Warwick Valley XC Mania 2007

Warwick, NY

Boys JV

                       RESULTS BY FINISH RIGHT TIMING
                    518-312-0886    WWW.FINISHRIGHT.COM
PLACE  PTS NAME                PLACE  SCHOOL                  TIME    PACE  
    1    1 Dave DeWan          11  1  Warwick Valley         16:29.7  5:19
    2    2 Ryan Muldoon        11  2  Don Bosco Prep         16:53.4  5:27
    3    3 Steve Kane          12  1  Warwick Valley         16:57.1  5:28
    4    4 Ryan Florkiewicz    12  2  Warwick Valley         16:59.4  5:29
    5    5 Stephen Wyka        12  3  Don Bosco Prep         17:00.8  5:29
    6    6 Chase Laster        12  4  Warwick Valley         17:01.6  5:29
    7    7 Danny Fellner       10  1  Don Bosco Prep         17:06.4  5:31
    8    8 Steve Peterson      11  3  Warwick Valley         17:10.1  5:32
    9    9 Michael Belgiovine  10  2  Don Bosco Prep         17:14.5  5:33
   10   10 Russell Tuttle      10  3  Warwick Valley         17:22.8  5:36
   11   11 Wayne Lawrence      12  5  Warwick Valley         17:28.5  5:38
   12      James Wu            10  4  Warwick Valley         17:31.0  5:39
   13   12 John Murphy         11  4  Don Bosco Prep         17:38.9  5:41
   14   13 Kai Garlipp         12  6  Walt Whitman           17:41.3  5:42
   15      Dennis Barden       11  5  Warwick Valley         17:44.3  5:43
   16      Dennin Schmidt      11  6  Warwick Valley         17:44.9  5:43
   17   14 Dylan DeNuzzo       10  5  Walt Whitman           17:48.6  5:44
   18      Ryan Bauer          11  7  Warwick Valley         17:51.0  5:45
   19   15 Jamie Rosenberg     10  6  Horace Greeley         17:56.9  5:47
   20   16 Nick Wilson         10  7  Walt Whitman           18:03.2  5:49
   21   17 John Glidden        11  8  Walt Whitman           18:05.9  5:50
   22   18 Derek Cooper        11  9  Mahopac                18:10.3  5:51
   23   19 Brian Coyle         11 10  Bayport Blue-Point     18:11.3  5:52
   24   20 Noah Sheinbaum      11 11  Horace Greeley         18:12.2  5:52
   25   21 John Clifford       10  8  Don Bosco Prep         18:12.9  5:52
   26   22 David Thomason      12  7  Horace Greeley         18:14.4  5:53
   27   23 Anthony Rebolini    12  8  Walt Whitman           18:16.2  5:53
   28   24 Matt Rubin          11 12  Horace Greeley         18:21.7  5:55
   29      Tom Fone            12  9  Warwick Valley         18:22.1  5:55
   30   25 Peter Caruso        12 10  Mahopac                18:24.3  5:56
   31   26 Michael Vega        12 11  Don Bosco Prep         18:25.5  5:56
   32   27 Justin Randazzo     10  9  Lynbrook               18:26.4  5:57
   33   28 Jon Zaidins         12 12  Horace Greeley         18:26.7  5:57
   34      Joe Mackey          12 13  Warwick Valley         18:28.6  5:57
   35   29 Timmy Skelly        10 10  Pearl River            18:33.8  5:59
   36      Bryan Kelly         10 11  Warwick Valley         18:36.4  6:00
   37      Billy Jackson       12 14  Warwick Valley         18:38.0  6:00
   38      John Schroeder      11 13  Warwick Valley         18:41.1  6:01
   39      Brian Vega          11 14  Don Bosco Prep         18:41.9  6:02
   40   30 Tim Cohen           11 15  Mahopac                18:43.4  6:02
   41   31 Mario Buscemi       12 15  Bayport Blue-Point     18:44.6  6:02
   42   32 Jeff Morris         11 16  Bayport Blue-Point     18:45.0  6:03
   43   33 Brendan Keegan      11 17  Walt Whitman           18:48.0  6:04
   44   34 Pat Kohlbrenner     10 12  Pearl River            18:48.9  6:04
   45   35 Robert Kraatz       12 16  Walt Whitman           18:50.4  6:04
   46   36 David Zaidins       12 17  Horace Greeley         18:51.6  6:05
   47   37 Fred Kolthay        11 18  Mahopac                18:53.5  6:05
   48   38 Randy Stevens       11 19  Bayport Blue-Point     18:54.8  6:06
   49   39 Dan Stadt           10 13  Pearl River            18:56.1  6:06
   50      Milton Feliciano    12 18  Walt Whitman           18:56.4  6:06
   51   40 Willie Gabay        11 20  Mahopac                18:59.4  6:07
   52   41 Alex Bernstein      11 21  Horace Greeley         18:59.7  6:07
   53      Guy Graney          11 22  Warwick Valley         19:00.7  6:08
   54   42 James Ferrall       10 14  Lynbrook               19:01.1  6:08
   55      Fumi Asaga          10 15  Horace Greeley         19:02.4  6:08
   56      Kurt Pfaffenberger  12 19  Warwick Valley         19:04.7  6:09
   57      Trent Messina       11 23  Warwick Valley         19:05.0  6:09
   58   43 Johnathon Peruski   10 16  Scarsdale              19:05.0  6:09
   59      Matt Marano         10 17  Horace Greeley         19:05.7  6:09
   60   44 Andrew Korovich     11 24  Mahopac                19:06.1  6:09
   61   45 Chris Roth          10 18  Pearl River            19:06.6  6:10
   62      Greg Hotaling       12 20  Beacon                 19:09.2  6:10
   63   46 Evan Haun           10 19  Bayport Blue-Point     19:11.3  6:11
   64      Tommy Mulligan      11 25  Don Bosco Prep         19:11.8  6:11
   65      Christian Perfas    10 20  Red Hook               19:12.2  6:11
   66      Frank Gassert       12 21  Don Bosco Prep         19:14.1  6:12
   67   47 Declan Diemer       11 26  Bayport Blue-Point     19:15.2  6:12
   68   48 Eric Kavanagh       11 27  Pearl River            19:16.0  6:13
   69   49 Christopher Kornfel 10 21  Lynbrook               19:17.4  6:13
   70      Mike Paris          10 22  Warwick Valley         19:18.8  6:13
   71   50 Dustin Alin         10 23  Scarsdale              19:19.3  6:14
   72   51 Adi Ramada          12 22  Mahopac                19:21.6  6:14
   73   52 Daniel Trotta       10 24  Lynbrook               19:28.2  6:17
   74      Brent Hill          12 23  Warwick Valley         19:28.6  6:17
   75      Pat Grady           11 28  Warwick Valley         19:28.9  6:17
   76   53 Ryan Herlihy        11 29  Mepham                 19:29.3  6:17
   77   54 Justin Rando        11 30  Goshen                 19:30.2  6:17
   78   55 Will Grennan        11 31  Massapequa             19:31.4  6:18
   79      Nick Hallman        10 25  Warwick Valley         19:31.7  6:18
   80   56 Ian Taggert         10 26  Bethlehem              19:32.1  6:18
   81      Ernst Dessources    10 27  Uniondale              19:33.4  6:18
   82   57 John Lithen         10 28  Lynbrook               19:34.8  6:19
   83   58 Michael Johnson     10 29  Lynbrook               19:35.5  6:19
   84   59 Max Hammer          11 32  Ossing                 19:36.5  6:19
   85   60 David Meyers        11 33  Mepham                 19:37.0  6:19
   86      Nate Hintermeister  11 34  Warwick Valley         19:38.3  6:20
   87   61 Christian Parlato   11 35  Carmel                 19:38.7  6:20
   88   62 Trevor MacDonald    11 36  Bayport Blue-Point     19:39.8  6:20
   89   63 Dylan Silberfein    10 30  Dobbs Ferry            19:40.2  6:20
   90      Frank Natale        11 37  Walt Whitman           19:40.8  6:21
   91      Peter Ohara         11 38  Horace Greeley         19:43.0  6:21
   92      Alex Wolff          11 39  Horace Greeley         19:43.3  6:21
   93      Jim Kelly           11 40  Warwick Valley         19:43.8  6:22
   94   64 Kevin Gannon        11 41  Lynbrook               19:45.6  6:22
   95      Brandon Manfredo    10 31  Walt Whitman           19:50.1  6:24
   96      Kevin McDowell      11 42  Bayport Blue-Point     19:50.5  6:24
   97   65 Mike Lawoo          11 43  Mepham                 19:52.8  6:24
   98      Anthony Dell\'Aquila 10 32  Don Bosco Prep         19:53.4  6:25
   99   66 Takamasa Masuda      9  1  Dobbs Ferry            19:55.0  6:25
  100      Justin Krim         11 44  Horace Greeley         19:57.2  6:26
  101   67 Andre Lowden        12 24  Mount St. Michael      19:58.2  6:26
  102      Dan Meury           11 45  Mahopac                19:59.5  6:27
  103   68 Greg Welter         11 46  Bethlehem              19:59.9  6:27
  104   69 brendan Tully       10 33  Carmel                 20:00.5  6:27
  105      Brian Kownacki      11 47  Horace Greeley         20:01.9  6:27
  106   70 Alex Sobiecki       11 48  Bethlehem              20:04.0  6:28
  107   71 Steve Mirra         11 49  Massapequa             20:05.2  6:28
  108   72 William Rooney      11 50  Goshen                 20:06.1  6:29
  109      James Ungemach      11 51  Don Bosco Prep         20:07.3  6:29
  110      Pat Kaplan          10 34  Bayport Blue-Point     20:07.7  6:29
  111      Michael Ferraro     11 52  Walt Whitman           20:08.8  6:30
  112   73 Eric Wukitsch       10 35  Bethlehem              20:09.2  6:30
  113   74 John Codman         10 36  Ossing                 20:09.6  6:30
  114   75 Nick Moneta         12 25  Mepham                 20:11.2  6:30
  115      David Kellog        11 53  Mahopac                20:11.7  6:30
  116   76 George Epstein       9  2  Dobbs Ferry            20:12.7  6:31
  117   77 Kevin Coffey        11 54  Bethlehem              20:13.5  6:31
  118   78 Loren Sri-Jayantha  12 26  Ossing                 20:14.4  6:31
  119   79 Peter Orlando       12 27  Goshen                 20:16.6  6:32
  120      Brad Whitney        11 55  Beacon                 20:17.0  6:32
  121      Christian Morehead  10 37  Marlboro               20:19.1  6:33
  122   80 Aaron Warner        10 38  Minisink Valley        20:19.6  6:33
  123      Sean Vutianitis     10 39  Warwick Valley         20:23.2  6:34
  124      Alex Courtman       10 40  Lynbrook               20:23.5  6:34
  125      Devin Hurley        10 41  Warwick Valley         20:24.4  6:35
  126      Kenny Cummings      11 56  Warwick Valley         20:24.8  6:35
  127      Danny Roosevelt     11 57  Horace Greeley         20:26.0  6:35
  128   81 Chris Gariglio      12 28  Massapequa             20:26.4  6:35
  129   82 Matt Wilson          9  3  Minisink Valley        20:27.6  6:36
  130      DJ Wiedmer          11 58  North Shore            20:31.8  6:37
  131   83 Diego Sanchez       11 59  Mepham                 20:32.4  6:37
  132   84 James Gigantes      11 60  De Paul Catholic       20:35.9  6:38
  133      Dan Long            10 42  Bayport Blue-Point     20:36.5  6:38
  134   85 John O\'Rourke       10 43  Carmel                 20:37.3  6:39
  135   86 Matt Matyus         11 61  Goshen                 20:38.0  6:39
  136   87 John Simonelli      10 44  De Paul Catholic       20:40.2  6:40
  137      Pat Pagano          11 62  Walt Whitman           20:41.9  6:40
  138   88 Robert Vatter       12 29  Pearl River            20:42.6  6:40
  139      Stephen Bohny       11 63  Don Bosco Prep         20:46.3  6:42
  140      Matt Vincelli       11 64  Lynbrook               20:48.1  6:42
  141      Connor Grady        10 45  Walt Whitman           20:48.5  6:42
  142      Ryan Anderson       10 46  Mahopac                20:52.1  6:43
  143   89 Jack Bossung        11 65  Bethlehem              20:53.8  6:44
  144   90 Anthony Cuomo       10 47  Goshen                 20:54.8  6:44
  145      Kevin Cross         10 48  Horace Greeley         20:56.4  6:45
  146      Jason Lopez         11 66  Mahopac                20:58.4  6:46
  147      Matt Rowan          11 67  Beacon                 20:58.8  6:46
  148   91 Adam Ryason         10 49  Carmel                 20:59.6  6:46
  149   92 Brendan Comiskey    11 68  Carmel                 21:00.6  6:46
  150      Brett Deutsch       11 69  Horace Greeley         21:01.3  6:46
  151      Zachary Guiliano    10 50  Walt Whitman           21:02.0  6:47
  152   93 Bill Westdyk        11 70  De Paul Catholic       21:04.5  6:47
  153   94 Eric Hall           12 30  Mount St. Michael      21:08.6  6:49
  154      Max Kayen           12 31  Lynbrook               21:09.3  6:49
  155   95 Mike Roach          10 51  Massapequa             21:12.9  6:50
  156      Travis Clark        11 71  Middletown             21:13.4  6:50
  157      Brian Carson        10 52  Mahopac                21:14.4  6:51
  158   96 Gennaro Bonfiglio   12 32  Minisink Valley        21:18.8  6:52
  159   97 Casey Bach          11 72  Massapequa             21:19.4  6:52
  160   98 Alex Walsh          11 73  Bethlehem              21:20.4  6:53
  161   99 Brett Perl          10 53  Scarsdale              21:21.9  6:53
  162  100 Alan Sanseverino    12 33  Dobbs Ferry            21:24.1  6:54
  163      Ryan Blesi          12 34  Walt Whitman           21:25.3  6:54
  164      Ross Imbrie         12 35  Warwick Valley         21:25.8  6:54
  165  101 John Castillo       10 54  Ossing                 21:27.9  6:55
  166      Ethan Fellich       10 55  Lynbrook               21:28.5  6:55
  167  102 James Nyreen        10 56  Massapequa             21:29.6  6:56
  168  103 Colin Crossley      12 36  Goshen                 21:30.1  6:56
  169      Josh Sanchez        12 37  Bethlehem              21:30.7  6:56
  170  104 Rodney Rebello      11 74  Ossing                 21:31.8  6:56
  171  105 Jeremy Watson       11 75  Goshen                 21:32.7  6:57
  172      Patrick Mantle      12 38  Lynbrook               21:34.2  6:57
  173      Kenny Chubinsky     12 39  Horace Greeley         21:34.6  6:57
  174  106 Shamus Woods        10 57  Pearl River            21:35.1  6:57
  175  107 Tsang Andrew        10 58  Herricks               21:37.4  6:58
  176  108 Jeremy Bein         10 59  Massapequa             21:37.9  6:58
  177  109 Michael Zullo       11 76  Scarsdale              21:38.3  6:58
  178      Alec Krosser        11 77  Horace Greeley         21:39.3  6:59
  179      Peter Mahoney       10 60  Massapequa             21:39.7  6:59
  180  110 Branden Figueroa    10 61  Carmel                 21:40.2  6:59
  181  111 Jake Weissman        9  4  Onteora                21:41.2  6:59
  182  112 Alan Browne         12 40  Minisink Valley        21:48.4  7:02
  183      ShaQuille Brown     11 78  Goshen                 21:51.9  7:03
  184  113 Joe Scaglione       11 79  De Paul Catholic       21:58.3  7:05
  185      jack chenger        12 41  Spackenkill            22:00.9  7:06
  186      Kyle Mahoney        10 62  Massapequa             22:02.7  7:06
  187  114 Kemol Guy           10 63  Ossing                 22:03.5  7:06
  188      James Smith         11 80  Goshen                 22:03.8  7:07
  189      Nick Beach          10 64  Horace Greeley         22:04.7  7:07
  190      Tom Fuchs           11 81  Goshen                 22:05.1  7:07
  191      Pat McCue           10 65  Bayport Blue-Point     22:05.6  7:07
  192      John Grega          10 66  Lynbrook               22:12.8  7:09
  193      Mike Zaneri         11 82  Mahopac                22:14.4  7:10
  194      Michael Giglio      10 67  Walt Whitman           22:15.9  7:10
  195      Jack Pender          9  5  Lynbrook               22:18.0  7:11
  196  115 Christian Rojas     12 42  Ossing                 22:18.5  7:11
  197      David Duhamel       10 68  Horace Greeley         22:20.7  7:12
  198  116 Greg Kristof        10 69  Scarsdale              22:22.5  7:13
  199      Trevor Kent         10 70  Red Hook               22:23.1  7:13
  200      Kevin Fiero         11 83  Middletown             22:24.2  7:13
  201      Steve Lawrence      10 71  Bayport Blue-Point     22:24.7  7:13
  202  117 David Berke         12 43  Scarsdale              22:25.1  7:13
  203       JUSTIN DEMPSEY     10 72  Red Hook               22:25.8  7:14
  204  118 Robert Nanton       10 73  Mount St. Michael      22:26.2  7:14
  205  119 Lloyd Campbell      12 44  Mount St. Michael      22:26.6  7:14
  206      Alex Poster         11 84  Horace Greeley         22:28.5  7:15
  207      Scott Shapiro       11 85  Lynbrook               22:31.7  7:16
  208  120 Primo Stropoli      12 45  Onteora                22:32.2  7:16
  209  121 Nick Spear           9  6  Mepham                 22:32.8  7:16
  210      Joseph O\'Connor      9  7  Lynbrook               22:34.4  7:16
  211  122 Dylan Lovett        11 86  Carmel                 22:36.1  7:17
  212      Alessio Faiella     10 74  Bayport Blue-Point     22:36.4  7:17
  213  123 John Wilson         11 87  De Paul Catholic       22:38.3  7:18
  214      Bryan Frain         11 88  Middletown             22:39.3  7:18
  215  124 Boris Opicac        10 75  Dobbs Ferry            22:40.7  7:18
  216  125 Thomas Vaughan      11 89  Mount St. Michael      22:41.1  7:19
  217  126 Shah Ankit          11 90  Herricks               22:42.0  7:19
  218      Will Lombardi       11 91  Ossing                 22:42.4  7:19
  219  127 JAke Vanacore        9  8  Onteora                22:42.7  7:19
  220      Michael Cacciatore  10 76  Goshen                 22:43.2  7:19
  221      Michael McCorvey     9  9  Lynbrook               22:43.8  7:19
  222      Brendan Mitchell    12 46  Bayport Blue-Point     22:45.6  7:20
  223      Eric Dalessio       11 92  Goshen                 22:49.5  7:21
  224      Adam Levine         12 47  Horace Greeley         22:54.3  7:23
  225  128 Sporn Jake          11 93  Herricks               22:56.0  7:23
  226      Mike Lopez          10 77  Warwick Valley         22:59.2  7:24
  227      Alexander Karmazain 10 78  Walt Whitman           23:00.6  7:25
  228      Brendan Henne       12 48  Warwick Valley         23:02.8  7:26
  229  129 James Mcloughlin    11 94  Dobbs Ferry            23:03.2  7:26
  230      Dan Lewis           10 79  Beacon                 23:03.6  7:26
  231  130 Yoshiaki Tajima     10 80  Scarsdale              23:05.2  7:26
  232  131 Jason Burns         10 81  De Paul Catholic       23:07.7  7:27
  233      Sean Birdsall       10 82  Goshen                 23:11.8  7:28
  234  132 Jeremiah DeBoever   12 49  Onteora                23:14.1  7:29
  235  133 Brandon Long        11 95  Minisink Valley        23:17.3  7:30
  236      Tyler Miguel        10 83  Bayport Blue-Point     23:19.9  7:31
  237      Dave Dreifus        10 84  Lynbrook               23:22.8  7:32
  238  134 Mike Elsasser       11 96  Mepham                 23:23.3  7:32
  239      Timothy Kirtland    10 85  Red Hook               23:23.9  7:32
  240  135 Tyreek Williams     12 50  Mount St. Michael      23:25.1  7:33
  241      Ryan Badaleto       10 86  Bethlehem              23:27.3  7:33
  242      Andrew Angowitz     11 97  Horace Greeley         23:29.8  7:34
  243  136 Corona Chris         9 10  Herricks               23:31.3  7:35
  244      Matt Minowitz       12 51  Massapequa             23:31.7  7:35
  245      Brendan O\'Keefe     12 52  Warwick Valley         23:33.3  7:35
  246      Anthony Comando     10 87  Lynbrook               23:39.5  7:37
  247      Brandon Kern        12 53  Bayport Blue-Point     23:41.2  7:38
  248      Trevor Schwall      12 54  Bayport Blue-Point     23:42.4  7:38
  249      John Dermigny       12 55  Goshen                 23:52.2  7:41
  250      David Genender       9 11  Middletown             23:52.8  7:42
  251      Andrew Burke        10 88  Massapequa             23:53.3  7:42
  252      Ben Gurin           10 89  Scarsdale              23:53.7  7:42
  253  137 Reilly Hayes         9 12  Onteora                23:59.1  7:44
  254      Gregory Dreifus     10 90  Lynbrook               24:03.6  7:45
  255      Eddie Maher          9 13  Lynbrook               24:16.4  7:49
  256  138 Quinn Wright        10 91  Dobbs Ferry            24:21.2  7:51
  257      Alex Restrepo        9 14  Lynbrook               24:22.1  7:51
  258      Ethan Axelrod       10 92  Bayport Blue-Point     24:30.3  7:54
  259      Tyler Diamond       11 98  Lynbrook               24:33.2  7:55
  260      Gio Perez           10 93  S.S. Seward            24:35.7  7:55
  261      Matt Holt            9 15  Dobbs Ferry            24:38.4  7:56
  262      Brian Markiewicz    10 94  Warwick Valley         24:48.5  8:00
  263      Michael Levine      10 95  Horace Greeley         24:49.5  8:00
  264      Tyler Tafuto        10 96  Warwick Valley         25:03.7  8:04
  265      Larry Lau           11 99  Warwick Valley         25:09.7  8:06
  266      captain kancherla   10 97  Spackenkill            25:21.7  8:10
  267      Jordan Jorisch      11100  Massapequa             25:23.8  8:11
  268      Dan Lawrence        12 56  Ossing                 25:45.4  8:18
  269      Kyle Essex          10 98  North Shore            26:28.3  8:32
  270  139 Alexander Benson    11101  Herricks               27:07.1  8:44
  271  140 kent Josh           12 57  Herricks               27:57.1  9:00
  272      billy hild          10 99  Spackenkill            27:59.2  9:01
  273      Eric Mauro           9 16  Lynbrook               28:01.4  9:02
  274      Joe Rivera          11102  Bayport Blue-Point     28:08.2  9:04
  275      Andrew Hallock       9 17  S.S. Seward            28:16.4  9:06
  276      Sam Kujawski        10100  S.S. Seward            28:19.4  9:07
  277      Shavar Evans        10101  S.S. Seward            28:20.2  9:08
  278      Cristian Lebron     10102  Carmel                 28:56.0  9:19
  279  141 Kaij Emig            9 18  Onteora                34:20.6 11:04
  280      Ross Feinberg       12 58  Bethlehem              36:12.8 11:40
                                WAVE MANIA
                         WARRICK VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL
                                WARWICK, NY
                SITE OF THE 2006 NYSPHSAA XC CHAMPIONSHIPS              
                             SEPTEMBER 28, 2007
                                  BOYS JV
                       RESULTS BY FINISH RIGHT TIMING
                    518-312-0886    WWW.FINISHRIGHT.COM
  1.    22  Warwick Valley              (16:55.6  84:37.9)
  1      1  Dave DeWan           11    16:29.7
  2      3  Steve Kane           12    16:57.1
  3      4  Ryan Florkiewicz     12    16:59.4
  4      6  Chase Laster         12    17:01.6
  5      8  Steve Peterson       11    17:10.1
  6   ( 10) Russell Tuttle       10    17:22.8
  7   ( 11) Wayne Lawrence       12    17:28.5
  2.    35  Don Bosco Prep              (17:10.8  85:54.0)
  1      2  Ryan Muldoon         11    16:53.4
  2      5  Stephen Wyka         12    17:00.8
  3      7  Danny Fellner        10    17:06.4
  4      9  Michael Belgiovine   10    17:14.5
  5     12  John Murphy          11    17:38.9
  6   ( 21) John Clifford        10    18:12.9
  7   ( 26) Michael Vega         12    18:25.5
  3.    83  Walt Whitman                (17:59.1  89:55.2)
  1     13  Kai Garlipp          12    17:41.3
  2     14  Dylan DeNuzzo        10    17:48.6
  3     16  Nick Wilson          10    18:03.2
  4     17  John Glidden         11    18:05.9
  5     23  Anthony Rebolini     12    18:16.2
  6   ( 33) Brendan Keegan       11    18:48.0
  7   ( 35) Robert Kraatz        12    18:50.4
  4.   109  Horace Greeley              (18:14.4  91:11.9)
  1     15  Jamie Rosenberg      10    17:56.9
  2     20  Noah Sheinbaum       11    18:12.2
  3     22  David Thomason       12    18:14.4
  4     24  Matt Rubin           11    18:21.7
  5     28  Jon Zaidins          12    18:26.7
  6   ( 36) David Zaidins        12    18:51.6
  7   ( 41) Alex Bernstein       11    18:59.7
  5.   150  Mahopac                     (18:38.2  93:10.9)
  1     18  Derek Cooper         11    18:10.3
  2     25  Peter Caruso         12    18:24.3
  3     30  Tim Cohen            11    18:43.4
  4     37  Fred Kolthay         11    18:53.5
  5     40  Willie Gabay         11    18:59.4
  6   ( 44) Andrew Korovich      11    19:06.1
  7   ( 51) Adi Ramada           12    19:21.6
  6.   166  Bayport Blue-Point          (18:45.4  93:47.0)
  1     19  Brian Coyle          11    18:11.3
  2     31  Mario Buscemi        12    18:44.6
  3     32  Jeff Morris          11    18:45.0
  4     38  Randy Stevens        11    18:54.8
  5     46  Evan Haun            10    19:11.3
  6   ( 47) Declan Diemer        11    19:15.2
  7   ( 62) Trevor MacDonald     11    19:39.8
  7.   195  Pearl River                 (18:56.3  94:41.4)
  1     29  Timmy Skelly         10    18:33.8
  2     34  Pat Kohlbrenner      10    18:48.9
  3     39  Dan Stadt            10    18:56.1
  4     45  Chris Roth           10    19:06.6
  5     48  Eric Kavanagh        11    19:16.0
  6   ( 88) Robert Vatter        12    20:42.6
  7   (106) Shamus Woods         10    21:35.1
  8.   227  Lynbrook                    (19:09.6  95:47.9)
  1     27  Justin Randazzo      10    18:26.4
  2     42  James Ferrall        10    19:01.1
  3     49  Christopher Kornfeld 10    19:17.4
  4     52  Daniel Trotta        10    19:28.2
  5     57  John Lithen          10    19:34.8
  6   ( 58) Michael Johnson      10    19:35.5
  7   ( 64) Kevin Gannon         11    19:45.6
  9.   336  Mepham                      (19:56.6  99:42.7)
  1     53  Ryan Herlihy         11    19:29.3
  2     60  David Meyers         11    19:37.0
  3     65  Mike Lawoo           11    19:52.8
  4     75  Nick Moneta          12    20:11.2
  5     83  Diego Sanchez        11    20:32.4
  6   (121) Nick Spear            9    22:32.8
  7   (134) Mike Elsasser        11    23:23.3
 10.   344  Bethlehem                   (19:59.8  99:58.7)
  1     56  Ian Taggert          10    19:32.1
  2     68  Greg Welter          11    19:59.9
  3     70  Alex Sobiecki        11    20:04.0
  4     73  Eric Wukitsch        10    20:09.2
  5     77  Kevin Coffey         11    20:13.5
  6   ( 89) Jack Bossung         11    20:53.8
  7   ( 98) Alex Walsh           11    21:20.4
 11.   381  Goshen                      (20:17.2  101:25.7)
  1     54  Justin Rando         11    19:30.2
  2     72  William Rooney       11    20:06.1
  3     79  Peter Orlando        12    20:16.6
  4     86  Matt Matyus          11    20:38.0
  5     90  Anthony Cuomo        10    20:54.8
  6   (103) Colin Crossley       12    21:30.1
  7   (105) Jeremy Watson        11    21:32.7
 12.   398  Carmel                      (20:27.4  102:16.7)
  1     61  Christian Parlato    11    19:38.7
  2     69  brendan Tully        10    20:00.5
  3     85  John O\'Rourke        10    20:37.3
  4     91  Adam Ryason          10    20:59.6
  5     92  Brendan Comiskey     11    21:00.6
  6   (110) Branden Figueroa     10    21:40.2
  7   (122) Dylan Lovett         11    22:36.1
 13.   399  Massapequa                  (20:31.1  102:35.3)
  1     55  Will Grennan         11    19:31.4
  2     71  Steve Mirra          11    20:05.2
  3     81  Chris Gariglio       12    20:26.4
  4     95  Mike Roach           10    21:12.9
  5     97  Casey Bach           11    21:19.4
  6   (102) James Nyreen         10    21:29.6
  7   (108) Jeremy Bein          10    21:37.9
 14.   416  Ossing                      (20:36.1  103:00.2)
  1     59  Max Hammer           11    19:36.5
  2     74  John Codman          10    20:09.6
  3     78  Loren Sri-Jayantha   12    20:14.4
  4    101  John Castillo        10    21:27.9
  5    104  Rodney Rebello       11    21:31.8
  6   (114) Kemol Guy            10    22:03.5
  7   (115) Christian Rojas      12    22:18.5
 15.   417  Scarsdale                   (20:45.4  103:47.0)
  1     43  Johnathon Peruski    10    19:05.0
  2     50  Dustin Alin          10    19:19.3
  3     99  Brett Perl           10    21:21.9
  4    109  Michael Zullo        11    21:38.3
  5    116  Greg Kristof         10    22:22.5
  6   (117) David Berke          12    22:25.1
  7   (130) Yoshiaki Tajima      10    23:05.2
 16.   429  Dobbs Ferry                 (20:46.6  103:52.7)
  1     63  Dylan Silberfein     10    19:40.2
  2     66  Takamasa Masuda       9    19:55.0
  3     76  George Epstein        9    20:12.7
  4    100  Alan Sanseverino     12    21:24.1
  5    124  Boris Opicac         10    22:40.7
  6   (129) James Mcloughlin     11    23:03.2
  7   (138) Quinn Wright         10    24:21.2
 17.   500  De Paul Catholic            (21:23.5  106:57.2)
  1     84  James Gigantes       11    20:35.9
  2     87  John Simonelli       10    20:40.2
  3     93  Bill Westdyk         11    21:04.5
  4    113  Joe Scaglione        11    21:58.3
  5    123  John Wilson          11    22:38.3
  6   (131) Jason Burns          10    23:07.7
 18.   503  Minisink Valley             (21:26.4  107:11.7)
  1     80  Aaron Warner         10    20:19.6
  2     82  Matt Wilson           9    20:27.6
  3     96  Gennaro Bonfiglio    12    21:18.8
  4    112  Alan Browne          12    21:48.4
  5    133  Brandon Long         11    23:17.3
 19.   523  Mount St. Michael           (21:44.2  108:40.7)
  1     67  Andre Lowden         12    19:58.2
  2     94  Eric Hall            12    21:08.6
  3    118  Robert Nanton        10    22:26.2
  4    119  Lloyd Campbell       12    22:26.6
  5    125  Thomas Vaughan       11    22:41.1
  6   (135) Tyreek Williams      12    23:25.1
 20.   627  Onteora                     (22:49.9  114:09.3)
  1    111  Jake Weissman         9    21:41.2
  2    120  Primo Stropoli       12    22:32.2
  3    127  JAke Vanacore         9    22:42.7
  4    132  Jeremiah DeBoever    12    23:14.1
  5    137  Reilly Hayes          9    23:59.1
  6   (141) Kaij Emig             9    34:20.6
 21.   636  Herricks                    (23:34.8  117:53.8)
  1    107  Tsang Andrew         10    21:37.4
  2    126  Shah Ankit           11    22:42.0
  3    128  Sporn Jake           11    22:56.0
  4    136  Corona Chris          9    23:31.3
  5    139  Alexander Benson     11    27:07.1
  6   (140) kent Josh            12    27:57.1