Meet Information
Online Registration Help
MeetFees Blanket Team Fee - $350
Boys Team - $200
Girls Team - $200
Individual Event Entry - $10
Relay Event Entry - $20
Payments Mail checks to:
FDR High School
Attention: Brian Halling
156 South Cross Road PO Box 2032
Staatsburg, NY 12580
Fax Payment to:
FDR High School Athletics
Attention: FDR Track
Fax #: 845-229-2182
AdditionalNotes Coaches are to double check that they are entering their athletes in the correct portion of the invitational. Athletes can participate in the freshmen/sophomore and varsity portions of an event for running events ONLY.
MeetFees Blanket Team Fee - $350
Boys Team - $200
Girls Team - $200
Individual Event Entry - $10
Relay Event Entry - $20
Payments Mail checks to:
FDR High School
Attention: Brian Halling
156 South Cross Road PO Box 2032
Staatsburg, NY 12580
Fax Payment to:
FDR High School Athletics
Attention: FDR Track
Fax #: 845-229-2182
AdditionalNotes Coaches are to double check that they are entering their athletes in the correct portion of the invitational. Athletes can participate in the freshmen/sophomore and varsity portions of an event for running events ONLY.