Marine Corps Holiday Classic 2017

New York, NY

Boys Shot Put Frosh Soph

Event 53  Boys Shot Put Freshman/Sophomore
 Meet Record: # 40-06.75  12/29/2014  Matthew Conlon, Fordham Prep             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1   121 Kimbrough, Alton       Amityville M          41-04.00# 
      FOUL  41-04  41-02.50            
  2  2740 DiDomenico, Lamar      Washington T          38-03.00  
      38-02.25  38-03  37-05.50            
  3   923 Smikle, Gerard         Freeport              36-09.50  
      36-03  36-09.50  29-01.50            
  4  1211 Zamroz, Thomas         Island Trees          35-08.50  
      34-04.25  FOUL  35-08.50            
  5  2730 Banks, Musa            Washington T          34-07.25  
      34-07.25  30-06  FOUL            
  6  2639 Ianniello, Antonio     W T Clarke            33-05.00  
      33-01  32-04.50  33-05            
  7  1961 McCall, Joshua         Pemberton To          33-02.25  
      32-08.50  33-02.25  31-00.25            
  8  1868 Cooks, Kellen          Ossining Sen          30-08.00  
      28-03.25  27-09.50  30-08            
  9  2116 Cardoza, Fernado       Rahway                29-11.00  
      29-11  26-11.25  26-04.50            
 10  2616 Friscoe, Jake          Valhalla              28-07.75  
      23-06.50  27-11.25  28-07.75            
 11  2650 Stewart, David         W T Clarke            28-04.25  
      27-00.50  26-04  28-04.25            
 12   782 Vasquez, Adony         Ferris                27-03.25  
      27-03.25  25-04.50  24-03.25            
 13  1962 Ray, Alexander         Pemberton To          24-09.00  
      24-09  24-01  24-05            
 14  2030 Banks, Jewel           Pleasantvill          21-11.75  
      FOUL  21-11.75  FOUL            
 15  1244 Grasso, Paul           John S. Burk          21-08.00  
      19-07.75  21-08  21-02.75            
 16  2608 Bochnick, Mathew       Valhalla              20-02.75  
      19-05.25  20-02.75  19-11.50            
 17  2635 Diaz, Aaron            W T Clarke            18-08.00  
      18-08  18-05  15-10.25