NSCHSAA League Championship 2016

Kings Park, NY

Boys Frosh A

Boys 1.5 Mile Run CC FROSH  A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Patrick Fiorillo           9 St. John the           7:47.42    1             
  2 Seamus O'Callaghan         9 Chaminade              7:51.92    2             
  3 Kyle McLean                9 Chaminade              7:58.82    3             
  4 Douglas Stern              9 Chaminade              8:00.55    4             
  5 Stephen Eger               9 St. Anthony's          8:02.04    5             
  6 John O'Connell             9 St. John the           8:05.27    6             
  7 Flynn Gray                 9 Chaminade              8:10.71    7             
  8 Joseph Traverso            9 St. Anthony's          8:12.02    8             
  9 Liam Adpietro              9 St. Anthony's          8:12.46    9             
 10 Anthony Algieri            9 St. Anthony's          8:17.90   10             
 11 Brian Healy                9 St. John the           8:18.17   11             
 12 Aidan Potter               9 Kellenberg             8:19.27   12             
 13 Daniel Bartels             9 Chaminade              8:20.36   13             
 14 Owen McCarthy              9 St. Anthony's          8:26.94   14             
 15 Joseph Natale              9 St. Anthony's          8:28.66   15             
 16 Peter Kawakami             9 St. Anthony's          8:39.52   16             
 17 Anthony Perchinelli        9 Holy Trinity           8:40.41   17             
 18 Kevin Figueroa             9 Chaminade              8:44.75   18             
 19 Cameron Mooney             9 Kellenberg             8:46.97   19             
 20 Chris Greenidge            9 St. John the           8:47.80   20             
 21 Thomas Byrnes              9 Chaminade              8:58.91   21             
 22 Brendan Muller             9 Holy Trinity           9:00.43   22             
 23 Christopher Love          12 Kellenberg             9:07.13   23             
 24 Cameron Phillips           9 St. John the           9:11.40   24             
 25 Jeffrey Schlick            9 Holy Trinity           9:13.75   25             
 26 Justin Saldana             9 Kellenberg             9:16.56   26             
 27 John Burns                 9 Holy Trinity           9:17.41   27             
 28 Kevin Budveit              9 St. John the           9:24.98   28             
 29 Rolando Ramos             10 Kellenberg             9:42.28   29             
 30 Brian Roman                9 St. John the           9:45.74   30             
 31 James Miller               9 Kellenberg             9:49.30   31             
 32 Sean Pecora                9 Kellenberg             9:56.87   32             
 33 William Regan              9 Kellenberg            10:28.76   33             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Chaminade                    29    2    3    4    7   13   18   21          
      Total Time:    40:22.36                                                    
         Average:     8:04.48                                                    
   2 St. Anthony's                46    5    8    9   10   14   15   16          
      Total Time:    41:11.36                                                    
         Average:     8:14.28                                                    
   3 St. John the Baptist         62    1    6   11   20   24   28   30          
      Total Time:    42:10.06                                                    
         Average:     8:26.02                                                    
   4 Kellenberg                  109   12   19   23   26   29   31   32   33     
      Total Time:    45:12.21                                                    
         Average:     9:02.45