Section 5 RWTL #6 2019

Rochester, NY


Licensed to Yen Timing Service - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 1/19/2019 11:52 AM
                        RWTL - C/D Classes - 1/18/2019                         
Girls 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Taniya Gaines             12 East High                 7.54   1 
  2 Oomarie Diggs             11 Aquinas Inst              7.55   1 
  3 Chloe Henton              10 World of Inq              7.60   1 
  4 A'Zhyia Clemons            8 Aquinas Inst              7.61   1 
  5 Aubrey Runkle             10 Wayne Centra              7.63   1 
  6 Andrea Hurtado             9 Williamson C              7.76   1 
  7 Jaylen Rhone              10 Northstar Ch              7.78   2  7.771
  8 Jasmine Smith             11 Northstar Ch              7.78   2  7.777
  9 Kamaiya Burnett           11 Greece Odyss              7.81   2 
 10 Jordyn Quackenbush        11 Wayland-Coho              7.88   2 
 11 Azsa-Renai Roundtree      11 Franklin                  7.89   2 
 12 Sara Falcone              11 Batavia                   7.91   3 
 13 McKenna Johnson            9 Oakfield/Elb              7.92   2 
 14 Bella Condidorio           8 LeRoy                     7.94   3  7.931
 15 Jaliyah Jones              9 Batavia                   7.94   3  7.936
 16 Caitlin Kingston          12 Batavia                   7.96   5  7.951
 17 Emma Robbins              10 Newark                    7.96   1  7.955
 18 Katie Cosman              11 Honeoye Cent              8.05   4 
 19 Aaliyah Gibson            11 Franklin                  8.08   3 
 20 Morgan Langdon             9 Warsaw                    8.09   4 
 21 Kyla Ross                 12 School Of Th              8.10   1 
 22 Harmani Perez             11 Caledonia-Mu              8.12   3 
 23 Sarah Erny                12 Warsaw                    8.14   3 
 24 Larissa Dungey             9 Greece Olymp              8.16   2 
 25 Alandra Jones             10 Midlakes                  8.18   4 
 26 Catherine Reid            12 Palmyra-Mace              8.20   5 
 27 Imani Holmes              10 Bishop Kearn              8.21   4  8.203
 28 Taylor Richardson         10 Lyons                     8.21   5  8.204
 29 Janaiya Burnett           11 Greece Odyss              8.21   3  8.206
 30 Sophia Chelini            11 Wayne Centra              8.24   3 
 31 Shae McConnell            11 Mynderse Aca              8.27   6 
 32 Isabelle Porter           12 Red Jacket                8.28   4 
 33 Aurelia Colby              9 Batavia                   8.30   5 
 34 Quentin Sachitella        12 Honeoye Cent              8.32   5  8.317
 34 Lizzetta Myers             8 Red Creek                 8.32   7  8.317
 36 Zachaiah Singletary       10 East Rochest              8.33   4 
 37 Robbi Boss                 9 Dansville                 8.35   7 
 38 Maisie Powers             12 Clyde-Savann              8.38   7  8.373
 39 Kayla Fussell             11 LeRoy                     8.38   9  8.378
 40 Megan Hughes               8 Wayne Centra              8.40   5  8.393
 41 Brianna Boon              12 Bishop Kearn              8.40   6  8.400
 42 Ashley Page               12 Wayland-Coho              8.41   5 
 43 Madison Lynch             12 Mynderse Aca              8.42   6 
 44 Maddy Brownell            10 Newark                    8.44   7 
 45 Aryanna Dugan             10 Mynderse Aca              8.46   6 
 46 Carley Stauffer           11 LeRoy                     8.47   8 
 47 Kyla Robinson              8 Greece Olymp              8.48   8 
 48 Abby Richter              10 Caledonia-Mu              8.50   8 
 49 Olivia Mestan             10 Mynderse Aca              8.52   9 
 50 Kaili Garcia              10 Rochester Pr              8.54   7 
 51 Olivia Tufano              9 Midlakes                  8.57   8  8.561
 52 Rachel Drake              12 Dansville                 8.57   6  8.562
 53 Emily Green               10 Honeoye Cent              8.58   4  8.574
 54 Marisa Wilson             10 Livonia                   8.58   6  8.577
 55 Evelyse Johnson           10 East Rochest              8.59   9 
 56 Janai McCullough          10 East Rochest              8.60   7  8.593
 57 Helora Schlichting        11 Hornell                   8.60   9  8.595
 58 Samantha Wagner           12 East Rochest              8.60   9  8.597
 59 Makayla Underwood         10 Caledonia-Mu              8.64   8 
 60 Emily Eckdahl             11 LeRoy                     8.65  10  8.641
 61 Allison Raymond           11 Caledonia-Mu              8.65   6  8.647
 62 Sydney Monroe              8 Northstar Ch              8.66   8 
 63 Nicole McGloon             8 Waterloo                  8.68   8 
 64 Zanaria Scott             10 Rochester Pr              8.74   9 
 65 Elyse Fuller              10 Caledonia-Mu              8.84  10 
 66 Sandra Rodriguez          11 Rochester Pr              8.92  10 
 67 Tamyra Starkes            10 Rochester Pr              8.95  10 
 68 Mallory Rodger             9 Waterloo                  8.96  11  8.953
 69 Sienna Petrino            12 Wayne Centra              8.96  10  8.959
 70 Evelyn Miller              9 Dansville                 8.99  10 
 71 Daniela Sierra Martinez   10 Sodus Centra              9.05  10 
 72 Hannah Doll                9 Red Creek                 9.14  11 
 73 Riley Szostak             11 Marion                    9.17  11 
 74 Anita Fuentes             12 Romulus                   9.18  11 
 75 Caitlin Hale              11 Red Jacket                9.38  11  9.377
 75 Miranda Bennett           10 Sodus Centra              9.38  12  9.377
 77 Deyaneira Flores          12 East High                 9.63  12 
 78 Samantha Carbajal         12 Sodus Centra              9.64  11 
 79 Mackenzie Garger          11 Livonia                   9.66   9 
 80 Marissa Lopez             10 East Rochest              9.70  12 
 81 Beata Hanhisalo           12 Marion                    9.75  10 
 82 Hope Van Duyne            12 Sodus Centra              9.84  11 
 83 Nayeli Morales            10 North Rose-W              9.88  12 
 84 Alyssa H-Camarillo        10 North Rose-W             10.61  12 
Girls 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Emma Flaitz               11 Hornell                  42.75   1 
  2 Taniya Gaines             12 East High                44.03   2 
  3 Oomarie Diggs             11 Aquinas Inst             44.15   1 
  4 Andrea Hurtado             9 Williamson C             44.22   2 
  5 Brooke Hessel             12 Letchworth               44.37   1 
  6 Kamaiya Burnett           11 Greece Odyss             44.77   2 
  7 McKenna Johnson            9 Oakfield/Elb             44.80   2 
  8 Emma Robbins              10 Newark                   44.98   2 
  9 Katie Hamel               12 Wayne Centra             45.20   1 
 10 Sophia Chelini            11 Wayne Centra             45.42   3 
 11 Katelyn Burger            11 Palmyra-Mace             45.58   5 
 12 Journey Dixon              9 Aquinas Inst             45.76   3 
 13 Tai'Jinae Gray             8 East Rochest             45.77   4 
 14 Bella Condidorio           8 LeRoy                    45.78   2 
 15 Azsa-Renai Roundtree      11 Franklin                 45.90   3 
 16 Ashley Page               12 Wayland-Coho             46.20   4 
 17 Kyla Ross                 12 School Of Th             46.23   1 
 18 Sara Johnstone            12 Wayne Centra             46.36   5 
 19 Aionna Johnson            10 Palmyra-Mace             46.53   4 
 20 Jordyn Quackenbush        11 Wayland-Coho             46.64   3 
 21 Elizabeth Mohnkern        11 Livonia                  46.80   5 
 22 Araya Brezinski           11 Red Creek                46.92   4 
 23 Eva Lunduski              11 Romulus                  47.21  11 
 24 Morgan Richardson         11 Lyons                    47.29   8 
 25 Jackie DeMarco            10 Marion                   47.37  13 
 26 Aurelia Colby              9 Batavia                  47.47   7 
 27 Catherine Reid            12 Palmyra-Mace             47.56   6 
 28 Autumn Cole               10 North Rose-W             47.67   8 
 29 Emily Paul                12 Red Creek                47.68   4 
 30 Jenai Youmas              11 Aquinas Inst             47.75   6 
 31 Zachaiah Singletary       10 East Rochest             47.79  14 
 32 Morgan Langdon             9 Warsaw                   47.80   5 
 33 Vanessa Ramos             11 Wayne Centra             47.84   5 
 34 Karoline Williams         12 Marion                   47.90   5 
 35 Maisie Powers             12 Clyde-Savann             47.95  11 
 36 Maddie Chase               9 Red Jacket               48.04   7 
 37 Melanie Quinones Santiag   8 Batavia                  48.05   8 
 38 A'Zhyia Clemons            8 Aquinas Inst             48.22   4 
 39 Charlotte Groom           12 Lyons                    48.39   9 
 40 Brianna Boon              12 Bishop Kearn             48.51   7 
 41 Nicole Watts              12 Midlakes                 48.55   6 
 42 Janaiya Burnett           11 Greece Odyss             48.58  11 
 43 Madeline Taggart          11 Batavia                  48.62  12 
 44 Lucy Zhang                10 North Rose-W             48.90  11 
 45 Sydney Monroe              8 Northstar Ch             49.02   6 
 46 Sydney Konieczny           8 Batavia                  49.08   9 
 47 Autumn Collins             9 Palmyra-Mace             49.10   9 
 48 Shae McConnell            11 Mynderse Aca             49.25  10 
 49 Sophie Beckman            10 Batavia                  49.29   7 
 50 Allayah Johnson           11 Franklin                 49.43   7 
 51 Juliana Branche           11 Batavia                  49.51   9 
 52 Emma Robinson              8 Palmyra-Mace             49.82  12 
 53 Jaylen Rhone              10 Northstar Ch             49.84   7 
 54 Kaili Garcia              10 Rochester Pr             49.87  12 
 55 Jadin Vasciannie          11 Batavia                  50.01   6 
 56 Rachel Drake              12 Dansville                50.08   9 
 57 Hayley Mercer             10 Batavia                  50.35  10 
 58 Isabelle Vinci             9 Livonia                  50.49   8 
 59 Cynthia Black             10 Sodus Centra             50.58  14 
 60 Maya Shuryn               11 Greece Odyss             50.64  11 
 61 Kyla Robinson              8 Greece Olymp             50.84  12 
 62 Carly Wick                 9 Warsaw                   50.86  13 
 63 Carley Stauffer           11 LeRoy                    50.99  10 
 64 Quentin Sachitella        12 Honeoye Cent             51.02   6 
 65 Ayslinn Holbrook          11 Wayland-Coho             51.03   9 
 66 Mallory Rodger             9 Waterloo                 51.26  12 
 67 Eden Godsey                9 Marion                   51.69  12 
 68 Sarah Daunce              10 Midlakes                 52.23  14 
 69 Jaylena Grantio           10 Rochester Pr             52.40  13 
 70 Olivia Hussar              9 Batavia                  52.44  11 
 71 MaKenna Wilkins           11 Livonia                  52.61   8 
 72 Tessa Gregorius            9 Dansville                52.66  14 
 73 Lily Chrysler             11 Marcus Whitm             53.04  13 
 74 Nicole McGloon             8 Waterloo                 53.13  14 
 75 Samantha Carbajal         12 Sodus Centra             54.35  15 
 76 Taylor Schultz            12 Honeoye Cent             54.55  10 
 77 Helora Schlichting        11 Hornell                  55.10  13 
 78 Madisyn Liberati          11 Red Jacket               55.15  14 
 79 Anita Fuentes             12 Romulus                  55.86  13 
 80 Hannah Doll                9 Red Creek                56.19  15 
 81 Hope Van Duyne            12 Sodus Centra             57.13  15 
 82 Morgan Ward               11 Honeoye Cent             57.16  10 
Girls 600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Emma Flaitz               11 Hornell                1:44.35   1 
  2 Brooke Hessel             12 Letchworth             1:45.57   1 
  3 Ailena Reynolds-Diaz       9 Palmyra-Mace           1:45.66   1 
  4 Shelby Monroe             11 Northstar Ch           1:47.93   1 
  5 Caitlin Kingston          12 Batavia                1:47.99   1 
  6 Megan McMullen            12 Aquinas Inst           1:48.70   1 
  7 Cali Nichols              12 Batavia                1:50.71   1 
  8 Delaney Szostak            9 Marion                 1:51.74   1 
  9 Morgan Russell            10 East Rochest           1:51.82   1 
 10 Carly Gross               10 Wayne Centra           1:51.85   2 
 11 Kaitlyn Hilkert           11 Mynderse Aca           1:52.12   2 
 12 Vanessa Ramos             11 Wayne Centra           1:52.17   2 
 13 Piper Harloff             10 Batavia                1:52.51   2 
 14 Kathryn Groshner          10 Wayland-Coho           1:52.75   2 
 15 McKenzie Hall             11 Hornell                1:53.24   2 
 16 Sarah Griffith            12 East Rochest           1:54.46   2 
 17 Riley Corey               12 Waterloo               1:55.85   2 
 18 Sadie Loria               10 Batavia                1:56.10   3 
 19 Autumn Collins             9 Palmyra-Mace           1:56.36   4 
 20 Quinn Kacur               10 LeRoy                  1:56.66   4 
 21 Macie Janto               11 Palmyra-Mace           1:56.68   3 
 22 Mackenzie Kota            12 Wayland-Coho           1:57.12   2 
 23 Sophie Majewski           11 Wellsville             1:57.51   3 
 24 Samantha Dickson          12 Bishop Kearn           1:57.61   4 
 25 Olivia Smith              10 Honeoye Cent           1:57.80   3 
 26 Kqueens Roan              10 Rochester Pr           1:58.74   5 
 27 Marisa Wilson             10 Livonia                1:58.74   3 
 28 Samantha Davis            10 Batavia                2:00.03   2 
 29 Karissa Bosh              11 Wayland-Coho           2:01.32   3 
 30 Aurora Hager              12 Palmyra-Mace           2:01.45   3 
 31 Nicole Watts              12 Midlakes               2:02.08   6 
 32 Hannah Weston             10 Mynderse Aca           2:02.24   4 
 33 Danielle Schultz          10 Honeoye Cent           2:02.37   5 
 34 Megan Rice                12 Clyde-Savann           2:02.74   4 
 35 Marieke Renn              12 Livonia                2:02.88   4 
 36 Journey Dixon              9 Aquinas Inst           2:03.44   3 
 37 Oline Jakobsgaard         12 Batavia                2:04.51   3 
 38 Lauren Moore              12 Honeoye Cent           2:04.95   4 
 39 Alex Kendall              12 Dansville              2:05.27   5 
 40 Hana Premyslovsky          9 Palmyra-Mace           2:07.27   4 
 41 Clare Boesel               8 Palmyra-Mace           2:07.32   4 
 42 Emma Beardsley            11 Dansville              2:07.76   3 
 43 Jasmine Scheele            8 Honeoye Cent           2:07.80   6 
 44 Daniela Sierra Martinez   10 Sodus Centra           2:08.50   5 
 45 Sarah Crane               11 Midlakes               2:08.67   4 
 46 Buse Uretener             11 Greece Olymp           2:09.16   6 
 47 Brianna Boon              12 Bishop Kearn           2:09.36   6 
 48 Evelyse Johnson           10 East Rochest           2:09.59   6 
 49 Taylor Hutton              9 LeRoy                  2:09.61   5 
 50 Anaya Baptiste            10 Northstar Ch           2:11.17   6 
 51 Katelan Dicker            11 Palmyra-Mace           2:11.71   4 
 52 Cadance House              9 Waterloo               2:11.79   5 
 53 Teda Douangdala           11 Greece Olymp           2:11.84   5 
 54 Miranda Bennett           10 Sodus Centra           2:15.26   5 
 55 Taylor Murphy             10 Bolivar-Rich           2:15.47   6 
 56 Dainaira Goldthwait       10 Red Creek              2:21.41   5 
 57 Yarielys Fuentes          11 Rochester Pr           2:22.99   6 
 58 Lacey Loucks               9 Avoca                  2:29.80   6 
 59 Tyler Evans               11 Red Creek              2:37.19   6 
 60 Megan McGregor             9 Marion                 3:13.40   5 
Girls 1000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Mercedes Buckingham        9 Palmyra-Mace           3:19.85   1 
  2 Bryn Page                 10 Waterloo               3:22.58   1 
  3 Haley Shangraw            12 Waterloo               3:25.78   1 
  4 Carter Browne             10 Hornell                3:26.03   2 
  5 Olivia Gilbert            11 Wayne Centra           3:27.54   1 
  6 Grace Boesel              10 Palmyra-Mace           3:28.48   1 
  7 Sara Johnstone            12 Wayne Centra           3:30.10   1 
  8 Makaylah Higgins           8 Warsaw                 3:30.13   1 
  9 Emma MacDowell            12 Marcus Whitm           3:31.56   2 
 10 Emma Rath                 11 Clyde-Savann           3:31.70   1 
 11 Ashley Totten              8 LeRoy                  3:31.93   1 
 12 Leah Lloyd                10 Palmyra-Mace           3:33.29   1 
 13 Lauren Case                9 Palmyra-Mace           3:33.94   1 
 14 Audrey Gillette           10 Honeoye Cent           3:34.10   2 
 15 Payden Mortensen           9 Honeoye Cent           3:35.55   2 
 16 Aubre Robinson            11 Hornell                3:38.82   2 
 17 Carmen Brathen            12 Red Creek              3:38.83   2 
 18 Aaliyah Adams             11 Mynderse Aca           3:43.15   2 
 19 McKenna Cronberger        11 Waterloo               3:43.23   2 
 20 Summer Kier               11 East Rochest           3:43.84   2 
 21 Samantha Carbajal         12 Sodus Centra           3:47.77   2 
 22 Alicia Gonzalez           10 Mynderse Aca           3:47.82   3 
 23 Hope Van Duyne            12 Sodus Centra           3:47.86   3 
 24 Naomi Peck                 9 Batavia                3:56.84   2 
 25 Jenna Bottcher            10 Bishop Kearn           4:02.15   3 
 26 Gabrielle Slivinski        9 LeRoy                  4:03.56   2 
 27 Sofia Rodriguez            8 Dansville              4:03.78   3 
 28 Maya Ciociola             10 Batavia                4:04.09   3 
 29 Kendra Evans              12 Dansville              4:09.49   3 
 30 Madison Fremouw            9 Clyde-Savann           4:11.93   3 
 31 Kaylyn Gushue             11 Greece Olymp           4:20.57   3 
 32 Brooklynn Brothers        10 Williamson C           4:33.17   3 
 33 Taylor Murphy             10 Bolivar-Rich           4:40.82   3 
 34 Emma Acebo                 9 Bishop Kearn           4:47.57   3 
 35 Aubree Brothers           12 Williamson C           4:47.57   3 
Girls 1500 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Trinity Wells              9 Newark                 5:11.58   1 
  2 Madalenn Fee               9 Red Jacket             5:12.44   1 
  3 Ripley Insalaco           12 East Rochest           5:19.45   1 
  4 Riley Corey               12 Waterloo               5:21.00   1 
  5 Sydney Konieczny           8 Batavia                5:34.23   1 
  6 Melanie Quinones Santiag   8 Batavia                5:36.54   1 
  7 Makaylah Higgins           8 Warsaw                 5:37.36   1 
  8 Audrey Gillette           10 Honeoye Cent           5:37.78   1 
  9 Maddie Chase               9 Red Jacket             5:46.07   1 
 10 Summer Foster              9 Dansville              5:52.96   1 
 11 Payden Mortensen           9 Honeoye Cent           5:56.96   2 
 12 Paige Elias               10 East Rochest           5:58.13   1 
 13 McKenna Cronberger        11 Waterloo               5:59.83   2 
 14 Camden Wehrle             10 Mynderse Aca           6:00.45   2 
 15 Maggie Bacon               8 Dansville              6:04.39   2 
 16 Jasmine Scheele            8 Honeoye Cent           6:04.48   1 
 17 Summer Kier               11 East Rochest           6:10.23   1 
 18 Alison Sawyer             10 Red Creek              6:11.32   2 
 19 Sadie Ensign               9 Palmyra-Mace           6:11.56   2 
 20 Katelyn Wilkes             8 Midlakes               6:12.05   1 
 21 Taylor Hutton              9 LeRoy                  6:15.85   2 
 22 Olivia Gilbert            11 Wayne Centra           6:17.80   1 
 23 Taylor Brignall           12 Mynderse Aca           6:45.41   2 
 24 Gabrielle Slivinski        9 LeRoy                  6:48.28   2 
 25 Elizabeth Gravito         10 Warsaw                 7:17.28   2 
 26 Kaylyn Gushue             11 Greece Olymp           7:27.53   2 
 27 Maddison Gallo            10 Greece Olymp           7:32.81   2 
 28 Lacey Loucks               9 Avoca                  7:52.56   2 
 29 Alyvia Fetzer              9 Warsaw                 8:08.23   2 
Girls 3000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Alaska Dunstan            10 Wayne Centra          11:59.80  
  2 Katelyn Wilkes             8 Midlakes              12:04.18  
  3 Sennett Turner            11 Waterloo              12:09.13  
  4 Liliana Hanning           11 Bishop Kearn          12:19.50  
  5 Maggie Bacon               8 Dansville             12:28.15  
  6 Rachel Dennie              9 Wayne Centra          12:38.97  
  7 Skylar Matello             8 Waterloo              12:50.59  
  8 Alison Sawyer             10 Red Creek             13:04.08  
  9 Sofia Rodriguez            8 Dansville             13:04.54  
 10 Sydney DellaPenna         11 Batavia               13:13.70  
 11 Dainaira Goldthwait       10 Red Creek             13:59.16  
 12 Marlayna Wertz            11 Marion                14:39.38  
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 McKenna Cone              12 LeRoy                     9.12   1 
  2 Sophia Konstantinou       10 Williamson C              9.63   1 
  3 Katie Hamel               12 Wayne Centra              9.65   1  9.641
  4 Alyssa DeLany             12 Hornell                   9.65   1  9.648
  5 Rachel Mahoney            11 Mynderse Aca              9.72   1 
  6 Chaselyn Whitmer          11 Wayland-Coho              9.79   1 
  7 Elizabeth Cohen           12 Batavia                   9.81   1 
  8 Grace Miller              11 Warsaw                    9.86   2 
  9 Julia Hubbard             12 South Seneca             10.01   2 
 10 Lucy Dobbins              10 Lyons                    10.10   3 
 11 Jenna Allen                9 Sodus Centra             10.13   2 
 12 Autumn Essigmann          12 Jasper-Troup             10.29   2 
 13 Kailyn Crawford           12 Newark                   10.36   3 
 14 Arianna Brown             11 Batavia                  10.39   2 
 15 Alexis Rodriguez           9 Williamson C             10.60   3 
 16 Madeline Tompkins         11 North Rose-W             10.70   4 
 17 Juliana Branche           11 Batavia                  10.71   3 
 18 Ayslinn Holbrook          11 Wayland-Coho             10.78   2 
 19 Olivia Mestan             10 Mynderse Aca             10.80   2  10.791
 20 Mae Gilley                12 Williamson C             10.80   3  10.795
 21 Lizzetta Myers             8 Red Creek                10.89   4 
 22 Megan Hughes               8 Wayne Centra             10.97   3 
 23 Jasmyn Santana            11 Livonia                  10.98   4 
 24 Carson Denny              10 Red Creek                11.16   4 
 25 Olivia Smith              10 Honeoye Cent             11.22   4 
 26 Teda Douangdala           11 Greece Olymp             11.26   4 
 27 Megan Mittak              11 Lyons                    11.33   6 
 28 Aryanna Dugan             10 Mynderse Aca             11.43   5 
 29 Sophia Barclay             8 Palmyra-Mace             11.53   4 
 30 Elizabeth Mohnkern        11 Livonia                  11.60   2 
 31 Alissa Wright             11 Bolivar-Rich             11.61   6 
 32 Alex Kendall              12 Dansville                11.73   5  11.723
 33 Sage Butler                9 Marion                   11.73   6  11.726
 34 Kqueens Roan              10 Rochester Pr             11.90   5 
 35 Summer Foster              9 Dansville                11.91   5 
 36 Megan McMichael           10 Greece Odyss             12.00   3 
 37 Elizabeth McCarthy        11 East Rochest             12.13   6 
 38 Audriannah Marble         10 Mynderse Aca             12.25   5 
 39 Alandra Jones             10 Midlakes                 12.31   5 
 40 Harmony Branch            10 Rochester Pr             13.15   6 
 41 Morgan Ward               11 Honeoye Cent             14.91   6 
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Aquinas Institute  'A'                              1:52.16   1 
  2 Palmyra-Macedon  'A'                                1:56.81   2 
  3 Williamson Central  'A'                             1:57.29   1 
  4 Northstar Christian  'A'                            1:57.87   1 
  5 Batavia  'A'                                        1:58.15   1 
  6 Wayne Central  'A'                                  1:58.86   1 
  7 Warsaw  'A'                                         2:00.25   2 
  8 Marion  'A'                                         2:01.55   2 
  9 Batavia  'B'                                        2:01.70   2 
 10 Lyons  'A'                                          2:02.39   3 
 11 Mynderse Academy  'A'                               2:03.22   3 
 12 Greece Odyssey  'A'                                 2:03.24   1 
 13 Bishop Kearney  'A'                                 2:03.31   3 
 14 Rochester Prep  'A'                                 2:03.70   2 
 15 Red Creek  'A'                                      2:04.98   3 
 16 LeRoy  'A'                                          2:05.05   3 
 17 Waterloo  'A'                                       2:06.01   3 
 18 Hornell  'A'                                        2:07.38   4 
 19 Caledonia-Mumford  'A'                              2:08.04   4 
 20 Wayland-Cohocton  'A'                               2:08.07   4 
 21 Dansville  'A'                                      2:08.44   4 
 22 North Rose-Wolcott  'A'                             2:11.31   4 
 23 Rochester Prep  'B'                                 2:14.31   5 
 24 Palmyra-Macedon  'B'                                2:14.83   4 
 25 Marcus Whitman  'A'                                 2:19.56   5 
 26 Red Jacket  'A'                                     2:23.31   5 
 27 Livonia  'A'                                        2:24.04   5 
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 LeRoy  'A'                                          4:40.48   1 
  2 Palmyra-Macedon  'A'                                4:43.26   1 
  3 Williamson Central  'A'                             4:45.84   1 
  4 Batavia  'A'                                        4:47.68   1 
  5 Lyons  'A'                                          4:58.40   2 
  6 Hornell  'A'                                        5:05.23   2 
  7 Sodus Central  'A'                                  5:09.73   2 
  8 Livonia  'A'                                        5:13.09   2 
  9 Greece Olympia  'A'                                 5:13.21   1 
 10 Mynderse Academy  'A'                               5:13.83   2 
 11 Williamson Central  'B'                             5:16.27   2 
 12 Warsaw  'A'                                         5:51.05   2 
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Hornell  'A'                                       11:01.81  
  2 East Rochester  'A'                                11:11.64  
  3 Batavia  'A'                                       11:22.84  
  4 Mynderse Academy  'A'                              11:44.51  
  5 Batavia  'B'                                       11:45.55  
  6 Williamson Central  'A'                            11:52.34  
  7 Red Jacket  'A'                                    12:19.21  
  8 Dansville  'A'                                     13:24.75  
Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Lilly Wellman             11 Bishop Kearn           5-00.00  
  2 Jalesa Smith              12 Batavia                4-08.00  
  3 Jenna Allen                9 Sodus Centra           4-06.00  
  3 Arianna Brown             11 Batavia                4-06.00  
  3 Lauren Case                9 Palmyra-Mace           4-06.00  
  3 Claire Consadine          10 Williamson C           4-06.00  
  3 Jenna Roelle              11 North Rose-W           4-06.00  
  3 Bella DeFeo               11 North Rose-W           4-06.00  
  3 Camryn Buck               11 Batavia                4-06.00  
 10 Grace Boesel              10 Palmyra-Mace           4-03.00  
 10 Courtney Kacur            10 LeRoy                  4-03.00  
 10 Hana Premyslovsky          9 Palmyra-Mace           4-03.00  
 10 Hayley Mercer             10 Batavia                4-03.00  
 10 Karissa Bosh              11 Wayland-Coho           4-03.00  
 10 Megan McMichael           10 Greece Odyss           4-03.00  
 16 Emma Beardsley            11 Dansville              4-00.00  
 16 Alana Noon                10 Warsaw                 4-00.00  
 16 Leah Lloyd                10 Palmyra-Mace           4-00.00  
 16 Larissa Dungey             9 Greece Olymp           4-00.00  
 16 Mercedes Buckingham        9 Palmyra-Mace           4-00.00  
 16 Sarah Daunce              10 Midlakes               4-00.00  
 16 Megan Johnson             10 Wayne Centra           4-00.00  
 16 Sophia Barclay             8 Palmyra-Mace           4-00.00  
 24 Grace Diaz                11 Greece Odyss           3-09.00  
 24 Olivia Furia              11 Wayland-Coho           3-09.00  
 24 Hollie Beckler             9 LeRoy                  3-09.00  
 24 Oline Jakobsgaard         12 Batavia                3-09.00  
 -- Bailey Kehoe              12 Lyons                       NH  
 -- Alexis Herman              9 Warsaw                      NH  
 -- Jennifer Adler            11 East Rochest                NH  
 -- Clare Boesel               8 Palmyra-Mace                NH  
 -- Evelyn Miller              9 Dansville                   NH  
 -- Madison Gage              10 Mynderse Aca                NH  
Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Kayla Fussell             11 LeRoy                  8-00.00  
  1 Vanessa Newbauer          12 Wayne Centra           8-00.00  
  1 Elizabeth Cohen           12 Batavia                8-00.00  
  4 Katelyn Burger            11 Palmyra-Mace           7-06.00  
  4 Karoline Williams         12 Marion                 7-06.00  
  6 Emily Eckdahl             11 LeRoy                  7-00.00  
  6 Katelan Dicker            11 Palmyra-Mace           7-00.00  
  8 Elizabeth Sorensen        11 LeRoy                  6-06.00  
  8 Sienna Petrino            12 Wayne Centra           6-06.00  
  8 Emma Robinson              8 Palmyra-Mace           6-06.00  
  8 Taylor Schultz            12 Honeoye Cent           6-06.00  
  8 Irini Konstantinou        12 Williamson C           6-06.00  
 13 Hailey Cansdale           10 Hornell                5-06.00  
 13 Allie Harford             12 Marcus Whitm           5-06.00  
 13 Morgan Ward               11 Honeoye Cent           5-06.00  
 13 Brieanna Burggraaff       10 Williamson C           5-06.00  
 13 Bailey Kehoe              12 Lyons                  5-06.00  
 -- Piper Harloff             10 Batavia                     NH  
 -- Audrey Gillette           10 Honeoye Cent                NH  
 -- Emily Green               10 Honeoye Cent                NH  
 -- Autumn Essigmann          12 Jasper-Troup                NH  
Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Jayda Singleton           12 Greece Olymp          18-03.00  
  2 Aubrey Runkle             10 Wayne Centra          16-01.50  
  3 Imani Holmes              10 Bishop Kearn          15-05.50  
  4 Jalesa Smith              12 Batavia               15-04.50  
  5 Vanessa Newbauer          12 Wayne Centra          15-00.75  
  6 Grace Miller              11 Warsaw                15-00.50  
  7 Delcina Cassidy           10 LeRoy                 14-11.50  
  8 Kailyn Crawford           12 Newark                14-09.75  
  9 Rachel McFadden           12 Midlakes              14-08.25  
 10 Olivia Godley             10 Waterloo              14-07.00  
 11 Julie Kuras               12 Warsaw                14-06.50  
 12 Mae Gilley                12 Williamson C          14-04.25  
 13 Camryn Buck               11 Batavia               14-02.00  
 14 Sarah Erny                12 Warsaw                14-01.50  
 14 Olivia Tufano              9 Midlakes              14-01.50  
 16 Madalenn Fee               9 Red Jacket            13-10.25  
 17 Jasmine Tenny             11 Palmyra-Mace          13-10.00  
 18 Isabelle Vinci             9 Livonia               13-09.75  
 18 Eden Godsey                9 Marion                13-09.75  
 20 Sarah Adams               11 Batavia               13-07.50  
 21 Ailena Reynolds-Diaz       9 Palmyra-Mace          13-07.00  
 22 Melanie Higgins           12 Lyons                 13-06.00  
 23 Sage Butler                9 Marion                13-05.75  
 24 Chance Rice Porter         9 Waterloo              13-05.25  
 25 Angela Tewksbury           9 Livonia               13-04.25  
 26 Janai McCullough          10 East Rochest          13-04.00  
 27 Brooke Bishop             12 Williamson C          13-02.00  
 28 Danielle Schultz          10 Honeoye Cent          13-01.75  
 29 Caitlin Shaffer           12 Lyons                 13-00.75  
 30 Sarah Jackson             10 Wayne Centra          12-11.50  
 31 Tai'Jinae Gray             8 East Rochest          12-08.00  
 32 Katie Cosman              11 Honeoye Cent          12-07.25  
 33 Samantha Wagner           12 East Rochest          12-06.25  
 33 Aryanna Zona              11 South Seneca          12-06.25  
 33 Araya Brezinski           11 Red Creek             12-06.25  
 36 Abby Richter              10 Caledonia-Mu          12-03.75  
 37 Elizabeth McCarthy        11 East Rochest          12-02.75  
 38 Carson Denny              10 Red Creek             12-01.50  
 39 Sarah Cox                  9 Warsaw                12-00.25  
 40 Robbi Boss                 9 Dansville             11-11.75  
 41 Lily Chrysler             11 Marcus Whitm          11-06.50  
 42 Tristan Shell             10 Mynderse Aca          11-03.00  
 43 Jennifer Adler            11 East Rochest          10-08.00  
 44 Angelina Simmons           9 East High             10-00.00  
 45 Erica Patanella           11 Dansville              9-11.25  
 -- Lislian Bultron-Santos    10 Greece Odyss              FOUL  
 -- Hannah Fairbrother        10 Wayland-Coho              FOUL  
 -- Nia Ross                  12 Batavia                   FOUL  
Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Jayda Singleton           12 Greece Olymp          36-03.50  
  2 McKenna Cone              12 LeRoy                 34-04.50  
  3 Alyssa DeLany             12 Hornell               32-09.00  
  4 Aionna Johnson            10 Palmyra-Mace          32-05.00  
  5 Rachel McFadden           12 Midlakes              32-02.75  
  6 Isabelle Porter           12 Red Jacket            32-00.00  
  7 Hannah Haws               12 Williamson C          31-10.00  
  8 Sarah Adams               11 Batavia               31-09.75  
  9 Delcina Cassidy           10 LeRoy                 31-06.00  
 10 Julia Hubbard             12 South Seneca          31-03.00  
 11 Julie Kuras               12 Warsaw                31-01.00  
 12 Carly Gross               10 Wayne Centra          30-11.00  
 13 Tyia McCarthy             12 Williamson C          30-10.50  
 14 Sarah Jackson             10 Wayne Centra          30-09.00  
 15 Olivia Godley             10 Waterloo              30-06.50  
 16 Chaselyn Whitmer          11 Wayland-Coho          30-05.00  
 17 Janai McCullough          10 East Rochest          30-00.00  
 18 Jenna Allen                9 Sodus Centra          29-10.75  
 19 Jasmine Tenny             11 Palmyra-Mace          29-06.25  
 20 Sophie Beckman            10 Batavia               29-06.00  
 21 Caitlin Shaffer           12 Lyons                 29-04.50  
 22 Nia Ross                  12 Batavia               29-03.00  
 23 Jackie DeMarco            10 Marion                29-01.50  
 24 Angela Tewksbury           9 Livonia               28-04.50  
 25 Carson Denny              10 Red Creek             28-03.75  
 26 Melanie Higgins           12 Lyons                 27-09.00  
 27 Chance Rice Porter         9 Waterloo              27-08.75  
 28 Zachaiah Singletary       10 East Rochest          27-03.00  
 29 Megan Johnson             10 Wayne Centra          27-02.50  
 30 Aryanna Zona              11 South Seneca          27-02.00  
 31 Samantha Wagner           12 East Rochest          26-01.25  
 32 Anna Bovay                10 Mynderse Aca          24-03.00  
 33 Carly Wick                 9 Warsaw                23-09.50  
 -- Savannah Burley           10 Dansville                 FOUL  
 -- Zoe Veaunt                 9 Dansville                 FOUL  
 -- Tristan Shell             10 Mynderse Aca              FOUL  
 -- Alyssa Mendenhall         11 Red Creek                 FOUL  
 -- Alissa Wright             11 Bolivar-Rich              FOUL  
Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Emma Kinnicutt            11 Wellsville            34-08.00  
  2 Rachel Werner             12 Warsaw                29-07.25  
  3 Kayleigh Schermerhorn     12 Newark                29-04.75  
  4 Kathryn Evans             12 Hornell               29-01.00  
  5 Cindy Dykstra-Cullvar     11 Notre Dame-B          28-09.25  
  6 Karrina McKoy             11 Waterloo              28-08.00  
  7 Rachael Mayou             12 Palmyra-Mace          27-06.50  
  8 Jade Simons               12 Dansville             27-02.25  
  9 Katie Carmichael          11 LeRoy                 27-00.75  
 10 Gwynn Howell              12 Red Creek             26-10.00  
 11 Gemma Bachicchio          12 Notre Dame-B          26-08.75  
 12 Amber LeMay               12 Marcus Whitm          26-07.50  
 13 Alexis Albert             12 Monroe/SWW            26-07.25  
 14 Allie Cordero             12 Marion                26-04.00  
 15 Jimese Ray                12 Greece Olymp          26-03.00  
 16 Leia Werner               11 Warsaw                25-08.75  
 17 Tanglean Kio              11 South Seneca          25-06.50  
 18 Jenna Fazio               11 Livonia               25-05.00  
 19 Regann Fleming            11 Mynderse Aca          25-03.00  
 20 D'Asia Johnson            10 Bishop Kearn          25-02.50  
 21 Ally Flint                11 LeRoy                 24-07.50  
 22 Danielle Schultz          10 Honeoye Cent          24-06.25  
 23 Skyler Strobel            12 Red Creek             24-05.50  
 24 Ella Bohn                 11 Caledonia-Mu          24-05.25  
 25 Skyler Parish             10 Mynderse Aca          24-04.75  
 26 Grace Moyer               10 Palmyra-Mace          24-04.00  
 27 Anna Kurz                 12 Bishop Kearn          24-01.50  
 28 McKenzee Farraraccio      10 Red Jacket            23-11.75  
 29 Erin Mann                 10 Clyde-Savann          23-08.00  
 30 Kenzie Alexanian          12 Lyons                 23-03.00  
 31 Hannah Fairbrother        10 Wayland-Coho          23-02.50  
 32 Emily Bator               12 Midlakes              22-07.25  
 33 Maggie Andersen           11 Batavia               22-07.00  
 34 Hana Nakayama             12 East High             22-06.25  
 35 Jenna Roelle              11 North Rose-W          22-05.75  
 36 Alyn Watts                12 Marcus Whitm          22-04.75  
 37 Lucianna Russo            11 LeRoy                 22-01.75  
 37 Sophie Cordova            11 Marion                22-01.75  
 37 Jennifer Adler            11 East Rochest          22-01.75  
 40 Brianna Diaz              10 Sodus Centra          21-11.25  
 40 Mercy Jones               10 Marcus Whitm          21-11.25  
 42 Genevieve Kemnitzer       10 Hornell               21-10.50  
 43 Kayla Vareen              12 Red Creek             21-05.25  
 44 Taliya Hunter             10 Rochester Pr          21-02.00  
 45 Nevaeh Hoover             12 North Rose-W          21-01.50  
 46 Caitlin Hale              11 Red Jacket            20-09.00  
 47 Madison Sission            9 Bolivar-Rich          20-08.25  
 48 Onalena Smith             11 East High             20-04.00  
 49 Olivia Sapp               12 Lyons                 20-02.75  
 50 Brooke Coombs              9 Dansville             19-08.25  
 51 Hadeer Aziz               12 East Rochest          18-08.50  
 52 Kyla Ward                 10 Rochester Pr          16-04.00  
 53 Courtney Rhodes            9 Livonia               15-05.75  
 54 Cinthya Castro Aguilera    9 Sodus Centra          13-04.00  
Girls Weight Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Maggie Andersen           11 Batavia               41-09.50  
  2 Emma Kinnicutt            11 Wellsville            40-05.75  
  3 Leia Werner               11 Warsaw                40-03.50  
  4 Skyler Strobel            12 Red Creek             33-06.25  
  5 Grace Moyer               10 Palmyra-Mace          29-05.75  
  6 Kayleigh Schermerhorn     12 Newark                29-01.00  
  7 Allie Cordero             12 Marion                28-07.25  
  8 Gwynn Howell              12 Red Creek             28-04.50  
  9 Jade Simons               12 Dansville             28-03.75  
 10 Jenna Fazio               11 Livonia               26-11.50  
 11 Sarah Cox                  9 Warsaw                26-03.00  
 12 Genevieve Kemnitzer       10 Hornell               25-07.75  
 13 Kenzie Alexanian          12 Lyons                 25-06.00  
 14 Emma Moore                11 Dansville             24-11.50  
 15 Amber LeMay               12 Marcus Whitm          24-10.00  
 16 Kathryn Evans             12 Hornell               24-08.00  
 17 Kayla Vareen              12 Red Creek             24-06.75  
 18 Ally Flint                11 LeRoy                 24-04.75  
 19 Brianna Diaz              10 Sodus Centra          24-02.00  
 20 Alyn Watts                12 Marcus Whitm          24-00.00  
 21 Elizabeth Kingston        10 Batavia               23-10.25  
 22 Mercy Jones               10 Marcus Whitm          23-08.00  
 23 Karrina McKoy             11 Waterloo              23-06.00  
 24 Erin Mann                 10 Clyde-Savann          22-07.50  
 25 Regann Fleming            11 Mynderse Aca          22-01.50  
 26 Hana Nakayama             12 East High             22-01.00  
 27 Onalena Smith             11 East High             21-07.25  
 28 Emily Bator               12 Midlakes              21-06.25  
 29 Cinthya Castro Aguilera    9 Sodus Centra          21-05.50  
 30 Rachael Mayou             12 Palmyra-Mace          21-04.25  
 31 Alexis Albert             12 Monroe/SWW            20-08.50  
 32 Riley Szostak             11 Marion                19-01.25  
 33 Hadeer Aziz               12 East Rochest          18-04.50  
 34 McKenzee Farraraccio      10 Red Jacket            18-03.00  
 35 Hallie Keim               10 Red Jacket            17-01.00  
 36 Marissa Lopez             10 East Rochest          14-05.75  
 -- Lily Pena-Alicea          10 Mynderse Aca              FOUL  
Girls 1500 Meter Race Walk
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Alyssa Mendenhall         11 Red Creek              8:13.65  
  2 Emily Caccamise           12 Batavia                8:43.29  
  3 Charis Evans               8 Red Creek              9:11.77  
  4 Gabby Jansen              12 Midlakes               9:17.22  
  5 Makayla Andolora           9 Batavia                9:35.47  
  6 Kayla Stone                9 Batavia                9:36.25  
  7 Lauren Moore              12 Honeoye Cent           9:37.08  
  8 Elizabeth Kingston        10 Batavia                9:37.18  
  9 Kendra Evans              12 Dansville             10:09.11  
 10 Erica Patanella           11 Dansville             10:49.44  
 11 Rylie Osgood               9 Bolivar-Rich          10:52.70  
 12 Madison Sission            9 Bolivar-Rich          10:55.62  
 13 Laura Galbraith           12 Lyons                 11:28.17  
Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Nile Colson               11 Aquinas Inst              6.77   1 
  2 Jahlique Johnson          10 Bishop Kearn              6.78   1 
  3 Malik McCray              12 East High                 6.80   1 
  4 Clay Trinidad             10 Northstar Ch              6.82   1  6.817
  5 Terrez Smith              10 Batavia                   6.82   2  6.818
  6 Jarvis Alexander          12 Uprep Roches              6.85  12 
  7 Xavier Hurell             10 Greece Olymp              6.88   1  6.874
  8 Justin Jantzi             11 Wayne Centra              6.88   1  6.879
  9 Vashawn Wright            10 Leadership A              6.92   3 
 10 Joel Smith                11 Livonia                   6.94   2 
 11 Demonte Dudley            12 Rochester Pr              6.97   3 
 12 Perriyone Brown           12 Uprep Roches              6.99   1  6.983
 13 Daunte Horton             11 Aquinas Inst              6.99   2  6.984
 14 Kelvin Dailey             12 Rochester Pr              7.01   2  7.006
 15 Lucas Ferrara             12 Mynderse Aca              7.01   3  7.007
 16 Kyle VanSlyke             12 Letchworth                7.02   4 
 17 Nasir Lynn                12 Franklin                  7.03   2 
 18 JeCahn Martinez           12 Franklin                  7.06   2 
 19 Logan Keifer              10 Red Jacket                7.10   3  7.092
 20 Mekhi Russ                12 Mynderse Aca              7.10   3  7.098
 21 Corey Bright              11 Greece Olymp              7.10   8  7.100
 22 Chris Howard              12 Greece Olymp              7.11   3 
 23 Cody Smith                12 Clyde-Savann              7.15   3 
 24 Sam Sallome               12 Batavia                   7.16   4 
 25 Sam Hawkins               12 Northstar Ch              7.17   4 
 26 Chase Bordonaro           11 LeRoy                     7.18   4  7.172
 27 Julius Alexander          10 Uprep Roches              7.18   5  7.176
 28 AJ Peterson               12 Avoca                     7.19   5 
 29 Jamez Conley              11 Uprep Roches              7.20   5 
 30 Brynnan Roberts           10 Greece Olymp              7.21   4  7.201
 31 Dwight Reid               10 Rochester Pr              7.21   3  7.210
 32 Daemon Konieczny          11 Batavia                   7.23   5 
 33 Phillip Jang              11 Mynderse Aca              7.26   7 
 34 Evan Cummings              9 Batavia                   7.29   8 
 35 Nathan Freitas             9 Aquinas Inst              7.31   6 
 36 Kurtis Wurster            11 Marion                    7.34   5 
 37 Leo Liang                 11 Batavia                   7.35   7 
 38 Tyler McCown               9 Caledonia-Mu              7.36   6 
 39 Max Tomaszewski           10 Batavia                   7.38   6 
 40 Joey Geffell              11 Batavia                   7.39   6 
 41 Zack Anderson             11 Batavia                   7.41   7 
 42 Aaron Vivlamore           12 Red Creek                 7.42   7  7.413
 43 Kaiel Robinson            10 LeRoy                     7.42   9  7.415
 44 Mattia Gravili            12 Palmyra-Mace              7.43   7 
 45 Jahmar Malloy             12 Sodus Centra              7.44   8 
 46 Colin Ryan                10 Mynderse Aca              7.45   9 
 47 Ohn Jones                 11 Rochester Pr              7.46   4  7.452
 48 Nasir Tate                10 Rochester Pr              7.46   6  7.456
 49 Nehemiah Moorer           11 Rochester Pr              7.47   5 
 50 Christian Santos           9 Aquinas Inst              7.48   6  7.471
 51 Jeovanne Finch-Negron      8 East High                 7.48   7  7.475
 52 Daniel Sheets             12 Leadership A              7.49   9 
 53 Lucas LeMay                9 Wayne Centra              7.50   6  7.493
 54 Jahrone Johnson           10 Aquinas Inst              7.50   8  7.500
 55 Sam Urriza                11 Caledonia-Mu              7.51   8 
 56 Mohammed Amadi            11 Rochester Pr              7.53   9 
 57 Josh Harrison              9 Wayne Centra              7.55   7 
 58 Brandon McNeil            10 Newark                    7.56   8 
 59 Anthony Griffen            9 Rochester Pr              7.57  11 
 60 Emmanuel Fisher            8 LeRoy                     7.59  12 
 61 Jaydon Barber             11 Batavia                   7.60   9 
 62 David Marshall            10 Rochester Pr              7.61   9  7.602
 63 Andrew Lin                11 Batavia                   7.61   9  7.604
 64 Noah Barber                8 Waterloo                  7.61  11  7.608
 65 Jalen Patterson           10 East Rochest              7.63  12  7.628
 66 Lonnie Pollocks           12 Northstar Ch              7.63  10  7.630
 67 Mark Valenti              12 Bishop Kearn              7.64  10 
 68 Jeager Turybury            9 Bolivar-Rich              7.65   9  7.645
 69 Jake Smith                10 Livonia                   7.65  10  7.650
 69 Josh Schulik              12 Caledonia-Mu              7.65  10  7.650
 71 Devon White               10 Newark                    7.66  10 
 72 Alex Bogue                11 Livonia                   7.67  10 
 73 Ivan Reynolds-Diaz         9 Palmyra-Mace              7.68  10 
 74 Elijah Vance              10 Wayne Centra              7.69   7 
 75 Hayden Barry              12 Avoca                     7.70  14 
 76 Zach Washburn             11 Sodus Centra              7.71  10 
 77 Makari Mann               11 Northstar Ch              7.72  11 
 78 Trevor Allen              10 Livonia                   7.75  12  7.743
 79 Sean Mesollela             9 Northstar Ch              7.75  13  7.746
 80 Derian Stenglein          11 East Rochest              7.75  11  7.749
 81 Emanuel Morales           12 Williamson C              7.81  11 
 82 Jayden Sheperd            10 Newark                    7.82  11  7.811
 83 Jonathon Fischer          10 Waterloo                  7.82  11  7.820
 84 Zachary Demott            10 Red Creek                 7.86  12 
 85 Zabari Phillips           11 Rochester Pr              7.87  12 
 86 Allen Freer               12 Red Creek                 7.90  12 
 87 Dylan Button              12 Marion                    7.92  12 
 88 Colin Youngjohn            9 Red Jacket                7.93  13 
 89 Chad Thomas                9 Dansville                 8.01  14 
 90 Edgar Miranda             11 Sodus Centra              8.15  13 
 91 Michael Thomas            10 Dansville                 8.20  14 
 92 Alex Church               12 Sodus Centra              8.25  13 
 93 Ryan Baginsky             12 Honeoye Cent              8.48  14 
 -- Donovan Fillmore          10 Sodus Centra                FS   4 
Boys 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Nile Colson               11 Aquinas Inst             36.38   1 
  2 Jay Glenn-Harris          11 Franklin                 36.70   1 
  3 Cascius Facen             12 Uprep Roches             37.00   1 
  4 Cody Smith                12 Clyde-Savann             37.17   1 
  5 Israel McClure            12 Wayland-Coho             37.89   2 
  6 Lucas Ferrara             12 Mynderse Aca             38.74   2 
  7 Will Lamar                12 Sodus Centra             38.97   2 
  8 Chase Bordonaro           11 LeRoy                    39.03   3 
  9 Jer'reim Madison          11 East High                39.05   3 
 10 Curtis Sapp               12 Leadership A             39.06   4 
 11 Joel Smith                11 Livonia                  39.08   3 
 12 Mekhi Russ                12 Mynderse Aca             39.10   3 
 12 Charley McDaniels         12 School Of Th             39.10   6 
 14 Julian Hopkins            12 Avoca                    39.13  18 
 15 Caleb Murray              10 North Rose-W             39.21   4 
 16 Kelvin Dailey             12 Rochester Pr             39.22   2 
 17 Aneudys Duran             11 Bishop Kearn             39.29   6 
 18 Jonathan Lonneville       10 Marion                   39.42   7 
 19 Taiyo Iburi-Bethel        12 Batavia                  39.49   5 
 20 Liam Hendrickson          11 Hornell                  39.52   2 
 21 Ryan Buechel              12 East Rochest             39.65   1 
 22 Sam Sallome               12 Batavia                  39.70   4 
 23 Robert Mixon III          12 Franklin                 39.72   4 
 24 Lawson Eriq               12 Uprep Roches             39.82   3 
 25 Jacob Thomas              12 Honeoye Cent             39.87   4 
 26 Donovan Fillmore          10 Sodus Centra             39.87   2 
 27 Ryan Bantel               12 Lyons                    40.04   7 
 28 Jason Smart               11 Aquinas Inst             40.10   7 
 29 Joey Geffell              11 Batavia                  40.19   6 
 30 Ohn Jones                 11 Rochester Pr             40.21   5 
 31 Jack Norkus               10 Red Jacket               40.23  12 
 32 Patrick Martin            10 Bishop Kearn             40.31   7 
 33 Memphis Lohnes            12 Marcus Whitm             40.35   8 
 34 Mattia Gravili            12 Palmyra-Mace             40.40  10 
 35 Leo Liang                 11 Batavia                  40.63   5 
 36 Sam Urriza                11 Caledonia-Mu             40.64   6 
 37 Cody Zigenfus             12 Wayland-Coho             40.65   7 
 38 Max Tomaszewski           10 Batavia                  40.66   7 
 39 Dwight Reid               10 Rochester Pr             40.75  11 
 40 Jahmar Malloy             12 Sodus Centra             40.80  10 
 41 David Browne              12 Hornell                  40.84   8 
 42 Evan Pruonto               9 Dansville                40.98  13 
 43 Colin Dunn                 9 Batavia                  40.99   8 
 44 Nate O'Brochta            12 Avoca                    41.02   5 
 45 Tevin Doyle               12 Rochester Pr             41.07   5 
 46 Matt Adams                12 Batavia                  41.20   9 
 47 Matt Geffers              12 Arkport/Cana             41.44  10 
 48 Isaiah Martin             12 Midlakes                 41.56  12 
 49 Ben Wood                  11 Wayland-Coho             41.63   8 
 50 Jarrett Marrapese         12 Honeoye Cent             41.66   8 
 51 Chris Howard              12 Greece Olymp             41.75  12 
 52 Connor Jantzi              9 Wayne Centra             41.85  12 
 53 Christian Santos           9 Aquinas Inst             41.86  15 
 54 Phillip Jang              11 Mynderse Aca             41.91  11 
 55 Corey Bright              11 Greece Olymp             42.05   9 
 56 Nikolai Zastawrny         11 Wayland-Coho             42.06  12 
 57 Camden Miller             10 Palmyra-Mace             42.16  13 
 58 Nathan Freitas             9 Aquinas Inst             42.17   6 
 59 Devin Gross               11 East Rochest             42.28   5 
 60 Cole Mehlenbacher         12 Wayland-Coho             42.32   8 
 61 Jayden Sheperd            10 Newark                   42.49  14 
 62 Clay Trinidad             10 Northstar Ch             42.63  10 
 63 Shawn LaRock              12 Marion                   42.65  14 
 64 Collin Nasso              12 Northstar Ch             42.68  11 
 65 Noah Allen                10 Palmyra-Mace             42.84  14 
 66 Allen Freer               12 Red Creek                42.86  15 
 67 Curry Kates               11 Uprep Roches             43.03  14 
 68 Jamez Conley              11 Uprep Roches             43.11  15 
 69 Josh Schulik              12 Caledonia-Mu             43.20  14 
 70 Jahrone Johnson           10 Aquinas Inst             43.52  15 
 71 Ethan Malueg               9 Red Creek                43.56  15 
 72 Zack Merkley              10 Waterloo                 43.76  16 
 73 Christopher Spaight       11 Uprep Roches             44.00  15 
 74 Jamaree Gibson             9 East High                44.15  17 
 75 Trevor Allen              10 Livonia                  44.20  13 
 76 Jonathon Fischer          10 Waterloo                 44.46  16 
 77 Eddie Casaimir            12 Lyons                    44.87  16 
 78 Riley Winum                9 Marcus Whitm             45.12  16 
 79 Alex Daniel               12 Warsaw                   45.41  10 
 80 Jeager Turybury            9 Bolivar-Rich             45.90  16 
 81 Joel Rodriguez            11 Monroe/SWW               46.33   9 
 82 Noah Cahoon                9 Williamson C             47.16  16 
 83 Kaden Martinez            12 Williamson C             47.64  17 
 84 Steven Richardson         10 Honeoye Cent             49.02  13 
 85 Cameron Butchino           9 Clyde-Savann             49.52  17 
 86 Zach DeRoo                 9 North Rose-W             49.86  17 
 87 Scott Blackmar            11 Red Jacket               52.18  18 
 88 Daniel Schmoll            11 Dansville                53.07  18 
Boys 600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Gidyon Chane              12 Greece Olymp           1:28.18   1 
  2 Justin Jantzi             11 Wayne Centra           1:28.75   1 
  3 Jeff Walker               11 Marion                 1:29.54   1 
  4 John Bruggman             12 Batavia                1:31.32   1 
  5 Jake Abel                 12 Marcus Whitm           1:31.38   2 
  6 Zach Wright               12 Greece Olymp           1:31.63   1 
  7 Arin Brooks               12 Uprep Roches           1:31.84   1 
  8 Ja'mil Horner             12 Wayland-Coho           1:31.87   2 
  9 Hunter Brignall           12 Mynderse Aca           1:32.09   1 
 10 Brock Every               11 Batavia                1:32.96   2 
 11 Aidan Harrington          11 LeRoy                  1:33.09   2 
 12 Oscar Smith               11 Uprep Roches           1:33.51   2 
 13 Braeden Szostak           12 Marion                 1:34.06   3 
 14 Zack Anderson             11 Batavia                1:34.26   2 
 15 Jonah Epps                10 Batavia                1:34.28   3 
 16 Curtis Sapp               12 Leadership A           1:34.32   2 
 17 Zachary Coates            12 Red Jacket             1:34.77   1 
 18 Nick Page                 12 Waterloo               1:34.85   2 
 19 Luis Martinez             12 Sodus Centra           1:34.94   1 
 20 Christopher Blake         12 Red Creek              1:35.51   3 
 21 Jon Jones                 12 Wayne Centra           1:36.16   3 
 22 Derrick Tandle            11 Lyons                  1:36.29   3 
 23 Miguel Benito             11 Red Jacket             1:37.00   3 
 24 Noah Barber                8 Waterloo               1:37.47   4 
 25 Matt Hosbach              10 Marion                 1:37.76   4 
 26 Camden Hayes              12 Avoca                  1:38.26   4 
 27 Doug Lippens              12 Wayland-Coho           1:38.74   4 
 28 Nathan Chambers           11 East Rochest           1:39.25   2 
 29 Kameron Kuszlyk           10 Batavia                1:40.14   5 
 30 Jacob Torcello            11 Batavia                1:40.22   5 
 31 Ricky Hayes               10 Marion                 1:40.37   6 
 32 Jason Smart               11 Aquinas Inst           1:40.91   4 
 33 Matt Vosburg              11 Avoca                  1:41.36   7 
 34 Michael Hill              11 East High              1:41.45   7 
 35 David Browne              12 Hornell                1:41.95   5 
 36 Ivan Reynolds-Diaz         9 Palmyra-Mace           1:42.24   5 
 37 Jashawn Allen             11 School Of Th           1:42.27   4 
 38 Davin Stevens             10 Rochester Pr           1:42.39   6 
 39 Tevin Doyle               12 Rochester Pr           1:42.52   4 
 40 Sebastian Kresge          10 Caledonia-Mu           1:42.64   5 
 41 Danny Fisher               9 Palmyra-Mace           1:43.20   6 
 42 Trent LaFrance            11 Red Creek              1:43.45   6 
 43 Alex Gephart              11 LeRoy                  1:43.48   6 
 44 Gavin Buehler             12 Williamson C           1:44.76   5 
 45 Alex Church               12 Sodus Centra           1:44.77   5 
 46 Chad Thomas                9 Dansville              1:44.91   6 
 47 Edgar Miranda             11 Sodus Centra           1:44.94   6 
 48 Calem Merrill             11 Wayland-Coho           1:45.28   4 
 49 Dylan Tidwell             10 Greece Odyss           1:45.46   6 
 50 Noah Allen                10 Palmyra-Mace           1:46.45   5 
 51 Ryan Walters              11 Marion                 1:47.27   6 
 52 Timothy Hansen             9 Marcus Whitm           1:50.36   7 
 53 Mark Valenti              12 Bishop Kearn           1:52.27   7 
 54 Josh VanDerlike           10 Midlakes               1:54.15   7 
 55 Cristian Reynolds-Diaz    10 Palmyra-Mace           1:54.58   5 
 56 Carlos Washington         10 Bishop Kearn           1:56.83   7 
 57 Charlie Sherman            8 Honeoye Cent           1:57.91   7 
 58 Ty Lasher                 12 Mynderse Aca           2:04.13   7 
 59 Ryan Green                 9 Honeoye Cent           2:04.24   7 
 60 Daniel Schmoll            11 Dansville              2:25.54   7 
Boys 1000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Zakariah Jantzi           12 Batavia                2:38.87   1 
  2 Cameron Chambers          12 East Rochest           2:42.23   1 
  3 Mack Brewington           10 Marion                 2:50.26   1 
  4 Michael Fowler            12 Clyde-Savann           2:50.61   1 
  5 Trayton Schmeelk          12 Williamson C           2:50.75   1 
  6 Austin Carrick            11 Notre Dame-B           2:51.19   1 
  7 Jake Montoya              12 LeRoy                  2:52.01   1 
  8 Alex Rodriguez            11 Dansville              2:53.73   2 
  9 Ja'mil Horner             12 Wayland-Coho           2:55.12   1 
 10 Owen Frink                12 Wayne Centra           2:55.80   1 
 11 Patrick Martin            10 Bishop Kearn           2:56.37   2 
 12 Camden Malone             12 Geneseo                2:58.42   1 
 13 Daniel Rook                9 Wayne Centra           2:59.41   1 
 14 Nick Teta                 11 Aquinas Inst           3:00.47   1 
 15 Clay Battle               10 Honeoye Cent           3:01.07   3 
 16 Braeden Szostak           12 Marion                 3:03.29   1 
 17 Jacob Taylor               8 Avoca                  3:05.24   2 
 18 Zack Merkley              10 Waterloo               3:06.22   2 
 19 Erik Schwab                9 LeRoy                  3:06.70   2 
 20 Kaden Kays                10 Marcus Whitm           3:07.53   2 
 21 Marcos Barreiro           12 Livonia                3:07.83   2 
 22 Erik Verdehem             11 Waterloo               3:08.02   2 
 23 Cameron Deisering         10 Midlakes               3:09.57   2 
 24 Jason Lonneville          10 Marion                 3:09.64   2 
 25 Kline Laney               11 York                   3:10.35   3 
 26 Colton Martin             11 Batavia                3:10.61   2 
 27 Elijah Hopkins            11 Livonia                3:11.14   2 
 28 William Smith             10 Red Creek              3:11.44   3 
 29 Wesley Dorow              12 East Rochest           3:11.69   2 
 30 Taylor Vanderwark         10 Honeoye Cent           3:15.35   2 
 31 Ryan Furletti              9 Mynderse Aca           3:28.70   3 
 32 Ethan Gould               11 Lyons                  3:29.39   3 
 33 Zion Rivera               10 Rochester Pr           3:31.75   3 
 34 Eduardo Chagoya            9 Clyde-Savann           3:33.93   3 
 35 Lorenzo Weed              11 Red Jacket             3:36.23   3 
 36 Terrell Adams              9 Mynderse Aca           3:38.38   3 
 37 Matt Parks                10 Red Jacket             3:40.51   3 
 38 David Southwick            8 Red Creek              3:41.25   3 
 39 Garrett Trost              9 Bishop Kearn           3:43.23   3 
 40 David Meidenbauer          9 Warsaw                 3:48.85   3 
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Mack Brewington           10 Marion                 4:46.76   1 
  2 Eron Schulte              12 Livonia                4:52.93   1 
  3 Gavin Bathgate            12 East Rochest           4:54.02   1 
  4 Kristopher Kuszlyk        12 Batavia                4:57.24   1 
  5 Nick Page                 12 Waterloo               5:02.13   2 
  6 Alex Rodriguez            11 Dansville              5:03.10   1 
  7 Carter Puylara            10 Mynderse Aca           5:03.94   2 
  8 James Hallett             11 Honeoye Cent           5:03.97   2 
  9 Andrew Deming             11 Red Creek              5:04.48   2 
 10 Colin Graham              12 Oakfield/Elb           5:04.61   2 
 11 Matthew Heh               10 Greece Olymp           5:04.86   2 
 12 Forrist Sherman            9 Honeoye Cent           5:05.43   2 
 13 Wyatt Gaus                11 Batavia                5:06.42   1 
 14 Jon Jones                 12 Wayne Centra           5:07.32   1 
 15 Owen Crane                 9 Palmyra-Mace           5:07.39   2 
 16 Andrew Rook               11 Wayne Centra           5:07.64   1 
 17 Michael Fowler            12 Clyde-Savann           5:07.72   1 
 18 Kyle Green                11 Palmyra-Mace           5:07.76   2 
 19 Owen Frink                12 Wayne Centra           5:08.00   2 
 20 Adam Smith                10 Palmyra-Mace           5:10.20   3 
 21 Clay Battle               10 Honeoye Cent           5:12.47   1 
 22 Troy Helsdon              10 Batavia                5:12.54   2 
 23 Adam Schreiber            12 Williamson C           5:12.97   2 
 24 Mario Rosales             11 Batavia                5:13.62   1 
 25 Mitchel Irish             10 Red Creek              5:14.20   3 
 26 Daniel Rook                9 Wayne Centra           5:14.44   2 
 27 Connor McVey              11 Williamson C           5:15.04   3 
 28 Matt Garis                10 Whitesville            5:16.41   2 
 29 John Bruggman             12 Batavia                5:17.90   1 
 30 Hunter MacCammon          12 Midlakes               5:19.33   1 
 31 Lukas Zalewski            10 East Rochest           5:23.12   3 
 32 Quinn Olsen               10 Honeoye Cent           5:24.32   3 
 33 Ayden Dowd-Devay          11 Batavia                5:24.99   2 
 34 Ryan Frisbee              12 Waterloo               5:31.03   3 
 35 Ben Thompson              10 Marcus Whitm           5:34.26   3 
 36 Caleb Costain             10 Greece Olymp           5:34.45   3 
 37 David Southwick            8 Red Creek              5:36.38   3 
 38 Joseph Warner             11 Palmyra-Mace           5:42.71   3 
 39 Timothy Hansen             9 Marcus Whitm           5:43.07   3 
 40 Jack Mancarella           12 Bishop Kearn           5:43.86   3 
 41 Owen Hensler              10 Livonia                5:49.22   3 
 42 Michael Eller             11 Mynderse Aca           5:58.82   3 
 43 Josh VanDerlike           10 Midlakes               6:08.49   3 
Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Gavin Bathgate            12 East Rochest          10:17.81   1 
  2 James Hallett             11 Honeoye Cent          10:26.93   1 
  3 Mario Rosales             11 Batavia               10:29.06   1 
  4 Hayden Barry              12 Avoca                 10:33.35   1 
  5 Ryan Lewis                10 Bishop Kearn          10:43.94   1 
  6 Aaron Vivlamore           12 Red Creek             10:53.30   1 
  7 Andrew Rook               11 Wayne Centra          10:53.34   1 
  8 Maxin McKenzie            12 LeRoy                 10:57.19   1 
  9 Andrew Deming             11 Red Creek             11:07.31   1 
 10 Erik Verdehem             11 Waterloo              11:11.57   1 
 11 Hunter MacCammon          12 Midlakes              11:13.69   2 
 12 Alex Lyons                12 Marcus Whitm          11:16.63   1 
 13 JT Zimmerman              10 Marcus Whitm          11:25.85   2 
 14 Colin Flannery            10 Wayne Centra          11:28.54   2 
 15 Ryan Frisbee              12 Waterloo              11:30.71   1 
 16 Tyler Brabant             10 Caledonia-Mu          11:31.23   1 
 17 Ron Wheeler               11 South Seneca          11:31.40   1 
 18 Zach Foster               11 Dansville             11:38.84   2 
 19 Jason Lonneville          10 Marion                11:43.94   2 
 20 Kline Laney               11 York                  11:47.66   2 
 21 Nick Munger               11 Oakfield/Elb          12:01.11   2 
 22 Riley Lich                 9 Palmyra-Mace          12:02.64   2 
 23 Jordan Williams           11 Williamson C          12:03.63   2 
 24 Devon Stell               11 Red Jacket            12:10.72   2 
 25 Evan Frederick            10 Mynderse Aca          12:46.03   2 
 26 Kyle Canute-Wade          11 Red Creek             13:02.68   2 
 27 Andrew Pawluckie          11 Bishop Kearn          13:30.41   2 
 28 Shayne Navarra            10 Warsaw                14:37.04   2 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Cascius Facen             12 Uprep Roches              8.16   1 
  2 Joe Belmont               12 Williamson C              8.45   1 
  3 Carter Puylara            10 Mynderse Aca              8.62   1 
  4 James Flannery            12 Wayne Centra              8.65   1 
  5 Kade Lambert              11 LeRoy                     8.67   1 
  6 Daemon Konieczny          11 Batavia                   8.68   1 
  7 AJ Niles                  12 Williamson C              8.78   1 
  8 Josh Quinn                11 Uprep Roches              8.85   2 
  9 Demonte Dudley            12 Rochester Pr              8.96   2 
 10 Bryan Best                12 Marcus Whitm              9.03   2 
 11 Nate O'Brochta            12 Avoca                     9.12   5 
 12 Jacob Nemitz              11 Marcus Whitm              9.26   2 
 13 Will Lamar                12 Sodus Centra              9.29   3 
 14 Taiyo Iburi-Bethel        12 Batavia                   9.30   3 
 15 Collin Gilligan           12 Newark                    9.33   1 
 16 Ayden Dowd-Devay          11 Batavia                   9.40   2 
 17 Zachary Coates            12 Red Jacket                9.42   2 
 18 Matt Geffers              12 Arkport/Cana              9.58   2 
 19 Christopher Blake         12 Red Creek                 9.62   3 
 20 Joseph Warner             11 Palmyra-Mace              9.74   2 
 21 Miles Sirois              10 East Rochest             10.06   3 
 22 Quion Callier             11 East High                10.09   3 
 23 Liam Van Pelt             12 East Rochest             10.21   3 
 24 Ricky Hayes               10 Marion                   10.32   3 
 25 Jer'reim Madison          11 East High                10.47   5 
 26 Zachery Hlywa             11 Rochester Pr             10.59   4 
 27 Quinn Olsen               10 Honeoye Cent             10.63   4 
 28 Cristian Reynolds-Diaz    10 Palmyra-Mace             10.79   4 
 29 Evan Sherwood              9 LeRoy                    10.80   4 
 30 Marcus Rogers              9 Uprep Roches             10.94   4 
 31 Ethan Thompson            12 Red Creek                11.05   4 
 32 Taylor Vanderwark         10 Honeoye Cent             11.12   4 
 33 Jamaree Gibson             9 East High                11.40   5 
 34 Zach Foster               11 Dansville                11.55   5 
 35 Camden Hayes              12 Avoca                    12.02   5 
 -- Nicholas Corsner          10 Mynderse Aca                DQ   5  Hand on Hurdle
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Uprep Rochester  'A'                                1:35.96   1 
  2 Mynderse Academy  'A'                               1:39.37   2 
  3 Aquinas Institute  'A'                              1:39.40   2 
  4 Greece Olympia  'A'                                 1:40.78   1 
  5 Wayland-Cohocton  'A'                               1:40.99   3 
  6 Rochester Prep  'A'                                 1:41.10   1 
  7 Wayne Central  'A'                                  1:41.34   3 
  8 Bishop Kearney  'A'                                 1:41.50   2 
  9 Batavia  'A'                                        1:42.63   1 
 10 LeRoy  'A'                                          1:44.19   3 
 11 Rochester Prep  'B'                                 1:44.61   2 
 12 Marion  'A'                                         1:45.19   3 
 13 Batavia  'B'                                        1:47.78   2 
 14 Palmyra-Macedon  'A'                                1:49.12   5 
 15 Caledonia-Mumford  'A'                              1:49.90   4 
 16 Palmyra-Macedon  'B'                                1:49.93   5 
 17 Dansville  'A'                                      1:53.38   4 
 18 Red Creek  'A'                                      1:57.47   5 
 19 Williamson Central  'A'                             1:57.80   4 
 20 Red Jacket  'A'                                     1:57.98   5 
 -- Franklin  'A'                                            DQ   1  Lane violation
 -- East High  'A'                                           DQ   1  Out of zone
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Uprep Rochester  'A'                                3:42.69   1 
  2 Franklin  'A'                                       3:44.22   1 
  3 Greece Olympia  'A'                                 3:45.03   1 
  4 Sodus Central  'A'                                  3:45.41   1 
  5 LeRoy  'A'                                          3:49.33   1 
  6 Red Jacket  'A'                                     3:51.63   1 
  7 Batavia  'A'                                        3:54.42   1 
  8 Batavia  'B'                                        3:59.20   2 
  9 Marcus Whitman  'A'                                 4:07.12   2 
 10 Williamson Central  'A'                             4:25.19   2 
 11 Mynderse Academy  'A'                               4:26.87   2 
 12 Livonia  'A'                                        4:31.15   2 
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Batavia  'A'                                        9:12.74  
  2 Marcus Whitman  'A'                                 9:17.95  
  3 Red Creek  'A'                                      9:36.15  
  4 Avoca  'A'                                          9:39.03  
  5 Williamson Central  'A'                             9:44.14  
  6 Wayland-Cohocton  'A'                               9:58.09  
  7 LeRoy  'A'                                         10:03.59  
  8 Uprep Rochester  'A'                               10:56.34  
  9 Sodus Central  'A'                                 11:06.72  
 -- Livonia  'A'                                             DQ   Ran lap short
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Jahlique Johnson          10 Bishop Kearn           6-00.00  
  2 Gabriel Giannini          11 Aquinas Inst           5-10.00  
  2 Jamarion Colbert          12 East High              5-10.00  
  4 Nick Grimes               11 Greece Olymp           5-08.00  
  5 Isaiah Martin             12 Midlakes               5-06.00  
  5 Joe Belmont               12 Williamson C           5-06.00  
  7 Collin Gilligan           12 Newark                 5-03.00  
  7 Sebastian Smith           11 Williamson C           5-03.00  
  7 Matt Vosburg              11 Avoca                  5-03.00  
 10 Maxin McKenzie            12 LeRoy                  5-00.00  
 10 Myles Singleton           12 Uprep Roches           5-00.00  
 10 Tyler Kell                 9 Clyde-Savann           5-00.00  
 10 Aneudys Duran             11 Bishop Kearn           5-00.00  
 10 Dominick Brown            11 Uprep Roches           5-00.00  
 10 Malaki Taylor             12 Mynderse Aca           5-00.00  
 10 Dylan Tidwell             10 Greece Odyss           5-00.00  
 10 Zack Weykman              10 Midlakes               5-00.00  
 10 Brynnan Roberts           10 Greece Olymp           5-00.00  
 10 David Carmichael          11 East High              5-00.00  
 -- Kyle Canute-Wade          11 Red Creek                   NH  
 -- Cody Wohlschegel          12 Honeoye Cent                NH  
 -- Trevor Wahl               10 Wayne Centra                NH  
 -- Jarrett Klink             10 Honeoye Cent                NH  
 -- Cole Mehlenbacher         12 Wayland-Coho                NH  
 -- Nikolai Zastawrny         11 Wayland-Coho                NH  
 -- Colin Ryan                10 Mynderse Aca                NH  
 -- Jalen Patterson           10 East Rochest                NH  
 -- Jahmar Malloy             12 Sodus Centra                NH  
 -- Kyle Green                11 Palmyra-Mace                NH  
 -- Antonio Raschiatore        9 East Rochest                NH  
Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Josh Quatela              12 Aquinas Inst          13-01.00  
  2 Gabriel Giannini          11 Aquinas Inst          12-00.00  
  2 Michael Armstrong         12 Lyons                 12-00.00  
  4 Ethan Pocock              12 LeRoy                 11-06.00  
  4 Adam Palmer               12 Greece Olymp          11-06.00  
  6 Matt Adams                12 Batavia               11-00.00  
  7 Andrew Lin                11 Batavia               10-06.00  
  7 Memphis Lohnes            12 Marcus Whitm          10-06.00  
  9 Trayton Schmeelk          12 Williamson C           9-06.00  
  9 Mike Piacente             12 Honeoye Cent           9-06.00  
 11 Tyre Cromartie            12 Sodus Centra           8-06.00  
 12 Derian Stenglein          11 East Rochest           7-06.00  
 12 Jonathan Lonneville       10 Marion                 7-06.00  
 12 Jaydon Barber             11 Batavia                7-06.00  
 12 Chris Gualtieri           11 LeRoy                  7-06.00  
 12 Tim Klotzbach             12 Notre Dame-B           7-06.00  
 -- Cody Wohlschegel          12 Honeoye Cent                NH  
 -- Matt Stevens              12 Notre Dame-B                NH  
 -- Kyle VanSlyke             12 Letchworth                  NH  
 -- Jacob Torcello            11 Batavia                     NH  
 -- Caleb Costain             10 Greece Olymp                NH  
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 AJ Niles                  12 Williamson C          20-10.50  
  2 Jacob Liberati            12 Midlakes              20-10.00  
  3 Caleb Carey               11 Greece Olymp          19-11.00  
  4 Nick Grimes               11 Greece Olymp          19-03.00  
  5 AJ Peterson               12 Avoca                 18-08.50  
  6 Mike Piacente             12 Honeoye Cent          18-07.50  
  6 Logan Keifer              10 Red Jacket            18-07.50  
  8 James Flannery            12 Wayne Centra          18-05.25  
  9 Ryan Buechel              12 East Rochest          18-04.50  
 10 Will Lamar                12 Sodus Centra          18-01.75  
 11 Devon Jackson             12 Uprep Roches          18-01.50  
 12 Josh Beha                 12 Wayne Centra          17-09.00  
 13 Connor Jantzi              9 Wayne Centra          17-07.75  
 14 Jacob Thomas              12 Honeoye Cent          17-06.50  
 15 Michael Wittmeyer         10 Batavia               17-05.75  
 16 Myles Singleton           12 Uprep Roches          17-05.50  
 17 Tim Klotzbach             12 Notre Dame-B          17-05.00  
 18 Tyre Cromartie            12 Sodus Centra          17-04.50  
 19 Evan Pruonto               9 Dansville             17-03.00  
 20 Daunte Horton             11 Aquinas Inst          17-02.75  
 21 Sean Riley                 9 Aquinas Inst          17-01.25  
 22 Colin Dunn                 9 Batavia               17-00.00  
 23 Colin Graham              12 Oakfield/Elb          16-10.00  
 24 Cody Bullock              12 Palmyra-Mace          16-06.75  
 25 Camden Miller             10 Palmyra-Mace          16-06.50  
 26 Josh Harrison              9 Wayne Centra          16-04.50  
 27 Devin Gross               11 East Rochest          16-02.50  
 28 Collin Nasso              12 Northstar Ch          16-01.75  
 29 Ron Wheeler               11 South Seneca          16-01.25  
 30 Jeager Turybury            9 Bolivar-Rich          16-00.75  
 31 Kaiel Robinson            10 LeRoy                 15-11.25  
 32 Kerel Kelly               12 Lyons                 15-08.25  
 33 Michael Thomas            10 Dansville             15-04.00  
 34 Zach Washburn             11 Sodus Centra          15-02.50  
 35 Dylan Crater              10 Warsaw                15-00.00  
 36 Ethan Malueg               9 Red Creek             14-11.50  
 37 Shawn Kelly Jr            12 Greece Olymp          14-10.00  
 38 Colin Youngjohn            9 Red Jacket            14-08.75  
 39 Anthony Griffen            9 Rochester Pr          14-07.50  
 39 Brandon McNeil            10 Newark                14-07.50  
 41 Kaden Kays                10 Marcus Whitm          14-07.00  
 42 Aaron Leone               10 LeRoy                 14-03.75  
 43 Evan Cummings              9 Batavia               13-11.00  
 44 Seth Nesbitt              12 Lyons                 13-06.75  
 45 JT Zimmerman              10 Marcus Whitm          13-01.00  
 46 Deion Parker              10 Rochester Pr          12-02.50  
 -- Lonnie Pollocks           12 Northstar Ch              FOUL  
 -- Cory Godkin                9 Red Creek                 FOUL  
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Jacob Liberati            12 Midlakes              43-04.00  
  2 Devon Jackson             12 Uprep Roches          42-07.50  
  3 Caleb Carey               11 Greece Olymp          41-01.50  
  4 AJ Niles                  12 Williamson C          40-03.00  
  5 Josh Beha                 12 Wayne Centra          39-11.75  
  6 Liam Hendrickson          11 Hornell               39-03.50  
  7 Jacob-Kurtis Guy          11 Northstar Ch          38-10.75  
  8 Aidan Harrington          11 LeRoy                 38-00.25  
  9 Ryan Buechel              12 East Rochest          36-10.25  
 10 Wyatt Gaus                11 Batavia               36-02.75  
 11 Kerel Kelly               12 Lyons                 35-09.25  
 12 Michael Wittmeyer         10 Batavia               35-02.00  
 13 Jaquincy Bostick          10 Uprep Roches          35-01.75  
 14 Kameron Miles             12 East High             34-05.25  
 15 Jarrett Marrapese         12 Honeoye Cent          33-09.00  
 16 Devin Gross               11 East Rochest          33-05.00  
 17 Gavin Buehler             12 Williamson C          32-10.00  
 18 Holden Stevenson          10 Palmyra-Mace          32-08.75  
 19 Jack Norkus               10 Red Jacket            32-04.75  
 19 Jesse Cottrell             9 Red Jacket            32-04.75  
 21 Zach Washburn             11 Sodus Centra          32-02.50  
 22 Riley Winum                9 Marcus Whitm          31-07.50  
 23 Cody Bullock              12 Palmyra-Mace          31-06.00  
 24 Gabriel Stenziano         12 Wayland-Coho          31-00.25  
 25 Antonio Raschiatore        9 East Rochest          30-02.00  
 26 Marcus Rogers              9 Uprep Roches          28-11.00  
 27 Cory Godkin                9 Red Creek             27-08.75  
 28 Ryan Wylie                 9 Mynderse Aca          25-00.00  
 -- Julian Hopkins            12 Avoca                     FOUL  
 -- Ritchie Williams          10 Red Creek                 FOUL  
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Alex Rood                 11 Batavia               48-11.25  
  2 Nate Mayou                11 Palmyra-Mace          46-08.25  
  3 Israel McClure            12 Wayland-Coho          44-03.25  
  4 Gregory Ransom            11 World of Inq          43-03.75  
  5 Jaheim Smith              12 Batavia               43-01.75  
  6 Evan Bartz                12 Batavia               42-06.50  
  7 Shawn Kelly Jr            12 Greece Olymp          39-09.00  
  8 Matthew Beach             11 Batavia               38-01.00  
  9 Jacob Crawford            12 Midlakes              37-06.50  
 10 Cody Eisenberger          11 Batavia               37-04.75  
 11 Sam Hawkins               12 Northstar Ch          37-00.50  
 12 Clifton Henderson         12 Uprep Roches          36-09.75  
 13 Ben Wood                  11 Wayland-Coho          36-01.25  
 14 Matt Grover               12 Batavia               35-06.50  
 15 Andy Frisbie              12 Livonia               35-03.50  
 16 Dante Mancuso             10 Batavia               35-02.50  
 17 Nick Figlow               11 Batavia               35-01.75  
 18 Shane VandeWinkle         12 Honeoye Cent          35-01.25  
 19 George Draper             11 Aquinas Inst          35-00.25  
 20 Jose Castro Aguilera      11 Sodus Centra          34-11.25  
 21 Austyn Fernandez           9 Batavia               34-10.75  
 22 Connor McVey              11 Williamson C          34-04.50  
 23 Levi Bluhm                11 Batavia               34-04.25  
 24 Leo Ceron                 12 Williamson C          33-10.00  
 25 Dakota Sica               11 Notre Dame-B          33-08.00  
 26 Miles Sirois              10 East Rochest          33-07.00  
 27 Ryan Smith                11 Wayland-Coho          33-03.50  
 28 Zabari Phillips           11 Rochester Pr          32-10.00  
 29 Hunter White              11 East High             32-08.00  
 29 Lloyd Kinnicutt            9 Wellsville            32-08.00  
 31 Billy Knapp               12 Dansville             32-02.50  
 32 Jesse Greco               12 Bishop Kearn          32-00.00  
 33 Devin Donnelly            11 York                  31-08.00  
 34 Christian Finnerty        12 Red Creek             30-11.75  
 35 Zachery Hlywa             11 Rochester Pr          30-10.00  
 36 Corbin Reibstein          12 Sodus Centra          30-09.75  
 37 Tyree Kaufman             11 Mynderse Aca          30-07.00  
 38 Sam Fields                12 Greece Olymp          30-04.00  
 39 Ryan Sprague              12 Red Creek             29-09.75  
 40 Jarrett Klink             10 Honeoye Cent          29-05.75  
 41 James Hilaire             12 Sodus Centra          29-00.50  
 42 Jacob Backus              12 Midlakes              28-09.50  
 43 John Krautwurst           12 East Rochest          28-07.00  
 44 Malaki Taylor             12 Mynderse Aca          28-06.00  
 45 Benjamyn Brewer            9 Warsaw                28-02.00  
 46 Seth Yates                10 Bolivar-Rich          27-04.75  
 47 Andrew Norris             12 Lyons                 27-00.25  
 48 Brandon Jeanotte          12 LeRoy                 26-07.75  
 49 Riccardo Palmieri         11 Avoca                 26-05.75  
 50 Trevor Offhaus            10 Warsaw                25-06.50  
 51 Preston Bell               9 Dansville             24-05.50  
 52 Andrew Pawluckie          11 Bishop Kearn          23-05.25  
 53 Mitchell Laverty          12 Avoca                 21-05.25  
 54 Finn Bastian               9 Clyde-Savann          21-04.75  
Boys Weight Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Nathan Chambers           11 East Rochest          47-01.75  
  2 Matt Grover               12 Batavia               44-10.00  
  3 Luke Wagner               12 Midlakes              43-09.25  
  4 Alex Rood                 11 Batavia               43-04.25  
  5 Dante Mancuso             10 Batavia               42-05.75  
  6 Cody Eisenberger          11 Batavia               41-09.75  
  7 Clifton Henderson         12 Uprep Roches          41-06.50  
  8 Levi Bluhm                11 Batavia               40-07.00  
  9 Nate Mayou                11 Palmyra-Mace          40-06.50  
 10 Erick Chugg               11 Batavia               39-04.75  
 11 Jacob DeWilde             10 Midlakes              38-11.00  
 12 Brandon Warren            11 Batavia               37-09.75  
 13 Christian Finnerty        12 Red Creek             37-09.00  
 14 Hunter White              11 East High             36-05.75  
 15 Nick Figlow               11 Batavia               35-11.00  
 16 Abel Hammer                9 Batavia               35-09.00  
 17 Luke Geiger                9 Batavia               34-10.50  
 18 Joel Rodriguez            11 Monroe/SWW            34-08.00  
 19 Lloyd Kinnicutt            9 Wellsville            33-07.50  
 20 George Draper             11 Aquinas Inst          33-01.00  
 21 Dakota Sica               11 Notre Dame-B          32-10.50  
 22 Billy Knapp               12 Dansville             31-04.25  
 23 Daniel Saeva               9 Batavia               31-03.75  
 24 Tyree Kaufman             11 Mynderse Aca          30-02.75  
 25 Miles Sirois              10 East Rochest          29-10.50  
 26 Adam Smith                10 Palmyra-Mace          28-06.50  
 27 Jacob Long                10 Batavia               28-03.75  
 28 Seth Yates                10 Bolivar-Rich          28-00.00  
 29 Jose Castro Aguilera      11 Sodus Centra          27-11.50  
 30 Jordan Copp               11 Honeoye Cent          27-05.75  
 31 Ryan Sprague              12 Red Creek             27-04.25  
 32 Corbin Reibstein          12 Sodus Centra          27-00.75  
 33 Andrew Norris             12 Lyons                 25-09.25  
 34 Brandon Jeanotte          12 LeRoy                 25-02.00  
 35 Andy Frisbie              12 Livonia               24-08.75  
 36 Trevor Offhaus            10 Warsaw                24-08.25  
 37 Mitchell Laverty          12 Avoca                 24-02.75  
 38 Benjamyn Brewer            9 Warsaw                22-08.50  
 39 Richard Odenbach           9 Honeoye Cent          21-00.50  
 40 Preston Bell               9 Dansville             20-10.50  
 -- Gregory Ransom            11 World of Inq              FOUL  
 -- Evan Bartz                12 Batavia                   FOUL  
 -- James Hilaire             12 Sodus Centra              FOUL  
 -- Austyn Fernandez           9 Batavia                   FOUL  
Boys 1500 Meter Race Walk
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Bryan Best                12 Marcus Whitm           8:00.60  
  2 Michael Eller             11 Mynderse Aca           8:23.86