Section 1 Class C Champs 2017

New York, NY

Full Results

Licensed to The Armory HS Sports Foundation - Site License
                                                          HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                Section 1 Class B & C Championships - 2/4/2017                 
                     New Balance T&F Center at the Armory                      
Event 1  Girls 1500 Meter Race Walk
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 McDonald, Jolie              Dobbs Ferry            8:40.56  
           28.590 (28.590)        1:30.341 (1:01.752)        2:36.411 (1:06.070)
       3:46.616 (1:10.205)        5:00.541 (1:13.925)        6:15.450 (1:14.910)
       7:26.088 (1:10.638)        8:40.557 (1:14.469)
  2 Pisacane, Julianne           Valhalla               9:02.00  
           28.212 (28.212)        1:29.794 (1:01.582)        2:35.877 (1:06.083)
       3:46.247 (1:10.371)        5:00.124 (1:13.877)        6:15.967 (1:15.844)
       7:37.355 (1:21.388)        9:01.997 (1:24.642)
  3 Ferland, Sarah               Dobbs Ferry            9:46.82  
           29.319 (29.319)        1:35.388 (1:06.070)        2:51.787 (1:16.399)
       4:10.641 (1:18.855)        5:32.410 (1:21.769)        6:58.471 (1:26.061)
       8:24.131 (1:25.661)        9:46.818 (1:22.687)
Event 2  Girls 3000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Huggard, Katelyn             Pawling High          11:04.11  
        37.990 (37.990)  1:19.879 (41.889)  2:04.510 (44.632)  2:50.744 (46.234)
      3:35.893 (45.150)  4:21.057 (45.164)  5:07.594 (46.538)  5:54.551 (46.957)
      6:40.549 (45.998)  7:25.855 (45.307)  8:12.038 (46.183)  8:58.061 (46.024)
      9:44.861 (46.800) 10:26.157 (41.296) 11:04.106 (37.949)
  2 Widen, Avery                 Bronxville            11:04.78  
        39.374 (39.374)  1:21.839 (42.465)  2:06.300 (44.462)  2:51.909 (45.609)
      3:37.089 (45.180)  4:23.588 (46.500)  5:10.097 (46.509)  5:55.240 (45.144)
      6:40.617 (45.377)  7:26.125 (45.508)  8:12.269 (46.144)  8:58.282 (46.014)
      9:45.063 (46.782) 10:26.917 (41.854) 11:04.778 (37.862)
  3 Ward, Phoebe                 Dobbs Ferry           11:05.54  
        39.125 (39.125)  1:21.602 (42.478)  2:06.071 (44.470)  2:51.649 (45.578)
      3:36.791 (45.142)  4:23.454 (46.663)  5:09.817 (46.363)  5:54.975 (45.159)
      6:40.336 (45.361)  7:25.587 (45.251)  8:11.721 (46.135)  8:57.766 (46.045)
      9:44.523 (46.758) 10:26.358 (41.835) 11:05.539 (39.181)
  4 Hennigan, Paige              Albertus Mag          11:43.67  
        41.380 (41.380)  1:24.846 (43.466)  2:10.082 (45.236)  2:55.367 (45.285)
      3:41.455 (46.089)  4:28.585 (47.130)  5:17.290 (48.706)  6:05.601 (48.311)
      6:55.416 (49.816)  7:45.515 (50.099)  8:36.378 (50.864)  9:26.543 (50.165)
     10:14.955 (48.413) 11:02.991 (48.036) 11:43.665 (40.674)
  5 Cassidy, Claire              Haldane               11:47.86  
        41.021 (41.021)  1:25.184 (44.164)  2:11.258 (46.074)  2:58.881 (47.624)
      3:47.090 (48.209)  4:35.413 (48.324)  5:23.945 (48.532)  6:12.493 (48.548)
      7:00.968 (48.475)  7:49.890 (48.922)  8:38.567 (48.678)  9:26.575 (48.008)
     10:14.983 (48.408) 11:02.869 (47.886) 11:47.857 (44.989)
Event 3  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Leicht, Ben                  North Salem           10:17.18  
       1:09.487 (1:09.487)          1:46.620 (37.134)          2:24.711 (38.092)
         3:04.038 (39.327)          3:43.627 (39.589)          4:23.519 (39.892)
         5:03.340 (39.822)          5:42.185 (38.846)          6:21.262 (39.077)
         7:00.427 (39.165)          7:40.555 (40.128)          8:20.766 (40.212)
         9:00.506 (39.740)          9:39.535 (39.029)         10:17.179 (37.644)
  2 Badia, Alex                  Pawling High          10:39.50  
       1:12.685 (1:12.685)          1:52.535 (39.850)          2:33.261 (40.726)
         3:13.437 (40.176)          3:53.508 (40.072)          4:34.479 (40.971)
         5:15.445 (40.967)          5:55.653 (40.208)          6:36.939 (41.287)
         7:18.692 (41.753)          8:00.816 (42.124)          8:42.337 (41.522)
         9:23.550 (41.213)         10:01.847 (38.298)         10:39.497 (37.650)
  3 Pina, Jon                    Pawling High          11:40.37  
       1:17.460 (1:17.460)          1:56.817 (39.358)          2:37.831 (41.014)
         3:19.672 (41.841)          4:02.121 (42.450)          4:45.443 (43.322)
         5:29.302 (43.859)          6:14.477 (45.175)          7:00.214 (45.738)
         7:46.584 (46.370)          8:33.199 (46.615)          9:19.685 (46.486)
        10:07.048 (47.364)         10:54.825 (47.778)         11:40.370 (45.545)
Event 4  Girls 1000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Ryan, Kaitlin                Bronxville             2:48.42   1 
        33.179 (33.179)  1:08.051 (34.873)  1:42.075 (34.024)  2:14.938 (32.864)
      2:48.417 (33.480)
  2 Guilfoyle, Caitlin           Hastings               3:13.53   1 
        34.269 (34.269)  1:12.073 (37.804)  1:53.000 (40.927)  2:34.137 (41.137)
      3:13.527 (39.390)
  3 Dakolias, Clio               Bronxville             3:17.00   1 
        35.519 (35.519)  1:14.937 (39.418)  1:55.807 (40.870)  2:37.441 (41.634)
      3:16.997 (39.556)
  4 Mandanas, Emma               Bronxville             3:19.61   1 
        35.966 (35.966)  1:15.052 (39.086)  1:56.853 (41.802)  2:39.728 (42.875)
      3:19.608 (39.880)
  5 Scotti, Olivia               Bronxville             3:21.66   1 
        35.763 (35.763)  1:14.623 (38.861)  1:55.477 (40.854)  2:37.999 (42.522)
      3:21.658 (43.660)
  6 Santini, Diana               Valhalla               3:24.36   1 
        36.889 (36.889)  1:17.107 (40.218)  2:00.270 (43.164)  2:44.254 (43.984)
      3:24.359 (40.106)
  7 Zhang, Angel                 Haldane                3:25.01   1 
        37.113 (37.113)  1:16.267 (39.154)  1:58.249 (41.982)  2:42.039 (43.790)
      3:25.003 (42.964)
  8 Abbott, Lyric                Bronxville             3:25.66   1 
        36.724 (36.724)  1:17.189 (40.466)  2:01.449 (44.260)  2:43.767 (42.318)
      3:25.659 (41.893)
  9 Sulimirski, Sophia           Bronxville             3:26.03   1 
        36.850 (36.850)  1:17.197 (40.347)  2:01.051 (43.854)  2:44.589 (43.539)
      3:26.023 (41.434)
 10 Palma, Molly                 Bronxville             3:30.03   1 
        36.365 (36.365)  1:16.961 (40.596)  2:01.215 (44.254)  2:46.239 (45.024)
      3:30.027 (43.789)
 11 Howell, Ruby                 Bronxville             3:36.58   2 
        42.952 (42.952)  1:27.088 (44.136)  2:13.516 (46.428)  2:52.562 (39.046)
      3:36.576 (44.014)
 12 Moustafa, Alia               Dobbs Ferry            3:38.04   2 
        41.240 (41.240)  1:24.748 (43.509)  2:11.124 (46.376)  2:56.002 (44.878)
      3:38.032 (42.030)
 13 Scotti, Marguerite           Bronxville             3:38.75   2 
        41.644 (41.644)  1:24.988 (43.344)  2:12.290 (47.302)  2:59.949 (47.660)
      3:38.744 (38.795)
 14 Imaizumi, Naomi              Alexander Ha           3:39.90   2 
        43.052 (43.052)  1:26.606 (43.554)  2:12.870 (46.265)  3:00.535 (47.665)
      3:39.891 (39.356)
 15 Ettinger, Cheyenne           Hastings               3:40.04   2 
        40.866 (40.866)  1:24.344 (43.478)  2:10.941 (46.598)  2:56.944 (46.003)
      3:40.038 (43.094)
 16 Alfano, Allegra              Bronxville             3:42.59   2 
        42.369 (42.369)  1:26.196 (43.827)  2:13.280 (47.084)  3:00.658 (47.379)
      3:42.589 (41.931)
 17 Nobles, Lindsay              Bronxville             3:42.61   2 
        41.040 (41.040)  1:24.582 (43.542)  2:10.776 (46.195)  2:56.758 (45.982)
      3:42.610 (45.853)
 18 Levinson, Ashlyn             Haldane                3:43.62   2 
        42.077 (42.077)  1:25.700 (43.624)  2:11.080 (45.380)  2:57.423 (46.344)
      3:43.611 (46.188)
 19 Molz, Erin                   Dobbs Ferry            3:48.96   2 
        41.782 (41.782)  1:26.080 (44.298)  2:13.922 (47.842)  3:02.303 (48.382)
      3:48.956 (46.654)
 20 Ducic, Emily                 Dobbs Ferry            3:52.84   2 
        43.210 (43.210)  1:28.524 (45.315)  2:17.763 (49.239)  3:06.680 (48.917)
      3:52.838 (46.159)
 21 Herzog, Jenna                Dobbs Ferry            3:53.60   2 
        43.422 (43.422)  1:28.632 (45.210)  2:18.203 (49.572)  3:07.487 (49.284)
      3:53.600 (46.113)
Event 5  Boys 1000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Rizzo, Matt                  Bronxville             2:37.65   1 
        29.109 (29.109)  1:00.059 (30.950)  1:32.835 (32.777)  2:05.905 (33.070)
      2:37.645 (31.740)
  2 Batuyev, Evgeniy             North Salem            2:43.28   1 
        29.429 (29.429)  1:00.843 (31.414)  1:35.211 (34.368)  2:10.275 (35.064)
      2:43.273 (32.998)
  3 Bendlin, Jay                 Valhalla               2:44.03   1 
        30.715 (30.715)  1:02.724 (32.009)  1:36.691 (33.968)  2:11.257 (34.566)
      2:44.024 (32.768)
  4 Siegal, Liam                 Bronxville             2:50.43   1 
        31.965 (31.965)  1:06.277 (34.312)  1:42.456 (36.180)  2:17.381 (34.926)
      2:50.425 (33.044)
  5 Batista, Elijah              Pawling High           2:51.37   1 
        32.241 (32.241)  1:06.744 (34.503)  1:42.744 (36.000)  2:18.601 (35.857)
      2:51.363 (32.763)
  6 Paoli, Joseph                Hastings               2:51.45   1 
        31.901 (31.901)  1:05.738 (33.838)  1:41.877 (36.140)  2:18.255 (36.378)
      2:51.443 (33.188)
  7 Katzenstein, Jed             Dobbs Ferry            2:52.74   1 
        32.839 (32.839)  1:07.245 (34.406)  1:43.138 (35.894)  2:19.291 (36.153)
      2:52.739 (33.449)
  8 Fujiwara, Dan                Rye Neck               2:53.56   2 
        31.614 (31.614)  1:05.401 (33.787)  1:40.772 (35.372)  2:17.652 (36.880)
      2:53.555 (35.904)
  9 Thomet, Julian               Bronxville             2:55.54   2 
        33.613 (33.613)  1:09.132 (35.520)  1:45.241 (36.109)  2:21.642 (36.401)
      2:55.534 (33.892)
 10 Alicea, Ryan                 Alexander Ha           2:59.66   2 
        35.356 (35.356)  1:12.730 (37.374)  1:49.508 (36.778)  2:24.299 (34.791)
      2:59.654 (35.355)
 11 Cotter, Shane                North Salem            3:00.06   2 
        32.385 (32.385)  1:06.956 (34.571)  1:44.525 (37.570)  2:23.924 (39.399)
      3:00.056 (36.132)
 12 Greco, Matthew               Dobbs Ferry            3:00.26   2 
        33.124 (33.124)  1:08.128 (35.004)  1:44.880 (36.752)  2:22.710 (37.830)
      3:00.252 (37.542)
 13 O'Leary, Kevin               Albertus Mag           3:00.97   1 
        33.053 (33.053)  1:08.289 (35.236)  1:46.247 (37.958)  2:25.149 (38.903)
      3:00.967 (35.818)
 14 Ferrante, Brandon            Valhalla               3:03.88   1 
        32.767 (32.767)  1:07.932 (35.165)  1:45.597 (37.665)  2:24.385 (38.788)
      3:03.876 (39.492)
 15 Shin, Matt                   Hastings               3:10.25   2 
        36.660 (36.660)  1:14.126 (37.467)  1:53.097 (38.971)  2:32.546 (39.449)
      3:10.250 (37.705)
 16 Vanburen, Jack               Rye Neck               3:11.74   2 
        35.695 (35.695)  1:13.622 (37.928)  1:53.824 (40.202)  2:34.634 (40.811)
      3:11.738 (37.104)
 17 Fredericks, Cole             Albertus Mag           3:13.29   2 
        35.856 (35.856)  1:14.728 (38.872)  1:55.012 (40.284)  2:35.987 (40.976)
      3:13.288 (37.301)
 18 Newman, Scott                Dobbs Ferry            3:14.46   2 
        35.994 (35.994)  1:15.028 (39.034)  1:55.661 (40.634)  2:36.829 (41.168)
      3:14.456 (37.627)
 19 Sasaki, Shusaku              Dobbs Ferry            3:15.35   2 
        36.264 (36.264)  1:15.372 (39.108)  1:56.383 (41.012)  2:38.109 (41.726)
      3:15.345 (37.236)
Event 6  Girls 600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Brashear, Caroline           Bronxville             1:40.89   1 
        30.676 (30.676)  1:05.983 (35.308)  1:40.881 (34.898)
  2 Holland, Laura               Bronxville             1:41.83   1 
        31.090 (31.090)  1:05.758 (34.668)  1:41.822 (36.065)
  3 Sullivan, Maeve              Bronxville             1:43.60   2 
        32.505 (32.505)  1:07.865 (35.360)  1:43.592 (35.727)
  4 Peacock, Rachael             Bronxville             1:43.65   1 
        31.880 (31.880)  1:07.420 (35.540)  1:43.643 (36.223)
  5 Dixon, Tashana               Woodlands              1:43.73   1 
        30.878 (30.878)  1:06.496 (35.618)  1:43.728 (37.233)
  6 Marshall, Betsy              Bronxville             1:47.66   2 
        33.162 (33.162)  1:09.631 (36.469)  1:47.656 (38.026)
  7 Dempsey, Hannah              Bronxville             1:48.41   2 
        33.440 (33.440)  1:10.697 (37.258)  1:48.402 (37.705)
  8 Coyle, Violet                North Salem            1:49.12   3 
        35.600 (35.600)  1:11.612 (36.012)  1:49.115 (37.503)
  9 Dibbini, Isabella            Bronxville             1:49.55   2 
        32.882 (32.882)  1:10.379 (37.497)  1:49.547 (39.168)
 10 Prior, Sophia                Bronxville             1:53.68   2 
        33.238 (33.238)  1:10.848 (37.610)  1:53.676 (42.829)
 11 Fogarty, Caroline            Hastings               1:54.18   3 
        35.542 (35.542)  1:14.261 (38.720)  1:54.180 (39.919)
 12 Hernandaz, Jennifer          Pawling High           1:57.14   3 
        36.021 (36.021)  1:15.423 (39.402)  1:57.131 (41.709)
 13 Lileika, Gwenyth             Valhalla               1:57.31   2 
        33.584 (33.584)  1:11.503 (37.920)  1:57.306 (45.804)
 14 Kramer, Jamie                Dobbs Ferry            1:57.48   4 
        35.909 (35.909)  1:15.472 (39.563)  1:57.475 (42.003)
 15 Jacobs, Jennifer             Valhalla               1:58.65   4 
        35.686 (35.686)  1:14.747 (39.061)  1:58.650 (43.904)
 16 Sheely, Gloria               Dobbs Ferry            1:59.23   3 
        35.923 (35.923)  1:16.639 (40.716)  1:59.229 (42.591)
 17 Denning, Rory                Bronxville             1:59.60   3 
        36.567 (36.567)  1:16.285 (39.719)  1:59.592 (43.307)
 18 Sander, Phoebe               Hastings               1:59.73   3 
        35.720 (35.720)  1:15.380 (39.660)  1:59.723 (44.343)
 19 Bendlin, Mia                 Valhalla               2:06.52   4 
        37.576 (37.576)  1:19.931 (42.356)  2:06.516 (46.585)
 -- Jolley, Ava                  North Salem                 DQ   4  Cut in too soon
        36.323 (36.323)  1:16.509 (40.186)  1:55.237 (38.728)
Event 7  Boys 600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Avolio, Thomas               Valhalla               1:26.93   1 
        29.306 (29.306)    58.761 (29.455)  1:26.930 (28.169)
  2 Kowgios, Nick                North Salem            1:29.27   1 
        29.294 (29.294)    59.302 (30.008)  1:29.266 (29.964)
  3 Macalintal, Michael          Albertus Mag           1:30.05   1 
        29.564 (29.564)    59.924 (30.360)  1:30.050 (30.126)
  4 Ginghina, Cole               Dobbs Ferry            1:30.89   1 
        29.734 (29.734)  1:00.668 (30.935)  1:30.888 (30.220)
  5 Kiefer, Jack                 Bronxville             1:39.27   1 
        29.539 (29.539)  1:01.096 (31.558)  1:39.264 (38.168)
  6 Mack, Daniel                 Woodlands              1:55.13   2 
        35.684 (35.684)  1:16.612 (40.928)  1:55.125 (38.514)
  7 Mosada, Jon                  Woodlands              1:56.19   2 
        34.670 (34.670)  1:15.486 (40.816)  1:56.185 (40.700)
  8 Salazar, Cedric              Woodlands              2:02.47   2 
        35.207 (35.207)  1:16.790 (41.584)  2:02.463 (45.673)
Event 8  Girls 1500 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Ryan, Kaitlin                Bronxville             4:43.93  
        17.927 (17.927)    55.059 (37.132)  1:33.392 (38.334)  2:12.386 (38.994)
      2:51.569 (39.183)  3:30.992 (39.424)  4:09.451 (38.459)  4:43.921 (34.471)
  2 Haggerty, Patty              Bronxville             5:04.02  
        18.245 (18.245)    57.853 (39.608)  1:38.426 (40.574)  2:18.970 (40.544)
      3:00.229 (41.259)  3:41.909 (41.680)  4:23.331 (41.422)  5:04.012 (40.682)
  3 Ard, Stella                  North Salem            5:09.92  
        18.793 (18.793)    58.491 (39.699)  1:39.304 (40.813)  2:21.017 (41.713)
      3:04.559 (43.542)  3:47.557 (42.999)  4:29.693 (42.136)  5:09.920 (40.227)
  4 Huggard, Katelyn             Pawling High           5:13.27  
        18.582 (18.582)    58.129 (39.547)  1:38.735 (40.607)  2:20.239 (41.504)
      3:03.799 (43.560)  3:48.491 (44.692)  4:33.043 (44.552)  5:13.267 (40.225)
  5 Chrappa, Gigi                Bronxville             5:13.86  
        18.833 (18.833)    58.279 (39.446)  1:39.041 (40.763)  2:21.147 (42.106)
      3:04.093 (42.947)  3:47.661 (43.568)  4:32.494 (44.833)  5:13.860 (41.366)
  6 Coddington, Sydney           Bronxville             5:14.98  
        18.440 (18.440)    57.955 (39.516)  1:38.523 (40.568)  2:19.030 (40.507)
      3:00.314 (41.284)  3:42.492 (42.178)  4:27.494 (45.002)  5:14.977 (47.483)
  7 Intrieri, Juliette           North Salem            5:16.82  
        19.112 (19.112)    58.782 (39.670)  1:39.630 (40.848)  2:21.647 (42.018)
      3:05.101 (43.454)  3:49.159 (44.058)  4:33.491 (44.332)  5:16.819 (43.328)
  8 Coyle, Lamorna               North Salem            5:18.81  
        19.425 (19.425)    59.061 (39.636)  1:40.139 (41.078)  2:22.073 (41.935)
      3:05.451 (43.378)  3:49.913 (44.462)  4:35.006 (45.094)  5:18.809 (43.803)
  9 Ward, Phoebe                 Dobbs Ferry            5:20.13  
        19.640 (19.640)    58.927 (39.287)  1:40.150 (41.224)  2:23.442 (43.292)
      3:08.085 (44.644)  3:53.781 (45.696)  4:39.592 (45.811)  5:20.123 (40.532)
 10 Rust, Anneka                 Croton-Harmo           5:22.48  
        19.359 (19.359)    58.940 (39.582)  1:40.788 (41.848)  2:23.551 (42.763)
      3:08.576 (45.026)  3:54.075 (45.499)  4:39.948 (45.874)  5:22.473 (42.526)
 11 Pecora, Lauren               Pawling High           5:44.62  
        19.697 (19.697)  1:01.535 (41.838)  1:46.765 (45.230)  2:34.548 (47.784)
      3:22.757 (48.209)  4:11.664 (48.908)  5:01.589 (49.926)  5:44.618 (43.029)
 12 Governale, Juliet            Pawling High           5:46.27  
        20.453 (20.453)  1:02.918 (42.465)  1:48.309 (45.391)  2:35.991 (47.682)
      3:24.419 (48.428)  4:12.639 (48.220)  5:02.069 (49.430)  5:46.263 (44.195)
 13 Cassidy, Claire              Haldane                5:46.33  
        20.811 (20.811)  1:04.439 (43.628)  1:50.549 (46.110)  2:37.453 (46.904)
      3:24.561 (47.109)  4:13.039 (48.478)  5:00.979 (47.940)  5:46.323 (45.344)
 14 Lamadrid, Isabela            Bronxville             5:52.11  
        20.264 (20.264)  1:01.064 (40.800)  1:44.490 (43.426)  2:31.285 (46.796)
      3:21.762 (50.477)  4:13.829 (52.067)  5:05.008 (51.180)  5:52.105 (47.098)
 15 Guilfoyle, Caitlin           Hastings               5:53.73  
        20.028 (20.028)  1:02.227 (42.199)  1:48.477 (46.251)  2:36.803 (48.326)
      3:25.373 (48.570)  4:14.778 (49.406)  5:05.146 (50.368)  5:53.729 (48.584)
 16 Santini, Diana               Valhalla               5:53.84  
        21.134 (21.134)  1:04.103 (42.969)  1:51.170 (47.068)  2:44.208 (53.038)
      3:33.993 (49.785)  4:22.915 (48.922)  5:11.033 (48.119)  5:53.831 (42.798)
 17 Imaizumi, Naomi              Alexander Ha           6:08.42  
        21.203 (21.203)  1:04.333 (43.130)  1:50.705 (46.373)  2:40.245 (49.540)
      3:31.858 (51.614)  4:26.058 (54.200)  5:19.351 (53.293)  6:08.418 (49.068)
Event 9  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Rizzo, Alex                  Bronxville             4:28.02  
        31.705 (31.705)  1:04.409 (32.704)  1:38.209 (33.800)  2:12.706 (34.497)
      2:47.617 (34.912)  3:22.802 (35.185)  3:56.508 (33.707)  4:28.019 (31.511)
  2 Farrell, Nicholas            Haldane                4:31.23  
        31.822 (31.822)  1:05.030 (33.208)  1:39.185 (34.156)  2:13.766 (34.582)
      2:48.776 (35.010)  3:23.588 (34.812)  3:57.888 (34.300)  4:31.222 (33.335)
  3 Silhavy, Adam                Haldane                4:39.03  
        32.190 (32.190)  1:05.398 (33.208)  1:39.760 (34.362)  2:15.050 (35.291)
      2:51.648 (36.598)  3:28.612 (36.964)  4:05.832 (37.220)  4:39.024 (33.193)
  4 Petruso, Alex                Pawling High           4:39.47  
        32.618 (32.618)  1:05.928 (33.310)  1:41.062 (35.134)  2:16.847 (35.786)
      2:53.150 (36.304)  3:29.913 (36.763)  4:06.879 (36.966)  4:39.462 (32.583)
  5 Selzer, Mike                 North Salem            4:39.47  
        32.082 (32.082)  1:04.852 (32.770)  1:38.711 (33.860)  2:13.591 (34.880)
      2:49.112 (35.522)  3:24.351 (35.239)  4:01.078 (36.727)  4:39.469 (38.392)
  6 Van Riper, Conor             Haldane                4:40.02  
        32.638 (32.638)  1:06.786 (34.148)  1:41.270 (34.484)  2:17.168 (35.899)
      2:53.243 (36.075)  3:28.908 (35.665)  4:05.968 (37.061)  4:40.020 (34.052)
  7 Vincent, Sean                North Salem            4:42.73  
        32.293 (32.293)  1:05.630 (33.338)  1:40.140 (34.510)  2:16.036 (35.896)
      2:52.869 (36.833)  3:30.224 (37.355)  4:07.606 (37.382)  4:42.730 (35.124)
  8 Sanchez, Cristian            Alexander Ha           4:47.14  
        33.713 (33.713)  1:08.260 (34.547)  1:44.894 (36.635)  2:21.792 (36.898)
      2:58.848 (37.056)  3:37.253 (38.406)  4:14.340 (37.088)  4:47.136 (32.796)
  9 Tompkins, Michael            Haldane                4:47.18  
        33.603 (33.603)  1:08.365 (34.762)  1:43.423 (35.058)  2:19.600 (36.177)
      2:56.654 (37.055)  3:34.186 (37.532)  4:11.195 (37.010)  4:47.178 (35.983)
 10 Tuohy, Brendan               Rye Neck               4:51.36  
        33.202 (33.202)  1:07.334 (34.132)  1:41.855 (34.521)  2:18.684 (36.829)
      2:56.370 (37.687)  3:35.820 (39.450)  4:15.632 (39.813)  4:51.352 (35.720)
 11 Abata, Joseph                Haldane                4:52.86  
        32.894 (32.894)  1:07.840 (34.946)  1:44.244 (36.405)  2:22.219 (37.975)
      3:01.107 (38.888)  3:40.402 (39.295)  4:17.920 (37.518)  4:52.853 (34.934)
 12 Kochansky, Jack              Bronxville             4:52.99  
        34.656 (34.656)  1:10.345 (35.690)  1:47.330 (36.986)  2:25.724 (38.394)
      3:04.536 (38.813)  3:44.016 (39.480)  4:20.822 (36.806)  4:52.988 (32.167)
 13 Sarfaty, James               Hastings               4:56.19  
        33.190 (33.190)  1:08.650 (35.460)  1:45.503 (36.854)  2:24.202 (38.699)
      3:03.496 (39.295)  3:43.498 (40.002)  4:22.059 (38.561)  4:56.181 (34.122)
 14 Ferland, Ethan               Dobbs Ferry            5:00.48  
        34.446 (34.446)  1:11.368 (36.923)  1:48.993 (37.625)  2:27.776 (38.784)
      3:07.306 (39.530)  3:46.986 (39.681)  4:26.269 (39.283)  5:00.474 (34.205)
 15 Jacobs, Jason                Valhalla               5:02.33  
        34.518 (34.518)  1:09.718 (35.200)  1:47.643 (37.925)  2:27.010 (39.368)
      3:06.806 (39.796)  3:47.258 (40.452)  4:26.598 (39.341)  5:02.328 (35.730)
 16 Rust, Bart                   Croton-Harmo           5:04.70  
        32.456 (32.456)  1:06.495 (34.040)  1:42.138 (35.644)  2:19.622 (37.484)
      2:59.372 (39.750)  3:39.808 (40.436)  4:21.378 (41.570)  5:04.693 (43.316)
 17 Cipollina, Philip            Albertus Mag           5:07.79  
        34.634 (34.634)  1:11.415 (36.781)  1:50.489 (39.074)  2:30.590 (40.102)
      3:11.384 (40.794)  3:51.944 (40.560)  4:31.889 (39.945)  5:07.785 (35.896)
 18 Zarate, Edgar                Valhalla               5:31.59  
        34.884 (34.884)  1:10.774 (35.890)  1:49.109 (38.336)  2:29.506 (40.397)
      3:10.958 (41.453)  3:54.152 (43.194)  4:40.237 (46.086)  5:31.590 (51.354)
Event 10  Girls 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Yancy, Mia                   Tuckahoe                 42.90   1 
  2 Balseiro, Eve                Bronxville               44.07   1 
  3 Dedyo, Daly                  Albertus Mag             44.17   1 
  4 Iodice, Marina               Albertus Mag             44.59   1 
  5 Kohlhoff, Sophie             Bronxville               44.84   2 
  6 Ircha, Caroline              Bronxville               44.89   2 
  7 Haines, Ashley               Haldane                  45.28   2 
  8 Holland, Laura               Bronxville               45.36   1 
  9 Webb, Jheon                  Woodlands                45.59   2 
 10 Weild, Kelly                 Bronxville               46.10   2 
 11 Anderson, Amina              Valhalla                 46.78   3 
 12 Mack, Diarra                 Woodlands                47.29   3 
 13 Long, Isabel                 Dobbs Ferry              47.75   3 
 14 Calimano, Jamie              Haldane                  48.07   3 
 15 Lambrecht, Alexis            Woodlands                48.12   3 
 16 Maddox, Marly                Dobbs Ferry              48.53   4 
 17 Brinster, Layla              Bronxville               48.73   4 
 18 Halbauer, Samantha           Valhalla                 49.00   3 
 19 Dibbini, Marielle            Bronxville               49.24   5 
 20 Hilaire, Briana              Albertus Mag             49.93   6 
 21 Schartau, Grace              Pawling High             49.94   4 
 22 Goldberg, Bridget            Haldane                  50.32   4 
 23 Duchin, Isabel               Hastings                 50.42   4 
 24 Pidala, Katelyn              Haldane                  50.96   4 
 25 Schaub, Alexa                North Salem              50.97   4 
 26 Beit, Isabelle               Bronxville               51.08   5 
 27 Olsen, Olivia                Haldane                  51.25   5 
 28 Halstead, Amanda             North Salem              52.70   5 
 29 Prior, Olivia                Bronxville               52.92   6 
 30 George, Addie                Bronxville               53.25   5 
 31 Vermette, Lauren             North Salem              53.56   6 
 32 Williams, Coco-Noel          Bronxville               53.65   5 
 33 Rosado, Ashley               Woodlands                53.89   5 
 34 McSweeney, Sarah             Hastings                 54.08   6 
 35 Lee, Paige                   Haldane                  54.27   6 
 36 Weiss, Astrid                Valhalla                 54.49   6 
 37 Manly, Alexandra             Hastings                 55.31   6 
 38 Ramirez, Lorett              Woodlands                57.50   6 
 39 Cruz, Deryne                 Valhalla                 57.66   5 
Event 11  Boys 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Avolio, Thomas               Valhalla                 37.16   1 
  2 Chandler, Kahjuan            Woodlands                37.80   1 
  3 Green, Errol                 Pawling High             38.34   1 
  4 Watters, Seamus              Bronxville               38.75   1 
  5 Staluppi, Frankie            Dobbs Ferry              38.86   2 
  6 Tong, Chris                  Hastings                 39.16   2 
  7 Watson, Christan             Woodlands                39.40   1 
  8 Campbell, Aaron              Woodlands                39.85   3 
  9 Colletes, Lucas              North Salem              40.21   2 
 10 Parker, Corey                Rye Neck                 40.34   3 
 11 Macalintal, Michael          Albertus Mag             40.76   2 
 12 Thelliyanka, Steven          Valhalla                 40.86   2 
 13 Hayashi, Eikoh               Rye Neck                 41.29   3 
 14 Falter, Alex                 Dobbs Ferry              42.65   4 
 15 D'Alessandro, Jonah          North Salem              42.96   4 
 16 O'Brien, Nick                Bronxville               43.01   3 
 17 Walsh, Delaney               Pawling High             43.19   3 
 18 Joerger, Jude                Hastings                 43.48   3 
 19 Mooney, Sean                 Bronxville               43.61   4 
 20 Lewis, Justin                Woodlands                45.21   4 
 21 Salazar, Cedric              Woodlands                48.50   5 
 22 Mack, Daniel                 Woodlands                49.83   4 
 23 Osei, Damon                  Woodlands                50.28   5 
 24 Mosada, Jon                  Woodlands                50.76   5 
Event 12  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Bronxville  'A'                                    10:38.50  
       2:39.603 (2:39.603)        5:17.131 (2:37.528)        7:58.257 (2:41.126)
      10:38.498 (2:40.242)
  2 North Salem  'A'                                   10:49.58  
       2:41.275 (2:41.275)        5:22.134 (2:40.859)        8:09.299 (2:47.165)
      10:49.580 (2:40.282)
  3 Pawling High School  'A'                           10:52.43  
       2:40.526 (2:40.526)        5:30.327 (2:49.801)        8:16.778 (2:46.452)
      10:52.429 (2:35.651)
  4 Albertus Magnus  'A'                               11:44.74  
       2:53.119 (2:53.119)        5:37.003 (2:43.885)        8:51.027 (3:14.024)
      11:44.740 (2:53.714)
  5 Valhalla  'A'                                      13:27.86  
       3:43.259 (3:43.259)        6:54.531 (3:11.272)       10:14.487 (3:19.957)
      13:27.857 (3:13.370)
Event 13  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 North Salem  'A'                                    8:47.92  
       2:08.641 (2:08.641)        4:17.027 (2:08.386)        6:37.797 (2:20.770)
       8:47.911 (2:10.115)
  2 Bronxville  'A'                                     9:05.62  
       2:16.762 (2:16.762)        4:34.174 (2:17.412)        6:55.677 (2:21.503)
       9:05.617 (2:09.940)
  3 Pawling High School  'A'                            9:11.05  
       2:07.626 (2:07.626)        4:23.479 (2:15.854)        6:46.704 (2:23.225)
       9:11.043 (2:24.339)
  4 Valhalla  'A'                                       9:52.67  
       2:15.187 (2:15.187)        4:37.431 (2:22.244)        7:05.601 (2:28.171)
       9:52.665 (2:47.064)
Event 14  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Bronxville  'A'                                     1:50.40  
        54.971 (54.971)  1:23.119 (28.149)
  2 Albertus Magnus  'A'                                1:53.26  
        57.632 (57.632)  1:25.830 (28.198)
  3 Woodlands  'A'                                      1:53.33  
        59.447 (59.447)  1:26.491 (27.045)
  4 Valhalla  'A'                                       1:54.38  
        56.872 (56.872)  1:26.326 (29.454)
  5 North Salem  'A'                                    2:11.12  
       1:05.837 (1:05.837)          1:40.547 (34.710)
  6 Haldane  'A'                                        2:12.19  
       1:06.069 (1:06.069)          1:38.594 (32.525)
Event 15  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Dobbs Ferry  'A'                                    1:37.63   1 
        49.508 (49.508)  1:14.064 (24.556)  1:37.630 (23.566)
  2 Alexander Hamilton  'A'                             1:38.27   1 
        50.973 (50.973)  1:14.413 (23.440)  1:38.266 (23.854)
  3 Bronxville  'A'                                     1:39.51   1 
        49.224 (49.224)  1:14.528 (25.305)  1:39.507 (24.979)
  4 Albertus Magnus  'A'                                1:40.97   2 
        51.745 (51.745)  1:17.281 (25.536)  1:40.969 (23.688)
  5 Woodlands  'A'                                      1:42.34   1 
        53.957 (53.957)  1:19.274 (25.318)  1:42.333 (23.059)
  6 Rye Neck  'A'                                       1:43.93   2 
        51.893 (51.893)  1:17.651 (25.758)  1:43.925 (26.275)
  7 North Salem  'A'                                    1:45.33   1 
        52.734 (52.734)  1:20.712 (27.978)  1:45.322 (24.611)
  8 Pawling High School  'A'                            1:46.91   2 
        51.971 (51.971)  1:18.803 (26.832)  1:46.907 (28.105)
Event 16  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Bronxville  'A'                                     4:15.26  
       1:02.966 (1:02.966)        2:10.411 (1:07.445)        3:13.226 (1:02.815)
       4:15.255 (1:02.030)
  2 Pawling High School  'A'                            4:38.10  
       1:06.580 (1:06.580)        2:19.220 (1:12.640)        3:29.133 (1:09.914)
       4:38.100 (1:08.968)
  3 Haldane  'A'                                        4:46.82  
       1:06.100 (1:06.100)        2:17.338 (1:11.239)        3:35.616 (1:18.278)
       4:46.811 (1:11.196)
  4 Albertus Magnus  'A'                                4:57.43  
       1:14.648 (1:14.648)        2:31.170 (1:16.522)        3:45.391 (1:14.222)
       4:57.426 (1:12.036)
Event 17  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Haldane  'A'                                        3:44.35  
        57.077 (57.077)  1:54.021 (56.944)  2:49.455 (55.435)  3:44.344 (54.889)
  2 Rye Neck  'A'                                       3:45.35  
        57.905 (57.905)  1:56.479 (58.574)  2:53.321 (56.842)  3:45.346 (52.026)
  3 Pawling High School  'A'                            3:46.03  
        58.648 (58.648)  1:54.779 (56.131)  2:50.087 (55.308)  3:46.022 (55.936)
  4 Valhalla  'A'                                       3:53.51  
        59.291 (59.291)  1:57.230 (57.939)  2:56.266 (59.036)  3:53.501 (57.235)
  5 North Salem  'A'                                    4:03.34  
       1:01.293 (1:01.293)        2:05.803 (1:04.510)          3:02.126 (56.324)
       4:03.335 (1:01.209)
  6 Bronxville  'A'                                     4:12.22  
       1:02.621 (1:02.621)        2:06.900 (1:04.279)        3:10.493 (1:03.594)
       4:12.219 (1:01.726)
  7 Albertus Magnus  'A'                                4:21.48  
       1:06.081 (1:06.081)        2:08.982 (1:02.901)        3:10.989 (1:02.007)
       4:21.471 (1:10.483)
Event 18  Girls 55 Meter Dash
Top 8 Advance by Time
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Yancy, Mia                   Tuckahoe                  7.55q  1 
  2 Webb, Jheon                  Woodlands                 7.71q  1 
  3 Dedyo, Daly                  Albertus Mag              7.83q  4 
  4 Mack, Diarra                 Woodlands                 7.84q  3 
  5 Person, Kalle                Dobbs Ferry               7.86q  3 
  6 Laurino, Sabina              Valhalla                  7.87q  4 
  7 Kohlhoff, Sophie             Bronxville                7.88q  2 
  8 Kanganis, Alisa              Bronxville                8.01q  1 
  9 Hilaire, Annabelle           Albertus Mag              8.03   1 
 10 Cham, Maia                   Albertus Mag              8.10   2 
 11 Downs, Ava                   Bronxville                8.15   2 
 12 Portera, Julia               Valhalla                  8.18   3 
 13 Anderson, Amina              Valhalla                  8.19   2 
 14 Lambrecht, Alexis            Woodlands                 8.22   4 
 15 Goldberg, Bridget            Haldane                   8.27   3 
 16 Edwards, Marlee              Hastings                  8.33   1 
 17 Penn, Alexis                 Valhalla                  8.35   4 
 18 Solon, Tayina                Albertus Mag              8.39   2  8.386
 19 Maddox, Marly                Dobbs Ferry               8.39   4  8.388
 20 Weild, Kelly                 Bronxville                8.43   1 
 21 Blanks, Gabrielle            Alexander Ha              8.45   3 
 22 Lopez, Darianny              Alexander Ha              8.50   4  8.494
 23 Long, Isabel                 Dobbs Ferry               8.50   2  8.497
 24 Calimano, Jamie              Haldane                   8.60   3 
 25 Pidala, Katelyn              Haldane                   8.83   1 
 26 Vermette, Lauren             North Salem               8.84   4 
 27 Rosado, Ashley               Woodlands                 8.98   2 
 28 Olsen, Olivia                Haldane                   9.00   3 
 29 Halstead, Amanda             North Salem               9.01   3 
 30 Cruz, Deryne                 Valhalla                  9.19   4 
 31 Ramirez, Lorett              Woodlands                 9.47   2 
Event 18  Girls 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Yancy, Mia                   Tuckahoe                  7.46  
  2 Webb, Jheon                  Woodlands                 7.66  
  3 Mack, Diarra                 Woodlands                 7.77  
  4 Dedyo, Daly                  Albertus Mag              7.84  
  5 Laurino, Sabina              Valhalla                  7.89   7.881
  6 Person, Kalle                Dobbs Ferry               7.89   7.884
  7 Kohlhoff, Sophie             Bronxville                7.99  
  8 Kanganis, Alisa              Bronxville                8.00  
Event 19  Boys 55 Meter Dash
Top 8 Advance by Time
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Scott, Jaren                 Alexander Ha              6.80q  1 
  2 Mitchell, Lavonno            Albertus Mag              6.86q  2 
  3 Murray, Andrew               Bronxville                6.87q  3  6.863
  4 Hatcher, Collin              Alexander Ha              6.87q  4  6.869
  5 Chandler, Kahjuan            Woodlands                 6.92q  3 
  6 Campbell, Aaron              Woodlands                 6.98q  2 
  7 Thorne, Jackson              Croton-Harmo              7.01q  4 
  8 Tong, Chris                  Hastings                  7.11q  1 
  9 Watson, Christan             Woodlands                 7.20   1 
 10 Staluppi, Frankie            Dobbs Ferry               7.26   4 
 11 Ribaudo, Mark                North Salem               7.33   3 
 12 Doah, Darian                 Albertus Mag              7.34   2 
 13 Zambou, Bryan                Dobbs Ferry               7.38   3 
 14 Thelliyanka, Steven          Valhalla                  7.41   4 
 15 Walsh, Delaney               Pawling High              7.42   2 
 16 Larson, Chris                Dobbs Ferry               7.43   1 
 17 Shornick, Jake               Dobbs Ferry               7.45   3 
 18 Bernard, Jason               Alexander Ha              7.50   1 
 19 Barnett, Noah                Dobbs Ferry               7.59   2 
 20 Sterling, Jonah              Dobbs Ferry               7.67   4 
 21 Maguire, Jack                Albertus Mag              7.78   4 
 22 Osei, Damon                  Woodlands                 7.81   2 
 23 Lewis, Justin                Woodlands                 7.93   3 
 24 Kardgar, Paiyam              Albertus Mag              8.08   2 
 25 Habersham, James             Woodlands                 9.56   1 
Event 19  Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Mitchell, Lavonno            Albertus Mag              6.74  
  2 Scott, Jaren                 Alexander Ha              6.79  
  3 Murray, Andrew               Bronxville                6.84  
  4 Hatcher, Collin              Alexander Ha              6.93  
  5 Chandler, Kahjuan            Woodlands                 7.00  
  6 Thorne, Jackson              Croton-Harmo              7.05  
  7 Tong, Chris                  Hastings                  7.15  
  8 Campbell, Aaron              Woodlands                 7.17  
Event 20  Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
Top 8 Advance by Time
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Edwards, Miranda             Hastings                  8.65q  1 
  2 Webb, Jheon                  Woodlands                 9.40q  2 
  3 Gentile, Filomena            Pawling High             10.09q  2 
  4 Maddox, Marly                Dobbs Ferry              10.65q  1 
  5 Leopizzi, Michela            Valhalla                 10.70q  2 
  6 Fusaro, Samantha             Valhalla                 10.72q  1 
  7 Engenheiro, Maya             Bronxville               10.98q  2 
  8 Gravier, Jules               Bronxville               11.32q  1 
  9 Beit, Isabelle               Bronxville               11.38   1 
 10 Halbauer, Samantha           Valhalla                 11.85   2 
Event 20  Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Edwards, Miranda             Hastings                  8.77  
  2 Webb, Jheon                  Woodlands                 9.07  
  3 Gentile, Filomena            Pawling High             10.25  
  4 Fusaro, Samantha             Valhalla                 10.72  
  5 Leopizzi, Michela            Valhalla                 10.72  
  6 Maddox, Marly                Dobbs Ferry              10.76  
  7 Engenheiro, Maya             Bronxville               10.89  
  8 Gravier, Jules               Bronxville               11.01  
Event 21  Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
Top 8 Advance by Time
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Watters, Seamus              Bronxville                8.40q  1 
  2 Sherman, Jonathon            Dobbs Ferry               8.43q  1 
  3 Muro, Ben                    Pawling High              8.45q  2 
  4 Pierrette, Lowell            Alexander Ha              8.68q  2 
  5 Rutledge, Vaughn             Valhalla                  9.17q  1 
  6 Freireich, Charlie           Hastings                  9.73q  2 
  7 Bernard, Jason               Alexander Ha              9.81q  2 
  8 Conti, Justin                Valhalla                 10.14q  2 
  9 Degloria, Daniel             Pawling High             10.24   1 
 10 Rizzuto, Michael             Valhalla                 10.26   1 
 11 Redman, Luke                 Bronxville               10.32   1 
 12 Formato, Kevin               Bronxville               10.35   2 
Event 21  Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Watters, Seamus              Bronxville                8.39  
  2 Pierrette, Lowell            Alexander Ha              8.56  
  3 Sherman, Jonathon            Dobbs Ferry               8.64  
  4 Rutledge, Vaughn             Valhalla                  9.29  
  5 Muro, Ben                    Pawling High              9.54  
  6 Freireich, Charlie           Hastings                  9.62  
  7 Bernard, Jason               Alexander Ha              9.93  
  8 Conti, Justin                Valhalla                 10.56  
Event 22  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Balseiro, Eve                Bronxville             4-00.00  
     4-00 4-03 
        O  XXX 
  2 Edwards, Marlee              Hastings              J4-00.00  
     4-00 4-03 
       XO  XXX 
Event 23  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Mitchell, Lavonno            Albertus Mag           5-09.00  
     5-00 5-03 5-06 5-09 5-10 
        P    P    P   XO  XXX 
  2 Green, Errol                 Pawling High           5-06.00  
     5-00 5-03 5-06 5-09 
       XO    O    O  XXX 
  3 Meehan, Damian               Bronxville            J5-06.00  
     5-00 5-03 5-06 5-09 5-10 
       XO   XO    O    P  XXX 
  4 Conti, Justin                Valhalla               5-00.00  
     5-00 5-03 
      XXO  XXX 
 -- Vanburen, Jack               Rye Neck                    NH  
 -- Saran, Shikhar               Rye Neck                    NH  
 -- Zyngier, Rafael              Rye Neck                    NH  
 -- Williams, Jelani             Dobbs Ferry                 NH  
 -- Scutari, Edison              Croton-Harmo                NH  
 -- Hickey, Jack                 Pawling High                NH  
 -- Pierrette, Lowell            Alexander Ha                NH  
Event 24  Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Bespolka, Olivia             Valhalla               7-06.00  
     5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 
        P    P    O    P    O    O  XXX 
  2 Gravier, Jules               Bronxville             7-00.00  
     5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 7-00 7-06 
        O    O    O    O    O  XXX 
  3 Difeo, Amanda                Valhalla               6-06.00  
     5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 7-00 
        O    P    O    O  XXX 
  4 Palma, Molly                 Bronxville             6-00.00  
     5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 
        O   XO   XO  XXX 
  5 Afanasjeva, Adriana          Bronxville            J6-00.00  
     5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 
        O    O  XXO  XXX 
  6 Bertollo, Marilia            Valhalla               5-00.00  
     5-00 5-06 6-00 
        O    P  XXX 
  7 Laurino, Sabina              Valhalla              J5-00.00  
     5-00 5-06 6-00 
      XXO    P  XXX 
Event 25  Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Zakharov, George             Croton-Harmo          12-00.00  
     7-00 8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 11-00 12-00 13-00 
        P    P    P    P    P     P     O    XO   XXX 
  2 DiFeo, Robbie                Valhalla             J12-00.00  
     7-00 8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 11-00 12-00 13-00 
        P    P    P    P    P     P    XO    XO   XXX 
  3 Redman, Luke                 Bronxville             9-06.00  
     7-00 8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 
        P    O    O    O    O   XXX 
  4 Nikolatos, Jason             Pawling High          J9-06.00  
     7-00 8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 
        O    O    O  XXO   XO   XXX 
  5 Pennella, Henry              Valhalla               9-00.00  
     7-00 8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 
        P    O    P   XO  XXX 
  6 Meehan, Damian               Bronxville             8-00.00  
     7-00 8-00 8-06 
        O  XXO  XXX 
  6 Thiele, Stefan               Valhalla               8-00.00  
     7-00 8-00 8-06 
        O  XXO  XXX 
  8 Rizzuto, Michael             Valhalla               7-00.00  
     7-00 8-00 
        O  XXX 
  9 Formato, Kevin               Bronxville            J7-00.00  
     7-00 8-00 
       XO  XXX 
  9 Kiefer, Griffin              Bronxville            J7-00.00  
     7-00 8-00 
       XO  XXX 
Event 26  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Bespolka, Olivia             Valhalla              15-07.50  
      15-01.75  15-07.50  15-07           
  2 Person, Kalle                Dobbs Ferry           14-10.00  
      13-08.50  13-05.25  14-10           
  3 Lee, Paige                   Haldane               13-05.00  
      12-05  FOUL  13-05           
  4 Mellinghoff, Sabrina         Bronxville            12-09.00  
      12-09  12-00.50  11-07           
  5 Leopizzi, Michela            Valhalla              12-07.50  
      11-01.50  11-09.50  12-07.50           
  6 Ircha, Caroline              Bronxville            12-05.75  
      11-07.50  FOUL  12-05.75           
  7 Villacorta, Sophia           Valhalla              12-02.75  
      11-09  11-07.75  12-02.75           
  8 Fusaro, Samantha             Valhalla              12-01.50  
      FOUL  12-01.50  11-04.75           
 -- Blanks, Gabrielle            Alexander Ha                ND  
      ND  ND  ND           
Event 27  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Murray, Andrew               Bronxville            19-08.00  
      19-07  19-08  19-01.75           
  2 Morrison, Paul               Dobbs Ferry           19-01.25  
      17-10  16-09.25  19-01.25           
  3 Sprague, Lewis               Hastings              18-10.75  
      18-01.50  18-06.75  18-10.75           
  4 Mendoza, Jose                Haldane               18-07.75  
      16-08.75  FOUL  18-07.75           
  5 Hayashi, Eikoh               Rye Neck              18-02.50  
      18-01.75  18-02.50  17-05           
  6 Sherman, Jonathon            Dobbs Ferry           18-00.00  
      18-00  ND  ND           
  7 Parker, Corey                Rye Neck              17-11.75  
      16-09.75  17-02.25  17-11.75           
  8 Jason, Orin                  Hastings              16-08.00  
      ND  FOUL  16-08           
  9 Williams, Jelani             Dobbs Ferry           16-07.00  
      16-05.50  16-07  ND           
 10 Barnett, Noah                Dobbs Ferry           16-04.00  
      ND  FOUL  16-04           
 11 Shornick, Jake               Dobbs Ferry           16-03.25  
      ND  ND  16-03.25           
 12 Maguire, Jack                Albertus Mag          16-01.25  
      ND  FOUL  16-01.25           
 13 Pennella, Henry              Valhalla              16-01.00  
      FOUL  15-07.75  16-01            
 14 Thiele, Stefan               Valhalla              16-00.75  
      FOUL  FOUL  16-00.75           
 15 Zarate, Edgar                Valhalla              15-02.75  
      FOUL  15-02.75  FOUL           
 -- Conti, Justin                Valhalla                    ND  
      ND  ND  ND           
 -- Rutledge, Vaughn             Valhalla                    ND  
      ND  ND  ND           
 -- O'Connell, Tommy             Bronxville                  ND  
      ND  ND  ND           
 -- Degloria, Daniel             Pawling High                ND  
      ND  ND  ND           
 -- Henderson, Elias             Haldane                   FOUL  
      ND  FOUL  FOUL           
 -- Petkus, Quinn                Haldane                   FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL           
Event 28  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Bespolka, Olivia             Valhalla              35-00.00  
      34-06  FOUL  35-00           
  2 Mellinghoff, Sabrina         Bronxville            30-01.00  
      29-05.50  30-01  30-00           
  3 Ircha, Caroline              Bronxville            28-07.00  
      27-02.50  27-07  28-07           
  4 Villacorta, Sophia           Valhalla              27-00.50  
      27-00.50  27-00  FOUL           
Event 29  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Murray, Andrew               Bronxville            40-09.00  
      39-06.75  40-09  40-01           
  2 Williams, Jelani             Dobbs Ferry           39-09.25  
      39-09.25  38-10  39-04.50           
  3 Mendoza, Jose                Haldane               37-07.50  
      36-03.50  37-01.50  37-07.50           
  4 Jason, Orin                  Hastings              37-04.00  
      36-03.50  FOUL  37-04           
  5 Pennella, Henry              Valhalla              37-00.25  
      35-08.50  37-00.25  36-00           
  6 O'Connell, Tommy             Bronxville            35-07.75  
      35-01.75  34-08.25  35-07.75           
  7 Degloria, Daniel             Pawling High          34-09.25  
      34-08.75  34-00  34-09.25           
  8 Barnett, Noah                Dobbs Ferry           33-03.00  
      ND  33-00.25  33-03           
 -- Shornick, Jake               Dobbs Ferry                 ND  
      ND  ND  ND           
Event 30  Girls Weight Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Alfano, Marina               Bronxville            26-00.50  
      25-04  25-05.50  26-00.50           
  2 Maria, Amanda                Valhalla              26-00.25  
      FOUL  26-00.25  FOUL           
  3 Shkreli, Amanda              Bronxville            23-06.25  
      23-00  FOUL  23-06.25           
Event 31  Boys Weight Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Cambell, Leon                Dobbs Ferry           35-05.75  
      31-06  FOUL  35-05.75           
  2 Castillo, Geovanni           Valhalla              31-09.50  
      31-05.25  31-07.25  31-09.50           
  3 Kane, Avery                  Bronxville            29-05.75  
      FOUL  FOUL  29-05.75           
  4 Judkins, Tripp               Bronxville            26-11.75  
      26-11.75  FOUL  FOUL           
  5 O'Brien, Joey                Dobbs Ferry           23-05.75  
      FOUL  20-11.25  23-05.75           
  6 Nolan, Nick                  Bronxville            22-03.25  
      ND  22-03.25  22-01.50           
  7 Melchor, Jonathan            Pawling High          21-02.75  
      FOUL  ND  21-02.75           
 -- Belmnahia, Noah              Valhalla                  FOUL  
      ND  FOUL  FOUL           
Event 32  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Parr, Catherine              Haldane               27-06.75  
      26-09.75  25-06.25  27-06.75           
  2 Lambrecht, Alexis            Woodlands             27-05.00  
      27-05  27-01.25  25-07           
  3 Shkreli, Amanda              Bronxville            25-11.50  
      21-07.50  20-07  25-11.50           
  4 James, Saniah                Alexander Ha          24-07.25  
      24-03.50  22-04  24-07.25           
  5 Mack, Diarra                 Woodlands             24-01.25  
      24-00.25  24-01.25  21-06.50           
  6 Alfano, Marina               Bronxville            23-04.00  
      FOUL  22-11.75  23-04           
  7 Figueiras, Teresa            Haldane               22-07.00  
      21-00.50  21-03.50  22-07           
  8 Maria, Amanda                Valhalla              19-08.50  
      19-08.50  19-07  18-10           
  9 Malaver, Erin                Alexander Ha          17-11.75  
      17-11.75  17-02  17-11           
Event 33  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Kane, Avery                  Bronxville            37-11.75  
      35-04  37-11.75  37-00           
  2 Judkins, Tripp               Bronxville            34-04.25  
      33-10  33-04.50  34-04.25           
  3 Cambell, Leon                Dobbs Ferry           33-05.00  
      32-08.75  33-05  ND           
  4 Nash, Darius                 Alexander Ha          33-02.00  
      ND  ND  33-02           
  5 DeGennaro, Chris             Albertus Mag          32-03.00  
      28-11.75  32-03  28-04.50           
  6 Reyes, Daniel                Alexander Ha          31-05.50  
      31-05.50  FOUL  30-11           
  7 Caraballo, Kelff             Alexander Ha          31-01.00  
      30-01.75  30-04.50  31-01           
  8 Castillo, Geovanni           Valhalla              30-09.25  
      30-05.50  30-09.25  30-02.50           
  9 Rossi, Griffin               Valhalla              30-05.75  
      30-05.75  30-00.50  29-02.50           
 10 Melchor, Jonathan            Pawling High          26-06.25  
      ND  26-06.25  ND           
 -- O'Brien, Joey                Dobbs Ferry                 ND  
      ND  ND  ND           
 -- Colombo, Mike                Pawling High                ND  
      ND  ND  ND           
                    Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Bronxville                 187        2) Valhalla                   74   
    3) Woodlands                   40        4) Pawling High School        34   
    4) Albertus Magnus             34        6) Dobbs Ferry                32   
    7) Hastings                    26        8) Haldane                    25   
    9) Tuckahoe                    20       10) North Salem                16   
   11) Alexander Hamilton           4                                           
                    Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
    1) Bronxville                 123.50     2) Valhalla                   62.50
    3) Dobbs Ferry                 57        4) Pawling High School        52   
    5) North Salem                 40        6) Haldane                    35   
    7) Alexander Hamilton          33        8) Albertus Magnus            32   
    9) Hastings                    13        9) Woodlands                  13   
   11) Croton-Harmon               11       11) Rye Neck                   11