Warwick Valley Fast Times Relays 2021

Warwick, NY

Meet Information


*****Entry Form Below******

Meet Entry

Sun May 30, 21

Dear Friends of Warwick Valley Fast Times Relays:

As of this letter our Sunday 5/30/21 our entries are still fairly light. With this being said, the fact that things are starting to open up and we have had much success running decent sized track meets all over the state safely this spring we are now opening up our entry to allow more athletes the chance to compete.

Relays:   All Schools are allowed to enter up to 3 relays per event max.  All Relays will be accepted!

Individual Events:  Due to facility constraints we are STILL only allowing 12 Individual Athletes per field event.  The Top 12 entered athletes based on performance seed will be accepted.

Payment:  $30 per relay and $15 per individual.  Pay for what you enter.  Ex:  If you enter 6 relays and 1 individual you owe $195.  (I understand most checks will be mailed to me after the event.  If you bring cash or check to the event please give that to me only.  Not our trainer, not our local track fan, or one of my parents)

Covid Protocol:  All coaches are to do their usual pre-temp scans of athletes prior to leaving campus.  Make sure they are all good and turn in the attending roster with telephone number of all attendees including coaches to the timing table upon arrival.  

Entry Deadline:  Entry Deadline will now be extended to Wednesday evening June 2nd at 9pm.

Accepted entries will be posted on Thursday by 2pm on the meet registration page.

Heat sheets and live results will be posted on live.fultonaccuratetiming.com.

Any questions please contact me.

Many thanks and see you at the Relays!

Mike Potter

Warwick Valley Fast Times Meet Director

wvxctf@gmail.com or 845-987-6997