Section 5 RWTL #6 2024

Houghton, NY


Licensed to Yen Timing Service - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 1/13/2024 08:50 AM
                         MCPSAC Division 2 - 1/12/2024                         
Girls 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Jayda Solomon                Spencerport               7.24   3  10   
  2 Samantha Cipolla             Gates Chili               7.43   3   8   
  3 Victoria Koumako             Greece Olymp              7.57   3   6   
  4 Taya Mack                    Gates Chili               7.63   3   4   
  5 Jillyan Ewing                Churchville-              7.75   3   2   
  6 Liliana Mendez               Irondequoit               7.83   3   1   
  7 Ceasia Badger                Irondequoit               7.84   3 
  8 Abigail Bowen                Irondequoit               7.88   3 
  9 Kayla Cervini                Churchville-              7.97   2 
 10 Dior Powell                  Gates Chili               8.06   2 
 11 Niyana McNeil                Greece Olymp              8.13   2 
 12 Synandra Gayle               Greece Olymp              8.17   2 
 13 Nola Weaver                  Canandaigua               8.19   2 
 14 Camella Roberts              Churchville-              8.20   2 
 15 Olivia Feldman               Brighton                  8.39   2 
 16 Joy Ejimadu                  Brighton                  8.70   1 
 17 Luci Chaneske                Canandaigua               8.94   1 
 18 Gia Caito                    Canandaigua               9.25   1 
Girls 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Jillyan Ewing                Churchville-             43.95   3  10   
  2 Liliana Mendez               Irondequoit              44.30   3   8   
  3 Taya Mack                    Gates Chili              44.78   3   6   
  4 Jayda Solomon                Spencerport              44.92   3   4   
  5 Skylyn Davidson              Gates Chili              45.21   2   2   
  6 Abigail Bowen                Irondequoit              45.69   2   1   
  7 Nola Weaver                  Canandaigua              45.77   2 
  8 Kate Robinson                Canandaigua              45.83   3 
  9 Katherine Maslyn             Brighton                 46.00   2 
 10 Kayla Cervini                Churchville-             46.34   2 
 11 Braelyn Wooden               Greece Olymp             47.01   1 
 12 Alexandra Friedel            Irondequoit              49.69   1 
 13 Jeryca Starling              Brighton                 52.92   1 
 14 Alexandra Parent             Greece Olymp           1:00.27   1 
Girls 600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Kate Robinson                Canandaigua            1:41.10   2  10   
  2 Bridget Courtney             Spencerport            1:42.13   2   8   
  3 Michaela Goettel             Churchville-           1:44.94   2   6   
  4 Maya Sillick                 Spencerport            1:47.79   2   4   
  5 Avery Aloi                   Churchville-           1:53.39   2   2   
  6 Grace Ross                   Canandaigua            1:55.48   2   1   
  7 Reese Robinson               Canandaigua            1:56.97   1 
  8 Alexa Latronica              Spencerport            2:04.47   1 
  9 Audrey Ennis                 Churchville-           2:06.69   1 
 10 Lilly Keen                   Irondequoit            2:25.32   1 
 -- Meghan Koch                  Greece Olymp               DNF   1 
Girls 1000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Aubrey Sudol                 Churchville-           3:09.56   10   
  2 Michaela Goettel             Churchville-           3:14.96    8   
  3 Jessica Andrews              Canandaigua            3:29.56    6   
  4 Alexandra Friedel            Irondequoit            3:34.29    4   
  5 McKenzie Elliot              Churchville-           3:35.21    2   
  6 Aaralynn Arnold              Irondequoit            3:36.63    1   
  7 Kylyn Newman                 Canandaigua            3:44.13  
  8 Lindsey Male                 Spencerport            3:48.42  
  9 Evelynn Kruger               Canandaigua            3:53.88  
 10 Lilly Keen                   Irondequoit            4:11.25  
Girls 1500 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Alexa Briggs                 Churchville-           5:05.81   10   
  2 Madelyn Sichak               Churchville-           5:10.86    8   
  3 Taylor Pennise               Canandaigua            5:30.55    6   
  4 Gabrielle Toates             Churchville-           5:55.13    4   
  5 Sienna Gropp                 Spencerport            6:58.57    2   
Girls 3000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Alexa Briggs                 Churchville-          10:58.65   10   
  2 Taylor Pennise               Canandaigua           11:04.22    8   
  3 Katie Bauman                 Irondequoit           11:20.48    6   
  4 Hannah Khuns                 Churchville-          11:22.73    4   
  5 Jane Beyer                   Canandaigua           11:42.07    2   
  6 Maria Mullen                 Churchville-          12:25.13    1   
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Victoria Koumako             Greece Olymp              9.31   2  10   
  2 Jenna Hostetler              Spencerport               9.66   2   8   
  3 Braelyn Wooden               Greece Olymp             10.00   2   6   
  4 Lilliana Rush                Greece Olymp             10.05   2   4   
  5 Sydney Goettel               Churchville-             10.12   2   2   
  6 Katherine Maslyn             Brighton                 10.72   2   1   
  7 Caitlin Seely                Spencerport              10.76   1 
  8 Jeryca Starling              Brighton                 11.03   1 
  9 Serenity Jager               Churchville-             11.22   1 
 10 Keniah Baker                 Gates Chili              12.00   2 
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Gates Chili  'A'                                    1:49.71   2  10   
  2 Irondequoit  'A'                                    1:55.39   2   8   
  3 Greece Olympia/Odyssey  'A'                         1:57.25   2   6   
  4 Churchville-Chili  'A'                              1:59.60   1   4   
  5 Brighton  'A'                                       2:03.36   1   2   
  6 Spencerport  'A'                                    2:04.86   2   1   
  7 Canandaigua  'A'                                    2:15.00   1 
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Spencerport  'A'                                    4:23.35   10   
  2 Gates Chili  'A'                                    4:31.32    8   
  3 Canandaigua  'A'                                    4:36.84    6   
  4 Churchville-Chili  'A'                              4:49.78    4   
  5 Greece Olympia/Odyssey  'A'                         5:04.62    2   
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Churchville-Chili  'A'                             10:49.89   10   
  2 Canandaigua  'A'                                   11:46.44    8   
  3 Spencerport  'A'                                   11:47.25    6   
  4 Greece Olympia/Odyssey  'A'                        14:07.45    4   
Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ameilya Jessup               Greece Olymp          J4-10.00   10    O
  2 Shanell Miller               Irondequoit           J4-10.00    8    XO
  3 Modesty Penny                Gates Chili           J4-10.00    6    XXO
  4 Kira Peacock                 Gates Chili           J4-08.00    4    O
  5 Karena Adams                 Irondequoit           J4-08.00    2    XOXO
  6 Cristina Paulk               Greece Olymp          J4-08.00    1    XXOXO
  7 Mackenzie Knapp              Gates Chili           J4-06.00  
  8 Madeline Mitchell            Irondequoit           J4-06.00  
  9 Kylyn Newman                 Canandaigua            4-03.00  
  9 Aniya Peterson               Greece Olymp           4-03.00  
 11 Camella Roberts              Churchville-           3-09.00  
 11 Lily Stewart                 Churchville-           3-09.00  
Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Heidi Tran                   Gates Chili           10-06.00   10   
  2 Emma Mahoney                 Spencerport            7-06.00    8   
  3 Sophia Braid                 Gates Chili           J7-00.00    6    O
  4 Evelyn Hirsh                 Gates Chili           J7-00.00    4    XXO
  5 Joy Ejimadu                  Brighton               5-11.00    2   
Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Jayda Solomon                Spencerport           17-04.75   2  10   
  2 Ceasia Badger                Irondequoit           14-11.25   2   8   
  3 Ellerie Finger               Gates Chili           14-09.50   2   6   
  4 Nyasia McGinnis              Gates Chili           14-08.50   2   4   
  5 Karena Adams                 Irondequoit           14-06.50   1   2   
  6 Jaianna Byrd                 Irondequoit           14-04.75   2   1   
  7 Ameilya Jessup               Greece Olymp          14-03.50   2 
  8 Hope Falco *                 Churchville-          13-09.00   2 
  9 Olivia Feldman               Brighton              13-02.50   2 
 10 Bella Pastrana               Greece Olymp          12-10.25   1 
 11 Diane Daum-Martin            Canandaigua           12-08.25   1 
 12 Brooke DiGiacomo             Churchville-          12-07.00   1 
 13 Luci Chaneske                Canandaigua           12-03.50   1 
 14 Reese Robinson               Canandaigua           12-03.00   1 
 15 Bailey DiGiacomo             Churchville-          12-01.75   1 
 16 Yoshi Lewis                  Spencerport           11-05.25   1 
 -- Akeelah Gray                 Gates Chili               FOUL   2 
Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ellerie Finger               Gates Chili           32-00.50   10   
  2 Lilliana Rush                Greece Olymp          30-09.50    8   
  3 Neveah Lane                  Gates Chili           30-00.50    6   
  4 Keniah Baker                 Gates Chili           29-08.50    4   
  5 Crismery Ventura             Spencerport           29-07.00    2   
  6 Grace Ross                   Canandaigua           29-05.00    1   
  7 Yelizaveta Tyshkova          Churchville-          29-04.50  
  8 Madeline Mitchell            Irondequoit           28-08.00  
  9 Alexandra Seitz              Greece Olymp          28-07.00  
 10 Peyton Harrison              Irondequoit           28-00.50  
 -- Jordyn Hooker                Churchville-              FOUL  
Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Carli Quinlan                Gates Chili           30-07.25   2  10   
  2 Savana Henry                 Gates Chili           27-09.75   2   8   
  3 Marianna Justiniano          Gates Chili           27-04.50   2   6   
  4 Eva Gavette                  Spencerport           24-10.25   2   4   
  5 Mikayla Mellenthine          Churchville-          24-09.50   2   2   
  6 Rihanna Montroy              Irondequoit           23-09.00   1   1   
  7 Jasmine Martinez             Canandaigua           23-08.50   1 
  8 Lily Rafferty                Irondequoit           23-07.50   2 
  9 Brenda Rodriguez             Greece Olymp          23-03.00   2 
 10 Audrey Gelfuso               Spencerport           22-09.25   1 
 11 Malena Leastman              Churchville-          22-07.00   2 
 12 Lindsey LeTran               Canandaigua           22-06.75   1 
 13 Kennedy Smith                Irondequoit           21-10.25   2 
 14 Diane Daum-Martin            Canandaigua           21-10.00   1 
 15 Arianna Muroski              Brighton              20-05.00   1 
 16 Sydney Marra                 Spencerport           19-08.75   1 
 17 Allison LeBerth              Greece Olymp          18-03.25   1 
 18 Casper Komarisky             Churchville-          16-10.50   1 
Girls Weight Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Carli Quinlan                Gates Chili           37-05.00   10   
  2 Savana Henry                 Gates Chili           34-07.25    8   
  3 Lily Rafferty                Irondequoit           34-03.75    6   
  4 Brenda Rodriguez             Greece Olymp          32-08.00    4   
  5 Eva Gavette                  Spencerport           32-06.50    2   
  6 Faith Weaver                 Gates Chili           31-04.00    1   
  7 Maren Robinson               Irondequoit           28-11.75  
  8 Keely Shafer                 Irondequoit           27-05.75  
  9 Malena Leastman              Churchville-          24-00.75  
 10 Jasmine Martinez             Canandaigua           19-01.50  
 11 Lindsey LeTran               Canandaigua           17-03.75  
 12 Audrey Gelfuso               Spencerport           17-03.00  
 13 Murphy Pynn                  Churchville-          16-09.50  
 14 Kim Sproul                   Canandaigua           11-03.25  
Girls 1500 Meter Race Walk
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Bella Mettler                Churchville-          10:11.33   10   
  2 Yeliza Lopez                 Greece Olymp          10:33.26    8   
  3 Jeslene Torres               Greece Olymp          11:57.18    6   
Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Ricardo Lagares              Churchville-              6.61   3  10   
  2 Enouph Bennett               Churchville-              6.71   3   8   
  3 Shuaib Altheimer             Irondequoit               6.89   3   6    6.881
  4 Ethan Heath                  Irondequoit               6.89   3   4    6.885
  5 Cameron Gause                Gates Chili               6.90   3   2   
  6 Alex Girolamo                Spencerport               6.94   3   1   
  7 Blessed Likoke               Greece Olymp              6.96   2 
  8 Serah Hall                   Irondequoit               6.97   3 
  9 Jose Rodriguez               Gates Chili               6.99   2 
 10 Josia Pritchett              Greece Olymp              7.00   3 
 11 Xavier Williams              Gates Chili               7.06   2 
 12 Raoul Likasi                 Churchville-              7.11   2 
 13 Jonathan Kasambayi           Greece Olymp              7.13   2 
 14 Jaden Smith                  Brighton                  7.31   2 
 15 Ethan Chmiel                 Canandaigua               7.32   2 
 16 Liam Thyroff                 Brighton                  7.33   1 
 17 Phoenix Rieth                Brighton                  7.40   2 
 18 Jordan DeGaugh               Canandaigua               7.53   1 
 19 Owen Phelps                  Canandaigua               7.54   1 
 20 Luke White                   Spencerport               7.85   1 
Boys 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Ricardo Lagares              Churchville-             36.05   4  10   
  2 Noah Ray                     Greece Olymp             36.80   4   8   
  3 Cameron Gause                Gates Chili              37.03   4   6   
  4 Raoul Likasi                 Churchville-             37.64   4   4   
  5 Enouph Bennett               Churchville-             37.92   4   2   
  6 Shuaib Altheimer             Irondequoit              38.78   4   1   
  7 Jose Rodriguez               Gates Chili              39.03   3 
  8 Matthew Scott                Canandaigua              39.56   2 
  9 Joshua White                 Gates Chili              39.78   3 
 10 Serah Hall                   Irondequoit              40.09   3 
 11 Talan Pearl                  Canandaigua              40.16   3 
 12 Josia Pritchett              Greece Olymp             40.43   2 
 13 Zachary Haight               Irondequoit              40.59   3 
 14 Augustus Denhart             Brighton                 41.00   2 
 15 Jaxon Maffei                 Brighton                 41.19   1 
 16 Antonio Vazquez              Greece Olymp             41.57   3 
 17 Jacob Schillaci              Brighton                 41.69   1 
 18 Aidan Talbot                 Canandaigua              42.49   2 
 19 Kyle Battaglia               Spencerport              44.14   1 
Boys 600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Amani Gullo                  Canandaigua            1:29.90   4  10   
  2 Andrew McManus               Gates Chili            1:30.05   4   8   
  3 Nathan Sikorski              Churchville-           1:30.98   4   6   
  4 Thuan Nguyen                 Spencerport            1:30.99   4   4   
  5 Luke Simon                   Irondequoit            1:31.26   4   2   
  6 Aidan Talbot                 Canandaigua            1:33.91   3   1   
  7 Nikolas Gitsis               Churchville-           1:34.37   3 
  8 Tarek Al hojaji              Gates Chili            1:35.27   3 
  9 Alexander Gitsis             Churchville-           1:35.49   3 
 10 Kalan Brown                  Spencerport            1:37.39   3 
 11 Adam Besio                   Irondequoit            1:37.85   3 
 12 Owen McCammon                Irondequoit            1:38.34   4 
 13 Benjamin Kringstein          Brighton               1:38.78   2 
 14 Kyle Battaglia               Spencerport            1:43.39   2 
 15 Matthew Helfer               Greece Olymp           1:52.42   1 
 16 Mohammed Ghassat             Brighton               1:52.43   1 
Boys 1000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Brandon Yanguas              Irondequoit            2:35.23   2  10   
  2 Nathan Sikorski              Churchville-           2:36.70   2   8   
  3 Jackson Frisa                Spencerport            2:44.35   2   6   
  4 Kyle Friedel                 Irondequoit            2:47.02   2   4   
  5 Connor Levy                  Gates Chili            2:48.63   2   2   
  6 Porter Lainson               Canandaigua            2:51.97   2   1   
  7 Nathan Viele                 Irondequoit            2:52.99   2 
  8 Alex Sikorski                Churchville-           2:57.04   2 
  9 Caleb Krenzer                Churchville-           2:57.14   2 
 10 Josh Magee                   Greece Olymp           3:06.98   1 
 11 Griffin Miller               Canandaigua            3:07.62   1 
 12 Logan Barvian                Spencerport            3:08.28   1 
 13 Julius Lee                   Greece Olymp           3:08.34   1 
 14 Michael Rush                 Spencerport            3:11.09   1 
 15 Alex Stahbrodt               Canandaigua            3:17.14   1 
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ryan Giglia Jr.              Churchville-           4:30.11   10   
  2 Toby Dickerson               Spencerport            4:32.77    8   
  3 Patrick Ward                 Churchville-           4:42.50    6   
  4 Anthony Rizzo                Irondequoit            5:08.13    4   
  5 Samuel Hueber                Spencerport            5:09.19    2   
  6 William Lorenc               Irondequoit            5:12.78    1   
  7 Ryan Corl                    Brighton               5:18.86  
  8 Raymond Hagstrom             Gates Chili            5:26.16  
  9 Porter Lainson               Canandaigua            5:26.91  
 10 Lucas Kenyon                 Gates Chili            5:28.10  
 11 Noah DeCaire (Schneegold     Irondequoit            5:28.35  
 12 Josh Magee                   Greece Olymp           5:34.65  
 13 Andrew Bleier                Gates Chili            5:51.22  
 14 Alan Jiang                   Brighton               6:18.84  
 15 Broderick Jonas              Greece Olymp           6:21.06  
Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kyle Lovenguth               Spencerport           10:25.37   10   
  2 Dominic Agostinelli          Churchville-          10:25.88    8   
  3 Ryan Weller                  Canandaigua           10:26.57    6   
  4 Anthony Rizzo                Irondequoit           10:28.13    4   
  5 Noah DeCaire (Schneegold     Irondequoit           10:48.15    2   
  6 Lucas Hyer                   Canandaigua           10:51.67    1   
  7 Owen Ferrell                 Churchville-          11:03.15  
  8 Logan Bosco                  Spencerport           12:47.00  
  9 Trey Austin                  Canandaigua           12:59.29  
 10 Broderick Jonas              Greece Olymp          13:00.21  
 -- Ryan Giglia Jr.              Churchville-                FS  
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Jonathan Browne              Gates Chili               7.94   2  10   
  2 Noah Ray                     Greece Olymp              8.03   2   8   
  3 Bradyen Sinclair             Gates Chili               8.42   2   6   
  4 Jonathan Williams            Irondequoit               8.63   2   4   
  5 Mark Lancia                  Spencerport               8.94   2   2   
  6 Samuel Weilert               Churchville-              9.73   2   1   
  7 Silas Payne                  Churchville-              9.86   1 
  8 Talan Pearl                  Canandaigua               9.88   2 
  9 Aidan Wells                  Canandaigua               9.90   1 
 10 Jacob Hinman                 Spencerport               9.91   1 
 11 Hunter Foster                Gates Chili              10.06   1 
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Gates Chili  'A'                                    1:35.61   2  10   
  2 Irondequoit  'A'                                    1:41.77   2   8   
  3 Spencerport  'A'                                    1:43.42   1   6   
  4 Canandaigua  'A'                                    1:43.50   1   4   
  5 Brighton  'A'                                       1:43.70   1   2   
 -- Greece Olympia/Odyssey  'A'                             DNF   2 
 -- Churchville-Chili  'A'                                   DQ   2  cut in early
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Canandaigua  'A'                                    3:50.97   10   
  2 Churchville-Chili  'A'                              3:53.17    8   
  3 Irondequoit  'A'                                    3:59.93    6   
 -- Gates Chili  'A'                                         DQ   inside the line
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Spencerport  'A'                                    8:51.26   10   
  2 Churchville-Chili  'A'                              8:59.50    8   
  3 Irondequoit  'A'                                    9:37.06    6   
  4 Canandaigua  'A'                                   10:40.45    4   
  5 Gates Chili  'A'                                   10:42.66    2   
 -- Greece Olympia/Odyssey  'A'                              DQ   1 lap short
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kaleb Giddens-Bond           Gates Chili           J5-08.00   10    O
  2 Krystopher Maldonado         Gates Chili           J5-08.00    8    XO
  3 Winston Young III            Gates Chili           J5-06.00    6    O
  4 Hunter Robertson             Canandaigua           J5-06.00    4    XXOO
  5 Wesley Goldsmith             Irondequoit           J5-04.00    2    O
  6 Joshua Kabaka                Churchville-          J5-04.00    1    XO
  7 Peter Szumigala              Churchville-           5-01.00  
  7 Jackson Fiorentino           Canandaigua            5-01.00  
  9 Joseph Graupman              Greece Olymp           4-08.00  
Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Noah Leathersich             Gates Chili           14-06.00   10   
  2 Cole Gorman                  Gates Chili           11-06.00    8   
  3 Mark Lancia                  Spencerport           10-06.00    6   
  4 Jacob Hinman                 Spencerport            8-09.00    4   
  5 Vincent Camacho              Brighton              J8-00.00    2   
  6 Luke White                   Spencerport           J8-00.00    1   
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Jonathan Browne              Gates Chili           19-09.50   2  10   
  2 Kaleb Giddens-Bond           Gates Chili           19-09.00   2   8   
  3 Hunter Robertson             Canandaigua           19-07.00   2   6   
  4 Esaias Elliot                Churchville-          19-04.00   2   4   
  5 Winston Young III            Gates Chili           19-03.25   2   2   
  6 Tyler Jackson                Greece Olymp          18-11.25   2   1   
  7 Jacob Schillaci              Brighton              18-09.50   1 
  8 Jonathan Kasambayi           Greece Olymp          18-07.25   2 
  9 Isaac Nielsen                Irondequoit           17-10.50   2 
 10 Jackson Fiorentino           Canandaigua           17-06.00   1 
 11 Joshua White                 Irondequoit           17-05.25   1 
 12 Peter Szumigala              Churchville-          17-05.00   1 
 13 Owen Capuano                 Irondequoit           16-08.00   1 
 14 Tristan Martinez             Canandaigua           15-11.50   1 
 15 Brian Vuong                  Brighton              15-04.50   1 
 16 Zakai Rogers                 Churchville-          14-05.50   1 
 -- Blessed Likoke               Greece Olymp              FOUL   2 
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Isaac Nielsen                Irondequoit           39-11.50   10   
  2 Jonathan Williams            Irondequoit           39-05.25    8   
  3 Ryan Weller                  Canandaigua           38-08.75    6   
  4 Matthew Scott                Canandaigua           38-04.75    4   
  5 Jonathan Browne              Gates Chili           38-03.25    2   
  6 Tyler Jackson                Greece Olymp          37-08.75    1   
  7 Bradyen Sinclair             Gates Chili           37-04.25  
  8 Jimmie Simmons III           Gates Chili           35-10.50  
  9 Riley Smith                  Greece Olymp          33-09.50  
 10 Wesley Goldsmith             Irondequoit           31-01.50  
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Kenneth Howard               Irondequoit           42-01.50   2  10   
  2 Noah Leathersich             Gates Chili           41-10.75   2   8   
  3 Nicholas Adams               Gates Chili           38-10.00   2   6   
  4 Anthony Matela               Spencerport           37-05.50   2   4   
  5 Dominic Wolff                Greece Olymp          36-08.75   2   2   
  6 Thomas Landry                Irondequoit           35-11.50   2   1   
  7 Hayden Kaul                  Canandaigua           35-06.00   1 
  8 Jonathon Graves              Canandaigua           35-01.50   2 
  9 Matthew Valicenti            Greece Olymp          34-07.25   2 
 10 Dominic Marra                Churchville-          33-06.50   1 
 11 Quentin Cato                 Gates Chili           33-03.00   2 
 12 Jack Pynn                    Churchville-          32-10.25   2 
 13 Richard Caso                 Irondequoit           32-07.50   1 
 14 Jacob Torres                 Churchville-          31-07.25   1 
 15 Julian Schillaci             Brighton              31-00.00   1 
 16 Chase Williamee              Canandaigua           30-03.50   1 
 17 Derek LaCross                Spencerport           28-03.00   1 
 18 Jonathan Sanabria            Greece Olymp          28-01.50   1 
 19 Paul Walker                  Spencerport           27-04.75   1 
 20 Christian Abraham            Brighton              26-09.25   1 
Boys Weight Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Dominic Wolff                Greece Olymp          52-03.25   2  10   
  2 Richard Caso                 Irondequoit           47-01.75   2   8   
  3 Jonathon Graves              Canandaigua           45-00.00   2   6   
  4 Hayden Kaul                  Canandaigua           42-09.25   2   4   
  5 Colin St Lucia               Churchville-          42-08.25   2   2   
  6 Thomas Landry                Irondequoit           42-00.50   2   1   
  7 Nicholas Adams               Gates Chili           39-09.50   2 
  8 Jimmie Simmons III           Gates Chili           37-11.00   2 
  9 Anthony Matela               Spencerport           36-05.25   2 
 10 Chase Williamee              Canandaigua           36-05.00   2 
 11 Jack Pynn                    Churchville-          34-00.50   1 
 12 Elijah Torres                Gates Chili           33-10.00   1 
 13 Thomas Flanigen              Irondequoit           33-05.00   1 
 14 Paul Walker                  Spencerport           31-06.75   1 
 15 Jonathan Sanabria            Greece Olymp          31-04.25   1 
 16 Matthew Valicenti            Greece Olymp          31-03.25   1 
 17 Derek LaCross                Spencerport           30-10.50   1 
 18 Jacob Torres                 Churchville-          29-01.25   1 
 19 Julian Schillaci             Brighton              27-09.50   1 
 20 Christian Abraham            Brighton              26-08.25   1 
                    Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Gates Chili                141        2) Churchville-Chili         109   
    3) Spencerport                 79        4) Greece Olympia/Odyssey     75   
    5) Irondequoit                 57        6) Canandaigua                48   
    7) Brighton                     5                                           
                    Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
    1) Gates Chili                124        2) Irondequoit               102   
    3) Churchville-Chili           96        4) Canandaigua                67   
    5) Spencerport                 64        6) Greece Olympia/Odyssey     30   
    7) Brighton                     4