Complete Girls Results

Licensed to Yen Timing Service - Contractor License
                                       Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 2/17/2008 12:50 PM
                    Section V Meet- Classes B-C - 2/16/2008                    
                               Hobart & Wm Smith                               
Event 1  Girls 3000 Meter Run Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Jarvela, Angela           10 Batavia               11:15.43    10  
  2 Kubiak, Michelle          12 Hornell               11:36.49     8  
  3 Mathews, Maggie            9 LeRoy                 11:51.10     6  
  4 Coleman, Katie            10 Hornell               12:08.51     4  
  5 Lee, Amy                  10 Mynderse              12:31.71     2  
  6 Black, Rebecca            11 Pal-Mac               12:39.18     1  
  7 Blong, Cydney             11 Mynderse              13:41.80  
Event 5  Girls 1000 Meter Run Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Mancuso, Jordan           11 Batavia                3:11.24    10  
  2 Potter, Danielle           9 Dansville              3:13.12     8  
  3 Booth, Mary               11 Wayland-Coho           3:21.17     6  
  4 Black, Marie               8 Pal-Mac                3:23.26     4  
  5 Rinaldo, Emily             9 Midlakes               3:23.37     2  
  6 Hoad, Erika                9 Bath                   3:26.47     1  
  7 Wolverton, Jami            9 Pal-Mac                3:27.68  
  8 Coleman, Katie            10 Hornell                3:27.73  
  9 Milem, Bonna              11 North Rose-W           3:31.15  
 10 Kaiser, Melissa           10 Waterloo               3:32.64  
 11 Manwaring, Rebecca         8 Waterloo               3:38.65  
Event 9  Girls 1500 Meter Race Walk Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Davis, Emily              12 Batavia                7:36.93    10  
  2 Castor, Rose              12 Dansville              7:44.76     8  
  3 Jones, Amanda             10 Batavia                8:10.98     6  
  4 Hillier, Tiffany          12 Dansville              8:11.11     4  
  5 Kleinbach, Devon          10 Batavia                8:19.23     2  
  6 Long, Abby                12 Batavia                8:48.48     1  
  7 Harris, Kacie             10 Marcus Whitm           9:01.89  
  8 Eadie, Molly              11 LeRoy                  9:07.69  
  9 Gouger, Amanda            12 Batavia                9:13.90  
 10 Hill, Ashley               9 Batavia                9:39.88  
 11 Knights, Ashley           12 Dansville              9:42.05  
 12 Ho, Stephanie             10 Pal-Mac                9:44.17  
 13 Frasier, April            10 Pal-Mac                9:44.18  
 14 Ballerstein, Anna          9 Marcus Whitm           9:55.04  
 15 Rauber, Megan             10 Wayland-Coho          10:14.05  
Event 11  Girls 600 Meter Run Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Decker, Abby              11 Wayland-Coho           1:42.99   2   10  
  2 Jarvela, Angela           10 Batavia                1:44.44   2    8  
  3 Filozof, Katie            12 Dansville              1:45.08   2    6  
  4 Morrissey, Amy            11 Hornell                1:47.41   2    4  
  5 Stinnett, Elise           12 Wayland-Coho           1:49.64   2    2  
  6 McNelis, Mackenzie         8 Hornell                1:50.23   2    1  
  7 Gerace, Chelsea            9 Batavia                1:50.99   2 
  8 Lutzen, Sophia            12 Midlakes               1:51.06   1 
  9 Beasley, Heather          11 Marcus Whitm           1:51.82   2 
 10 Sick, Micalah              9 Wayland-Coho           1:52.61   1 
 11 Airth, Katelyn            11 Marcus Whitm           1:53.44   1 
 12 Gardner, Casey             9 Pal-Mac                1:54.56   1 
 13 Macano, Kayla              9 Pal-Mac                1:54.85   1 
 14 Dean, Ali                 11 North Rose-W           1:57.11   1 
 15 Hadyk, Katelyn            10 Waterloo               2:06.90   1 
Event 15  Girls 55 Meter Dash Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Poles, Jasmine            10 LeRoy                     7.61    10  
  2 Malcolm, Courtney         12 SOTA                      7.89     8  
  3 Slentz, Amy               11 Marcus Whitm              7.93     6  
  4 Turner, DaNiequa          11 Marshall                  8.06     4  
  5 Williams, Tessa            9 Batavia                   8.08     2  
  6 Harris, Jasmine           11 Wayland-Coho              8.09     1  
 -- Stewart-Washington, Apri  12 Marshall                    FS  
Event 19  Girls 1500 Meter Run Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Jarvela, Angela           10 Batavia                5:11.34    10  
  2 Kubiak, Michelle          12 Hornell                5:21.71     8  
  3 Mancuso, Jordan           11 Batavia                5:36.93     6  
  4 Black, Rebecca            11 Pal-Mac                5:41.36     4  
  5 Hopkins, Erinn             9 Wayland-Coho           5:44.36     2  
Event 23  Girls 300 Meter Run Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Poles, Jasmine            10 LeRoy                    43.36   2   10  
  2 Adams, Jen                12 Batavia                  43.40   2    8  
  3 Morrissey, Amy            11 Hornell                  44.64   2    6  
  4 Stewart-Washington, Apri  12 Marshall                 45.75   2    4  
  5 Slentz, Amy               11 Marcus Whitm             45.79   2    2  
  6 Filozof, Katie            12 Dansville                45.87   2    1  
  7 Ball, Emily                9 North Rose-W             46.38   2 
  8 Wilson, Kennethea          8 SOTA                     47.30   1 
  9 Smythe, Lindsay           12 Wayland-Coho             48.03   1 
 10 Macano, Kayla              9 Pal-Mac                  48.35   1 
 11 VanderMallie, Morgan      10 Pal-Mac                  49.30   1 
Event 27  Girls 55 Meter Hurdles Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Lane, Jordan              12 Batavia                   9.23   2   10  
  2 O'Donnell, Carolyn        12 Batavia                   9.32   2    8  
  3 Wilber, Hannah            12 Geneva                    9.74   2    6  
  4 Milem, Bonna              11 North Rose-W              9.90   2    4  
  5 Hume, Cady                10 Batavia                   9.94   2    2  
  6 Cecere, Danielle           9 Batavia                  10.05   2    1  
  7 Rauber, Brittany          11 Dansville                10.17   2 
  8 Tilton, Leigha             9 Livonia                  10.40   1 
  9 Henchen, Meghan           11 Wayland-Coho             10.45   1 
 10 Maslyn, Lyndsey           12 Waterloo                 10.52   1 
 11 Kahn, Laura               10 Wayland-Coho             10.84   1 
 12 Roland, Megan             10 Pal-Mac                  10.91   1 
 13 Blong, Rachel              8 Mynderse                 11.34   1 
Event 31  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Class C
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Dansville                                          10:45.79    10  
  2 Hornell                                            10:59.49     8  
  3 Marcus Whitman                                     11:02.33     6  
  4 Batavia                                            11:15.05     4  
  5 Palmyra-Macedon                                    11:31.56     2  
  6 Wayland-Cohocton                                   11:47.36     1  
  7 LeRoy                                              11:47.38  
  8 Mynderse                                           11:52.04  
Event 35  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Class C
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Wayland-Cohocton                                    4:25.62    10  
  2 Batavia                                             4:25.99     8  
  3 Palmyra-Macedon                                     4:48.50     6  
  4 Bath-Haverling                                      4:51.39     4  
  5 LeRoy                                               4:51.41     2  
  6 Waterloo                                            4:55.92     1  
Event 39  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Class C
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Hornell                                             1:57.01   2   10  
  2 Batavia                                             1:58.56   2    8  
  3 Bath-Haverling                                      1:59.25   2    6  
  4 North Rose-Wolcott                                  2:01.23   2    4  
  5 Marcus Whitman                                      2:01.89   2    2  
  6 Wayland-Cohocton                                    2:02.00   2    1  
  7 Dansville                                           2:03.76   2 
  8 Mynderse                                            2:04.35   1 
  9 Palmyra-Macedon                                     2:04.74   2 
 10 LeRoy                                               2:05.04   1 
 11 Waterloo                                            2:07.36   1 
Event 44  Girls Long Jump 4 attempts Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Adams, Jen                12 Batavia               17-01.75    10  
  2 Poles, Jasmine            10 LeRoy                 16-07.00     8  
  3 Malcolm, Courtney         12 SOTA                  14-10.75     6  
  4 Mackenrodt, Jade           9 Dansville             14-02.00     4  
  5 Lutzen, Sophia            12 Midlakes              14-01.50     2  
  6 Bartlett, Cassie          12 Wayland-Coho          13-11.00     1  
  7 Thomas, Amber             11 Waterloo              13-08.75  
  8 Maul, Emily               10 Pal-Mac               13-01.25  
  9 Przysinda, Emily           9 Livonia               12-02.00  
 10 Rodriguez, Sabrina        10 Bath                  11-08.25  
Event 50  Girls High Jump Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Fishell, Shawnie          11 Pal-Mac                5-00.00    10  
  2 Lane, Jordan              12 Batavia               J4-10.00     8  
  3 Johns, Emily              12 Bath                  J4-10.00     6  
  4 Chen, Caressa             11 Mynderse              J4-06.00     4  
  5 Mackenrodt, Jade           9 Dansville             J4-06.00     1.5
  5 Acor, Courtney            10 Mynderse              J4-06.00     1.5
  7 Bloom, Chelsie            11 Marcus Whitm           4-04.00  
  8 O'Halloran, Brogan         9 LeRoy                  4-02.00  
  8 Thorp, Liz                12 Livonia                4-02.00  
 10 Hume, Cady                10 Batavia                4-00.00  
Event 54  Girls Shot Put 4 attempts Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Brune, Roxane             12 Wayland-Coho          32-08.00    10  
  2 Morgan, Kenisha           10 Batavia               32-02.50     8  
  3 Yager, Samantha           11 Batavia               31-05.50     6  
  4 Johnson, Lindsey          12 Dansville             31-03.75     4  
  5 VanScooter, Rachel        10 Wayland-Coho          31-01.00     2  
  6 Dzikowski, Julie          11 Dansville             29-05.50     1  
  7 Snyder, Susan             12 North Rose-W          28-00.50  
  8 Debolt, Mariah            12 Waterloo              27-03.50  
  9 Rodbourn, Cherokee        10 Bath                  25-10.00  
 10 Button, Julie             10 Marcus Whitm          25-09.00  
 11 Bondor, Liz               10 Geneva                25-00.00  
 11 Rowley, Angel              9 North Rose-W          25-00.00  
 13 Sawyer, Sydney            10 Mynderse              24-02.00  
 14 Lang, Katie               12 LeRoy                 23-07.00  
 15 Rickerson, Morgan         12 Midlakes              22-11.00  
Event 58  Girls Pole Vault Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 O'Donnell, Carolyn        12 Batavia                8-09.00    10  
  2 McManus, Cailey           12 Hornell                8-06.00     8  
  3 Vanderbrook, Samantha     12 Midlakes              J8-00.00     6  
  4 Morgan, Kenisha           10 Batavia               J8-00.00     4  
  5 O'Brien, Sara             10 Dansville             J7-00.00     2  
  6 Castor, Violet            10 Dansville             J7-00.00     1  
  7 Lee, Amy                  10 Mynderse               6-06.00  
 -- Scott, Rachael            12 Batavia                     NH  
Event 60  Girls Triple Jump 4 attempts Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Adams, Jen                12 Batavia               35-04.75    10  
  2 Fishell, Shawnie          11 Pal-Mac               35-00.25     8  
  3 Malcolm, Courtney         12 SOTA                  33-08.00     6  
  4 Maul, Emily               10 Pal-Mac               30-09.50     4  
  5 Schmit, Shannon            9 Batavia               30-07.50     2  
  6 Thomas, Amber             11 Waterloo              29-06.50     1  
  7 Bartlett, Cassie          12 Wayland-Coho          29-01.25  
  8 Gardner, Casey             9 Pal-Mac               28-11.50  
  9 TenEyck, Terry            12 Waterloo              28-05.50  
 10 Weidman, Abby              9 Dansville             28-05.00  
 11 Young, Sarah              11 Waterloo              26-01.00  
 12 Vazquez, Vanelia          11 SOTA                  25-09.50  
              Women - Class C - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
    1) Batavia                    172        2) Hornell                    57   
    3) Dansville                   50.50     4) Wayland-Cohocton           46   
    5) Palmyra-Macedon             39        6) LeRoy                      36   
    7) School Of The Arts          20        8) Bath-Haverling             17   
    9) Marcus Whitman              16       10) Midlakes                   10   
   11) North Rose-Wolcott           8       11) John Marshall               8   
   13) Mynderse                     7.50    14) Geneva                      6   
   15) Waterloo                     2