PSAA League Championship Meet 2022

Locust Valley, NY
Hosted by Portledge


Track                                                    DirectAthletics MeetPro
                              PSAA XC Championship                              
                    Portledge, Locust Valley, NY - 11/2/2022                    

Rank Team                      Score    Total        1    2    3    4    5    6    7    
   1 The Stony Brook School (H 15       1:31:42      1    2    3    4    5    7    8    
   2 Portledge                 48       1:43:27      6    9    10   11   12             
Girls 4K
  Pl Athlete                 Team                      Score       Time 
   1 DABBRACCIO, Sophia      The Stony Brook Scho          1    16:59.2 
   2 HARRISON, Maya          Long Island Lutheran               17:04.9 
   3 APAZIDIS, Evelyn        The Stony Brook Scho          2    17:05.6 
   4 TRAMA, Mia              The Stony Brook Scho          3    18:32.3 
   5 TINAZ, Yasmin           The Stony Brook Scho          4    19:26.8 
   6 QUARTUCCIO, Nikki       The Stony Brook Scho          5    19:37.8 
   7 GREEN, Nia              Portledge                     6    19:55.5 
   8 JEFFREY, Eowyn          The Stony Brook Scho          7    20:05.2 
   9 PUOPOLO, Alexandra      The Stony Brook Scho          8    20:27.5 
  10 NICHOLS, Autumn         The Stony Brook Scho               20:36.3 
  11 NEUGEBAUER, Tatyana     Portledge                     9    20:39.8 
  12 MINK, Christina         Portledge                    10    20:50.3 
  13 CAMMERER, Ramsey        Portledge                    11    20:53.4 
  14 CAMMERER, Carsyn        Portledge                    12    21:07.2 
  15 ZHAO, Naomi             The Stony Brook Scho               21:14.1 
  16 GAO, Yang               The Kew-Forest Schoo               21:22.4 
  17 YAN, Lisa               The Stony Brook Scho               21:40.8 
  18 XUE, Claire             Waldorf                            21:49.5 
  19 FULLER, Juliana         Long Island Lutheran               22:23.2 
  20 RIVERA, Thalia          Martin Luther School               23:58.3 
  21 JOSEPH, Maya            Long Island Lutheran               26:24.0 
  22 BAZINI, Rabecca         Schechter School of                28:42.8 
  23 MONZON, Rachel          Martin Luther School               29:44.5 
  24 WALTERS, Summer         Schechter School of                30:08.8 
  25 LEVENSON, Shir          Schechter School of                30:11.5 

Boys 4K
Rank Team                      Score    Total        1    2    3    4    5    6    7    
   1 The Stony Brook School (H 24       1:19:36      1    2    6    7    8    10   11   
   2 Portledge                 39       1:22:14      3    4    5    13   14   17   18   
   3 Schechter School of Long  85       1:39:07      12   15   16   20   22   23   24   
   4 The Kew-Forest School     100      1:52:37      9    19   21   25   26   27        
Boys 4K
  Pl Athlete                 Team                      Score       Time 
   1 KIPKOECH, Duncan        The Stony Brook Scho          1    14:27.8 
   2 XU, Zack                The Stony Brook Scho          2    14:40.0 
   3 WASSERMAN, Tyler        Portledge                     3    14:54.9 
   4 JIMENEZ, Peter          Portledge                     4    15:28.4 
   5 SIMMS, Alex             Portledge                     5    16:01.3 
   6 RADICS, Nolan           Long Island Lutheran               16:12.5 
   7 ZHOU, Roger             The Stony Brook Scho          6    16:18.6 
   8 BLACK IV, Thomas        Martin Luther School               16:24.2 
   9 BOUSRAOV, Zinedine      Waldorf                            16:34.4 
  10 ZERON, William          The Stony Brook Scho          7    16:58.6 
  11 NICHITIU, Marc          The Stony Brook Scho          8    17:10.8 
  12 PAZ, Joshua             The Kew-Forest Schoo          9    17:14.5 
  13 ZHENG, Kimi             Knox                               17:23.5 
  14 QIAN, Jason             The Stony Brook Scho         10    17:29.4 
  15 STORTZ, Nathan          The Stony Brook Scho         11    17:32.9 
  16 VOGEL, Jordan           Schechter School of          12    17:35.1 
  17 WANG, Andy              The Stony Brook Scho               17:46.0 
  18 SFIROUDIS, Anthony      Portledge                    13    17:53.9 
  19 BUSH, Ben               Portledge                    14    17:54.8 
  20 HAUSER, Logan           Schechter School of          15    18:04.1 
  21 LY, Thai                The Stony Brook Scho               18:06.3 
  22 BENLEVI, Mikey          Schechter School of          16    18:10.8 
  23 COOPER, Brandon         Portledge                    17    18:38.8 
  24 DUGGAL, John            The Stony Brook Scho               18:46.0 
  25 SUN, Jack               Knox                               18:55.0 
  26 SIEGEL, William         Portledge                    18    19:43.2 
  27 ZHANG, Ruqi             The Kew-Forest Schoo         19    20:20.4 
  28 BLAGEROVE LEWIS, Dylan  Knox                               20:22.0 
  29 THOMSPON, Rah           Knox                               20:24.3 
  30 PETRUCCELLI, Damiano    Portledge                          20:27.1 
  31 SAMSON, Mildron         Schechter School of          20    21:24.1 
  32 FRIEDBERG, Jacob        Portledge                          21:27.5 
  33 KHAN, Hasnain           Long Island Lutheran               22:06.6 
  34 THORNBERG, Aaron        Portledge                          22:26.2 
  35 FURMAN, Max             The Kew-Forest Schoo         21    22:57.5 
  36 BAZINI, Aaron           Schechter School of          22    23:52.7 
  37 JACKSON, Robert         Long Island Lutheran               24:00.9 
  38 BIDNER, Micah           Schechter School of          23    24:06.1 
  39 PITZER, Jared           Schechter School of          24    24:22.9 
  40 BROWN, Fisher           The Kew-Forest Schoo         25    25:28.1 
  41 HUANG, Kevin            The Kew-Forest Schoo         26    26:36.9 
  42 HUANG, Vanse            The Kew-Forest Schoo         27    30:33.2 
  43 JIN, Jason              Martin Luther School               30:35.3