JFK Early Bird Invitational 2009

Cheektowaga, NY
Hosted by JFK Buffalo

Team Scores

Licensed to Chautauqua Striders                  HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/9/2009
             10th Annual J.F.K. Earlybird Invitational - 5/9/2009              
                       John F. Kennedy's Sports Complex                        
                       Team Rankings - Through Event 305                       
                 Female Team Scores -  1 Large School Division                 
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Lockport                           LOCK            111  
                2 Clarence                           CLAR             96  
                3 Niagara Falls                      NIAG             57  
                4 Williamsville East                 WLME             56  
                5 Lancaster                          LANC             55  
                6 Albion                             ALB              54  
                7 Amherst                            AMH              52  
                8 Williamsville South                WLMS             43  
                9 Sweet Home                         SWEE             20  
               10 Mt. Mercy Academy                  MMER             15  
               11 West Seneca West                   WSW               5  
                  Male Team Scores -  1 Large School Division                  
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Canisius                           CAN             109  
                2 Lancaster                          LANC             83  
                3 Lockport                           LOCK             82  
                4 Niagara Falls                      NIAG             76  
                5 Clarence                           CLAR             61  
                6 Williamsville South                WLMS             40  
                7 West Seneca East                   WSE              29  
                8 Amherst                            AMH              28  
                9 West Seneca West                   WSW              19  
               10 Albion                             ALB              16  
               10 Williamsville East                 WLME             16  
               12 St. Joe's                          SJCI              2  
                 Female Team Scores -  2 Small School Division                 
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Depew                              DEP             130  
                2 Akron                              AKRO             97  
                3 Eden                               EDEN             81  
                4 Cardinal O'Hara                    CARD             75  
                5 Newfane                            NEWF             58  
                6 John F. Kennedy                    JFKC             42  
                7 Immaculata Academy                 IMMA             36  
                8 St. Mary's School for the Deaf     SMDE             20  
                9 St. Mary's of Lancaster            SMLA             13  
                  Male Team Scores -  2 Small School Division                  
            Place School                                          Points
                1 John F. Kennedy                    JFKC            110  
                2 Depew                              DEP              92.5
                3 Eden                               EDEN             60  
                4 St. Mary's of Lancaster            SMLA             52  
                5 Newfane                            NEWF             51  
                6 Akron                              AKRO             38.5
                7 Cardinal O'Hara                    CARD             34  
                8 Bishop Timon                       BT               29  
                9 Buffalo Academy of Science         BUAC             20  
                9 Buffalo East                       BUEA             20  
               11 St. Mary's School for the Deaf     SMDE              6