
Licensed to NYCPSAL - Randall's Island - Site License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/17/2019 12:16 AM
                           Spring Series - 4/17/2019                           
                               Outdoor Template                                
Event 11  Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Quincy Banks                 John F. Kenn             11.10   2 
  2 Malachi Davis                Harry S. Tru             11.30   1 
  2 Gary Kennedy                 John F. Kenn             11.30   2 
  2 Michael Miller JR            Christopher              11.30   1 
  5 Ale Fofana                   Frederick Do             11.40   2 
  5 Kazu Sakamoto                HS For Math              11.40   8 
  5 Kiyro Flamer-Caldera         Bronx HS Of              11.40   2 
  8 Daniel Lee                   Bronx HS Of              11.50   3 
  9 Vincent Francis              John F. Kenn             11.60   1 
  9 Tyrique Willis               Frederick Do             11.60   2 
  9 Giuseppe Romano              Beacon High              11.60   5 
  9 YI Chu Chen                  HS For Math              11.60   7 
 13 Albert Gonzalez              Adlai Steven             11.70   4 
 13 Justin Campbell              Graphics Cam             11.70   8 
 13 Jovayne Barnes               Harry S. Tru             11.70   1 
 16 Caleb Williams               Graphics Cam             11.80   7 
 16 Khyeir Brown                 Frederick Do             11.80   2 
 16 Anthony Lall Lewis           Beacon High              11.80   6 
 16 William Pimentel             South Bronx              11.80   9 
 16 Sudre Francis                Evander Chil             11.80   1 
 16 Jonell Maldonado             South Bronx              11.80   3 
 16 Andrew Chow                  Bronx HS Of              11.80   3 
 16 Travis Williams              Harry S. Tru             11.80   1 
 24 Daniel Charles               Albert Tuitt             11.90   3 
 24 Tyler Washington             Graphics Cam             11.90   6 
 24 Deom Lloyd                   HS Economics             11.90   9 
 24 Joel Afere                   Christopher              11.90   4 
 24 William Zou                  HS Economics             11.90   8 
 24 Darwin Fernandez             George Washi             11.90   9 
 30 Glenvin Goulbourne           Frederick Do             12.00   2 
 31 James Chun                   Stuyvesant H             12.10   8 
 31 Esteban Hidalgo Gonzale      Beacon High              12.10   5 
 31 Slater Deane                 Eleanor Roos             12.10   4 
 31 Jose Garcia                  HS of Info &             12.10   5 
 31 William Denham               HS Of Americ             12.10   4 
 31 Mario Allen Gonzalez         Graphics Cam             12.10   8 
 31 Isaac Mullings               Taft Educati             12.10   1 
 31 Maxwell Levene               Eleanor Roos             12.10   3 
 31 Rodney Wilson                Frederick Do             12.10   3 
 31 Seon Cort                    Graphics Cam             12.10   7 
 31 Raheem Moncrieffe            Lehman Campu             12.10   1 
 31 Tevon Gayle                  Beacon High              12.10   7 
 31 Samuel Ajayi                 Frederick Do             12.10   2 
 44 Matthew Beissel              Hunter Colle             12.20   8 
 44 Ezequiel Zapata              Alfred E. Sm             12.20   6 
 44 Xuan Xian SU                 Millennium H             12.20   2 
 44 Marc Lim                     Bronx HS Of              12.20   4 
 44 Bruce Cheeseboro             George Washi             12.20   9 
 44 Travis Phulnauth             HS Of Americ             12.20   1 
 50 Jeffrey WU                   Stuyvesant H             12.30   7 
 50 Andy Lee                     Millennium H             12.30   5 
 50 Roderick Joshua              Adlai Steven             12.30   2 
 50 Samuel Jones                 Samuel Gompe             12.30   9 
 54 Isaac Donkor                 Dewitt Clint             12.40   3 
 54 Brian Ahaneku                Bronx HS Of              12.40   4 
 54 Aidan Islam                  Fiorello H L             12.40   5 
 54 Prince Ofori                 Alfred E. Sm             12.40   8 
 54 Emmanuel Hammond             Alfred E. Sm             12.40   7 
 54 Jackie Dong                  Stuyvesant H             12.40   7 
 54 Anthony Fletcher             Harry S. Tru             12.40   3 
 61 Dashawn Green                Hostos Linco             12.50   4 
 61 Ebemhen Akhimiemhonan        Hostos Linco             12.50   4 
 61 Olayemi Biao Adza            John F. Kenn             12.50   6 
 61 Irvine Browne                Taft Educati             12.50   1 
 61 Missibaou Diallo             Harry S. Tru             12.50   1 
 61 Donnaven Clark               South Bronx              12.50   1 
 61 Oneko Gayle                  Evander Chil             12.50   2 
 68 Hashim Abdul                 Samuel Gompe             12.60   9 
 68 Omar Sheriff                 Murry Bergtr             12.60   3 
 68 Eddie Garcia Castillo        HS of Info &             12.60   7 
 68 Kareem Edmondson             A. Philip Ra             12.60   5 
 68 Victor Ghosh                 Bronx HS Of              12.60   3 
 68 Jovanie Clarke               Harry S. Tru             12.60   3 
 68 Saige Welsh                  HS of Info &             12.60   6 
 68 Alexander Genao              Millennium H             12.60   2 
 68 Abraham Lucre                Graphics Cam             12.60   6 
 77 Roadney Louis                Beacon High              12.70   6 
 77 William Kuzma                HS For Math              12.70   8 
 77 Mamadou Kebe                 Adlai Steven             12.70   1 
 77 Marc Saint Hilaire           Health Oppor             12.70   1 
 77 Anibal Flores                Hostos Linco             12.70   5 
 77 Syed Sudma Zaman             HS For Math              12.70   7 
 77 Jose Carlo Campos            Eleanor Roos             12.70   4 
 84 Marquis Jemmott              Martin L. Ki             12.80   6 
 84 Levi Grossman                Millennium H             12.80   4 
 84 Ladji Mory Coulibaly         South Bronx              12.80   2 
 84 Ousuman Sillah               Health Oppor             12.80   5 
 88 Kevin Qiu                    Stuyvesant H             12.90   7 
 88 William Velasquez JR         South Bronx              12.90   2 
 88 Ousain Touray                Harry S. Tru             12.90   2 
 88 Gerald Man Pena Vargas       Christopher              12.90   8 
 88 Muneer Camara                Harry S. Tru             12.90   2 
 88 David Xie Deng               Stuyvesant H             12.90   9 
 88 Vinny Ramos                  A. Philip Ra             12.90   1 
 88 Mahel Napo                   Hostos Linco             12.90   6 
 88 Chris Oppong                 Christopher              12.90   6 
 88 Stephen Taveras              Hostos Linco             12.90   5 
 88 KE Han YU                    HS Economics             12.90   9 
 88 Tyler Case                   Bronx School             12.90   1 
 88 Brandon Thornton             Adlai Steven             12.90   4 
 88 Leo Chen                     HS For Math              12.90   8 
 88 Jordan Sarkodie              Christopher              12.90   4 
 88 Benny Huang                  Bronx HS Of              12.90   8 
104 Malcolm Rinzel               Murry Bergtr             13.00   7 
104 Anton Malukoff               Millennium H             13.00   5 
104 Shammell Zapata              Health Oppor             13.00   3 
107 Mamadou Diallo               Health Oppor             13.10   3 
107 Isiah Martin                 Manhattan Ce             13.10   4 
107 Matthew Martinez             Murry Bergtr             13.10   3 
107 Ryan Samarel                 Eleanor Roos             13.10   5 
107 Nadav Shahaf                 Beacon High              13.10   7 
107 Kevin Trieu                  HS Economics             13.10   9 
113 Benjamin Oneill              HS For Math              13.20   7 
113 Matteo Cereola               HS Of Americ             13.20   1 
113 Mahadi Mustafa               A. Philip Ra             13.20   2 
113 Juwan Sands                  Alfred E. Sm             13.20   7 
113 Yahaya Trawalleh             Harry S. Tru             13.20   2 
113 Jeffrey WU                   Millennium H             13.20   1 
113 Lesroy Roberts               Hostos Linco             13.20   6 
113 Lincoln Alleyne              HS of Info &             13.20   6 
113 Benson MO                    HS Economics             13.20   8 
113 Takumi Sugino                Eleanor Roos             13.20   5 
113 Angel Anazco                 South Bronx              13.20   3 
113 Simon Brzezinski             Stuyvesant H             13.20   8 
125 Jose Bautista                Alfred E. Sm             13.30   9 
125 Robert Owusu                 Health Oppor             13.30   4 
125 Johan Peguero                Adlai Steven             13.30   4 
125 Jose Lun Pun                 Manhattan Ce             13.30   5 
125 Matthew DE Los Santos        South Bronx              13.30   2 
125 Billy Oliver                 Evander Chil             13.30   1 
131 James Guzman                 HS Economics             13.40   9 
131 Dai YU Lian                  HS For Math              13.40   7 
133 Saad Memon                   HS For Math              13.50   8 
133 Andreas Bertoni              HS For Math              13.50   8 
133 Izaah Rollins                Health Oppor             13.50   4 
133 Chavez Lewis                 Mott Haven E             13.50   4 
133 Leonardo Reale               HS Of Americ             13.50   9 
133 Sol Vandenboogaard           HS of Info &             13.50   6 
139 Edward Hyland                Millennium H             13.60   4 
139 Sorel Gbodogbe               Harry S. Tru             13.60   9 
139 Tony WU                      Millennium H             13.60   3 
139 Amadou Jallow                Hostos Linco             13.60   6 
139 Aaron Greyser                Martin L. Ki             13.60   5 
139 Steve Villanueva             HS of Info &             13.60   7 
145 Nathaniel Perez              Adlai Steven             13.70   5 
145 Mohamed Elazab               South Bronx              13.70   2 
145 Eric Chen                    HS For Math              13.70   7 
148 Lindale Hamm                 Samuel Gompe             13.80   8 
148 Kevin Zhao                   Stuyvesant H             13.80   9 
148 Farid Oumorou                Hostos Linco             13.80   7 
148 Jalen Hazelwood              Frederick Do             13.80   3 
148 Victor Lun Pun               Manhattan Ce             13.80   5 
153 Swanand Kanere               Bronx HS Of              13.90   3 
153 Anthony Rozet                Hunter Colle             13.90   9 
153 Marques Bowes Boxe           Christopher              13.90   6 
153 Emmanuel Danquah             South Bronx              13.90   1 
153 Jonathan Mariano             Martin L. Ki             13.90   6 
153 Yang Cheng Jiang             HS For Math              13.90   8 
159 Anthony Chen                 Millennium H             14.10   6 
160 Emmanuel Lopez               HS of Info &             14.20   7 
160 Avery Chan                   Millennium H             14.20   5 
160 Nicholas Riera               Beacon High              14.20   6 
160 Delbi Ostorva                South Bronx              14.20   3 
164 Israel Padilla               South Bronx              14.30   9 
164 Raymond Fontanez             Health Oppor             14.30   4 
164 Jeff Chen                    Bronx HS Of              14.30   5 
164 Jerell Mantuano              HS For Math              14.30   8 
168 Kumayl Alloo                 HS For Math              14.40   9 
169 Jake Appelbaum               Fiorello H L             14.70   5 
169 Thomas Fuller                Millennium H             14.70   4 
169 Henry Glover                 Beacon High              14.70   7 
172 Darwin Tan                   Hunter Colle             14.80   8 
172 Eliannel Guzman              Samuel Gompe             14.80   9 
174 Osaruyi Onaghinor            Martin L. Ki             15.10   6 
175 Jones Barr Strell            Millennium H             15.20   3 
175 Darshan Singh                Millennium H             15.20   6 
177 Brendon Field                Graphics Cam             16.70   8 
178 Alexander Rahman             Eleanor Roos             16.90   5 
179 James Traore                 HS Economics             18.60   9 
Event 26  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Raiden Guialdo               Dewitt Clint             16.60  
  2 Jacob Rojas                  Lehman Campu             16.90  
  3 Sam Postelnik                HS For Math              19.70  
  4 Oliver Black-Johnston        Hunter Colle             19.90  
  4 Jackson McLaughlin           HS For Math              19.90  
  6 Marcus Che Lau               Bronx HS Of              20.50  
  7 Leo Chen                     HS For Math              20.70  
  8 Omar Sabally                 A. Philip Ra             20.90  
Event 41  Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Chevon Nash                  Harry S. Tru             22.40   2 
  2 Quincy Banks                 John F. Kenn             22.50   1 
  3 Vincent Francis              John F. Kenn             22.90   1 
  4 Malachi Davis                Harry S. Tru             23.10   2 
  4 Tyrique Willis               Frederick Do             23.10   2 
  6 Sudre Francis                Evander Chil             23.30   1 
  7 Ket Hollingsworth            Christopher              23.60   3 
  8 Samuel Ajayi                 Frederick Do             23.70   1 
  8 Daniel Lee                   Bronx HS Of              23.70   1 
 10 Isaac Mullings               Taft Educati             23.80   1 
 11 Alfred Morgan                Adlai Steven             24.10   1 
 11 Adamou Guessongo             Lehman Campu             24.10   1 
 13 Jayvon Ashley JR             South Bronx              24.20   3 
 14 Gary Kennedy                 John F. Kenn             24.30   1 
 15 Ezequiel Zapata              Alfred E. Sm             24.40   2 
 15 Ale Fofana                   Frederick Do             24.40   1 
 15 Matthew Beissel              Hunter Colle             24.40   2 
 18 Omar Sheriff                 Murry Bergtr             24.60   1 
 18 Khyeir Brown                 Frederick Do             24.60   1 
 18 Slater Deane                 Eleanor Roos             24.60   1 
 21 Joel Afere                   Christopher              24.70   3 
 22 Maxwell Levene               Eleanor Roos             24.80   2 
 23 Tyler Washington             Graphics Cam             24.90   2 
 24 Max Fasano                   Stuyvesant H             25.00   5 
 24 Brendon Field                Graphics Cam             25.00   2 
 26 Ethan Kurtz                  Hunter Colle             25.10   1 
 26 Deom Lloyd                   HS Economics             25.10   4 
 28 Joseph Dela Cruz             Alfred E. Sm             25.20   2 
 29 James Chun                   Stuyvesant H             25.40   6 
 30 Austin Chin                  Stuyvesant H             25.50   5 
 30 Syncere Nelson               George Washi             25.50   4 
 30 Marco Piazzi                 HS For Math              25.50   3 
 33 Daniel Charles               Albert Tuitt             25.60   1 
 33 Seon Cort                    Graphics Cam             25.60   2 
 35 Matthew Martinez             Murry Bergtr             25.70   1 
 35 Kevin Farquharson            Evander Chil             25.70   2 
 37 Anthony Fletcher             Harry S. Tru             25.80   3 
 37 Glenvin Goulbourne           Frederick Do             25.80   3 
 39 Hekelio Krashi               Lehman Campu             25.90   1 
 39 Russell Montalbano           Hunter Colle             25.90   2 
 41 Jose Garcia                  HS of Info &             26.00   4 
 42 Justin Campbell              Graphics Cam             26.10   3 
 42 Marc Saint Hilaire           Health Oppor             26.10   2 
 44 Boahen Kwakye                HS For Math              26.20   2 
 44 Farid Oumorou                Hostos Linco             26.20   5 
 44 Bruce Cheeseboro             George Washi             26.20   4 
 44 Jose Carlo Campos            Eleanor Roos             26.20   2 
 48 Ethan Katz                   HS For Math              26.50   2 
 48 Eddie Garcia Castillo        HS of Info &             26.50   4 
 48 Vincent Moreno               HS Economics             26.50   4 
 48 Chris Oppong                 Christopher              26.50   4 
 48 Donte Mullings               Evander Chil             26.50   1 
 53 Oneko Gayle                  Evander Chil             26.60   2 
 53 Robert Owusu                 Health Oppor             26.60   6 
 55 Rodney Wilson                Frederick Do             26.70   3 
 55 Caleb Williams               Graphics Cam             26.70   2 
 55 Takumi Sugino                Eleanor Roos             26.70   3 
 58 Juwan Sands                  Alfred E. Sm             26.90   2 
 59 Olivier Pham                 Stuyvesant H             27.00   5 
 59 Matteo Cereola               HS Of Americ             27.00   3 
 61 Tamuno-Opu Jacob             Evander Chil             27.10   1 
 61 Bodrul Jalal                 HS For Math              27.10   4 
 63 Prince Ofori                 Alfred E. Sm             27.20   3 
 63 Benjamin Oneill              HS For Math              27.20   3 
 65 Khareem Majid                South Bronx              27.30   4 
 66 Max Levine                   Stuyvesant H             27.40   5 
 67 Emmanuel Hammond             Alfred E. Sm             27.50   4 
 67 Jovanie Clarke               Harry S. Tru             27.50   3 
 69 Raymond Fontanez             Health Oppor             27.60   5 
 69 Kevin Trieu                  HS Economics             27.60   4 
 71 William Zou                  HS Economics             27.70   5 
 71 Jalen Hazelwood              Frederick Do             27.70   2 
 71 Tenzin Nyima                 Martin L. Ki             27.70   5 
 74 Angel Anazco                 South Bronx              27.80   3 
 75 Jose Bautista                Alfred E. Sm             27.90   1 
 76 Alex Lagunas                 HS of Info &             28.00   4 
 76 Benson MO                    HS Economics             28.00   4 
 78 Mamadou Diallo               Health Oppor             28.10   5 
 79 Lincoln Alleyne              HS of Info &             28.20   4 
 79 Ryan Samarel                 Eleanor Roos             28.20   3 
 79 Peniel Ansa Addai            South Bronx              28.20   3 
 82 James Traore                 HS Economics             28.30   4 
 83 KE Han YU                    HS Economics             28.40   4 
 84 Advik Dewan                  HS For Math              28.60   5 
 84 Steve Villanueva             HS of Info &             28.60   4 
 86 Izaah Rollins                Health Oppor             29.00   4 
 87 Critian Colon                South Bronx              29.10   3 
 88 Gerald Man Pena Vargas       Christopher              29.20   3 
 89 Michael Fienco               Lehman Campu             29.30   3 
 89 Jonathan Mariano             Martin L. Ki             29.30   5 
 91 Jerell Mantuano              HS For Math              29.60   5 
 91 Bryan Ginenthal              HS For Math              29.60   5 
 93 Aaron Greyser                Martin L. Ki             29.90   5 
 94 Bryan Reynoso                South Bronx              30.10   4 
 95 William Reyez                Alfred E. Sm             30.50   5 
 95 Brian Chen                   South Bronx              30.50   4 
 97 Carlos Rivera                South Bronx              31.00   5 
 98 Osaruyi Onaghinor            Martin L. Ki             31.20   5 
 99 Kevin Morales                South Bronx              31.70   3 
100 Marius Tanase                HS For Math              32.90   5 
101 Ousuman Sillah               Health Oppor             33.90   5 
102 Alexander Rahman             Eleanor Roos             35.40   5 
Event 86  Boys 800 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Manuel Delgado               John F. Kenn           2:03.60   1 
  2 Muhamed Bayo                 Mott Haven E           2:04.30   1 
  3 Johan Servones Reyes         Christopher            2:07.70   1 
  4 Chidera Wokonko              Beacon High            2:10.40   1 
  5 Toufique Mahmud              Christopher            2:13.80   1 
  6 Alexander Jimenez Sanche     John F. Kenn           2:15.30   1 
  7 Adam Perlstein               Bronx HS Of            2:15.70   2 
  8 Richard Wong                 Millennium H           2:16.30   1 
  9 Max Eastwood                 Bard High Sc           2:17.80   3 
 10 Ket Hollingsworth            Christopher            2:18.50   1 
 11 Jose Perez                   Manhattan Ce           2:18.70   1 
 12 Cal Dannenhirsch             Millennium H           2:18.90   3 
 13 Samoa Jones Ibarrola         Riverdale/Ki           2:19.20   3 
 14 Ethan Pascual                Bronx HS Of            2:19.50   3 
 15 Youssef Djaballah            Walton Campu           2:19.70   2 
 16 Alex LI                      Stuyvesant H           2:19.90   1 
 17 Johnny Jiang                 Millennium H           2:20.30   2 
 18 Enmanuel Rojas Maldonado     Bronx School           2:20.40   1 
 19 Jake Scherer                 Millennium H           2:20.90   2 
 20 Justin Hidalgo               John F. Kenn           2:21.10   1 
 21 Felix Wong                   Millennium H           2:21.90   2 
 22 Isaias Ortiz                 John F. Kenn           2:22.10   2 
 23 Salvatore Ferrera            HS Of Americ           2:22.20   2 
 24 Mario Allen Gonzalez         Graphics Cam           2:22.30   4 
 25 Max Levine                   Stuyvesant H           2:23.20   2 
 26 Daniel Iskhakov              Bronx HS Of            2:23.40   2 
 27 Hekelio Krashi               Lehman Campu           2:24.90   2 
 28 Anthony Aguirre              Hostos Linco           2:25.20   6 
 29 Christian Ovalles            Millennium H           2:26.10   2 
 30 Austin Chin                  Stuyvesant H           2:27.60   2 
 31 Derek Cope                   Beacon High            2:28.60   3 
 32 Nicolas Kim                  Bronx HS Of            2:29.20   3 
 33 Matthew Cappello             Eleanor Roos           2:29.50   3 
 34 Taylor Stansfield            Bronx HS Of            2:29.70   3 
 35 Shungo Kajihara              Stuyvesant H           2:30.40   6 
 36 Jose Romero                  Millennium H           2:30.80   3 
 37 Donte Mullings               Evander Chil           2:31.40   3 
 38 Griffin DE Las Heras         Eleanor Roos           2:31.70   4 
 39 Leo Yuan                     Stuyvesant H           2:31.90   6 
 40 Vincent XU                   Stuyvesant H           2:32.20   6 
 41 Alex Lagunas                 HS of Info &           2:32.70   4 
 41 Alexander Crowther           Beacon High            2:32.70   3 
 43 Matthew Gonzalez             Graphics Cam           2:33.50   6 
 44 Tyler Kipnis                 Fiorello H L           2:33.80   5 
 45 Declan Breen                 Stuyvesant H           2:34.20   5 
 45 Zachary Chan                 Bronx HS Of            2:34.20   4 
 47 Saleh Junnun                 South Bronx            2:34.90   3 
 47 Benjamin Kanzer              Beacon High            2:34.90   4 
 49 Abraham Meyerson             Millennium H           2:35.20   4 
 50 William Reyez                Alfred E. Sm           2:36.20   5 
 51 Anibal Flores                Hostos Linco           2:36.70   6 
 52 Michael Fienco               Lehman Campu           2:37.10   4 
 53 Ryan MA                      Stuyvesant H           2:37.30   5 
 54 Phillip Wong                 Stuyvesant H           2:38.10   6 
 55 Emanuel Hernandez Garci      Hostos Linco           2:38.40   6 
 56 Allen Deng                   Stuyvesant H           2:39.10   6 
 57 Sean Gaughan                 Riverdale/Ki           2:40.90   4 
 58 Jonah Lewis                  Beacon High            2:41.10   4 
 59 Christian Diaz Herrera       Riverdale/Ki           2:42.40   4 
 60 Rolando Ruizjr               A. Philip Ra           2:42.70   5 
 61 James Cannon                 Manhattan Ce           2:42.90   5 
 61 Leo Chen                     Bronx HS Of            2:42.90   4 
 63 Moises Lopez                 HS of Info &           2:43.40   4 
 64 Jair Espinoza                Hostos Linco           2:43.80   5 
 65 Brian Nunez Gonzalez         Christopher            2:44.30   5 
 66 Emmanuel Lopez               HS of Info &           2:46.90   6 
 67 Bryan Ginenthal              HS For Math            2:47.70   6 
 68 Brian Chen                   South Bronx            2:48.70   7 
 69 Muhamadou Dumbuya            Health Oppor           2:50.20   5 
 70 Kevin Morales                South Bronx            2:54.70   5 
 71 Darwin Tan                   Hunter Colle           2:54.90   5 
 72 Anthony Rozet                Hunter Colle           2:55.20   5 
 73 Cassiel Fabian               Millennium H           3:00.60   7 
 74 Simon Pemberton              Riverdale/Ki           3:07.10   6 
 75 Omar Sabally                 A. Philip Ra           3:16.70   7 
Event 116  Boys 3000 Meter Steeplechase Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Levi Vazquez                 Hostos Linco          11:08.90  
  2 Kniel Rivera                 South Bronx           11:30.30  
  3 Matthew Tentchikov           Millennium H          11:31.00  
  4 Daniel Iskhakov              Bronx HS Of           11:38.50  
  5 Thomas Keaney                Millennium H          11:55.30  
  6 Leonardo Maldonado           Fiorello H L          11:59.10  
  7 Olav Olsen                   HS For Math           12:00.70  
  8 Ethan Pascual                Bronx HS Of           12:04.80  
  9 Zack Grider                  Millennium H          12:07.00  
 10 Oliver Brill                 Millennium H          13:07.50  
 11 Brandon Persaud              HS For Math           13:28.20  
 12 Israel Padilla               South Bronx           15:06.40  
Event 131  Boys 3200 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Justin Zhang                 Stuyvesant H          10:41.60   1 
  2 Francisco Aum                Stuyvesant H          10:46.30   1 
  3 Wentao Lin                   Stuyvesant H          10:52.80   1 
  4 Michael Amaxtal              HS Economics          10:59.90   1 
  5 Yonah Rosenfield             HS Of Americ          11:06.60   1 
  6 Jackson Zou                  Stuyvesant H          11:19.20   1 
  7 Ethan Collier                HS For Math           11:36.50   1 
  8 Jacob Olin                   Stuyvesant H          11:37.70   1 
  9 Emanuel Hernandez Garci      Hostos Linco          11:46.20   1 
 10 Patrick Ren                  Stuyvesant H          11:53.50   1 
 11 Leo Chen                     Bronx HS Of           12:03.00   1 
 12 Leo Kaiya                    Stuyvesant H          12:04.40   1 
 13 Owen Kuchinad                Stuyvesant H          12:06.00   1 
 14 Asliddin Aslov               Riverdale/Ki          12:06.50   1 
 15 Ivan Chen                    Stuyvesant H          12:07.80   1 
 16 Jakob Moskowitz              HS For Math           12:22.60   1 
 17 Saad Bahlouli                Stuyvesant H          12:23.20   1 
 18 Brian Fong                   Riverdale/Ki          12:26.40   1 
 19 Sean Gaughan                 Riverdale/Ki          12:42.00   2 
 20 Neel Iyer                    Bronx HS Of           12:44.70   2 
 21 Anthony Guerra               Riverdale/Ki          13:28.80   2 
 22 Michael Batavia              Bronx HS Of           13:48.30   2 
Event 146  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Dewitt Clinton  'A'                                 3:36.90   1 
     1) Marko Daley                     2) Raiden Guialdo                 
     3) Ismael Barry                    4) Ahmed Fofana                   
  2 Adlai Stevenson Campus  'A'                         3:41.60   1 
     1) Alfred Morgan                   2) Mamadou Kebe                   
     3) Victoriano Bernardez            4) Andre Ellis                    
  3 South Bronx  'A'                                    3:45.90   1 
     1) Donnaven Clark                  2) Samuel Fennell                 
     3) Jayvon Ashley JR                4) Jonathan Jorge                 
  4 Christopher Columbus Camp  'A'                      3:50.70   1 
     1) Jordan Sarkodie                 2) Marques Bowes Boxe             
     3) Michael Miller JR               4)                                
  5 John F. Kennedy Campus  'A'                         3:52.90   1 
     1) Manuel Delgado                  2) Justin Hidalgo                 
     3) Alexander Jimenez Sanchez       4) Isaias Ortiz                   
  6 Christopher Columbus Camp  'B'                      3:56.30   1 
     1) Chris Oppong                    2) Joel Afere                     
     3) Ket Hollingsworth               4) Toufique Mahmud                
  7 Millennium HS  'A'                                  4:00.80   1 
     1) Alexander Genao                 2) Andy Lee                       
     3) Mei Cheng Zheng                 4) Johnny Jiang                   
  8 HS Of American Studies @  'A'                       4:05.40   1 
     1) William Denham                  2) Leonardo Reale                 
     3) Nicholas Bruno                  4) Salvatore Ferrera              
  9 South Bronx  'B'                                    4:07.60   1 
     1) Matthew DE Los Santos           2) Sharef Seidu                   
     3) Peniel Ansa Addai               4) William Pimentel               
 10 Dewitt Clinton  'B'                                 4:08.90   1 
     1) Daeshaun Morrison               2) Labass Kone                    
     3) Aliou Ndiaye                    4) David Rodriguez                
 11 Hostos Lincoln  / Univers  'A'                      4:09.40   2 
     1) Stephen Taveras                 2) Dashawn Green                  
     3) Anthony Aguirre                 4) Levi Vazquez                   
 12 Adlai Stevenson Campus  'B'                         4:13.30   1 
     1) Johan Peguero                   2) Brandon Thornton               
     3) Nathaniel Perez                 4) Roderick Joshua                
 13 HS For Math Science and  'A'                        4:18.30   2 
     1) Ethan Katz                      2) Brandon Persaud                
     3) Marco Piazzi                    4) Avery Rhodes                   
 14 South Bronx  'C'                                    4:22.40   2 
     1) Bryan Reynoso                   2) Critian Colon                  
     3) Angel Anazco                    4) Emmanuel Danquah               
 14 Millennium HS  'E'                                  4:22.40   1 
     1) Thomas Fuller                   2) Levi Grossman                  
     3) Alex Buchanan                   4) Jeffrey WU                     
 16 Millennium HS  'D'                                  4:30.60   2 
     1) Zack Grider                     2) Matthew Tentchikov             
     3) Christian Ovalles               4) Jake Scherer                   
 17 Millennium HS  'B'                                  4:43.60   2 
     1) Anton Malukoff                  2) Jack Ryan                      
     3) Edward Hyland                   4) Darshan Singh                  
 18 Millennium HS  'C'                                  4:44.80   2 
     1) Avery Chan                      2) Tony WU                        
     3) Jones Barr Strell               4) Anthony Chen                   
 -- HS Economics & Finance  'A'                              DQ   2 
     1) Vincent Moreno                  2) Deom Lloyd                     
     3) Michael Amaxtal                 4) William Zou                    
 -- Hostos Lincoln  / Univers  'B'                           DQ   2 
     1) Amadou Jallow                   2) Lesroy Roberts                 
     3) Mahel Napo                      4) Ebemhen Akhimiemhonan          
 -- South Bronx Preparatory  'A'                             DQ   2 
     1) Jonell Maldonado                2) Mohamed Elazab                 
     3) Carlos Rivera                   4) Ladji Mory Coulibaly           
Event 151  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Stuyvesant High School  'A'                         9:28.60  
     1) Jackson Zou                     2) Justin Zhang                   
     3) Wentao Lin                      4) Alex LI                        
  2 HS For Math Science and  'A'                        9:56.90  
     1) Jakob Moskowitz                 2) Jareef Rahman                  
     3) Ryan Boon                       4) Dashiell Janicki               
  3 South Bronx  'A'                                    9:59.80  
     1) Kniel Rivera                    2) Samuel Fennell                 
     3) Jonathan Jorge                  4) Sharef Seidu                   
  4 Stuyvesant High School  'B'                        10:09.50  
     1) Leo Yuan                        2)                                
  5 Stuyvesant High School  'C'                        10:11.30  
     1) Patrick Ren                     2) Jacob Olin                     
     3) Nisan Yevdaev                   4) Shungo Kajihara                
  6 Stuyvesant High School  'D'                        10:42.30  
     1) Owen Kuchinad                   2) Allen Deng                     
     3) Ivan Chen                       4) Ryan MA                        
Event 186  Boys Triple Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kwasi Yeboah                 Beacon High           39-06.50  
  2 YI Chu Chen                  HS For Math           36-11.00  
  3 Sam Postelnik                HS For Math           35-02.50  
  4 Whralston Anderson           HS For Math           34-04.50  
  5 Benjamin Sak                 HS For Math           30-01.00  
Event 191  Boys High Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 William Velasquez JR         South Bronx            5-02.00  
  2 Avery Rhodes                 HS For Math            5-00.00  
  2 Advik Dewan                  HS For Math            5-00.00  
  2 Georgios Nikolaou            HS For Math            5-00.00  
  5 Whralston Anderson           HS For Math            4-10.00  
  5 Jackson McLaughlin           HS For Math            4-10.00  
  7 Andy Huang                   Bronx HS Of            4-08.00  
  7 Ryan Shapiro                 Beacon High            4-08.00  
  9 Bodrul Jalal                 HS For Math            4-06.00  
  9 Gabriel Lipschutz            Bronx HS Of            4-06.00  
  9 Justin Cabrera               HS For Math            4-06.00  
Event 196  Boys Long Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Missibaou Diallo             Harry S. Tru          19-06.00  
  2 Jacob Rojas                  Lehman Campu          19-02.50  
  3 Darwin Fernandez             George Washi          18-10.00  
  4 Tamuno-Opu Jacob             Evander Chil          18-03.00  
  5 Travis Williams              Harry S. Tru          18-02.50  
  6 Raheem Moncrieffe            Lehman Campu          17-06.50  
  7 Justin Kong                  Bronx HS Of           17-05.00  
  8 Xuan Xian SU                 Millennium H          17-03.00  
  9 Matthew Silberfein           Bronx HS Of           17-01.00  
 10 Syncere Nelson               George Washi          17-00.00  
 11 Boahen Kwakye                HS For Math           16-11.00  
 12 Adam Elhachimi               Bronx HS Of           16-10.50  
 13 Olivier Pham                 Stuyvesant H          16-10.00  
 14 Billy Oliver                 Evander Chil          16-06.00  
 15 Samuel Jones                 Samuel Gompe          16-03.50  
 16 Tymon Krzywinski             Bronx HS Of           16-01.00  
 17 Hugh Van Deventer            Bronx HS Of           16-00.00  
 18 Jack Ryan                    Millennium H          15-10.00  
 19 Marcus Che Lau               Bronx HS Of           15-07.50  
 20 Dai YU Lian                  HS For Math           15-02.75  
 21 Troy Broadhead Hill          Samuel Gompe          15-01.75  
 22 Carlos Rivera                South Bronx           15-00.00  
 23 Andreas Bertoni              HS For Math           14-10.00  
 24 Ladji Mory Coulibaly         South Bronx           14-09.75  
 25 Gabriel Lipschutz            Bronx HS Of           14-04.50  
 26 Saad Memon                   HS For Math           13-09.50  
 27 Travis Phulnauth             HS Of Americ          13-07.75  
 28 Benjamin Sak                 HS For Math           13-06.50  
 29 Daniel Rosenman              Martin L. Ki          12-04.00  
 30 Tenzin Nyima                 Martin L. Ki          12-03.50  
 31 Marius Tanase                HS For Math           11-05.75  
 32 Eddy Michel JR               Samuel Gompe          10-06.50  
 33 Jamell Germosen              Samuel Gompe          10-05.75  
 -- Gary Kennedy                 John F. Kenn              FOUL  
 -- Michael Clement JR           Samuel Gompe              FOUL  
Event 201  Boys Shot Put Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Franklyn Garcia              John F. Kenn          42-08.00  
  2 Raymond Lin                  Bronx HS Of           39-07.00  
  3 Jaesup Sim                   Bronx HS Of           33-02.25  
  4 Brian Ying                   Bronx HS Of           32-08.50  
  5 Jaylan WU                    Stuyvesant H          29-06.00  
  5 Olayemi Biao Adza            John F. Kenn          29-06.00  
  7 Miles Yamner                 Bronx HS Of           28-09.50  
  8 Farid Oumorou                Hostos Linco          28-05.00  
  9 Ayman Khan                   Bronx HS Of           26-02.50  
 10 Kevin Zhao                   Stuyvesant H          26-02.00  
 11 David Xie Deng               Stuyvesant H          25-06.50  
 12 Adrian Ortiz                 Bronx School          23-04.00  
 13 Ryan Boon                    HS For Math           21-11.00  
Event 406  Boys Javelin Throw TurboJav Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Matthew Klass                Beacon High             101-07  
  2 Peter Bilski                 Hunter Colle            101-02  
  3 Nigel Slon                   HS For Math              98-08  
  4 Thomas Sullivan              Beacon High              90-07  
  5 Brian Ying                   Bronx HS Of           82-11.50  
  6 Ethan Kurtz                  Hunter Colle             75-05  
  7 Jaesup Sim                   Bronx HS Of              75-01  
  8 Miles Yamner                 Bronx HS Of              74-06  
  9 Benjamin Hammond             Hunter Colle             74-02  
 10 Brian Jacobs                 Dewitt Clint             73-02  
 11 Jaedon Satchell              HS For Math              69-04  
 12 Akaash Sharma                Bronx HS Of           62-06.50  
 13 Ayman Khan                   Bronx HS Of              60-07  
 14 James Woods                  Hunter Colle             57-02  
 15 Paolo Logerfo                Bronx HS Of              54-00  
 16 Rishi Amladi                 Bronx HS Of              53-04  
 17 Christian Diaz Herrera       Riverdale/Ki             49-06  
 18 Syed Sudma Zaman             HS For Math              48-04  
 19 Randy Dela Cruz              Adlai Steven             42-00