   5 
 31 Schnirman, Nathaniel         Fordham Prep              8.00   9  7.998
 32 Longridge, William           Fordham Prep              8.00   6  7.999
 33 Fuller, Christopher          Iona Prepara              8.13   8 
 34 Berns, Henry                 Fordham Prep              8.14   7 
 35 Bartolome, Julian            Fordham Prep              8.19   7 
 36 Sheridan-Vitale, Theo        Xavier                    8.20   9 
 37 Deen, Asim                   Iona Prepara              8.22   8 
 38 Drago, Xavier                Archbishop S              8.25   9 
 39 Gardiner, Ethan              Holy Cross                8.26   8 
 40 Jevtovic, Stefan             Iona Prepara              8.32   9 
 41 Patterson, Kory              Archbishop S              8.41  11 
 42 Van Clieff, Connor           Fordham Prep              8.50  10 
 43 Masterson, James             Regis                     8.64  11 
 44 Canter, Alex                 Fordham Prep              8.65  10 
 45 Riccio, Christian            Holy Cross                8.66  10 
 46 Berns, Blake                 Fordham Prep              8.75  11 
 47 Kraljev, Evan                Xavier                    9.11  12 
 48 Cicco, Kyle                  Iona Prepara              9.20  11 
 49 Evangelista, Tristan         Regis                     9.83  12 
Boys 200 Meter Dash Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Arius, Oliver                Archbishop S             24.12   1 
  2 Thomas, Ian                  Archbishop S             25.21   1 
  3 Vigna, Domenic               Archbishop S             25.87   4 
  4 Smith, John                  Archbishop S             26.15   4 
  5 Cooper, Gavin                Archbishop S             26.27   6 
  6 McBride, Chayse              St. Raymond'             26.28   4 
  7 Sanders, Dwayne              Archbishop S             26.56   5 
  8 Colon, Michael               Iona Prepara             26.64   3 
  9 Kim, Shyun                   Xavier                   26.77   5 
 10 Stewart, Elijah              Xavier                   26.89   3 
 11 Porto, Ethan                 St. Raymond'             27.00   7 
 12 Reagan, Matthew              Xavier                   27.05   8 
 13 John, Medina                 Fordham Prep             27.12   3 
 14 Hernandez-Torres, Jose       Archbishop S             27.25  13 
 15 Tai, Michael                 Xavier                   27.27   3 
 16 Soto, Roy                    Iona Prepara             27.35   6 
 17 McConnell, Antonio           Fordham Prep             27.39   4 
 18 Lafferty, Ian                Xavier                   27.48   7 
 19 Drechsler, Jack              Xavier                   27.69  10 
 20 Arnett, Merrick              Xavier                   27.79   5 
 21 Kessler, Quinn               Regis                    27.93   8 
 22 Leone, Gabriel               Xavier                   28.08  10 
 23 Pressley, Eric               Archbishop S             28.12  11 
 24 Dresser, Jack                Fordham Prep             28.15  12 
 25 Castro, Nicholas             St. Raymond'             28.24   9 
 26 Labrada, Marcus              Nyack                    28.33  12 
 27 Daly, Michael                Archbishop S             28.47   7 
 28 Noreiga, Angel               LaSalle Acad             28.48   9 
 29 Ruiz, Luis                   Mount St. Mi             28.50   9 
 30 Moore, Christian             Xavier                   28.55   7 
 31 Parrinello, Massimo          Regis                    28.77   6 
 32 Blowe, Kyle                  St. Raymond'             29.01   8 
 33 Cortez, Zachary              Archbishop S             29.05  12 
 34 Insignares, Blaise           LaSalle Acad             29.10   8 
 35 Guan, Jason                  LaSalle Acad             29.25  12 
 36 Mulligan, Dennis             Archbishop S             29.43  13 
 37 Niola, Andrew                Xavier                   29.47   7 
 38 Raneri, Anthony              Archbishop S             29.63  10 
 39 Hampton, Dillon              Archbishop S             30.11   2 
 40 Fuller, Christopher          Iona Prepara             30.18  11 
 41 Cruz, Joseph                 Archbishop S             30.38   2 
 42 Wiehler, Daniel              Archbishop S             30.42  13 
 43 Bartolome, Julian            Fordham Prep             30.53   9 
 44 Drago, Xavier                Archbishop S             30.65  11 
 45 Jevtovic, Stefan             Iona Prepara             30.85  13 
 46 Deen, Asim                   Iona Prepara             30.87  10 
 47 Masterson, James             Regis                    31.15  10 
 48 Cerda, Jose                  LaSalle Acad             31.34   4 
 49 Ventura, Alexangel           Fordham Prep             31.51  13 
 50 Manger, Teddy                Archbishop S             31.56   6 
 51 Canter, Alex                 Fordham Prep             31.71  12 
 52 Patterson, Kory              Archbishop S             32.23   3 
 53 Garcia, Aaron                LaSalle Acad             33.10  12 
 54 Kraljev, Evan                Xavier                   34.06  12 
 55 Cicco, Kyle                  Iona Prepara             34.56   7 
 56 Evangelista, Tristan         Regis                    41.07   8 
Boys 800 Meter Run Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Sugrue, Timothy              Xavier                 2:17.90   1 
  2 Montilla, Manny              Fordham Prep           2:20.77   1 
  3 Nitz, Gobi                   Xavier                 2:24.53   1 
  4 Cooper, Gavin                Archbishop S           2:25.20   1 
  5 Hampton, Dillon              Archbishop S           2:25.83   1 
  6 Thalappillil, Amir           Fordham Prep           2:26.07   1 
  7 McClure, Aidan               Regis                  2:28.90   1 
  8 Howley, Colin                Fordham Prep           2:29.41   1 
  9 Longridge, Alexander         Fordham Prep           2:33.15   1 
 10 Dirks, Benjamin              Xavier                 2:33.20   3 
 11 Cocozzelli, Pompeo           Xavier                 2:34.39   3 
 12 Garcia, Nicholas             St. Raymond'           2:35.85   2 
 13 Reyes, Jayden                LaSalle Acad           2:37.28   2 
 14 Monegro, Steven              Mount St. Mi           2:38.68   1 
 15 Bane, Joseph                 Xavier                 2:38.80   2 
 16 Nugent, Gavin                Iona Prepara           2:39.69   2 
 17 Mantilla, Joseph             LaSalle Acad           2:40.51   2 
 18 O'Brien, Declan              Xavier                 2:41.16   3 
 19 Raneri, Anthony              Archbishop S           2:41.75   2 
 20 Breen, Thomas                Archbishop S           2:41.99   3 
 21 Daly, Michael                Archbishop S           2:43.15   2 
 22 Manger, Teddy                Archbishop S           2:46.91   2 
 23 Sebastian, Matthew           Xavier                 2:49.91   3 
 24 Mulligan, Dennis             Archbishop S           2:57.01   3 
 25 Cruz, Joseph                 Archbishop S           3:02.22   3 
Boys Shot Put Sophomore
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Granger, Gavin               Fordham Prep          37-00.00  
  2 DiNapoli, Anthony            Iona Prepara          36-05.00  
  3 Jeudy, Gianny                Xavier                36-03.00  
  4 Watson, Derek                Archbishop S          35-01.00  
  5 Brogan, Pierce               Fordham Prep          32-04.00  
  6 Carmichael, Kaiden           Mount St. Mi          32-00.00  
  7 Gramaglia, Rj                Iona Prepara          31-05.00  
  8 Fradera, Brian               Fordham Prep          29-06.00  
  9 Salera, Christopher          Iona Prepara          27-03.00  
 10 Cain, Govani                 Xavier                27-02.00  
 11 DiGiorno, Louis              Fordham Prep          26-02.00  
 12 Alvarez, Matteo              Fordham Prep          23-05.00  
 13 Rivera, Luis                 Mount St. Mi          22-04.00  
Boys 55 Meter Dash Throwers
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Stahmer, Matthew             Xavier                    7.33   1 
  2 LoDuca, Gaspare              Fordham Prep              7.67   1 
  3 Fuller, Thomas               Regis                     8.01   1 
  4 Granger, Gavin               Fordham Prep              8.04   1 
  5 DiGiorno, Louis              Fordham Prep              8.07   4 
  6 Almonte, Nicolas             Xavier                    8.09   2 
  7 Rausch, Liam                 Regis                     8.10   3 
  8 Curran, Patrick              Mount St. Mi              8.27   3 
  9 DiNapoli, Anthony            Iona Prepara              8.32   3 
 10 Lacasse, Isaiah              Mount St. Mi              8.37   1 
 11 Jeudy, Gianny                Xavier                    8.40   3 
 12 Dicks, Sean                  Fordham Prep              8.49   2 
 13 Gramaglia, Rj                Iona Prepara              8.50   2 
 14 Williams, Christopher        Xavier                    8.53   3 
 15 Cardillo, Benjamin           Fordham Prep              8.54   8 
 16 Rustia, Matthew              Regis                     8.54   4 
 17 Cerulli, Antonio             Fordham Prep              8.61   5 
 18 Dellavecchia, Joseph         Xavier                    8.79   4 
 19 Aissa, Michael               Xavier                    8.83   5 
 20 Fradera, Brian               Fordham Prep              9.03   6 
 21 Silkowski, Charles           Fordham Prep              9.04   6 
 22 Hoffman, Henry               Fordham Prep              9.06   6 
 23 Mila-Rus, Haralamby          Fordham Prep              9.06   7 
 24 Cain, Govani                 Xavier                    9.15   6 
 25 Brogan, Pierce               Fordham Prep              9.19   7 
 26 Wilson, Jude                 Xavier                    9.27   7 
 27 Nishida, Kosel               Xavier                    9.31   5 
 28 Cordero, Isaiah              Xavier                    9.52   7 
 29 Cade-Lewis, Kayden           Iona Prepara              9.58   3 
 30 Dwumfour, Kwaku              Fordham Prep             10.07   5 
 31 Alvarez, Matteo              Fordham Prep             10.08   8 
 32 Del Mistro, Niccolo          Fordham Prep             10.20   6 
 33 Salera, Christopher          Iona Prepara             10.26   5 
 34 Dehardt, Tyler               Iona Prepara             11.24   5 
Boys 55 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Genwright, Joshua            Archbishop S              6.84q  3 
  2 Spellman, Zaire              Archbishop S              6.88q  2 
  3 Heyward, Jacob               Mount St. Mi              6.90q  4 
  4 Pearson, Savion              Mount St. Mi              6.97q  5 
  5 Glaudin, Issac               Holy Cross                6.98q 11 
  6 Madu, Samuel                 Archbishop S              6.99q  9 
  7 Garcia, Emmanuel             Archbishop S              7.01   7 
  8 Aponte, Naiim                Archbishop S              7.09   8  7.081
  9 Barisano, John               Fordham Prep              7.09  14  7.088
 10 Espaillat, Ephraim           Fordham Prep              7.19  15  7.184
 11 James, Caleb                 Mount St. Mi              7.19  15  7.186
 12 Ruiz, Jhonny                 Mount St. Mi              7.19  19  7.190
 13 Johnston, Robert             Regis                     7.20   7 
 14 Jeanty, Jalen                Holy Cross                7.27  13 
 15 Frey, Evan                   Fordham Prep              7.29   8 
 16 Dixon, Marquis               Mount St. Mi              7.30  10 
 17 Castillo, Raymond            Fordham Prep              7.31   9 
 18 Truleson, Alex               Iona Prepara              7.37   9 
 19 Vaneus, Fabryce              Xavier                    7.39   3 
 20 Francois, Justin             Regis                     7.40  19 
 21 Riley, Kameron               Holy Cross                7.41  16 
 22 Emmatty, Nikhil              Xavier                    7.42   3 
 23 Neptune, Sebastien           Regis                     7.43  17 
 24 Hernandez-Torres, Jose       Archbishop S              7.46   7  7.454
 25 Connell, Aydhan              Xavier                    7.46  19  7.460
 26 Abud, Xavier                 Fordham Prep              7.47   5 
 27 Forehand, Rory               St. Raymond'              7.48   4 
 28 Meite, Hans                  Fordham Prep              7.52   6 
 29 Miller, Declan               Regis                     7.54   5 
 30 Martinez, Jayden             Archbishop S              7.55   3 
 31 Lamazon, Keeshawn            Archbishop S              7.57  12  7.561
 32 Cortes-Torres, Luis          Lab Museum U              7.57  10  7.569
 33 Beydoun, Brandon             Iona Prepara              7.58  19 
 34 Marquez, Larson              Regis                     7.59  13 
 35 Catalic, Andrew              Iona Prepara              7.60   4  7.591
 36 Alexander, Terrence          Holy Cross                7.60   2  7.597
 37 Riordan, Colin               Xavier                    7.65  14  7.645
 38 Bass, Matthew                Xavier                    7.65   7  7.647
 39 Vazquez, Leonardo            Fordham Prep              7.68   9 
 40 Mosley, Brandon              Xavier                    7.69   3 
 41 Carmody, James               Iona Prepara              7.71  14 
 42 Ruiz, Justin                 Archbishop S              7.72   1 
 43 Woods, Graham                Xavier                    7.73  16 
 44 Messinger, Aidan             Iona Prepara              7.74  11 
 45 On, Brandon                  Xavier                    7.75   4 
 46 Rodriguez, Tristan           St. Raymond'              7.78  17 
 47 LeMire, Nikolas              Archbishop S              7.82  13  7.811
 48 Rodriguez, Daniel            Fordham Prep              7.82  11  7.812
 49 Cronin, Sean                 Fordham Prep              7.84   8  7.832
 50 Madden, Ronan                Xavier                    7.84  19  7.833
 51 Killion-Brown, Matthew       Xavier                    7.85  18 
 52 Vegliante, Dean              Fordham Prep              7.88   7 
 53 Ratigan, Jack                Xavier                    7.90  14 
 54 O'flynn, Cian              Fordham Prep              7.94   2 
 55 Woods, Guerin                Fordham Prep              7.97   9  7.964
 56 Noriega, Guillermo           Cathedral Pr              7.97  12  7.968
 57 Badalati, Andrew             Archbishop S              7.98  16  7.971
 58 Smith, Cormac                Fordham Prep              7.98  10  7.973
 59 Plaisir, Jaiden              Xavier                    8.07  10 
 60 Michelini, Jude              Iona Prepara              8.11   5 
 61 Hill, Kyle                   Holy Cross                8.14   8 
 62 Marrero, Sebastian           Fordham Prep              8.17   9 
 63 Sillah, Saibou               Fordham Prep              8.18  13 
 64 Rawal, Vir                   Xavier                    8.24  17 
 65 Russo, Lucas                 Holy Cross                8.32  18 
 66 Parino, Alex                 Iona Prepara              8.36  16 
 67 Pavlakos, George Raphael     Xavier                    8.65   6 
 68 Owens, Jeremiah              Holy Cross                8.76   2  8.754
 69 Mercado, Tylan               Iona Prepara              8.76  14  8.758
 70 Mora, Aydin                  Xavier                    8.88  12 
 71 Rahman, Sabbir               Fordham Prep              9.17   7 
Boys 55 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Spellman, Zaire              Archbishop S              6.81  
  2 Pearson, Savion              Mount St. Mi              6.83  
  3 Genwright, Joshua            Archbishop S              6.87  
  4 Glaudin, Issac               Holy Cross                6.89  
  5 Heyward, Jacob               Mount St. Mi              6.90  
  6 Madu, Samuel                 Archbishop S              6.97  
Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Genwright, Joshua            Archbishop S             24.23   2 
  2 Garcia, Emmanuel             Archbishop S             24.41   2 
  3 Heyward, Jacob               Mount St. Mi             24.61   1 
  4 Aponte, Naiim                Archbishop S             24.97   1 
  5 Messieha, Christopher        Xavier                   25.01   3 
  6 Agoanya, Travis              Mount St. Mi             25.33   1 
  7 Miller, Declan               Regis                    25.35   6 
  8 Gottschalk, William          Xavier                   25.49   3 
  9 Belizaire, Benedict          LaSalle Acad             25.51  16 
 10 Perez, Skyler                St. Raymond'             25.53   3 
 11 Gatmaitan, Ian               Fordham Prep             25.80  16 
 12 Truleson, Alex               Iona Prepara             26.01   6 
 13 Emmatty, Nikhil              Xavier                   26.12  11 
 14 Carruthers, Amare            Mount St. Mi             26.13   2 
 15 Riley, Kameron               Holy Cross               26.19  13 
 16 Francois, Yann               Archbishop S             26.28   3 
 17 Torres, Yael                 Mount St. Mi             26.34   6 
 18 Figueredo, Owen              Fordham Prep             26.39   5 
 19 Connell, Aydhan              Xavier                   26.58  15 
 20 Burgos, Elias                Mount St. Mi             26.64   1 
 21 Mosley, Brandon              Xavier                   26.70  13 
 22 Rivas, Jaden                 Fordham Prep             26.83  10 
 23 Neptune, Sebastien           Regis                    26.87   9 
 24 Lamazon, Keeshawn            Archbishop S             27.09   7 
 25 Beal, Aamir                  Xavier                   27.20  11 
 26 Vaneus, Fabryce              Xavier                   27.21   8 
 27 Cortes-Torres, Luis          Lab Museum U             27.39   5  27.381
 28 Carmody, James               Iona Prepara             27.39   7  27.387
 29 Bass, Matthew                Xavier                   27.59   8 
 30 Messinger, Aidan             Iona Prepara             27.63  12 
 31 Woods, Graham                Xavier                   27.69  14 
 32 Francois, Justin             Regis                    27.72   9  27.711
 33 Hernandez, Adam              Xavier                   27.72   7  27.719
 34 Catalic, Andrew              Iona Prepara             27.77  11  27.764
 35 Rodriguez, Tristan           St. Raymond'             27.77  12  27.770
 36 Ratigan, Jack                Xavier                   27.84  10 
 37 Riordan, Colin               Xavier                   28.02  15 
 38 Ruiz, Justin                 Archbishop S             28.04  15 
 39 Morelo, Adam                 Archbishop S             28.05   1 
 40 Killion-Brown, Matthew       Xavier                   28.14  16 
 41 Badalati, Andrew             Archbishop S             28.37   8 
 42 Nugent, Chris                Archbishop S             28.48   8 
 43 Williams, Kevin              Archbishop S             28.51  12 
 44 Javier, Michael              Holy Cross               28.79  17 
 45 Elliott, Justin              Mount St. Mi             28.86  13 
 46 Plaisir, Jaiden              Xavier                   28.93   1 
 47 McFarland, Joseph            Archbishop S             29.11  15 
 48 Ramos, Manuel                Mount St. Mi             29.40   7 
 49 Sillah, Saibou               Fordham Prep             29.43  13 
 50 Peters, Raphael              Xavier                   29.56  14 
 51 Michelini, Jude              Iona Prepara             29.59   7 
 52 Pavlakos, George Raphael     Xavier                   29.63  14 
 53 Parino, Alex                 Iona Prepara             32.82  15 
 54 Mercado, Tylan               Iona Prepara             33.58   6 
Boys 800 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Ryland, Sam                  Xavier                 2:12.36   1 
  2 Opalka, Logan                Xavier                 2:14.30   1 
  3 Croper, Ladd                 Xavier                 2:15.01   1 
  4 Roddy, Andrew                Mount St. Mi           2:17.37   1 
  5 Mendez, Joel                 St. Raymond'           2:18.60   1 
  6 Cartano, Adam                Regis                  2:19.72   1 
  7 Power, Emmanuel              LaSalle Acad           2:19.98   2 
  8 Foote, Kai                   LaSalle Acad           2:20.16   2 
  9 Dros, Theodore               Regis                  2:21.01   1 
 10 McGrath, Brendan             Fordham Prep           2:21.35   1 
 11 McCormack, Matthew           Fordham Prep           2:22.09   2 
 12 Woodruff, Seamus             Xavier                 2:22.42   1 
 13 Hegde, Kieran                Xavier                 2:26.06   1 
 14 Vanto, Reid                  Xavier                 2:26.14   2 
 15 Basso, Nicolas               Xavier                 2:28.68   2 
 16 Uruchima, Danny              Xavier                 2:29.07   2 
 17 Calligaris, Ronald           Fordham Prep           2:29.48   2 
 18 Maluga, Richard              Xavier                 2:29.51   3 
 19 Medine, Jaiden               Mott Haven             2:33.02   2 
 20 Phillip-Linares, Brandon     Archbishop S           2:34.40   2 
 21 Anand, Jai                   Fordham Prep           2:34.78   2 
 22 Chin, Jordan                 Archbishop S           2:34.88   1 
 23 Duke, Noah                   Iona Prepara           2:35.22   3 
 24 Sternberg, Kevin             Xavier                 2:36.09   3 
 25 Pizzulli, Thomas             Regis                  2:36.55   3 
 26 Carruzzo, Samuele            Xavier                 2:37.19   2 
 27 Igbodudu, Isaac              Mott Haven             2:37.95   2 
 28 Coughlan, Andrew             Xavier                 2:39.36   2 
 29 Odume, Chidi                 Fordham Prep           2:39.50   2 
 30 Ifidon, Iguehi               St. Raymond'           2:41.10   3 
 31 Mays, Thomas                 Iona Prepara           2:46.68   3 
 32 McKenna, Maddox              Iona Prepara           2:49.01   3 
 33 Doyle, Colin                 Iona Prepara           2:50.10   3 
 34 Desouza, Mastheus            LaSalle Acad           2:58.11   3 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Pimentel, Alfonso            Fordham Prep              7.78q  2 
  2 Bedford, Aden                Fordham Prep              7.80q  1 
  3 Bailey, Jonathan             Fordham Prep              8.00q  3 
  4 Camara, Christan             Fordham Prep              8.05q  4 
  5 Zachery, Wyatt               Fordham Prep              8.45q  4 
  6 Jauneh, Yusuf                Mott Haven                8.51q  3 
  7 Gatmaitan, Ian               Fordham Prep              8.81   2 
  8 O'Driscoll, Cian             Fordham Prep              9.48   1 
  9 Agee, Elden                  Archbishop S              9.68   2 
 10 Kim, Shyun                   Xavier                    9.94   3 
 11 Schneeberg, Aidan            Fordham Prep             10.41   3 
 12 Tai, Michael                 Xavier                   10.42   1 
 13 Marquez, Larson              Regis                    10.83   3 
 14 Duran, Naval                 Fordham Prep             11.60   4 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Pimentel, Alfonso            Fordham Prep              7.75  
  2 Bedford, Aden                Fordham Prep              7.78  
  3 Camara, Christan             Fordham Prep              7.84  
  4 Bailey, Jonathan             Fordham Prep              8.10  
  5 Zachery, Wyatt               Fordham Prep              8.26  
  6 Jauneh, Yusuf                Mott Haven               14.62  
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Mount St. Michael  'A'                              3:38.44   1 
  2 Mott Haven  'A'                                     3:39.16   1 
  3 Archbishop Stepinac  'A'                            3:51.15   2 
  4 Mount St. Michael  'B'                              3:53.98   1 
  5 St. Raymond's  'A'                                  3:57.96   3 
  6 Mount St. Michael  'C'                              3:58.77   1 
  7 Xavier  'A'                                         4:03.33   2 
  8 Regis  'A'                                          4:05.10   2 
  9 LaSalle Academy (Nyc)  'A'                          4:07.88   1 
 10 Fordham Prep  'B'                                   4:08.29   1 
 11 Fordham Prep  'A'                                   4:14.45   1 
 12 Fordham Prep  'E'                                   4:14.86   1 
 13 Archbishop Stepinac  'B'                            4:14.98   2 
 14 Fordham Prep  'D'                                   4:21.11   2 
 15 Xavier  'D'                                         4:22.33   3 
 16 Fordham Prep  'H'                                   4:23.32   3 
 17 Fordham Prep  'C'                                   4:24.49   2 
 18 Fordham Prep  'F'                                   4:25.88   2 
 19 Xavier  'B'                                         4:28.46   2 
 20 Fordham Prep  'G'                                   4:31.08   2 
 21 Xavier  'E'                                         4:33.14   3 
 22 St. Raymond's  'B'                                  4:35.24   3 
Boys High Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Bedford, Aden                Fordham Prep           6-01.00  
  2 Spellman, Zaire              Archbishop S           5-11.00  
  3 Perez, Nelson                Mount St. Mi           5-09.00  
  4 Arrington, Christian         Archbishop S          J5-09.00  
  5 Taveras, Sebastian           Xavier                 5-07.00  
  6 Duran, Naval                 Fordham Prep          J5-07.00  
  7 Spurlock Shackelton, Aid     Xavier                J5-07.00  
  8 Schneeberg, Aidan            Fordham Prep           5-05.00  
  8 Markland, Marvin             Mott Haven             5-05.00  
 10 Rose, Jackson                Fordham Prep           5-01.00  
 11 O'Driscoll, Cian             Fordham Prep           4-11.00  
 -- Morency, Jode                Archbishop S                NH  
 -- Peters, Raphael              Xavier                      NH  
Boys Pole Vault Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Ostuni, Michael              Archbishop S          11-00.00  
  2 Keating, Aidan               Iona Prepara          10-06.00  
  3 Nugent, Chris                Archbishop S          10-00.00  
  4 Kenny, Owen                  Iona Prepara           9-00.00  
  5 McFarland, Joseph            Archbishop S           8-00.00  
 -- LeMire, Nikolas              Archbishop S                NH  
Boys Long Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Madu, Samuel                 Archbishop S          20-01.25  
  2 Forehand, Rory               St. Raymond'          19-09.50  
  3 Spurlock Shackelton, Aid     Xavier                18-05.00  
  4 Taveras, Sebastian           Xavier                17-11.50  
  5 Zachery, Wyatt               Fordham Prep          17-10.00  
  6 Agoanya, Travis              Mount St. Mi          17-07.50  
  7 Gottschalk, William          Xavier                16-10.25  
  8 Gatmaitan, Ian               Fordham Prep          16-06.50  
  9 Perez, Skyler                St. Raymond'          16-00.75  
 10 Mendoza, Alexander           Fordham Prep          15-11.50  
 11 Peters, Raphael              Xavier               J15-11.50  
 12 Ross, Rohan                  Fordham Prep          14-08.00  
Boys Triple Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Hernandez, Adam              Xavier                39-10.00  
  2 Baker Jr., Troy              Archbishop S          36-10.00  
  3 Ostuni, Michael              Archbishop S          35-04.75  
  4 Mendoza, Alexander           Fordham Prep          32-02.50  
  5 Messieha, Christopher        Xavier                30-02.00  
Boys Shot Put Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Stahmer, Matthew             Xavier                37-10.00   2 
  2 Williams, Christopher        Xavier                37-08.00   2 
  3 Fuller, Thomas               Regis                 37-02.00   2 
  4 Lacasse, Isaiah              Mount St. Mi          36-11.00   2 
  5 LoDuca, Gaspare              Fordham Prep          36-01.00   2 
  6 Dicks, Sean                  Fordham Prep          35-04.00   2 
  7 Banner, Devyn                Iona Prepara          34-11.00   1 
  8 Rausch, Liam                 Regis                 34-04.00   2 
  9 Waters, Andrew               Archbishop S          33-00.50   1 
 10 Silva, Alex                  Iona Prepara          32-05.00   2 
 11 Dellavecchia, Joseph         Xavier                32-02.00   2 
 12 Cook, Alexander              Xavier                31-07.00   1 
 13 Rustia, Matthew              Regis                 31-00.00   1 
 14 Hill, Kyle                   Holy Cross            29-09.00   1 
 15 Sanchez, Ojilvy              Fordham Prep          29-08.00   2 
 16 Williams, Kevin              Archbishop S          28-08.00   1 
 17 Cordero, Isaiah              Xavier                27-08.00   1 
 18 Almonte, Nicolas             Xavier                27-04.00   1 
 19 Mila-Rus, Haralamby          Fordham Prep          27-03.00   1 
 20 Curran, Patrick              Mount St. Mi          26-03.00   1 
 21 Aissa, Michael               Xavier                25-08.00   1 
 22 Owens, Jeremiah              Holy Cross            25-03.00   1 
 23 Dwumfour, Kwaku              Fordham Prep          24-09.00   1 
 24 Russo, Lucas                 Holy Cross            22-11.00   1