Bob McDaniel Invitational 2009

Chenango Valley, NY



            Team         Score
        1   U-E          47
        2   Ithaca       69
        3   CV           84
        4   Owego        98
        5   Waverly      163
        6   CF           INC
        7   Monticello   INC
        8   SV           INC
                                                Note: the speed ratings are an initial
                                                      guess and will likely be changed
                                                      or deleted later on...

Place   Runner                     School        Time       Speed Rating
1       Max Straneva               CV            17:11      178.3    178
2       Matt Johnson               Ithaca        17:38      169.3    169
3       Jeremy Anderson            U-E           17:41      168.3    168
4       David Wilbur               Monticello    17:52      164.7    165
5       Colin Staiger              CF            18:07      159.7    160
6       Brian Cashman              CV            18:12      158.0    158
7       Kyle Gilyard               U-E           18:13      157.7    158
8       John Salva                 SV            18:15      157.0    157
9       Josh Chilson               U-E           18:16      156.7    157
10      Chris Cook                 U-E           18:20      155.3    155
11      Liam Cody                  Ithaca        18:21      155.0    155
12      Alex Delaney               Owego         18:28      152.7    153
13      Jed Kovalovsky             Owego         18:32      151.3    151
14      Will Mullen                Waverly       18:35      150.3    150
15      James Allen                CF            18:37      149.7    150
16      Connor Nugent              CV            18:41      148.3    148
17      Mackenzie Cummings-Grady   Ithaca        18:42      148.0    148
18      Ryan Crist                 U-E           18:44      147.3    147
19      Dan Vandam                 Ithaca        18:51      145.0    145
20      Owen Kay                   Ithaca        18:52      144.7    145
21      Ari Lewenstein             Ithaca        18:55      143.7    144
22      Nick Conklin               Ithaca        18:55      143.7    144
23      Jon Nolis                  Owego         18:57      143.0    143
24      Miles Mischke              Owego         19:04      140.7    141
25      Zach Wahl                  U-E           19:11      138.3    138
26      Scott Stewart              Owego         19:22      134.7    135
27      Aaron Spencer              Owego         19:25      133.7    134
28      Glenn Dittmar              CV            20:08      119.3    119
29      Sterling Payne             Owego         20:19      115.7    116
30      Chris Milano               U-E           20:20      115.3    115
31      Nick Geertgens             SV            20:26      113.3    113
32      Joe Hollenbeck             CF            21:16      96.7     97
33      Alex Westcott              CV            21:28      92.7     93
34      Jesse Mudge                SV            21:32      91.3     91
35      Evan Van de Wall           Waverly       22:02      81.3     81
36      Adam Thorne                CV            22:11      78.3     78
37      Leo Ayres                  Waverly       22:37      69.7     70
38      Ryan Hewitt                Waverly       22:50      65.3     65
39      Andy Kinsley               Waverly       23:40      48.7     49
40      Matt Ball                  CV            24:35      30.3     30


              Team            Score
          1   Ithaca          28
          2   U-E             50
          3   Windsor         59
          4   Owego           103
          5   SV              142
          6   CF              INC
          7   CV              INC
          8   Monticello      INC

Place   Runner                     School        Time
1       Jake Pollack               Ithaca        18:52
2       Justin Mrcus               Ithaca        18:53
3       Dennis Travis              Windsor       19:06
4       Tristan Intemann           Ithaca        19:43
5       Chris Jones                Windsor       19:48
6       Dan Buchta                 U-E           19:56
7       Cameron Schermerhorn       U-E           19:57
8       David Campbell             Owego         20:00
9       Luke Saul                  Ithaca        20:03
10      Joey Benson                U-E           20:06
11      Robert Leonard             Windsor       20:07
12      Tyler St. Denis            Ithaca        20:17
13      Mike Andrews               U-E           20:19
14      Emery Jamerson             U-E           20:21
15      Ben Warner                 Owego         20:23
16      Kevin Schoonmaker          U-E           20:23
17      Phil Cornelius             Ithaca        20:26
18      Shawn Makarsky             U-E           20:40
19      Jack Erle                  U-E           20:42
20      Colton Steinbrecher        Windsor       21:09
21      Tyler Eaton                U-E           21:15
22      Adrian Van Hall            Owego         21:17
23      Eugene Sperber             Windsor       21:26
24      Matt Lane                  U-E           21:29
25      Trevor Bender              U-E           21:33
26      Sam Prezezdziecki          Ithaca        21:37
27      Brendan Mangino            Ithaca        21:39
28      Dylan Bleier               Ithaca        21:42
29      Colin Manchester           SV            21:52
30      Nick Fanelli               U-E           22:09
31      Emmitt Kolitnikoff         Ithaca        22:12
32      Drew Eller                 U-E           22:14
33      Andrew Lee                 SV            22:16
34      Tom Courtney               CV            22:16
35      Nick Shannon               CF            22:46
36      Tim Quick                  SV            22:50
37      Matt Henderson             U-E           22:50
38      Edcel Gales                U-E           23:02
39      Matt Kistner               Windsor       23:04
40      Colin Mack                 U-E           23:27
41      Tom Babcock                U-E           23:28
42      Kaleb Johnson              Owego         23:33
43      Tomer Grosman              Ithaca        23:45
44      Ben Daniels                CF            23:45
45      Patrick Joyce              Owego         23:47
46      Connor Harty               U-E           24:04
47      Anthony Mastronardi        SV            24:08
48      Arthur Dashan              U-E           24:26
49      Joe Cardone                Owego         24:43
50      Tyler Quinn                U-E           24:55
51      Kurt Besemer               U-E           24:59
52      Alok Mukhergee             Ithaca        25:11
53      Ethan Leiser               CV            25:19
54      James Pietrosanti          CF            25:36
55      Nathan Wilson              U-E           26:01
56      Jeremy Gorman              SV            26:04
57      Jacob Mendelson            Owego         26:05
58      Jacob Harris               U-E           26:38
59      Rory Weaver                U-E           26:39
60      Dave Zeggert               CV            27:17
61      Ian Kolitis                Monticello    27:18
62      Ed Tarac                   U-E           27:28
63      Shane Hart                 CV            27:35
64      Cameron Larnerd            Windsor       29:44
65      Ethan Eschler              Owego
66      Dylan Quinn                U-E
67      Micheal Dirig              U-E


Place   Runner                     School        Time
1       Alex Rando                 U-E           14:20
2       Travis Mills               CF            14:43
3       Peter Newman               U-E           14:45
4       David Miller               Ithaca        14:46
5       David Franck               Ithaca        15:00
6       Matt Matruski              U-E           15:18
7       Christopher Maroldi        Monticello    15:47
8       Ben Rodgers                U-E           15:48
9       Austin Sadlemire           U-E           16:33
10      Damian Wilmarth            CF            16:35
11      Mike Seeley                Owego         16:49
12      Mike Dzurica               Monticello    16:51
13      Tomer Grosman              Ithaca        17:16
14      Kyle Johnson               Owego         17:40
15      Nathan Bach                Ithaca        17:51
16      Caleb Larnerd              Windsor       18:25
17      Tyler Price                CV            18:28
18      Ben Haskell                CF            18:54
19      Nick Lidell                CV            19:24