IAC Mod End of the Year Invitational 2023

Trumansburg, NY
Hosted by Marathon

Modified Girls

Girls Modified

Place TmPl No.  Name               Gra School           Girlsmo    
===== ==== ==== ================== === ================ ======= 
    1    1   90 Lucy Clementson    8   Trumansburg       9:57.0 
    2        60 Alexandria Morgan  7   Southern Cayuga  10:00.5 
    3    2   68 Elliana Middlebroo 7   Spencer Van-Ette 10:09.9 
    4        19 Fiona Dann         8   Lansing          10:10.5 
    5        32 Kimberlie Edwards  8   Marathon         10:12.4 
    6    3   71 Emma Rose Deats    7   Thomas A. Edison 10:14.9 
    7    4   70 Lilie Stevens      8   Spencer Van-Ette 10:24.2 
    8       107 Kathryn Planty     7   Watkins Glen     10:24.7 
    9    5   81 Irie Lynch         7   Tioga            10:25.2 
   10        58 Lexi Strobel       7   Odessa-Montour   10:25.6 
   11    6   76 Olivia Welch       7   Thomas A. Edison 10:26.2 
   12    7   92 Ruby Feenan        8   Trumansburg      10:31.3 
   13    8   89 Wren Cassidy       7   Trumansburg      10:38.5 
   14        16 Brianne Adsitt     7   Groton           10:42.0 
   15        13 Molly Williams     8   Dryden           10:43.3 
   16    9   72 Emma Duggan        7   Thomas A. Edison 10:50.3 
   17   10   48 Elle Webb          8   Newark Valley    10:55.2 
   18       114 Kate Thompson      7   Whitney Point    11:01.3 
   19   11   69 Brooke Ryan        8   Spencer Van-Ette 11:01.7 
   20   12   67 Katelynn Jayne     8   Spencer Van-Ette 11:10.1 
   21        22 Melody Sternberg   7   Lansing          11:10.6 
   22   13   74 Paisley Harnas     7   Thomas A. Edison 11:11.2 
   23        23 Anna Wells         7   Lansing          11:17.3 
   24       105 Nicole Perry       7   Watkins Glen     11:18.3 
   25       106 Rachel Perry       7   Watkins Glen     11:24.9 
   26   14   43 Kaitlyn Bohne      8   Newark Valley    11:27.1 
   27        14 Trinity Riddick    8   Elmira Notre Dam 11:33.5 
   28         2 Zoey Lang          8   Candor           11:34.6 
   29   15   73 Aubriella Ector    7   Thomas A. Edison 11:35.2 
   30       108 Kambrie Thorpe     7   Watkins Glen     11:36.4 
   31        34 Aurora Kasmarcik   7   Marathon         11:41.6 
   32   16   94 Sofia Tedesco      7   Trumansburg      11:45.3 
   33   17   88 Luci Caraher       8   Trumansburg      11:45.9 
   34       115 Humphrey Zoey      7   Whitney Point    11:49.0 
   35        59 Lorelei Hill       7   Southern Cayuga  11:55.2 
   36        21 Brittany Sternberg 7   Lansing          12:01.3 
   37   18   46 Peyton Rhodes      8   Newark Valley    12:11.7 
   38   19   78 Maddie Burrowes    8   Tioga            12:15.5 
   39   20   79 Bailey Delmage     7   Tioga            12:19.5 
   40   21   86 Johanna Bryant     8   Trumansburg      12:22.0 
   41   22   85 Charlene Bryant    8   Trumansburg      12:22.5 
   42   23   66 Lillie Horyczun    7   Spencer Van-Ette 12:23.3 
   43   24   47 Charlotte Vaughn   8   Newark Valley    12:29.7 
   44   25   82 Reese Mills        7   Tioga            12:31.6 
   45        93 Natalie Scholes    7   Trumansburg      12:34.8 
   46   26   44 Lisa Capwell-Pere  7   Newark Valley    12:43.6 
   47         9 Carolina Kitchner  8   Dryden           12:47.6 
   48        35 Abigail Kemak      8   Marathon         12:50.8 
   49        91 Maeve Coffey       8   Trumansburg      13:01.7 
   50        15 Monica Shattuck    7   Elmira Notre Dam 13:16.8 
   51        12 Gianna Williams    8   Dryden           13:21.3 
   52         1 Emma Fey           8   Candor           13:22.0 
   53         8 Rebecca Hand       7   Dryden           13:22.9 
   54   27   83 Maren Seaver       7   Tioga            13:23.9 
   55   28   65 Zoey Barton        7   Spencer Van-Ette 13:48.5 
   56   29   75 Hailey Kent        8   Thomas A. Edison 13:50.5 
   57        40 Kaylin Swan        7   Moravia          14:03.1 
   58   30   80 Brooklin Lynch     8   Tioga            14:15.0 
   59   31   45 Eleanor Escalante  7   Newark Valley    14:23.3 
   60        87 Margaret Bryant    7   Trumansburg      18:39.9 
   61        33 Emma Howard        8   Marathon         19:48.3 

  1.    46  Thomas A. Edison (  10:53    54:21   1:21)
  1      3  Emma Rose Deats      10:15
  2      6  Olivia Welch         10:27
  3      9  Emma Duggan          10:51
  4     13  Paisley Harnas       11:12
  5     15  Aubriella Ector      11:36
  6   ( 29) Hailey Kent          13:51

  2.    49  Trumansburg      (  10:56    54:40   1:49)
  1      1  Lucy Clementson       9:57
  2      7  Ruby Feenan          10:32
  3      8  Wren Cassidy         10:39
  4     16  Sofia Tedesco        11:46
  5     17  Luci Caraher         11:46
  6   ( 21) Johanna Bryant       12:22
  7   ( 22) Charlene Bryant      12:23

  3.    52  Spencer Van-Ette (  11:03    55:12   2:14)
  1      2  Elliana Middlebroo   10:10
  2      4  Lilie Stevens        10:25
  3     11  Brooke Ryan          11:02
  4     12  Katelynn Jayne       11:11
  5     23  Lillie Horyczun      12:24
  6   ( 28) Zoey Barton          13:49

  4.    92  Newark Valley    (  11:58    59:50   1:48)
  1     10  Elle Webb            10:56
  2     14  Kaitlyn Bohne        11:28
  3     18  Peyton Rhodes        12:12
  4     24  Charlotte Vaughn     12:30
  5     26  Lisa Capwell-Pere    12:44
  6   ( 31) Eleanor Escalante    14:24

  5.    96  Tioga            (  12:12  1:00:58   2:58)
  1      5  Irie Lynch           10:26
  2     19  Maddie Burrowes      12:16
  3     20  Bailey Delmage       12:20
  4     25  Reese Mills          12:32
  5     27  Maren Seaver         13:24
  6   ( 30) Brooklin Lynch       14:15