
Licensed to Orange Ulster BOCES - Site License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 1/30/2016 05:26 PM
                2016 OCIAA Championsip - 1/29/2016 to 1/30/2016                
                              Orange Ulster BOCES                              
Girls 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Laskoski, Kate            11 Goshen                  7.86       7.50Q  2 
  2 Bowen, De'ja               9 Middletown              7.30       7.54Q  1 
  3 Aponti, Marielle          11 Newburgh Fre            7.72       7.68Q  4 
  4 Pizarro, Tamantha         12 Valley Centr            7.79       7.70Q  5 
  5 Meade, Kayla              10 Cornwall                7.74       7.74Q  6 
  6 DeGennaro, Brianna        11 Monroe-Woodb            7.82       7.91Q  3 
  7 Vasquez, Alisa            12 Washingtonvi            7.56       7.66Q  2 
  8 Butts, Kristin            12 Dover                   7.82       7.79Q  4 
  9 Benson, Katie             11 Monroe-Woodb            7.84       7.82Q  1 
 10 Brown, Taniya             12 Middletown              7.90       7.84Q  5 
 11 Fisher, Aniyah            11 Washingtonvi            7.87       7.92Q  3 
 12 Hughes, Crystal           11 Dover                   7.90       8.08Q  6 
 13 Nelbach, Samantha         12 Cornwall                7.84       7.80q  2 
 14 Junior, Mercedes          10 Fdr                     7.84       7.86q  1 
 15 Mattis, Owanya             9 Marlboro                7.74       7.99q  5 
 16 Pierantozzi, Kristin      12 Fdr                     8.02       8.00q  3 
 17 Lee, Kristy               12 Monroe-Woodb            7.98       8.02   2 
 18 Caterina, Mackenzie        9 Valley Centr            7.71       8.06   3 
 19 Nolan, Gabriela           10 Liberty                 8.02       8.07   4 
 20 Martin, Darah             12 Newburgh Fre            8.09       8.09   2 
 21 Loheide, Raegan           12 Onteora                 7.94       8.10   4 
 22 Walton, Katherine         12 Wallkill                8.14       8.14   1 
 23 Harrow, Jackie            10 Marlboro                7.94       8.17   2 
 24 Ward, Maeve               11 Warwick Vall            8.06       8.19   3 
 25 Steinberg, Alexandra      11 Chester                 7.90       8.28   6 
 25 Torres, Cristina           9 Ellenville              7.74       8.28   6 
 27 Walker, Jade              12 Millbrook               7.90       8.29   4 
 28 Bugna, Drew               11 Ellenville              7.94       8.31   3 
 29 Julian, Lyndsey           10 Washingtonvi            8.04       8.33   5 
 29 Pazuello, Emily           11 Sullivan Wes            8.14       8.33   3 
 31 Simms, Naveda             11 Pine Bush               8.04       8.35   6 
 32 Worden, Alexis            11 Port Jervis             8.04       8.38   4 
 33 March, Marina             11 Sullivan Wes            8.24       8.39   2 
 34 Colson, Brianne           11 Pine Bush               8.14       8.42   4 
 35 Lynzee, Kelty             11 Eldred                  8.04       8.51   5 
 35 Zurawinski, Gabriela       9 Cornwall                8.24       8.51   5 
 37 Gilligan, Alexis           9 Goshen                  8.24       8.52   4 
 37 Bowes, Shonette              Poughkeepsie            8.14       8.52   2 
 39 Schock, Grace             11 Port Jervis             8.04       8.54   6 
 40 Awasu, Cafui              12 Tri-Valley              8.00       8.57   1 
 41 Bishara, Sabrina           9 Port Jervis             8.24       8.58   3 
 42 Walsh, Seirra             10 Warwick Vall            8.14       8.78   1 
 43 Brodhead, Dacia           12 Kingston                7.94       8.82   5 
 44 Sozio, Samantha           12 Wallkill                8.20       8.84   6 
 45 Lauria, Giovanna           9 Tri-Valley              8.20       8.93   5 
 46 Jammen, Maimuna           11 Newburgh Fre            8.00       9.06   1 
 47 Dembergh, Margaret         9 Tri-Valley              8.20       9.11   6 
Girls 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Laskoski, Kate            11 Goshen                  7.50       7.49Q  1 
  2 Bowen, De'ja               9 Middletown              7.54       7.57Q  2 
  3 Meade, Kayla              10 Cornwall                7.74       7.64Q  1 
  4 Vasquez, Alisa            12 Washingtonvi            7.66       7.65Q  2 
  5 Pizarro, Tamantha         12 Valley Centr            7.70       7.66q  1 
  6 Aponti, Marielle          11 Newburgh Fre            7.68       7.67q  2 
  7 Junior, Mercedes          10 Fdr                     7.86       7.79q  2 
  8 Butts, Kristin            12 Dover                   7.79       7.81q  1 
  9 Nelbach, Samantha         12 Cornwall                7.80       7.82   1 
 10 Benson, Katie             11 Monroe-Woodb            7.82       7.84   1 
 11 Fisher, Aniyah            11 Washingtonvi            7.92       7.89   2 
 12 Brown, Taniya             12 Middletown              7.84       7.90   2 
 12 Hughes, Crystal           11 Dover                   8.08       7.90   1 
 14 DeGennaro, Brianna        11 Monroe-Woodb            7.91       7.95   2 
 15 Pierantozzi, Kristin      12 Fdr                     8.00       8.09   1 
 16 Mattis, Owanya             9 Marlboro                7.99       8.17   2 
Girls 55 Meter Dash Unseeded
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Blackwood, Monique         9 Middletown              8.44       8.37   2 
  2 Rogerson, Julia            9 Kingston                8.34       8.40   1 
  3 Leach, Melissa            10 Pine Plains             8.54       8.55   2 
  4 Jordan, Bailey             9 Kingston                8.44       8.56   2 
  5 Vernon, Miyanna           12 Liberty                 8.34       8.61   1 
  6 Smith, Sarah              11 Minisink Val            8.40       8.67   1 
  7 Pugliese, Isabella         8 Pine Bush               8.34       8.76   1 
  8 Smith, Elizabeth          10 Millbrook               9.14       8.77   2 
  9 Lopez-Evans, Lena         12 Chester                 8.40       8.83   1 
 10 Beck, Amanda              12 Goshen                  8.44       8.84   2 
 10 Prockter, Aly              9 Millbrook               9.34       8.84   1 
 12 Bertolino, Charley        10 Eldred                  8.64       8.86   2 
 13 Binkowski, Katherine      11 John S. Burk            8.34       9.08   1 
 14 Barone, Alyssa             9 John S. Burk            8.84       9.18   2 
 15 Kanyike, Tina                Poughkeepsie            8.74       9.21   2 
Girls 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Laskoski, Kate            11 Goshen                  7.49       7.47   10   
  2 Bowen, De'ja               9 Middletown              7.57       7.51    8   
  3 Aponti, Marielle          11 Newburgh Fre            7.67       7.67    6   
  4 Vasquez, Alisa            12 Washingtonvi            7.65       7.68    4   
  5 Pizarro, Tamantha         12 Valley Centr            7.66       7.69    2   
  6 Meade, Kayla              10 Cornwall                7.64       7.73    1   
  7 Junior, Mercedes          10 Fdr                     7.79       7.82  
  8 Butts, Kristin            12 Dover                   7.81       7.85  
Girls 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Laskoski, Kate            11 Goshen                 42.64      41.44Q  4 
  2 Oatman, Bria               9 Middletown             42.04      42.22Q  2 
  3 Cumberbatch, Juantasia    11 Newburgh Fre           41.85      42.39Q  1 
  4 Harris, Zarah             11 Valley Centr           43.44      42.42Q  3 
  5 Lubeskie, Kristen         10 Monroe-Woodb           42.51      42.83q  3 
  6 Vasquez, Alisa            12 Washingtonvi           43.25      42.91q  4 
  7 Lawless, Brianna          11 Washingtonvi           43.70      43.46   2 
  8 Butts, Kristin            12 Dover                  44.61      44.24   1 
  9 Longendyke, Livi           9 Kingston               43.76      44.50   1 
 10 Iaccrino, Angela          10 Monroe-Woodb           45.35      44.60   4 
 11 Curtin, Bridget           12 Washingtonvi           45.54      44.78   1 
 12 Maurin, Courtney          12 Pine Bush              45.44      44.84   2 
 13 Brooks, Justine           11 Newburgh Fre           44.04      44.87   2 
 14 Gann, Tallula              9 Sullivan Wes           44.84      45.41   3 
 15 Figueroa, Sara            11 Middletown             45.94      45.58   4 
 16 Hogancamp, Kiley          11 Marlboro               45.75      45.72   1 
 17 Conter, Kaityn             9 Monroe-Woodb           46.60      45.75   1 
 18 Nolan, Gabriela           10 Liberty                45.42      45.81   3 
 19 Thompson, Kaeli            9 Warwick Vall           46.45      46.01   3 
 20 Gonzalez, Celena          12 Ellenville             45.36      46.31   4 
 21 Steinberg, Alexandra      11 Chester                46.60      46.63   2 
 22 Fisher, Skyler            12 Port Jervis            45.84      46.65   3 
 23 Hill, Vanessa              9 Kingston               45.52      47.39   2 
 24 Mildner, Emily            11 Wallkill               46.00      47.75   4 
Girls 300 Meter Dash Unseeded
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Ruotolo, Claire           11 Cornwall               46.64      47.16   1 
  2 Maillet, Cecilia           9 Onteora                47.50      47.75   1 
  3 March, Marina             11 Sullivan Wes           47.24      47.89   1 
  4 Muller, Morgan             9 Valley Centr           48.58      48.01   3 
  5 Politoski, Brenna         10 Goshen                 49.44      48.02   4 
  6 Mustafa, Ameera           10 James I. O'N           47.04      48.05   1 
  7 Wilson, Genise               Poughkeepsie           47.24      48.38   1 
  8 Reivers, Kelsey           11 Goshen                 49.20      48.60   3 
  9 Bugna, Drew               11 Ellenville             47.64      48.83   2 
 10 DeSena, Amy                8 Pine Bush              49.54      48.98   4 
 11 Zurawinski, Gabriela       9 Cornwall               48.94      49.02   3 
 12 Jordan, Bailey             9 Kingston               48.54      50.10   3 
 13 Mincey, Tameeka              Poughkeepsie           49.24      50.24   4 
 14 Sukosky, Sierra           12 Pine Bush              51.04      50.32   4 
 15 Fernandez, Rosalina        9 Middletown             47.50      50.64   2 
 16 Torres, Cristina           9 Ellenville             47.14      50.66   1 
 17 Castillo, Sofia           11 Cornwall               49.44      50.86   4 
 18 Fontana, Jamie            12 Dover                  47.90      50.94   2 
 19 Cardiello, Chiara          9 Dover                  48.50      51.18   2 
 20 Gralton, Maria             9 John S. Burk           51.34      51.44   5 
 21 Schock, Grace             11 Port Jervis            49.64      51.47   4 
 22 Ciampaglione, Vincent     10 Pine Plains            52.00      51.92   5 
 23 Granata, Cara              9 Minisink Val           51.30      52.04   5 
 24 Duff, Kailyn              10 Valley Centr           48.76      52.72   3 
 25 Bohlin, Shannon           11 Millbrook              54.00      52.74   5 
 26 Dembergh, Margaret         9 Tri-Valley             55.00      54.29   5 
 27 Mcelliott, Shannon        11 Wallkill               52.00      54.68   5 
 28 Lauria, Giovanna           9 Tri-Valley             55.00      58.07   6 
 29 Lopez-evans, Lily         12 Chester                48.00      59.19   2 
 30 Colley, Hailey            10 Millbrook              59.00      59.75   6 
Girls 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Laskoski, Kate            11 Goshen                 41.44      42.04   10   
  2 Oatman, Bria               9 Middletown             42.22      42.27    8   
  3 Cumberbatch, Juantasia    11 Newburgh Fre           42.39      42.57    6   
  4 Vasquez, Alisa            12 Washingtonvi           42.91      43.35    4   
  5 Lubeskie, Kristen         10 Monroe-Woodb           42.83      43.41    2   
  6 Harris, Zarah             11 Valley Centr           42.42      45.03    1   
Girls 600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Laskoski, Kate            11 Goshen               1:42.84    1:39.65   4  10   
  2 Harris, Zarah             11 Valley Centr         1:39.67    1:40.61   4   8   
  3 Lawless, Brianna          11 Washingtonvi         1:42.73    1:42.78   4   6   
  4 Fanning, Gabby            11 Cornwall             1:44.00    1:43.28   4   4   
  5 Atlas, Grace              10 Goshen               1:46.74    1:43.48   3   2   
  6 Cueva-Scarpelli, Jessica  12 Monroe-Woodb         1:42.41    1:44.12   4   1   
  7 Zollner, Kiana            12 Middletown           1:42.00    1:44.95   4 
  8 Nicosia, Lesley           12 Cornwall             1:45.74    1:45.24   3 
  9 Gann, Tallula              9 Sullivan Wes         1:47.80    1:46.04   3 
 10 Alspach, Meagan            9 Goshen               1:52.24    1:46.28   1 
 11 Byrne, Molly              12 Warwick Vall         1:47.56    1:46.44   3 
 12 Maurin, Courtney          12 Pine Bush            1:48.30    1:46.82   2 
 13 Fisher, Alayjah           12 Newburgh Fre         1:49.00    1:47.03   2 
 14 Hogancamp, Kiley          11 Marlboro             1:48.24    1:47.63   2 
 15 Sison, Ina                12 Monroe-Woodb         1:50.66    1:48.62   2 
 16 Quezada, Valeria          12 Kingston             1:47.94    1:48.80   3 
 17 Mazzella, Bryanna         12 Marlboro             1:46.75    1:49.55   3 
 18 Parrelli, Madison         11 Warwick Vall         1:50.86    1:50.26   1 
 19 Mercado, Daniela          10 Liberty              1:48.80    1:50.96   2 
 20 Bale-crowder, Sarah       10 Cornwall             1:52.40    1:51.07   1 
 21 Fini, Angela               8 Monroe-Woodb         1:54.59    1:51.88   1 
 22 Brenner, Claire            9 Minisink Val         1:54.47    1:53.67   1 
 23 Meyerer, Courtney         12 Sullivan Wes         1:52.24    1:54.80   1 
 24 Bunch, Jillian            10 Newburgh Fre         1:50.00    2:03.36   2 
Girls 600 Meter Run Unseeded
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Fritzsch, Lauren          11 Minisink Val         1:55.10    1:55.00  
  2 Sensini, Clara            10 Kingston             1:55.28    1:55.44  
  3 Mustafa, Ameera           10 James I. O'N         1:54.82    1:57.09  
  4 Palazzo, Gabrielle         9 Pine Bush            1:58.10    1:58.24  
  5 Fitzgibbons, Helene       11 Valley Centr         1:59.50    2:00.26  
  6 Khoufaify, Leila           9 Minisink Val         1:58.00    2:00.54  
  7 Roehrich, Shania           9 John S. Burk         1:57.90    2:02.27  
  8 Cardoza, Milayla          10 Newburgh Fre         1:59.10    2:02.50  
  9 Thonus, Calla              9 Chester              1:59.00    2:04.03  
 10 Martinez, Sophia           9 Valley Centr         2:06.00    2:05.10  
 11 McBath, Kayliegh           8 Pine Bush            2:04.94    2:09.33  
 12 Paulus, MaryKate          12 Washingtonvi         2:02.00    2:20.73  
 13 Giacoio, Gina Marie       11 Washingtonvi         2:10.00    2:41.26  
Girls 1000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Reilly, Megan             12 Warwick Vall         2:54.77    3:03.74   1  10   
  2 Prial, Jennie             11 Warwick Vall         3:10.14    3:08.74   1   8   
  3 Pidgeon, Jessica           9 Monroe-Woodb         3:07.24    3:09.18   1   6   
  4 Decker, Sydney            10 Cornwall             3:12.30    3:11.88   1   4   
  5 Thompson, Shannon         12 Washingtonvi         3:16.66    3:13.80   1   2   
  6 Kasparsons, Alina         11 Monroe-Woodb         3:08.24    3:14.02   1   1   
  7 Corbett, Jackie           11 Pine Bush            3:18.84    3:15.77   1 
  8 Munterich, Abby           11 Cornwall             3:13.90    3:15.81   1 
  9 Rudge, Sarah              12 Onteora              3:07.00    3:16.48   1 
 10 Johnson, Camryn           12 Monticello           3:18.24    3:17.12   1 
 11 Boylan, Kristina          10 Monroe-Woodb         3:18.14    3:18.87   1 
 12 Miller, Elissa             9 Washingtonvi         3:18.28    3:19.38   1 
 13 Pucci, Kayla               9 Goshen               3:21.94    3:19.50   2 
 14 Mercado, Daniela          10 Liberty              3:22.95    3:23.16   2 
 15 Cavalluzzo, Heidi         11 Valley Centr         3:14.30    3:24.57   1 
 16 Calandra, Gabriella       11 Warwick Vall         3:30.54    3:25.77   2 
 17 Boylan, Mary Grace        11 Cornwall             3:25.60    3:25.84   2 
 18 Noe, Maggie                9 Kingston             3:29.44    3:26.70   2 
 19 Myerer, Courtney          12 Sullivan Wes         3:32.24    3:30.08   2 
 20 Villegas, Valerie          9 Goshen               3:40.24    3:32.36   3 
 21 Gerving, Gabby            10 James I. O'N         3:37.22    3:32.41   3 
 22 Barbera, Paige            10 Newburgh Fre         3:14.00    3:33.51   1 
 23 Lovelace, Danielle         9 Pine Bush            3:26.34    3:33.64   2 
 24 Fritzsch, Jessica         12 Minisink Val         3:33.63    3:34.54   2 
 25 Sandri, Rachel            12 Marlboro             3:30.75    3:35.58   2 
 26 Cavalluzzo, Katie          9 Valley Centr         3:37.39    3:35.70   3 
 27 Fitzgibbons, Helene       11 Valley Centr         3:39.52    3:36.32   3 
 28 Zilles, Leanna            11 Liberty              3:40.24    3:37.12   3 
 29 Aviles, Taina             10 Wallkill             3:40.24    3:37.44   3 
 30 Partridge, Brittany       10 Wallkill             3:45.24    3:38.93   3 
 31 King, Taylor              10 Monticello           3:32.24    3:39.94   2 
 32 Downes, Emily             12 Onteora              3:27.00    3:40.23   2 
 33 Rivera, Ashlyn             9 Ellenville           3:32.85    3:40.93   2 
 34 Goldsmith, Juliana        11 Minisink Val         3:45.63    3:41.29   3 
 35 Thonus, Calla              9 Chester              3:27.00    3:43.32   2 
 36 Fini, Victoria            10 Goshen               3:48.24    3:47.68   3 
 37 Mathews, Gillian          10 Tri-Valley           3:45.00    3:50.16   3 
 38 McLean, Elizabeth         10 John S. Burk         3:55.24    3:50.23   3 
 39 Gutierrez, Mitzy          10 Middletown           4:10.00    3:56.23   3 
 40 Davis, Snyah               8 Newburgh Fre         3:29.00    4:01.12   2 
 41 Cortes, Andrea             9 Middletown           4:12.00    4:03.90   3 
 42 Laskar, Kendal            10 Washingtonvi         3:56.00    4:36.33   3 
Girls 1500 Meter Run Unseeded
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Cupertino, Jamie           8 Washingtonvi         5:25.23    5:13.82   1 
  2 Hack, Sarah               12 Kingston             5:18.24    5:15.78   1 
  3 Cameron, Molly             9 Cornwall             5:46.94    5:19.72   1 
  4 Johnson, Sydney           12 Monticello           5:19.90    5:20.93   1 
  5 Cathcart, Nadia            9 Fdr                  5:18.00    5:21.96   1 
  6 Flynn, Erin               11 Marlboro             5:26.99    5:24.01   1 
  7 Pignetti, Jewel           11 Cornwall             5:25.44    5:25.38   1 
  8 Wallace, Julia             8 Minisink Val         5:29.00    5:27.96   1 
  9 Connor, Kaitlyn           12 Warwick Vall         5:32.38    5:29.41   1 
 10 Jiang, Cindy               8 Kingston             5:45.24    5:31.30   1 
 11 Chun, Jeana               10 Spackenkill          5:36.90    5:38.94   1 
 12 Spyhalsky, Autumn         11 Kingston             5:44.00    5:39.34   1 
 13 Switala, Caitlyn          12 Minisink Val         5:45.24    5:41.40   1 
 14 McEneaney, Jillian        11 Monticello           5:40.24    5:49.92   1 
 15 Fernandez, Susan           9 Pine Bush            5:50.24    5:51.93   1 
 16 Marcinick, Sophia          9 Wallkill             6:07.00    5:53.84   2 
 17 Unverzagt, Mia             9 Ellenville           5:55.80    5:57.53   2 
 18 Sanchez, Melina            8 Newburgh Fre         5:51.00    5:59.13   2 
 19 Slobodin, Emily            8 Fdr                  5:50.24    6:06.43   1 
 20 Yewchuck, Bailey           9 Sullivan Wes         6:00.50    6:07.11   2 
 21 Pennell, Brittany         10 Tri-Valley           6:10.00    6:08.99   2 
 22 Reynolds, Becca            9 Tri-Valley           6:00.00    6:09.13   2 
 23 Petrin, Kloe               8 Eldred               6:28.24    6:09.41   2 
 24 Sutter, Julia             12 Washingtonvi         6:06.00    6:11.09   2 
 25 Patel, Riddhi              9 Ellenville           6:04.04    6:11.19   2 
 26 Moskowitz, Ashley          9 Washingtonvi         6:03.00    6:11.37   2 
 27 Loiodice, Kailee           9 Pine Bush            6:00.24    6:11.75   2 
 28 Ligotino, Guilia           9 Ellenville           5:59.10    6:11.81   2 
 29 Groutkas, Katerina        10 Pine Bush            6:06.24    6:38.22   2 
Girls 1500 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Reilly, Megan             12 Warwick Vall         4:36.26    4:40.35   10   
  2 Munks, katie              12 Monroe-Woodb         4:50.01    4:42.64    8   
  3 Elston, Olivia            11 Goshen               4:50.44    4:42.88    6   
  4 Caroli, Victoria          12 Cornwall             4:56.90    4:58.75    4   
  5 Montgomery, Madison        9 Goshen               5:04.94    4:58.83    2   
  6 Cavanagh, Emily           12 Warwick Vall         5:08.07    4:59.01    1   
  7 Kurdziel, Annie           11 Monroe-Woodb         5:11.24    5:00.77  
  8 Lynch, Dana                9 Middletown           5:01.00    5:05.29  
  9 Rudge, Sarah              12 Onteora              4:56.00    5:11.82  
 10 Hoyt, Julia               10 Monroe-Woodb         5:13.24    5:12.25  
 11 Serkes, Morgan            11 Goshen               5:10.24    5:12.49  
 12 Navarro, Lizbet           12 Middletown           5:06.00    5:13.27  
 13 Cavalluzzo, Heidi         11 Valley Centr         5:08.96    5:30.44  
Girls 3000 Meter Run Unseeded
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Hickman, Meredith          9 Cornwall            11:46.30   11:22.06  
  2 Zagorski, Sarah           11 Fdr                 11:37.02   11:25.61  
  3 Hack, Sarah               12 Kingston            11:27.50   11:32.79  
  4 Flynn, Erin               11 Marlboro            11:40.60   11:47.56  
  5 Jiang, Cindy               8 Kingston            13:15.24   11:47.60  
  6 Corbett, Jackie           11 Pine Bush           11:34.20   11:54.72  
  7 Sierpinski, Makayla        9 Pine Bush           12:22.64   12:18.55  
  8 Noe, Maggie                9 Kingston            11:40.74   12:26.36  
  9 Perez, Aracely            11 Middletown          12:01.00   12:36.51  
 10 Petrin, Kloe               8 Eldred              12:52.00   12:42.71  
 10 Wallace, Julia             8 Minisink Val        11:30.24   12:42.71  
 12 Unverzagt, Mia             9 Ellenville          12:45.10   12:46.04  
 13 Lovelace, Danielle         9 Pine Bush           12:20.10   12:57.13  
 14 Pennell, Brittany         10 Tri-Valley          12:10.00   13:01.36  
 15 Ligotino, Guilia           9 Ellenville          12:55.27   13:02.63  
 16 Sanchez, Melina            8 Newburgh Fre        11:59.00   13:05.71  
 17 Reynolds, Becca            9 Tri-Valley          11:45.00   13:21.22  
Girls 3000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Elston, Olivia            11 Goshen              10:24.64   10:09.04   10   
  2 Reilly, Megan             12 Warwick Vall        10:35.80   10:11.25    8   
  3 Munks, katie              12 Monroe-Woodb        10:21.32   10:18.76    6   
  4 Caroli, Victoria          12 Cornwall            10:20.70   10:22.17    4   
  5 Prial, Jennie             11 Warwick Vall        10:52.91   10:50.04    2   
  6 Montgomery, Madison        9 Goshen              10:50.01   10:52.68    1   
  7 Kurdziel, Annie           11 Monroe-Woodb        11:04.95   10:53.00  
  8 Lynch, Dana                9 Middletown          10:58.00   10:57.37  
  9 Cathcart, Nadia            9 Fdr                 11:01.50   11:03.52  
 10 Eder, Emily               12 Warwick Vall        11:12.76   11:04.84  
 11 Hoyt, Julia               10 Monroe-Woodb        11:10.20   11:10.16  
 12 Navarro, Lizbet           12 Middletown          11:14.60   11:11.29  
 13 Scileppi, Zoe             10 Cornwall            11:05.50   11:21.16  
 14 Atlas, Angelique          12 Goshen              11:14.00   12:19.77  
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Greibesland, Penny        11 Warwick Vall            8.94       9.22Q  1 
  2 Giza, Taylor              12 John S. Burk            9.04       9.28Q  4 
  3 Murphy, Katie             12 Cornwall                9.24       9.40Q  5 
  4 Smith, Sarah              12 Pine Bush               8.98       9.54Q  2 
  5 Jacobsen, Lisa            10 Monroe-Woodb            9.55       9.70Q  3 
  6 Wilson, Sabryaa           12 Monroe-Woodb            9.88       9.72Q  4 
  7 Dejesus, Jackie           12 Middletown              9.64       9.78Q  1 
  7 Colon, Jesenia            12 Ellenville              9.64       9.78Q  2 
  9 Volpe, Rachel             12 Kingston                9.00       9.81Q  3 
 10 Pazuello, Emily           11 Sullivan Wes            9.94      10.12Q  5 
 11 Brooks, Justine           11 Newburgh Fre            9.78       9.88q  3 
 12 Murtagh, Kassidy          12 Cornwall                9.74       9.94q  2 
 12 Maise, Qurran             12 Newburgh Fre            9.37       9.94q  4 
 14 Caligiuri, Britany         9 Washingtonvi           10.11       9.99q  4 
 14 Nolan, Gabriela           10 Liberty                10.14       9.99q  2 
 16 Chambers, Corrina         12 Monroe-Woodb            9.71      10.09q  1 
 17 McBride, Hallory          11 Goshen                 10.14      10.10   3 
 18 Fritzsch, Lauren          11 Minisink Val           10.54      10.20   4 
 19 Junior, Mercedes          10 Fdr                    10.54      10.22   3 
 20 Henry, Kristen            11 Cornwall               10.24      10.41   1 
 21 Julian, Lyndsey           10 Washingtonvi           10.34      10.43   2 
 22 Meyer, Chanel             12 Port Jervis            10.34      10.45   3 
 23 Maggiolo, Jenna           10 Pine Bush              10.44      10.50   5 
 24 Schwab, Stephanie         10 Sullivan Wes           10.24      10.54   1 
 25 Osmond-friedman, Fenne     9 Onteora                10.50      10.91   5 
 26 Ashley, Alasia             9 Newburgh Fre           10.64      10.93   1 
 27 Papuli, Lenora            11 Marlboro               10.60      10.94   2 
 28 Tomaseski, Sydney         10 Fdr                    10.44      10.95   4 
 29 Arnold, Victoria           9 Sullivan Wes           10.64      10.96   3 
 30 Minnerly, Bailey          10 Millbrook              11.30      11.02   3 
 31 Ajanovic, Miranda         12 Ellenville             10.74      11.04   1 
 32 Sozio, Samantha           12 Wallkill               11.12      11.53   4 
 32 Talmadge, Anjalyna         9 Pine Bush              11.14      11.53   4 
 34 Mcelliott, Shannon        11 Wallkill               12.74      11.63   1 
 35 Delavicijo, Itziar         9 Middletown             11.25      11.76   5 
 36 Nicholson, Cat            11 Eldred                 12.64      12.64   2 
 37 Roehrich, Shania           9 John S. Burk           10.94      12.80   5 
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Greibesland, Penny        11 Warwick Vall            9.22       9.06Q  1 
  2 Giza, Taylor              12 John S. Burk            9.28       9.19Q  2 
  3 Murphy, Katie             12 Cornwall                9.40       9.20Q  2 
  4 Smith, Sarah              12 Pine Bush               9.54       9.42Q  1 
  5 Maise, Qurran             12 Newburgh Fre            9.94       9.47q  1 
  6 Volpe, Rachel             12 Kingston                9.81       9.50q  1 
  7 Jacobsen, Lisa            10 Monroe-Woodb            9.70       9.68q  1 
  8 Colon, Jesenia            12 Ellenville              9.78       9.75q  2 
  9 Brooks, Justine           11 Newburgh Fre            9.88       9.79   2 
  9 Nolan, Gabriela           10 Liberty                 9.99       9.79   2 
 11 Wilson, Sabryaa           12 Monroe-Woodb            9.72       9.81   2 
 12 Pazuello, Emily           11 Sullivan Wes           10.12       9.82   2 
 13 Chambers, Corrina         12 Monroe-Woodb           10.09       9.85   1 
 14 Caligiuri, Britany         9 Washingtonvi            9.99      10.09   2 
 15 Murtagh, Kassidy          12 Cornwall                9.94      10.20   1 
 16 Dejesus, Jackie           12 Middletown              9.78      10.60   1 
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Greibesland, Penny        11 Warwick Vall            9.06       8.94   10   
  2 Giza, Taylor              12 John S. Burk            9.19       8.99    8   
  3 Smith, Sarah              12 Pine Bush               9.42       9.07    6   
  4 Murphy, Katie             12 Cornwall                9.20       9.29    4   
  5 Maise, Qurran             12 Newburgh Fre            9.47       9.30    2   
  6 Colon, Jesenia            12 Ellenville              9.75       9.77    1   
  7 Volpe, Rachel             12 Kingston                9.50       9.80  
  8 Jacobsen, Lisa            10 Monroe-Woodb            9.68       9.89  
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Middletown  'A'                                   1:45.28    1:47.83q  2 
     1) Oatman, Bria 9                  2) Zollner, Kiana 12              
     3) Brown, Taniya 12                4) Bowen, De'ja 9                 
  2 Newburgh Free Academy  'A'                        1:44.97    1:50.77q  1 
     1) Brooks, Justine 11              2) Cumberbatch, Juantasia 11      
     3) Jammen, Maimuna 11              4) Martin, Darah 12               
     5) McCaskill, Ahnrea 11            6) Thompson, Kyara 11             
  3 Washingtonville  'A'                              1:47.75    1:51.21q  3 
     1) Boerke, Kristen 10              2) Curtin, Bridget 12             
     3) Fisher, Aniyah 11               4) Geary, Megan 10                
     5) Lawless, Brianna 11             6) Vasquez, Alisa 12              
  4 Monroe-Woodbury  'A'                              1:51.75    1:53.29q  4 
     1) DeGennaro, Brianna 11           2) Toro, Isabella 12              
     3) Slaughter, Nia 9                4) Benson, Katie 11               
     5) Molino, Alexandra 11            6) Lee, Kristy 12                 
  5 Marlboro  'A'                                     1:52.61    1:53.35q  3 
     1) Aldrich, Morgan 11              2) Andersen, Egypt 12             
     3) Harrow, Jackie 10               4) Gallo, Jessica 12              
     5) Mattis, Owanya 9                6)                                
  6 Ellenville  'A'                                   1:54.10    1:54.34q  1 
     1) Bugna, Drew 11                  2) Torres, Cristina 9             
     3) Colon, Jesenia 12               4) Gonzalez, Celena 12            
     5) Stevens, Colleen 9              6)                                
  7 Fdr  'A'                                          1:57.80    1:54.49   4 
     1) Currier, Sydney 10              2) Hansen, Brittany 12            
     3) Junior, Mercedes 10             4) Nathan, Tayah 11               
     5) Pierantozzi, Kristin 12         6)                                
  8 Kingston  'A'                                     1:53.27    1:54.98   2 
     1) Brodhead, Dacia 12              2) Hill, Vanessa 9                
     3) Longendyke, Livi 9              4) Quezada, Valeria 12            
     5) Rogerson, Julia 9               6) Volpe, Rachel 12               
  9 Cornwall  'A'                                     1:50.71    1:55.23   4 
     1) Fanning, Gabby 11               2) Meade, Kayla 10                
     3) Nelbach, Samantha 12            4) Nicosia, Lesley 12             
     5) Ruotolo, Claire 11              6) Zurawinski, Gabriela 9         
 10 Warwick Valley  'A'                               1:54.40    1:55.69   1 
     1) Palmeri, Nicole                 2) Greibesland, Penny 11          
     3) Pinelli, Jess 11                4) Thompson, Kaeli 9              
     5) Ward, Maeve 11                  6)                                
 11 Pine Bush  'A'                                    1:59.00    1:58.14   3 
     1) Colson, Brianne 11              2) DeSena, Amy 8                  
     3) Maggiolo, Jenna 10              4) Simms, Naveda 11               
     5) Talmadge, Anjalyna 9            6) Cartisano, Faith 10            
 12 Wallkill  'A'                                     1:55.67    1:59.01   3 
     1) Wood, Riley 11                  2) Walton, Katherine 12           
     3) Wiley, Taylor 11                4) Mildner, Emily 11              
     5) Sozio, Samantha 12              6) Cambalik, Olivia 10            
 13 Sullivan West  'A'                                2:00.50    1:59.05   2 
     1) Arnold, Victoria 9              2) Gann, Tallula 9                
     3) Hauschild, Greta 9              4) March, Marina 11               
     5) Pazuello, Emily 11              6)                                
 14 Goshen  'A'                                       2:00.10    2:00.74   1 
     1) McBride, Hallory 11             2) Henderson, Alyssa 12           
     3) Reivers, Kelsey 11              4) Politoski, Brenna 10           
     5) Beck, Amanda 12                 6) Gilligan, Alexis 9             
 15 Port Jervis  'A'                                  2:00.90    2:00.83   3 
     1) Goodman-Vasquez, Joy 10         2) Keys, Eryn 9                   
     3) Worden, Alexis 11               4) Bishara, Sabrina 9             
     5) Schock, Grace 11                6) Fisher, Skyler 12              
 16 Valley Central  'A'                               1:55.13    2:01.00   2 
     1) Caterina, Mackenzie 9           2) Duff, Kailyn 10                
     3) Carrera, Karina 11              4) Muller, Morgan 9               
 17 Onteora  'A'                                      1:57.00    2:01.41   4 
     1) Loheide, Raegan 12              2) Loheide, Ellery 8              
     3) Maillet, Cecilia 9              4) Shah, Tajy 12                  
     5) Morton, Natayla 9               6)                                
 18 Poughkeepsie  'A'                                 5:01.24    2:01.60   3 
     1) Bowes, Shonette                 2) Wilson, Genise                 
     3) Philips, Gabriel                4) Thomas, LaToya                 
 19 Minisink Valley  'A'                              1:59.00    2:02.90   2 
     1) Michel, Laina 12                2) Smith, Sarah 11                
     3) McIntosh, O'Livia 10            4) Granata, Cara 9                
     5) Khoufaify, Leila 9              6)                                
 20 Eldred  'A'                                                  2:03.98   2 
     1) Bertolino, Charley 10           2) Lynzee, Kelty 11               
     3) Malzahn, Sarah 12               4) Foster, Julia 9                
     5) Maas, Kayla 10                  6)                                
 21 John S. Burke Catholic  'A'                       2:04.30    2:08.02   4 
     1) Giza, Taylor 12                 2) Leahy, Colleen 11              
     3) Roehrich, Shania 9              4) Binkowski, Katherine 11        
     5) Barone, Alyssa 9                6) Zhang, Melody 10               
 22 Tri-Valley  'A'                                   2:00.00    2:13.92   1 
     1) Ballard, Angie 9                2) Awasu, Cafui 12                
     3) Krummack, Ashton 12             4) Vidal, Ariana 11               
 23 Millbrook  'A'                                    2:15.20    2:15.58   4 
     1) Minnerly, Bailey 10             2) Smith, Elizabeth 10            
     3) Lacey, Madeline 11              4) Mihans, Diana 11               
     5) Colley, Hailey 10               6)                                
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                            Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Middletown  'A'                                   1:47.83    1:47.18   10   
  2 Newburgh Free Academy  'A'                        1:50.77    1:48.17    8   
  3 Washingtonville  'A'                              1:51.21    1:48.45    6   
  4 Monroe-Woodbury  'A'                              1:53.29    1:53.07    4   
  5 Marlboro  'A'                                     1:53.35    1:55.34    2   
 -- Ellenville  'A'                                   1:54.34         DQ  
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Monroe-Woodbury  'A'                              4:16.61    4:13.95   3  10   
     1) Iaccrino, Angela 10             2) Sison, Ina 12                  
     3) Jeune, Asya 9                   4) Chambers, Corrina 12           
     5) Cueva-Scarpelli, Jessica 12     6) Molino, Alexandra 11           
  2 Newburgh Free Academy  'A'                        4:01.52    4:15.17   3   8   
     1) Aponti, Marielle 11             2) Brooks, Justine 11             
     3) Fisher, Alayjah 12              4) Martin, Darah 12               
     5) McCaskill, Ahnrea 11            6) Thompson, Kyara 11             
  3 Cornwall  'A'                                     4:19.12    4:18.45   3   6   
     1) Bale-crowder, Sarah 10          2) Fanning, Gabby 11              
     3) Meade, Kayla 10                 4) Nelbach, Samantha 12           
     5) Nicosia, Lesley 12              6) Ruotolo, Claire 11             
  4 Kingston  'A'                                     4:21.43    4:20.34   2   4   
     1) Hill, Vanessa 9                 2) Longendyke, Livi 9             
     3) Lord, Kate 10                   4) Quezada, Valeria 12            
     5) Shaw, Samantha 11               6) Volpe, Rachel 12               
  5 Valley Central  'A'                               4:20.80    4:21.27   3   2   
     1) Cavalluzzo, Heidi 11            2) Caterina, Mackenzie 9          
     3) Pizarro, Tamantha 12            4) Harris, Zarah 11               
     5) Duff, Kailyn 10                 6) Martinez, Sophia 9             
  6 Marlboro  'A'                                     4:23.22    4:26.69   2   1   
     1) Borchert, Abby 12               2) Herd, Jenn 11                  
     3) Mattis, Owanya 9                4) Hogancamp, Kiley 11            
     5) Andersen, Egypt 12              6) Mazzella, Bryanna 12           
  7 Warwick Valley  'A'                               4:20.01    4:27.22   3 
     1) Eigo, Agnes 12                  2) Greibesland, Penny 11          
     3) Parrelli, Madison 11            4) Saverese, Jessica 12           
     5) Thompson, Kaeli 9               6) Ward, Maeve 11                 
  8 Goshen  'A'                                       4:24.70    4:30.92   2 
     1) Serkes, Morgan 11               2) Atlas, Angelique 12            
     3) Johnson, Lauren 9               4) Alspach, Meagan 9              
     5) Atlas, Grace 10                 6) Pucci, Kayla 9                 
  9 Fdr  'A'                                          4:46.61    4:37.43   1 
     1) Harris, Isabella 12             2) Currier, Sydney 10             
     3) Nathan, Tayah 11                4) Pierantozzi, Kristin 12        
     5) Tomaine, Sydney 9               6)                                
 10 Middletown  'A'                                   4:25.70    4:37.92   2 
     1) Dejesus, Jackie 12              2) Figueroa, Sara 11              
     3) Whiltby, Tiandra 10             4) Blackwood, Monique 9           
     5) Brown, Taniya 12                6) Zollner, Kiana 12              
 11 Minisink Valley  'A'                              4:29.00    4:39.05   2 
     1) Myles, Morgan 12                2) Michel, Laina 12               
     3) Smith, Sarah 11                 4) McIntosh, O'Livia 10           
     5) Granata, Cara 9                 6) Wallace, Julia 8               
 12 Pine Bush  'A'                                    4:45.00    4:52.07   1 
     1) DeSena, Amy 8                   2) Hall, Skye 9                   
     3) Loiodice, Kailee 9              4) McBath, Kayliegh 8             
     5) Sierpinski, Makayla 9           6) Fernandez, Susan 9             
 13 Millbrook  'A'                                    4:55.30    4:52.40   1 
     1) Pitz, Emily 12                  2) Bohlin, Shannon 11             
     3) Guardiola, Sierra 12            4) Walker, Jade 12                
 14 Onteora  'A'                                      4:38.40    4:52.63   2 
     1) Rudge, Sarah 12                 2) Morton, Natayla 9              
     3) Maillet, Cecilia 9              4) Shah, Tajy 12                  
     5) Downes, Emily 12                6)                                
 15 Poughkeepsie  'A'                                 6:00.24    5:06.75   1 
     1) Bowes, Shonette                 2) Simons, Jasmine                
     3) Philips, Gabriel                4) Thomas, LaToya                 
 -- Washingtonville  'A'                              4:20.40        DNF   3 
     1) Boerke, Kristen 10              2) Curtin, Bridget 12             
     3) Hanubal, Maanasa 9              4) Jeroloman, Tina 12             
     5) Lawless, Brianna 11             6) Geary, Megan 10                
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Monroe-Woodbury  'A'                              9:28.85    9:51.24   10   
     1) Munks, Kathryn 12               2) Kurdziel, Annie 11             
     3) Napoli, Daniella 9              4) Kral, Kiersten 11              
     5) Pidgeon, Jessica 9              6) Cueva-Scarpelli, Jessica 12    
  2 Goshen  'A'                                       9:52.80   10:00.08    8   
     1) Elston, Olivia 11               2) Montgomery, Madison 9          
     3) Pucci, Kayla 9                  4) Atlas, Grace 10                
     5) Villegas, Valerie 9             6) Schaumburg, Tessa 11           
  3 Cornwall  'A'                                     9:42.43   10:06.61    6   
     1) Boylan, Mary Grace 11           2) Cameron, Molly 9               
     3) Caroli, Victoria 12             4) Decker, Sydney 10              
     5) Munterich, Abby 11              6) Scileppi, Zoe 10               
  4 Warwick Valley  'A'                               9:57.59   10:07.08    4   
     1) Bartolotta, Danielle 11         2) Byrne, Molly 12                
     3) Calandra, Michaela 9            4) Cavanagh, Emily 12             
     5) Mulvihill, Fiona 7              6) Prial, Jennie 11               
  5 Washingtonville  'A'                             10:20.00   10:28.04    2   
     1) Aselta, Sara 11                 2) Lawless, Brianna 11            
     3) Miller, Elissa 9                4) Smith, Jamie 9                 
     5) Thompson, Shannon 12            6) Sutter, Julia 12               
  6 Pine Bush  'A'                                   10:40.00   10:44.19    1   
     1) Corbett, Jackie 11              2) Lovelace, Danielle 9           
     3) Maurin, Courtney 12             4) Palazzo, Gabrielle 9           
     5) Fernandez, Susan 9              6) Paoli, Brittany 11             
  7 Fdr  'A'                                         11:04.50   10:52.03  
     1) Cathcart, Nadia 9               2) Harris, Isabella 12            
     3) Small, Taylor 11                4) Zagorski, Sarah 11             
     5) Slobodin, Emily 8               6)                                
  8 Kingston  'A'                                    10:38.54   10:54.07  
     1) Beisswenger, Madisyn 9          2) Hack, Sarah 12                 
     3) Noe, Maggie 9                   4) Sensini, Clara 10              
     5) Spyhalsky, Autumn 11            6) Villielm, Alyssa 10            
  9 Monticello  'A'                                  10:58.50   11:01.74  
     1) Johnson, Camryn 12              2) Johnson, Sydney 12             
     3) King, Taylor 10                 4) McEneaney, Jillian 11          
 10 Middletown  'A'                                  10:56.70   11:10.01  
     1) Cortes, Andrea 9                2) Lynch, Dana 9                  
     3) Navarro, Lizbet 12              4) Perez, Aracely 11              
     5) Sangare, Rokia 9                6)                                
 11 Minisink Valley  'A'                             11:13.60   11:17.11  
     1) Brenner, Claire 9               2) Fritzsch, Lauren 11            
     3) Fritzsch, Jessica 12            4) Michel, Laina 12               
     5) Switala, Caitlyn 12             6) Goldsmith, Juliana 11          
 12 Valley Central  'A'                              10:48.80   11:35.20  
     1) Cavalluzzo, Katie 9             2) Martinez, Sophia 9             
     3) Fitzgibbons, Helene 11          4) Cummings, Rebecca 11           
 13 Ellenville  'A'                                  11:57.40   11:51.51  
     1) Ligotino, Guilia 9              2) Rivera, Ashlyn 9               
     3) Patel, Riddhi 9                 4) Unverzagt, Mia 9               
 -- Dover  'A'                                       11:19.86         DQ  
     1) Annecharico, Marissa 10         2) Demers, Lindsay 11             
     3) Ladusch, Makayla 9              4) Swan, Heaven 10                
 -- Newburgh Free Academy  'A'                       11:10.09         DQ  
     1) Sanchez, Melina 8               2) Wise-sweat, Amih 8             
     3) Barbera, Paige 10               4) Cardoza, Milayla 10            
     5) Rider, Alyssa 10                6) Bunch, Jillian 10              
Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Smith, Sarah              12 Pine Bush            5-01.00    5-04.00   10   
  2 McCaskill, Ahnrea         11 Newburgh Fre         5-00.00    5-03.00    8   
  3 Jacobsen, Lisa            10 Monroe-Woodb         4-08.00    4-10.00    5   
  3 Murphy, Katie             12 Cornwall             5-00.00    4-10.00    5   
  5 Boerke, Kristen           10 Washingtonvi         5-01.00   J4-10.00    2   
  6 Maise, Qurran             12 Newburgh Fre         5-02.00    4-08.00    1   
  7 Talmadge, Anjalyna         9 Pine Bush            4-10.00   J4-08.00  
  8 Perez, Ariel              10 Middletown           4-08.00   J4-08.00  
  9 Shaw, Samantha            11 Kingston             5-00.00   J4-08.00  
 10 Henry, Kristen            11 Cornwall             4-08.00   J4-08.00  
 10 Frees, Julia              12 Monroe-Woodb         4-09.00   J4-08.00  
 12 Heidt, Sydney             12 Dover                5-00.00    4-06.00  
 12 Beck, Amanda              12 Goshen               4-06.00    4-06.00  
 12 Mildner, Emily            11 Wallkill             4-06.00    4-06.00  
 12 Schwab, Stephanie         10 Sullivan Wes         4-08.00    4-06.00  
 12 Henderson, Alyssa         12 Goshen               4-10.00    4-06.00  
 12 Chambers, Corrina         12 Monroe-Woodb         4-09.00    4-06.00  
 18 Thompson, Kaeli            9 Warwick Vall         4-00.00    4-04.00  
 18 Murtagh, Kassidy          12 Cornwall             4-08.00    4-04.00  
 18 Papuli, Lenora            11 Marlboro             4-06.00    4-04.00  
 18 Gallo, Jessica            12 Marlboro             4-03.00    4-04.00  
 22 Gerdin, Emily              9 Washingtonvi         4-04.00    4-02.00  
 22 Suchy, Meghan             11 Pine Bush            4-04.00    4-02.00  
 -- Caligiuri, Britany         9 Washingtonvi         3-10.00         NH  
 -- Walton, Katherine         12 Wallkill             4-06.00         NH  
 -- Cauda, Mckenzie           10 Warwick Vall         3-10.00         NH  
 -- Roa, Karen                12 Dover                3-10.00         NH  
 -- Harris, Isabella          12 Fdr                  4-08.00         NH  
 -- Nicholson, Cat            11 Eldred               4-02.00         NH  
 -- Swendsen, Marissa         10 Sullivan Wes         4-04.00         NH  
 -- Arnold, Victoria           9 Sullivan Wes         4-03.00         NH  
Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lubeskie, Kristen         10 Monroe-Woodb        10-04.00   10-06.00   10   
  2 Leahy, Colleen            11 John S. Burk         9-00.00   10-00.00    8   
  3 Nebiker, Gabrielle         9 Monroe-Woodb         9-00.00    9-06.00    6   
  4 Freidman, Seraya          11 Monroe-Woodb         8-00.00    8-06.00    4   
  5 Reilly, Genevieve          8 Warwick Vall         7-06.00    8-00.00    2   
  6 Maas, Kayla               10 Eldred               8-00.00   J8-00.00    1   
 -- Petrin, Kloe               8 Eldred               6-00.00         NH  
 -- Nicholson, Cat            11 Eldred               6-00.00         NH  
 -- Papuli, Lenora            11 Marlboro             6-00.00         NH  
Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Joseph, Jennifer          12 Dover               16-00.25   17-00.00   10   
  2 Wood, Riley               11 Wallkill            16-02.00  J17-00.00    8   
  3 Jeune, Asya                9 Monroe-Woodb        16-02.00   15-06.50    6   
  4 Loheide, Raegan           12 Onteora             14-05.75   15-01.25    4   
  5 Pizarro, Tamantha         12 Valley Centr        15-07.25   15-00.50    2   
  6 Freidman, Seraya          11 Monroe-Woodb        15-02.00   14-10.75    1   
  7 Giza, Taylor              12 John S. Burk        15-06.00   14-10.50  
  8 Longendyke, Grace         10 Kingston            15-04.00   14-08.25  
  9 Cartisano, Faith          10 Pine Bush           14-00.00   14-06.25  
 10 Borchert, Abby            12 Marlboro            14-04.00   14-05.50  
 11 Gerdin, Emily              9 Washingtonvi        13-09.25   13-08.00  
 12 Papuli, Lenora            11 Marlboro            14-03.50   13-07.00  
 13 Lord, Kate                10 Kingston            13-05.25   13-06.00  
 13 Licameli, Elizabeth        9 Newburgh Fre        13-07.00   13-06.00  
 15 Caligiuri, Britany         9 Washingtonvi        13-10.00   13-04.50  
 16 Molino, Alexandra         11 Monroe-Woodb        14-06.75   13-04.00  
 17 Henry, Kristen            11 Cornwall            14-01.50   13-02.25  
 18 Walker, Jade              12 Millbrook           12-11.00   13-01.00  
 19 Maillet, Cecilia           9 Onteora             13-09.25   12-10.50  
 19 Schwab, Stephanie         10 Sullivan Wes        12-11.50   12-10.50  
 21 Chun, Corey                8 Onteora             12-05.00   12-10.25  
 22 Bohlin, Shannon           11 Millbrook           13-08.50   12-09.25  
 23 Jackson, Zoey             12 Liberty             13-01.00   12-08.00  
 24 Hughes, Crystal           11 Dover               14-04.75   12-07.75  
 25 Dejesus, Jackie           12 Middletown          14-02.50   12-07.50  
 26 Keys, Eryn                 9 Port Jervis         12-04.00   12-06.25  
 27 McBride, Hallory          11 Goshen              12-08.00   12-06.00  
 28 Lynzee, Kelty             11 Eldred              12-09.00   12-03.50  
 29 Stevens, Colleen           9 Ellenville          12-04.00   12-03.00  
 29 Conklin, Mckinnley        12 Liberty             12-09.00   12-03.00  
 31 Conte, Kaitlin             9 Marlboro            13-06.50   12-02.75  
 32 Perez, Ariel              10 Middletown          14-02.25   12-02.25  
 33 Cabe, Kaley               11 Pine Bush           12-08.00   12-00.50  
 34 Tomaine, Sydney            9 Fdr                 12-07.75   11-09.50  
 35 Prockter, Aly              9 Millbrook           12-03.00   11-08.00  
 36 Wiley, Taylor             11 Wallkill            12-02.50   11-07.75  
 37 Foster, Julia              9 Eldred              12-11.00   11-07.25  
 38 Krummack, Ashton          12 Tri-Valley          12-06.00   11-06.00  
 38 Atkin, Courtney           10 Chester             11-09.00   11-06.00  
 40 Barbera, Paige            10 Newburgh Fre        13-09.00   11-05.50  
 41 Vu, Kim                   10 Valley Centr        11-04.00   11-02.50  
 42 Hauschild, Greta           9 Sullivan Wes        12-07.50   10-10.50  
 43 Henderson, Alyssa         12 Goshen              11-11.50   10-09.75  
 44 Pollack, Uma               9 Sullivan Wes        11-05.50   10-05.00  
 45 Reilly, Jenna              9 Port Jervis         12-00.00   10-04.00  
 46 Pelc, Annika               9 Wallkill            12-01.75   10-00.75  
 -- Tomaseski, Sydney         10 Fdr                 12-06.25       FOUL  
 -- Malzahn, Sarah            12 Eldred              14-00.00       FOUL  
Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Smith, Sarah              12 Pine Bush           36-01.25   34-11.00   10   
  2 Longendyke, Grace         10 Kingston            33-09.75   33-10.50    8   
  3 Wood, Riley               11 Wallkill            33-03.00   33-10.25    6   
  4 Maggiolo, Jenna           10 Pine Bush           32-04.25   33-02.00    4   
  5 Borchert, Abby            12 Marlboro            33-00.00   33-00.75    2   
  6 Gerdin, Emily              9 Washingtonvi        31-04.25   33-00.00    1   
  7 Murphy, Katie             12 Cornwall            32-05.50   31-08.00  
  8 Lubeskie, Kristen         10 Monroe-Woodb        32-00.00   30-11.00  
  9 Eigo, Agnes               12 Warwick Vall        30-05.75   30-09.25  
 10 Malzahn, Sarah            12 Eldred              31-08.50   30-07.00  
 11 Andersen, Egypt           12 Marlboro            29-09.25   29-09.50  
 12 Murtagh, Kassidy          12 Cornwall            30-01.75   29-03.00  
 13 Radelov, Nastasia          9 Monroe-Woodb        28-10.00   28-03.25  
 14 Lord, Kate                10 Kingston            33-09.50   28-01.50  
 15 Gonzalez, Celena          12 Ellenville          27-09.50   28-00.75  
 16 Licameli, Elizabeth        9 Newburgh Fre        32-00.00   28-00.50  
 17 Perez, Ariel              10 Middletown          29-02.00   27-09.50  
 18 Brady, Fallon             11 Fdr                 26-05.75   27-02.00  
 19 Swendsen, Marissa         10 Sullivan Wes        27-11.00   26-09.50  
 20 Evangelista, Gabby        11 Warwick Vall        28-05.00   26-05.00  
 21 Byrne, Maureen             8 Warwick Vall        27-08.00   26-03.75  
 21 Krummack, Ashton          12 Tri-Valley          25-01.00   26-03.75  
 23 Derenoncourt, Meghan      10 Dover               28-09.25   25-07.00  
 23 Raymond, Daniella          9 Washingtonvi        24-08.25   25-07.00  
 25 Bird, Kaitlin             10 Minisink Val        26-06.00   25-00.00  
 26 Keller, Maggie            10 Sullivan Wes        27-09.50   24-11.00  
 27 Wiley, Taylor             11 Wallkill            27-08.75   24-09.00  
 28 Prockter, Aly              9 Millbrook           24-05.00   24-03.75  
 29 Minnerly, Bailey          10 Millbrook           28-00.00   24-00.25  
 30 Megna, Layla              10 Minisink Val        22-10.00   23-06.00  
 31 Reilly, Jenna              9 Port Jervis         24-00.00   23-03.75  
 32 Ajanovic, Miranda         12 Ellenville          24-01.00   23-03.00  
 33 Bertolino, Charley        10 Eldred              25-00.00   21-09.50  
 34 Rambush, Samantha         12 Dover               24-00.00   21-04.00  
 -- Jacobsen, Lisa            10 Monroe-Woodb        28-09.00       FOUL  
 -- Cartisano, Faith          10 Pine Bush           30-08.00       FOUL  
Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lewis, Cheyenne           12 Washingtonvi        33-11.00   36-05.00   10   
  2 Nardi, Endi               12 Kingston            32-09.00   35-07.75    8   
  3 Campo, Rachel             12 Monroe-Woodb        33-08.00   33-10.00    6   
  4 Echols, Diana             12 Ellenville          33-01.00   33-08.75    4   
  5 Simmons, Quavia           11 Cornwall            29-10.50   31-06.50    2   
  6 Casazza, Katie            11 Monroe-Woodb        31-10.50   29-08.50    1   
  7 Bazemore, Kaela           11 Valley Centr        30-05.00   29-04.50  
  8 Pochat, Nicole            12 Monroe-Woodb        29-01.50   28-06.50  
  9 Peterkin, Tyler           12 Valley Centr        29-01.50   28-06.00  
 10 Brodhead, Dacia           12 Kingston            31-00.00   27-06.00  
 11 Mochi, Kassie             12 Valley Centr        27-03.25   27-03.00  
 12 Tobin, Julianna           10 Minisink Val        26-11.00   27-01.75  
 13 Howerter, Katie           11 John S. Burk        26-04.25   26-11.00  
 14 Cunningham, Hannah        12 Washingtonvi        30-03.00   26-10.75  
 15 Manderson, Liz             9 Cornwall            25-09.25   26-10.25  
 16 Simon, Tyrae              10 Monticello          27-04.00   26-10.00  
 17 Kinman, Brittany          12 Port Jervis         26-07.00   26-07.50  
 18 Heilig, Alexandra         12 Pine Bush           25-07.00   26-05.00  
 18 Thiele, Autumn            12 Sullivan Wes        25-00.00   26-05.00  
 18 Clark, Erica              11 Liberty             26-02.50   26-05.00  
 21 Bead, Briana              12 Dover               25-07.00   26-04.25  
 22 Leach, Melissa            10 Pine Plains         25-05.50   26-02.75  
 23 Nielson, Kat              11 John S. Burk        26-06.25   25-00.50  
 24 Henry, Jessica             9 Cornwall            24-01.50   24-08.50  
 25 Wilson, Erin              10 Washingtonvi        25-05.00   24-06.00  
 26 Harley, Kathryn           11 Wallkill            25-03.50   24-00.00  
 27 Bugna, Mali               12 Ellenville          27-07.00   23-11.00  
 28 Vernon, Miyanna           12 Liberty             24-00.00   23-10.50  
 29 Convery, Ashleigh         10 Minisink Val        22-11.50   23-07.50  
 30 Small, Taylor             11 Fdr                 23-01.50   23-05.50  
 31 Lopez-evans, Lily         12 Chester             22-00.00   23-04.00  
 32 Reivers, Kelsey           11 Goshen              24-08.50   23-03.00  
 33 Ortiz, Karla              11 Middletown          22-01.00   23-00.50  
 34 Ciampaglione, Kenly       12 Pine Plains         22-07.00   22-08.75  
 35 Wilson, Marguerite        11 Middletown          24-01.00   22-05.50  
 36 Smith, Elizabeth          10 Millbrook           20-00.00   22-05.25  
 37 Hemmer, Alli              12 Sullivan Wes        22-03.50   22-03.25  
 38 Johnson, Danielle         11 Port Jervis         23-11.50   22-02.00  
 39 Boardman, Abigail         11 Chester             24-01.00   21-09.50  
 40 Culleny, Kallye           10 Port Jervis         23-00.00   21-09.00  
 41 Kantor, Kaylyn            10 Warwick Vall        22-01.00   21-03.00  
 42 Clark, Gianna             10 Newburgh Fre        22-00.00   20-07.00  
 43 Fino, Kaylyn              11 Marlboro            21-00.00   20-05.25  
 44 Rosado, Alicia            12 Dover               23-00.00   20-04.50  
 45 Wild, Breighanne          10 Pine Bush           18-10.00   20-03.25  
 46 Hanlon, Kathryn           12 Pine Plains         19-03.75   19-03.25  
 47 Ayala, Teresa             11 Marlboro            18-00.00   18-01.50  
 48 Hussey, Talitha            9 Millbrook           19-05.00   17-06.50  
 49 Mann, Mya                 10 Middletown          23-00.00   17-00.50  
 50 Ortiz, Amanda             11 John S. Burk        16-03.25   16-03.00  
Girls Weight Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Dorego, Jillian           11 Cornwall            40-05.50   41-01.25   10   
  2 Echols, Diana             12 Ellenville          41-04.00   39-05.00    8   
  3 Campo, Rachel             12 Monroe-Woodb        39-01.50   38-07.00    6   
  4 Wilson, Erin              10 Washingtonvi        36-04.25   35-03.50    4   
  5 Nardi, Endi               12 Kingston            33-09.00   32-09.50    2   
  6 Dorcinville, Tamera       10 Cornwall            32-11.50   32-04.00    1   
  7 Stemkowski, Olivia        10 Monroe-Woodb        24-07.00   30-06.25  
  8 Casazza, Katie            11 Monroe-Woodb        38-01.50   29-05.00  
  8 Tobin, Julianna           10 Minisink Val        31-03.00   29-05.00  
 10 Convery, Ashleigh         10 Minisink Val        33-00.00   29-01.00  
 11 Lewis, Cheyenne           12 Washingtonvi        30-11.00   28-08.00  
 12 Wilson, Marguerite        11 Middletown          24-10.00   28-06.75  
 13 Clark, Erica              11 Liberty             24-08.00   26-08.75  
 14 Heilig, Alexandra         12 Pine Bush           32-04.25   26-06.00  
 15 Feinman, Lexi             12 Sullivan Wes        26-11.00   26-02.50  
 16 Cunningham, Hannah        12 Washingtonvi        32-04.00   26-00.50  
 17 Thiele, Autumn            12 Sullivan Wes        24-04.75   25-08.25  
 18 Musico, Eileen            10 Cornwall            23-03.00   24-10.50  
 19 Kantor, Kaylyn            10 Warwick Vall        24-02.00   24-08.50  
 20 Fino, Kaylyn              11 Marlboro            29-11.00   24-07.75  
 21 Ciampaglione, Kenly       12 Pine Plains         22-10.00   23-11.00  
 22 Conte, Kaitlin             9 Marlboro            24-04.00   23-07.25  
 23 Harley, Kathryn           11 Wallkill            23-02.00   23-00.00  
 24 Leach, Melissa            10 Pine Plains         23-06.00   22-11.25  
 25 Nielson, Kat              11 John S. Burk        24-00.25   22-10.75  
 26 Wild, Breighanne          10 Pine Bush           20-05.00   21-11.00  
 27 Small, Taylor             11 Fdr                 22-01.00   21-08.50  
 28 Howerter, Katie           11 John S. Burk        16-03.25   21-05.50  
 29 Mann, Mya                 10 Middletown          21-00.00   19-05.00  
 30 Ortiz, Karla              11 Middletown          20-01.00   19-02.00  
 31 Barone, Michelle          11 John S. Burk        12-00.00   18-03.50  
 32 Hanlon, Kathryn           12 Pine Plains         15-06.00   17-10.50  
Girls 1500 Meter Race Walk
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Ryan, Margaret            10 Monroe-Woodb         8:00.17    8:07.73   2  10   
  2 Downes, Emily             12 Onteora              9:00.05    8:47.12   2   8   
  3 Beneat, Lauren            10 Monroe-Woodb        10:14.70    9:08.98   1   6   
  4 Pignetti, Jewel           11 Cornwall             9:59.40    9:10.23   1   4   
  5 Fischer, Olivia            8 Monroe-Woodb         9:06.00    9:13.30   2   2   
  6 Corsette, Rebecca         10 Valley Centr         9:07.00    9:13.39   2   1   
  7 Regero, Savannah          10 Valley Centr         9:03.70    9:25.34   2 
  8 Robleto, Tabatha          10 Warwick Vall         9:41.83    9:36.51   2 
  9 Bertolino, Charley        10 Eldred               9:58.24   10:02.22   1 
 10 Curtis, Jade               9 Washingtonvi        10:33.00   10:32.05   1 
 11 Evans, Gabby              10 Ellenville           9:46.69   10:35.49   2 
 12 Browning, Sabrina          9 Kingston            10:39.40   10:48.53   1 
 13 Clark, Gianna             10 Newburgh Fre        11:10.00   11:56.65   1 
 -- Deegan, Olivia             9 Kingston            11:05.00        DNF   1 
 -- Schaumburg, Tessa         11 Goshen               7:50.88         DQ   2 
 -- Strangways, Devorah        9 Goshen              10:56.14         DQ   1 
 -- Demosthenes, Elisabeth     9 Kingston            11:05.00         DQ   1 
 -- Mckay, Grace              10 Marlboro            10:50.24         DQ   1 
 -- McKellar, Ayajah           9 Newburgh Fre         9:44.90         DQ   2 
 -- McEneaney, Jillian        11 Monticello           8:11.70         DQ   2 
Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Barry, Kabongo            11 Spackenkill             6.54       6.72Q  2 
  2 Moore, Izayiah            10 Middletown              6.74       6.78Q  6 
  2 Dessaline, Jahnique       12 Newburgh Fre            6.47       6.78Q  1 
  4 White, Curai              11 Pine Bush               6.64       6.90Q  4 
  4 Williams, Bobby           12 Newburgh Fre            6.60       6.90Q  3 
  4 Murphy, Nick              12 Dover                   6.84       6.90Q  5 
  7 Billings, Blaine          12 Newburgh Fre            6.76       6.79Q  6 
  8 Batchelder, Davis         12 James I. O'N            6.84       6.92Q  3 
  9 Pellot-Hilero, Michael    12 Ellenville              7.12       7.01Q  1 
  9 Pezzello, Joe             12 Warwick Vall            6.99       7.01Q  1 
 11 King, Kemyero             12 Fdr                     6.84       7.03Q  4 
 12 Thomas, Mauice            12 Poughkeepsie            7.14       7.10Q  5 
 13 Prince, Kobe              10 Monroe-Woodb            7.14       7.11Q  2 
 14 Stachelek, Dan            12 John S. Burk            7.04       7.00q  6 
 15 Penner, Ethan             11 James I. O'N            7.14       7.05q  1 
 16 Coombs, Jeremiah          11 Middletown              7.01       7.06q  1 
 17 Clark, Rashawn            12 Middletown              7.04       7.09   4 
 17 Gayle, Tj                 11 Cornwall                7.04       7.09   3 
 19 Gross, Jordan             12 Monroe-Woodb            7.19       7.14   6 
 20 Pichardo, Dexter          12 Fdr                     7.04       7.18   5 
 20 Mehmeti, Wyatt            11 Wallkill                7.04       7.18   6 
 22 Lattin, David             10 Kingston                7.24       7.21   2 
 22 Guzman, Dan               12 Port Jervis             7.04       7.21   4 
 24 Barrett, Alexander        12 Pine Plains             7.14       7.22   3 
 25 Goddard, Cameron          12 Washingtonvi            6.70       7.23   5 
 26 Francis, Malik            12 Kingston                7.04       7.25   5 
 27 Williams, Ramasoj         10 Fdr                     7.34       7.26   6 
 28 Cromwell, James           12 Ellenville              7.04       7.27   2 
 29 Lu, Wen Xin               11 Washingtonvi            6.80       7.30   2 
 30 Henry, Vincent             9 Liberty                 7.25       7.31   3 
 31 Pagan, Andre              12 Marlboro                7.34       7.35   4 
 32 Jackson, Shaun            12 Monticello              7.34       7.36   6 
 33 Tricomi, Daniel           10 Cornwall                7.24       7.38   2 
 33 Laboy, Harry              10 Chester                 7.10       7.38   2 
 33 Hewitt, Kyle              11 Wallkill                7.24       7.38   3 
 36 Lynch, Matt               11 James I. O'N            7.14       7.40   4 
 36 Parchinski, Nick          11 Warwick Vall            7.24       7.40   4 
 38 Benkin, Gary              12 Wallkill                7.24       7.45   1 
 39 O'Neil, Connor            10 Dover                   7.30       7.46   4 
 40 Corcillo, Gabriel         12 Sullivan Wes            7.34       7.50   5 
 41 Perry, Jt                  9 Kingston                7.43       7.53   1 
 42 Tamburri, Onorino         12 Marlboro                7.34       7.55   5 
 43 Moran, Hunter             11 Pine Bush               7.24       7.64   5 
 43 Ortiz, Justin             12 Minisink Val            7.39       7.64   2 
 45 Pena, Alex                10 Port Jervis             7.24       7.66   1 
 46 Rodriguez, Nelson         12 Ellenville              7.24       7.69   6 
 47 Estrada, Justin           12 Washingtonvi            7.10       7.91   3 
Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Dessaline, Jahnique       12 Newburgh Fre            6.78       6.70Q  2 
  2 Barry, Kabongo            11 Spackenkill             6.72       6.81Q  1 
  3 Billings, Blaine          12 Newburgh Fre            6.79       6.76Q  2 
  4 Williams, Bobby           12 Newburgh Fre            6.90       6.90Q  1 
  5 Moore, Izayiah            10 Middletown              6.78       6.80q  2 
  6 Murphy, Nick              12 Dover                   6.90       6.85q  2 
  7 Batchelder, Davis         12 James I. O'N            6.92       6.91q  1 
  8 White, Curai              11 Pine Bush               6.90       6.92q  1 
  9 King, Kemyero             12 Fdr                     7.03       6.98   2 
 10 Stachelek, Dan            12 John S. Burk            7.00       7.00   2 
 11 Pezzello, Joe             12 Warwick Vall            7.01       7.05   2 
 12 Prince, Kobe              10 Monroe-Woodb            7.11       7.08   1 
 13 Thomas, Mauice            12 Poughkeepsie            7.10       7.10   1 
 14 Penner, Ethan             11 James I. O'N            7.05       7.12   2 
 15 Coombs, Jeremiah          11 Middletown              7.06       7.14   1 
 16 Pellot-Hilero, Michael    12 Ellenville              7.01       7.66   1 
Boys 55 Meter Dash Unseeded
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Ramos, Lucas              12 Poughkeepsie            7.44       7.13   1 
  2 Mendez, Dan               11 Valley Centr            7.44       7.53   1 
  3 Londo, Austin             11 John S. Burk            7.44       7.59   1 
  4 Simon, Devin               9 Tri-Valley              7.54       7.61   1 
  5 Perez-Garcia, Francisco   10 Goshen                  8.44       7.62   1 
  6 Denning, Zach             10 Cornwall                7.54       7.63   1 
  7 Tierney, Matt              9 Tri-Valley              7.94       7.64   3 
  8 Bartziokas, Ross          11 Minisink Val            7.60       7.69   2 
  9 Cassera, Ty               11 Valley Centr            7.64       7.70   2 
 10 Sensiba, Aidan            11 Sullivan Wes            7.54       7.74   2 
 11 Whitton, Cameron          11 Monroe-Woodb            7.64       7.80   2 
 12 Edelglass, Brandon        12 Liberty                 7.54       7.84   3 
 13 Devito, William           11 Tri-Valley              7.64       7.85   2 
 14 Dones, Rafael             10 Goshen                  7.64       7.96   2 
 15 Darnell, Tyler               Millbrook               9.04       7.99   3 
 16 Johnson, Walter           11 Goshen                  8.14       8.01   3 
 17 Whyte, Sean               12 John S. Burk            7.91       8.02   2 
 18 Zungia, Carlos            11 Pine Bush               7.49       8.12   1 
 19 Espinosa-Lopez, Alan      11 Millbrook               8.34       8.17   2 
Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Billings, Blaine          12 Newburgh Fre            6.76       6.83   10   
  2 Dessaline, Jahnique       12 Newburgh Fre            6.70       6.84    8   
  3 Barry, Kabongo            11 Spackenkill             6.81      J6.84    6   
  4 Moore, Izayiah            10 Middletown              6.80       6.87    4   
  5 Murphy, Nick              12 Dover                   6.85       6.94    2   
  6 Batchelder, Davis         12 James I. O'N            6.91       6.96    1   
  7 Williams, Bobby           12 Newburgh Fre            6.90       7.00  
  8 White, Curai              11 Pine Bush               6.92       7.10  
Boys 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Morales, Matthew          11 Monroe-Woodb           36.04      36.38Q  3 
  2 Barry, Kabongo            11 Spackenkill            36.94      36.78Q  4 
  3 Billings, Blaine          12 Newburgh Fre           35.35      36.80Q  1 
  4 Moran, Mike               12 Wallkill               37.44      37.81Q  2 
  5 Sano, Brian               12 Monroe-Woodb           36.55      36.88q  4 
  6 Gomez, Jacinto            12 Washingtonvi           37.24      37.45q  1 
  7 Ramirez, Brian            11 Middletown             37.04      37.69   3 
  8 McFarlane, Shanric        12 Poughkeepsie           38.04      37.98   3 
  9 Dempsey, Patrick          12 Pine Bush              38.14      38.13   3 
 10 Grasso, Nick              12 John S. Burk           37.04      38.30   2 
 11 Murphy, Nick              12 Dover                  38.20      38.35   1 
 12 Vallejo, Samuel           11 Wallkill               37.94      38.37   4 
 13 Mallard, Josh             10 Washingtonvi           38.34      38.47   3 
 14 Goitia, Seth              10 Cornwall               37.74      38.49   4 
 15 Wallace, Jaron            12 Cornwall               38.94      38.51   2 
 16 Torres, Ivan              11 Goshen                 38.34      38.62   2 
 16 Flores, Abel              12 Kingston               37.12      38.62   1 
 18 Cruz, Jalen               12 Middletown             38.06      39.01   2 
 19 Boateng, Rudy             12 Monroe-Woodb           37.70      39.03   1 
 20 Traina, Mike              12 Minisink Val           38.94      39.48   3 
 21 Goddard, Cameron          12 Washingtonvi           38.44      39.71   4 
 22 Barrett, Alexander        12 Pine Plains            38.44      39.88   4 
 23 Ulmer, Justin             12 Valley Centr           39.34      42.18   1 
Boys 300 Meter Dash Unseeded
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Scott, Stephon            11 Newburgh Fre                      37.70   7 
  2 Anderson, Abdiel          12 Minisink Val           39.50      39.18   1 
  3 Tierney, James            12 Tri-Valley             39.44      39.31   1 
  4 Connolly, Matt            11 Valley Centr           39.09      39.50   1 
  5 Lynch, Matt               11 James I. O'N           39.64      39.79   2 
  6 Chou, Christian           12 Spackenkill            39.90      40.27   2 
  7 Penner, Ethan             11 James I. O'N           39.61      40.37   1 
  8 O'Neil, Connor            10 Dover                  40.96      40.58   3 
  9 Tricomi, Matt             11 Cornwall               39.94      40.61   2 
 10 Henry, Vincent             9 Liberty                41.00      40.76   3 
 11 Castellano, Jake          11 Onteora                41.54      40.84   4 
 12 Vainblat, Mikhail         10 Tri-Valley             41.24      40.93   4 
 13 Gibson, Cameron            9 Sullivan Wes           42.04      40.97   5 
 14 Justin, Marvin            11 Middletown             41.00      41.37   3 
 15 Dolansky, Jeremy          10 Pine Plains            41.44      41.48   4 
 16 Meyle, Justin             10 Pine Bush              39.27      41.63   1 
 17 Harold, Prync             12 Kingston               41.68      41.77   5 
 18 Dain, Josh                 9 Pine Bush              40.14      41.81   2 
 19 Martin, Michael           12 Port Jervis            39.74      41.91   2 
 20 Singleton, Darren         12 Poughkeepsie           41.60      41.96   4 
 21 Misczuk, Hunter           10 Port Jervis            42.24      42.07   5 
 22 Orlando, Willliam         12 Marlboro               42.24      42.39   5 
 23 Laboy, Harry              10 Chester                41.10      42.63   3 
 24 Herbet, Michael           12 Dover                  41.50      42.66   4 
 25 Dones, Rafael             10 Goshen                 42.85      43.14   5 
 26 Sensiba, Aidan            11 Sullivan Wes           43.34      43.39   6 
 27 Bartziokas, Ross          11 Minisink Val           42.60      43.66   5 
 27 Edelglass, Brandon        12 Liberty                44.60      43.66   6 
 29 Festa, Matt               10 Tri-Valley             44.24      44.01   6 
 30 Kelly, Ed                 12 Valley Centr           45.29      45.44   7 
 31 Loupe, Connor             11 Marlboro               44.98      45.87   6 
 32 Espinosa-Lopez, Alan      11 Millbrook              46.00      46.82   7 
Boys 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Morales, Matthew          11 Monroe-Woodb           36.38      36.16   10   
  2 Barry, Kabongo            11 Spackenkill            36.78      36.55    8   
  3 Billings, Blaine          12 Newburgh Fre           36.80      36.68    6   
  4 Moran, Mike               12 Wallkill               37.81      37.10    4   
  5 Sano, Brian               12 Monroe-Woodb           36.88      37.19    2   
  6 Gomez, Jacinto            12 Washingtonvi           37.45      37.29    1   
Boys 600 Meter Run Unseeded
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Becker, Robert            10 Kingston                        1:32.57   3 
  2 Flynn, Trevor             12 Port Jervis          1:34.20    1:32.84   1 
  3 Gibson, Cameron            9 Sullivan Wes         1:34.10    1:33.25   1 
  4 Small-hawks, Jeremy        9 Cornwall             1:38.64    1:35.20   1 
  5 Orlando, Willliam         12 Marlboro             1:39.24    1:35.95   1 
  6 Mpasiakos, Josh           12 Monroe-Woodb         1:34.10    1:36.38   1 
  7 Bernicker, William        11 Marlboro             1:41.24    1:36.61   2 
  8 Lee, Andrew               12 Dover                1:34.24    1:37.01   1 
  9 Long, Anthony             12 Minisink Val         1:38.27    1:37.26   1 
 10 Sandford, Paul             9 Fdr                  1:35.24    1:37.72   1 
 11 Ulmer, Justin             12 Valley Centr         1:42.24    1:37.88   2 
 12 Lofaro, Nick              10 Marlboro             1:41.24    1:38.59   2 
 13 Mcginley, Kaylin          10 Spackenkill          1:37.73    1:39.01   1 
 14 Konstantinidis, Zak       10 Goshen               1:37.90    1:39.41   1 
 15 Paneto, Joshua            11 Goshen               1:38.80    1:39.64   1 
 16 Rodriguez, Alex            9 Port Jervis          1:41.24    1:40.06   2 
 17 Cavalucci, Nick           12 Valley Centr         1:44.19    1:40.72   2 
 18 Cruz, Ikaika              11 James I. O'N         1:41.54    1:40.74   2 
 19 Rustafo, Angelo           10 James I. O'N         1:45.24    1:41.17   3 
 20 Ormiston, Billy            9 Cornwall             1:45.94    1:41.79   3 
 21 Mcelrath, Sebastian       11 Monticello           1:38.24    1:42.01   1 
 22 Lee, Tyler                11 Poughkeepsie         1:44.94    1:42.57   2 
 23 St Germain, Jared            Wallkill             1:45.20    1:42.84   3 
 24 Edwards, Evan             11 Tri-Valley           1:50.24    1:43.01   3 
 25 Gorr, Daniel               9 Ellenville           1:41.24    1:43.57   2 
 26 Martinez, Aldo            10 Millbrook            1:45.24    1:44.11   3 
 27 Smith, Matt                9 Washingtonvi         1:44.00    1:46.09   2 
 28 Espada, Christian         10 Chester              1:48.00    1:49.79   3 
 29 Mercado, Robert           11 Tri-Valley           1:48.24    1:50.31   3 
 30 Parry, Preston               Washingtonvi         1:42.00    1:57.50   2 
 31 Allison, Jake              9 Tri-Valley           2:00.24    1:59.01   3 
Boys 600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Morales, Matthew          11 Monroe-Woodb         1:23.24    1:23.54   4  10   
  2 Samuels, Richard          11 Wallkill             1:25.50    1:25.11   4   8   
  3 Dorsett, Ivan             12 Newburgh Fre         1:25.54    1:25.32   4   6   
  4 Quinn, Sean               11 Warwick Vall         1:25.29    1:25.96   4   4   
  5 Urio, Chris               12 Monroe-Woodb         1:27.27    1:26.50   3   2   
  6 Sostre, Aaron             12 Washingtonvi         1:25.64    1:26.52   3   1   
  7 Walker, Robert            11 Newburgh Fre         1:29.47    1:26.77   2 
  8 Grasso, Nick              12 John S. Burk         1:27.24    1:27.26   3 
  9 Soto, Dave                12 Warwick Vall         1:23.95    1:28.00   4 
 10 Drumgoole, Liam           12 John S. Burk         1:29.82    1:28.94   2 
 11 Dempsey, Patrick          12 Pine Bush            1:31.14    1:29.35   2 
 12 Estremera, Chris          11 Millbrook            1:32.60    1:31.28   1 
 13 Ramirez, Isaiah           11 Pine Bush            1:31.14    1:31.61   2 
 14 Tan, Sean                 11 Fdr                  1:31.80    1:31.70   1 
 15 Torres, Ivan              11 Goshen               1:32.74    1:31.71   1 
 15 Jung, Brenden             12 Minisink Val         1:30.01    1:31.71   2 
 17 Torres, Nick              11 Cornwall             1:32.64    1:31.75   1 
 18 Milite, Jeremy            12 Onteora              1:31.54    1:32.26   1 
 19 Flynn, Hunter             12 Sullivan Wes         1:31.30    1:34.00   2 
 20 Washington, Will          12 Middletown           1:27.54    1:34.22   3 
 21 Campbell, Leon             8 Middletown           1:29.00    1:41.27   3 
 22 Berlin, Phillip           12 Pine Bush            1:33.54    1:46.42   1 
 -- Lawrence, Jordan          11 Newburgh Fre         1:25.32        DNF   4 
Boys 1000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Biondi, Chris             12 Pine Bush            2:37.24    2:35.54   1  10   
  2 Pacelli, Nicholas         12 Warwick Vall         2:36.10    2:35.63   1   8   
  3 Boone, Xavier             12 Newburgh Fre         2:34.93    2:36.72   1   6   
  4 Aiden, Gann               11 Sullivan Wes         2:37.80    2:37.10   1   4   
  5 Catalano, Paul            11 Washingtonvi         2:39.76    2:39.46   1   2   
  6 St. Germain, Connor       11 Cornwall             2:38.10    2:40.70   1   1   
  7 Neary, Liam               12 James I. O'N         2:41.24    2:41.54   1 
  8 Gardiner, Tom             10 Warwick Vall         2:40.30    2:42.19   1 
  9 Milite, Jordan            12 Onteora              2:43.41    2:42.26   1 
 10 Becker, Robert            10 Kingston             2:39.78    2:42.51   1 
 11 Alshoubeki, Adam          12 Monroe-Woodb         2:38.07    2:43.07   1 
 12 Lopez, Lucas              11 Kingston             2:40.10    2:43.75   1 
 13 Rivera, Francisco         12 Cornwall             2:45.94    2:46.50   1 
 14 Haller, Kyle              12 Goshen               2:48.80    2:48.08   2 
 15 Daleo, Nicholas           11 John S. Burk         2:47.24    2:48.23   2 
 16 Guattery, Matt            11 Middletown           2:52.60    2:51.63   2 
 17 Wortmann, Scott           10 Minisink Val         2:51.17    2:53.07   2 
 18 Lopez, Andy                9 Kingston             2:55.10    2:54.23   3 
 19 Pagano, Ryan              12 Washingtonvi         2:47.10    2:54.32   2 
 20 Esposito, William         12 Dover                2:52.00    2:55.25   2 
 21 Nielsen, Derek            12 Pine Plains          2:58.50    2:55.28   3 
 22 Nguyen, Zachary           12 Dover                2:52.00    2:55.35   2 
 23 Bonnetti, Zack            12 Wallkill             2:49.44    2:55.41   2 
 24 Flynn, Hunter             12 Sullivan Wes         2:54.90    2:56.38   2 
 25 Verboys, Nick             12 Monroe-Woodb         2:52.99    2:56.64   2 
 26 Medina, Joseph            10 Goshen               2:55.40    2:57.40   3 
 27 Chou, Christian           12 Spackenkill          2:54.00    2:57.83   2 
 28 Habert, Jude              11 Minisink Val         2:56.60    2:57.84   3 
 29 Rainelli, Dominic         11 John S. Burk         2:59.24    2:58.21   3 
 30 Addington, Ben             8 Valley Centr         3:05.24    2:58.57   3 
 31 Long, Kevin               11 Goshen               2:57.90    2:58.93   3 
 32 Farrell, Weston           10 Valley Centr         3:00.24    2:59.68   3 
 33 Lujan, Andy               12 Cornwall             2:55.80    2:59.76   3 
 34 Romano, David              9 Valley Centr         3:06.24    3:00.14   3 
 35 Mcelrath, Sebastian       11 Monticello           3:08.24    3:01.66   3 
 36 Smith, Justin              9 Pine Bush            2:55.24    3:03.06   3 
 37 Lopez, Nick               11 Pine Bush            2:50.24    3:03.17   2 
 38 McGill, Brian             11 Fdr                  3:10.24    3:03.65   4 
 39 Fiore, Ian                12 Spackenkill          3:10.53    3:09.15   4 
 40 Marchese, Shane            9 Washingtonvi         2:54.00    3:12.73   2 
 41 Ojeda, Alexis             10 Poughkeepsie         3:11.44    3:14.13   4 
 42 Spain, Josiah             10 James I. O'N         3:25.24    3:14.38   4 
 43 Desantis, Mike            12 Marlboro             3:11.73    3:16.12   4 
 44 Quick, Caleb               9 Ellenville           3:12.34    3:19.27   4 
 45 Glinski, Tim              12 Tri-Valley           3:35.24    3:21.82   4 
 46 Colon, Joe                11 Middletown           3:03.06    3:25.74   3 
 47 Longhitano, Dominic        9 Monroe-Woodb         2:53.40    3:30.04   2 
 48 Bodeker, Eric              9 John S. Burk         3:29.24    3:37.11   4 
 49 Turner, Zachary           12 Tri-Valley           3:40.24    3:40.94   4 
 50 Perazza, Milton           12 Wallkill             2:59.44    3:47.76   3 
 -- Onwuka, David             12 Newburgh Fre         2:44.86         DQ   1 
Boys 1600 Meter Run Unseeded
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Miranda-Gonzalez, Brian   11 Monroe-Woodb         4:44.83    4:52.82   1 
  2 Rood, Cliff               11 Marlboro             4:49.20    4:53.77   1 
  3 Farrell, John             11 Fdr                  4:45.24    4:55.36   1 
  4 Garrison, Thomas           9 Washingtonvi         4:59.10    4:55.45   1 
  5 Herrera, Mike             12 Minisink Val         4:55.24    4:56.08   1 
  6 Gunn, Patrick             10 John S. Burk         4:45.80    4:58.28   1 
  7 Ponce, Oscar              11 Middletown           4:55.62    4:58.42   1 
  8 Paik, Kevin               10 Monroe-Woodb         4:52.40    4:59.43   1 
  9 Lancer, Aidan             11 Kingston             4:47.30    4:59.65   1 
 10 Byrne, Jack                9 Cornwall             4:58.44    4:59.79   1 
 11 Paneto, Nicolas            9 Goshen               5:02.60    5:00.11   2 
 12 Farrell, Liam             10 Fdr                  4:45.24    5:00.12   1 
 13 Craner, Toby              11 Wallkill             4:55.34    5:00.92   1 
 14 Pakrad, Dan               10 Dover                5:07.00    5:01.13   2 
 15 Reilly, Lucas             12 Port Jervis          4:48.80    5:01.21   1 
 16 Hannon, Mike              10 Monroe-Woodb         4:54.05    5:01.66   1 
 17 Gildea, Liam               9 Washingtonvi         5:09.51    5:01.91   2 
 18 Bywater, Seth              9 Cornwall             5:10.10    5:02.84   2 
 19 Lynch, Ryan               12 Middletown           4:50.00    5:04.16   1 
 20 Rodd, Ed                  10 Cornwall             5:02.40    5:06.13   2 
 21 Nielsen, Derek            12 Pine Plains          5:00.50    5:06.69   2 
 22 Corcoran, Billy            8 Newburgh Fre         5:07.68    5:07.34   2 
 23 Lopatowski, Robert         9 Valley Centr         5:14.88    5:12.67   2 
 24 Laudati, Joey              9 Valley Centr         5:15.24    5:14.30   2 
 25 Medina, Jordan            12 Middletown           5:10.00    5:14.36   2 
 26 Mccutcheon, Adam           9 Onteora              5:09.00    5:14.82   2 
 27 Pillsbury, Christopher    10 Poughkeepsie         5:11.94    5:15.75   2 
 28 Rodriguez, Ethan          12 Pine Bush            5:10.24    5:16.37   2 
 29 Lopez, Brendan             8 Pine Bush            5:20.24    5:16.54   3 
 30 Russo, Jordan             11 Liberty              5:19.14    5:17.28   2 
 31 Maas, Tyler               12 Dover                5:20.00    5:20.19   3 
 32 Bonanno, Nick              9 Valley Centr         5:16.24    5:20.42   2 
 33 Deal, Christian            9 Port Jervis          5:15.00    5:25.37   2 
 34 Zieres, Josh              11 Tri-Valley           5:45.24    5:27.10   3 
 35 Bready, Brendan           10 Wallkill             5:37.20    5:27.12   3 
 36 Berteau, Quintin          11 Tri-Valley           5:40.24    5:30.69   3 
 37 Farina, Anthony            9 James I. O'N         5:27.74    5:30.82   3 
 38 Mackey, Nick              11 Marlboro             5:44.51    5:32.65   3 
 39 Fitzpatrick, Matt         12 Minisink Val         5:30.24    5:45.09   3 
 40 Daleo, Nicholas           11 John S. Burk         5:01.24    5:46.96   2 
 41 Lavella, Ryan              8 Wallkill             5:58.30    5:54.12   3 
 42 O'Brien, Liam             10 John S. Burk         5:49.24    6:11.19   3 
 43 Mc Knight, Elijah         12 Newburgh Fre         5:28.40    6:18.99   3 
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Biondi, Chris             12 Pine Bush            4:27.24    4:30.75   10   
  2 Adolph, Matt              12 Warwick Vall         4:30.60    4:30.86    8   
  3 Trowbridge, Thorr         12 Kingston             4:28.85    4:32.56    6   
  4 Pacelli, Nicholas         12 Warwick Vall         4:22.18    4:34.10    4   
  5 Messler, Jon              12 Washingtonvi         4:36.77    4:34.27    2   
  6 Aiden, Gann               11 Sullivan Wes         4:42.30    4:34.34    1   
  7 Granata, Jamie            10 Minisink Val         4:36.70    4:34.48  
  8 Lindstrom, Dan            11 Warwick Vall         4:34.06    4:36.46  
  9 Mcmorrow, Kevin           12 Dover                4:33.50    4:36.97  
 10 Matyas, Wyatt             10 Fdr                  4:38.00    4:37.55  
 11 Hines, Jayson             11 Kingston             4:30.36    4:39.41  
 12 Neary, Liam               12 James I. O'N         4:35.34    4:40.12  
 13 Greco, Louis              10 Goshen               4:38.49    4:41.27  
 14 Higgins, Liam             10 Goshen               4:42.20    4:44.74  
 15 Herman, Michael           11 Port Jervis          4:42.00    4:57.07  
Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Biondi, Chris             12 Pine Bush            9:26.24    9:27.37   10   
  2 Trowbridge, Thorr         12 Kingston             9:29.28    9:30.29    8   
  3 Adolph, Matt              12 Warwick Vall         9:36.67    9:31.74    6   
  4 Messler, Jon              12 Washingtonvi         9:54.34    9:47.37    4   
  5 Mcmorrow, Kevin           12 Dover                9:50.00    9:53.29    2   
  6 Hines, Jayson             11 Kingston             9:39.82    9:54.68    1   
  7 Granata, Jamie            10 Minisink Val         9:43.84    9:56.20  
  8 Matyas, Wyatt             10 Fdr                  9:53.90    9:56.67  
  9 Higgins, Liam             10 Goshen              10:02.80   10:01.53  
 10 Brubacher, David          12 Cornwall            10:11.44   10:07.58  
 11 Greco, Louis              10 Goshen              10:04.80   10:09.83  
 12 Lillian, Jack             12 Warwick Vall        10:07.67   10:12.80  
 13 Miller, Michael           12 Cornwall            10:15.12   10:14.34  
 14 Robinson, Ryley           12 Fdr                 10:13.10   10:19.39  
 15 Lorenzen, Tim             11 Pine Bush           10:15.24   10:24.52  
 16 Piersa, William           10 Newburgh Fre        10:06.40   12:01.75  
Boys 3200 Meter Run Unseeded
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Reilly, Lucas             12 Port Jervis         10:28.70   10:17.45   1 
  2 Garrison, Thomas           9 Washingtonvi        10:21.71   10:19.58   1 
  3 Wortmann, Scott           10 Minisink Val        10:19.24   10:21.76   1 
  4 Paik, Kevin               10 Monroe-Woodb        10:19.80   10:22.73   1 
  5 Rood, Cliff               11 Marlboro            10:24.00   10:32.88   1 
  6 Hannon, Mike              10 Monroe-Woodb        10:51.54   10:34.86   1 
  7 Tavarez, Elijah           12 Pine Bush           10:32.24   10:42.07   1 
  8 Doyle, Blaine              9 Cornwall            10:49.00   10:42.60   1 
  9 Gunn, Patrick             10 John S. Burk        10:22.24   10:43.10   1 
 10 Paneto, Nicolas            9 Goshen              11:04.90   10:43.27   1 
 11 Heraghty, Zach             9 Spackenkill         10:54.35   10:52.23   1 
 12 Lynch, Ryan               12 Middletown          10:30.10   10:58.48   1 
 13 Cortes, Mario             12 Monroe-Woodb        11:03.60   11:00.66   1 
 14 Ponce, Oscar              11 Middletown          10:35.50   11:08.10   1 
 15 Colaizzo, Joey            11 Fdr                 10:20.24   11:11.03   1 
 16 Coddington, Andrew         9 Tri-Valley          11:10.24   11:12.34   2 
 17 Craner, Toby              11 Wallkill            11:04.00   11:13.20   1 
 18 Spranzman, Joe            12 Spackenkill         11:07.74   11:13.37   2 
 19 Pakrad, Kevin              9 Dover               11:20.00   11:16.67   2 
 20 Smith, Devante            12 Ellenville          10:43.76   11:18.89   1 
 21 Estremera, Chris          11 Millbrook           11:05.00   11:23.20   2 
 22 Medina, Jordan            12 Middletown          11:15.00   11:23.64   2 
 23 Waterton, William         11 Monticello          11:16.24   11:31.70   2 
 24 Pillsbury, Christopher    10 Poughkeepsie        11:31.94   11:37.05   2 
 25 Deal, Christian            9 Port Jervis         11:10.00   11:37.19   2 
 26 Farina, Anthony            9 James I. O'N        11:25.24   11:38.62   2 
 27 Nienstadt, Bryan          11 Washingtonvi        11:20.00   11:41.21   2 
 28 Bready, Brendan           10 Wallkill            11:25.44   11:57.49   2 
 29 Mackey, Nick              11 Marlboro            12:25.42   12:40.50   2 
 -- Britton, Drew             11 Pine Plains         12:00.00         DQ   2 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Foster, Angelo            12 Newburgh Fre            7.93       8.08Q  1 
  2 Farrar, My-kell           11 Monticello              8.04       8.09Q  3 
  3 Tierney, James            12 Tri-Valley              8.04       8.11Q  2 
  4 Gomez, Jacinto            12 Washingtonvi            8.15       8.36Q  5 
  5 Taylor, Vern              11 Middletown              8.36       8.38Q  6 
  6 Mullally, Mike            10 Sullivan Wes            8.14       8.45Q  4 
  7 Lafalce, Max              11 Fdr                     8.31       8.50Q  6 
  8 Singh, Ricardo             9 Newburgh Fre            8.64       8.54Q  3 
  9 Lu, Wen Xin               11 Washingtonvi            8.59       8.64Q  1 
 10 Lilley, Jacob             12 Monticello              8.54       8.67Q  4 
 10 Bush, Adam                11 Pine Bush               8.54       8.67Q  2 
 12 Duffus, Najanni           10 Middletown              8.74       8.79Q  5 
 13 Prokopiv, Andriy          11 Monroe-Woodb            8.64       8.75q  2 
 14 Walker, Robert            11 Newburgh Fre            8.44       8.80q  5 
 14 Philips, Chris             9 Middletown              8.93       8.80q  4 
 16 Barrett, Nick             11 Pine Bush               8.78       8.85q  6 
 17 Hamling, Chase            12 Warwick Vall            8.54       9.00   3 
 18 Olavarria, Maximo         10 Cornwall                8.71       9.02   4 
 19 Burton, Dejevaun          12 Cornwall                9.04       9.04   3 
 20 Rutkowski, James          12 Wallkill                8.79       9.06   5 
 21 Prentiss, Sam             12 Fdr                     9.04       9.38   2 
 21 Incledon, J.P.             9 Monroe-Woodb            9.69       9.38   5 
 23 Conners, Andrew           12 Marlboro                9.63       9.41   6 
 24 Bailey, Terence           12 Fdr                     9.74       9.47   3 
 25 Alonzo, Alejandro         11 Goshen                  9.64       9.51   6 
 26 Civil, Lawrence           10 Cornwall                9.44       9.60   5 
 27 Ulmer, Justin             12 Valley Centr            9.54       9.68   4 
 28 Abate, Joey               12 Washingtonvi            9.39       9.70   3 
 29 Katz, Ryan                12 Monticello              9.04       9.72   1 
 30 Raggio, Drew               9 Goshen                  9.39       9.75   2 
 31 Jimenez, Brandon           9 Wallkill                9.30       9.97   1 
 32 VanSaders, Thomas          9 Tri-Valley              9.74      10.07   1 
 33 Smith, Devon              10 Monroe-Woodb           10.14      10.09   3 
 34 Mccombs, Evan              9 Sullivan Wes           10.14      10.11   2 
 35 Edwards, Evan             11 Tri-Valley              9.74      10.26   4 
 36 Ronzoni, Brendan           9 Goshen                 10.14      10.80   4 
 37 Rustafo, Angelo           10 James I. O'N           11.55      11.12   6 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Farrar, My-kell           11 Monticello              8.09       7.97Q  2 
  2 Gomez, Jacinto            12 Washingtonvi            8.36       8.25Q  1 
  3 Tierney, James            12 Tri-Valley              8.11       8.07Q  2 
  4 Foster, Angelo            12 Newburgh Fre            8.08       8.34Q  1 
  5 Lafalce, Max              11 Fdr                     8.50       8.27q  2 
  6 Bush, Adam                11 Pine Bush               8.67       8.49q  2 
  6 Lu, Wen Xin               11 Washingtonvi            8.64       8.49q  1 
  8 Taylor, Vern              11 Middletown              8.38       8.52q  1 
  9 Lilley, Jacob             12 Monticello              8.67       8.59   2 
 10 Singh, Ricardo             9 Newburgh Fre            8.54       8.60   1 
 11 Walker, Robert            11 Newburgh Fre            8.80       8.62   2 
 12 Philips, Chris             9 Middletown              8.80       8.64   2 
 13 Prokopiv, Andriy          11 Monroe-Woodb            8.75       8.69   1 
 14 Duffus, Najanni           10 Middletown              8.79       8.86   1 
 15 Mullally, Mike            10 Sullivan Wes            8.45       8.89   2 
 16 Barrett, Nick             11 Pine Bush               8.85       9.03   1 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Farrar, My-kell           11 Monticello              7.97       7.88   10   
  2 Foster, Angelo            12 Newburgh Fre            8.34       7.92    8   
  3 Tierney, James            12 Tri-Valley              8.07       8.03    6   
  4 Gomez, Jacinto            12 Washingtonvi            8.25       8.23    4   
  5 Lafalce, Max              11 Fdr                     8.27       8.27    2   
  6 Taylor, Vern              11 Middletown              8.52       8.38    1   
  7 Bush, Adam                11 Pine Bush               8.49       8.58  
  8 Lu, Wen Xin               11 Washingtonvi            8.49       8.65  
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Monroe-Woodbury  'A'                              1:35.96    1:34.79q  4 
     1) Carrion, Chris 12               2) Sano, Brian 12                 
     3) Boateng, Rudy 12                4) Morales, Matthew 11            
     5) Prince, Kobe 10                 6) Hall, Justin 11                
  2 Newburgh Free Academy  'A'                        1:28.93    1:35.50q  1 
     1) Dorsett, Ivan 12                2) Williams, Bobby 12             
     3) Foster, Angelo 12               4) Munroe, Jadon 10               
     5) Singh, Ricardo 9                6) Dessaline, Jahnique 12         
  3 Middletown  'A'                                   1:34.11    1:36.49q  2 
     1) Campbell, Rashaad 11            2) Iii, Vernon Taylor 11          
     3) Ramirez, Brian 11               4) Moore, Izayiah 10              
     5) Clark, Rashawn 12               6) Washington, Will 12            
  4 Ellenville  'A'                                   1:38.88    1:37.74q  2 
     1) Tejada, Alejandro 12            2) Rodriguez, Nelson 12           
     3) Pellot-Hilero, Michael 12       4) Cromwell, James 12             
     5) Benjamin, Nicholas 11           6) Rios, Jomar 9                  
  5 Washingtonville  'A'                              1:35.53    1:38.20q  4 
     1) Goddard, Cameron 12             2) Gomez, Jacinto 12              
     3) Lu, Wen Xin 11                  4) Molzahn, Daniel 12             
     5) Sostre, Aaron 12                6) Mallard, Josh 10               
  6 Warwick Valley  'A'                               1:37.12    1:38.36q  2 
     1) Hamling, Chase 12               2) Miele, Ryan 10                 
     3) Pezzello, Joe 12                4) Quinn, Devin 12                
     5) Sorensen, Dane 10               6) Wright, Dan 11                 
  7 Fdr  'A'                                          1:39.70    1:38.49   3 
     1) King, Kemyero 12                2) Pavelock, Devant 9             
     3) Pichardo, Dexter 12             4) Shelby, Markese 11             
     5) Williams, Ramasoj 10            6)                                
  8 Cornwall  'A'                                     1:35.07    1:39.00   3 
     1) Gayle, Tj 11                    2) Goitia, Seth 10                
     3) Olavarria, Maximo 10            4) Tricomi, Daniel 10             
     5) Tricomi, Matt 11                6) Wallace, Jaron 12              
  9 James I. O'Neill  'A'                             1:39.12    1:39.12   4 
     1) Cruz, Ikaika 11                 2) Rhumble, Justin 10             
     3) Penner, Ethan 11                4) Lynch, Matt 11                 
     5) Batignani, Frank 12             6) Batchelder, Davis 12           
 10 Poughkeepsie  'A'                                 1:37.60    1:39.22   1 
     1) McFarlane, Shanric 12           2) Ramos, Lucas 12                
     3) Lewis, Malik 12                 4) Thomas, Mauice 12              
     5) Harrison, Demier 12             6) Singleton, Darren 12           
 11 Kingston  'A'                                     1:38.43    1:39.98   1 
     1) Fajardo, Kevin 11               2) Flores, Abel 12                
     3) Francis, Malik 12               4) Lattin, David 10               
     5) Perry, Jt 9                     6) Tinsley, Javar 10              
 12 Monticello  'A'                                   1:39.10    1:40.15   4 
     1) Katz, Ryan 12                   2) Jackson, Shaun 12              
     3) Farrar, My-kell 11              4) Lilley, Jacob 12               
 13 Minisink Valley  'A'                              1:41.10    1:40.31   1 
     1) Traina, Mike 12                 2) Anderson, Abdiel 12            
     3) Ortiz, Justin 12                4) Herrera, Mike 12               
     5) Hopkins, Dylan 10               6) Bartziokas, Ross 11            
 14 John S. Burke Catholic  'A'                       1:39.00    1:40.52   3 
     1) Stachelek, Dan 12               2) Sanders, Brian 11              
     3) Londo, Austin 11                4) Grasso, Nick 12                
     5) Chevalier, Christian 12         6) Anastasio, Anthony 11          
 15 Wallkill  'A'                                     1:40.40    1:41.79   1 
     1) Mehmeti, Wyatt 11               2) Hewitt, Kyle 11                
     3) Benkin, Gary 12                 4) Alvarez, Jordan 12             
     5) Destefano, Fred 10              6) Van Orden, Ryan 11             
 16 Tri-Valley  'A'                                   1:44.80    1:43.57   4 
     1) Colon, Julius 9                 2) Tierney, James 12              
     3) Tierney, Matt 9                 4) Vainblat, Mikhail 10           
     5) VanSaders, Thomas 9             6) Festa, Matt 10                 
 17 Goshen  'A'                                       1:43.77    1:44.11   3 
     1) Dones, Rafael 10                2) Alonzo, Alejandro 11           
     3) Pinto, Ryan 9                   4) Torres, Ivan 11                
     5) O'Malley, Austin 10             6) Raggio, Drew 9                 
 18 Port Jervis  'A'                                  1:41.60    1:44.19   2 
     1) Zemski, Andrew 12               2) Martin, Michael 12             
     3) Pena, Alex 10                   4) Sood, Anthony 12               
     5) Guzman, Dan 12                  6)                                
 19 Valley Central  'A'                               1:45.82    1:48.12   4 
     1) Young, Timothy 9                2) Cavalucci, Nick 12             
     3) Connolly, Matt 11               4) Mendez, Dan 11                 
     5) Vil, Bryan 10                   6)                                
 20 Chester  'A'                                      1:49.20    1:48.42   3 
     1) Aiden, O'Connor 10              2) Espada, Christian 10           
     3) Laboy, Harry 10                 4) Salerno, Andrew 11             
 -- Pine Bush  'A'                                    1:36.00         DQ   3 
     1) Dempsey, Patrick 12             2) Ebbrell, Christopher 12        
     3) Grasso, Jon 9                   4) Moran, Hunter 11               
     5) Price, Chayne 11                6) White, Curai 11                
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                            Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Monroe-Woodbury  'A'                              1:34.79    1:33.72   10   
  2 Middletown  'A'                                   1:36.49    1:36.34    8   
  3 Washingtonville  'A'                              1:38.20    1:37.20    6   
  4 Ellenville  'A'                                   1:37.74    1:37.97    4   
  5 Warwick Valley  'A'                               1:38.36    1:39.28    2   
 -- Newburgh Free Academy  'A'                        1:35.50        DNF  
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Newburgh Free Academy  'A'                        3:21.22    3:31.43   3  10   
     1) Billings, Blaine 12             2) Dessaline, Jahnique 12         
     3) Dorsett, Ivan 12                4) Scott, Stephan 10              
     5) Singh, Ricardo 9                6) Miller, Jeremiah 11            
  2 Warwick Valley  'A'                               3:30.92    3:33.37   3   8   
     1) Miele, Ryan 10                  2) Pacelli, Nicholas 12           
     3) Quinn, Devin 12                 4) Quinn, Sean 11                 
     5) Soto, Dave 12                   6) Wright, Dan 11                 
  3 Wallkill  'A'                                     3:29.79    3:37.82   3   6   
     1) Samuels, Richard 11             2) Burke, Andrew 12               
     3) Vallejo, Samuel 11              4) Moran, Mike 12                 
     5) Destefano, Fred 10              6) Benkin, Gary 12                
  4 Cornwall  'A'                                     3:40.13    3:41.50   3   4   
     1) Gayle, Tj 11                    2) Goitia, Seth 10                
     3) Torres, Nick 11                 4) Tricomi, Daniel 10             
     5) Tricomi, Matt 11                6) Wallace, Jaron 12              
  5 Monroe-Woodbury  'A'                              3:26.67    3:42.01   3   2   
     1) Boateng, Rudy 12                2) Sano, Brian 12                 
     3) Prokopiv, Andriy 11             4) Frascello, Patrick 11          
     5) Gross, Jordan 12                6) Urio, Chris 12                 
  6 Minisink Valley  'A'                              3:40.81    3:42.83   2   1   
     1) Anderson, Abdiel 12             2) Jung, Brenden 12               
     3) Traina, Mike 12                 4) Granata, Jamie 10              
     5) Ortiz, Justin 12                6) Giuga, Vince 12                
  7 Onteora  'A'                                      3:46.80    3:44.59   2 
     1) Milite, Jeremy 12               2) Meci, Alexander 11             
     3) Talley, Kalo 11                 4) Milite, Jordan 12              
     5) Castellano, Jake 11             6)                                
  8 Washingtonville  'A'                              3:40.60    3:47.21   2 
     1) Abate, Joey 12                  2) Lu, Wen Xin 11                 
     3) Molzahn, Daniel 12              4) Pietrzak, Mark 12              
     5) Estrada, Justin 12              6) Sostre, Aaron 12               
  9 Kingston  'A'                                     3:52.10    3:48.17   2 
     1) Fajardo, Kevin 11               2) Flores, Abel 12                
     3) Francis, Malik 12               4) Harold, Prync 12               
     5) McNabb, Isaiah 10               6) Perry, Jt 9                    
 10 Pine Bush  'A'                                    3:47.00    3:50.65   2 
     1) Barrett, Nick 11                2) Dain, Josh 9                   
     3) Grasso, Jon 9                   4) Meyle, Justin 10               
     5) Ramirez, Isaiah 11              6) Serrano, Jeremy 12             
 11 Fdr  'A'                                          3:53.40    3:51.02   1 
     1) Hues, Joe 12                    2) Martinez, Dino 12              
     3) Pavelock, Devant 9              4) Williams, Ramasoj 10           
     5) Lambert, Nick 11                6)                                
 12 Sullivan West  'A'                                3:48.60    3:53.21   2 
     1) Aiden, Gann 11                  2) Flynn, Hunter 12               
     3) Gibson, Cameron 9               4) Mullally, Mike 10              
     5) Sensiba, Aidan 11               6)                                
 13 Middletown  'A'                                   3:37.15    3:56.38   3 
     1) Campbell, Rashaad 11            2) Justin, Marvin 11              
     3) Cruz, Jalen 12                  4) Campbell, Leon 8               
     5) Coombs, Jeremiah 11             6) Taylor, Vern 11                
 14 Valley Central  'A'                               3:56.07    3:58.07   1 
     1) Romano, David 9                 2) Wagner, Tyler 11               
     3) Addington, Ben 8                4) Lopatowski, Robert 9           
     5) Newhall, John 9                 6) Schramm, James 9               
 15 Poughkeepsie  'A'                                 4:03.80    3:59.30   1 
     1) Smith, Patrick 11               2) Singleton, Darren 12           
     3) Golding, Leon 12                4) Harrison, Demier 12            
     5) Lee, Tyler 11                   6) Thomas, Mauice 12              
 16 Port Jervis  'A'                                  4:15.20    4:01.72   1 
     1) Sood, Anthony 12                2) Misczuk, Hunter 10             
     3) Rodriguez, Alex 9               4) Erato, Joe 11                  
 17 Millbrook  'A'                                    3:59.00    4:04.00   1 
     1) Martinez, Aldo 10               2) Kopilak, Zeke 11               
     3) Deman, Carson 10                4) Estremera, Chris 11            
     5) Espinosa-Lopez, Alan 11         6) Espinosa-Lopez, Kevin 9        
 18 Tri-Valley  'A'                                   4:05.90    4:12.41   1 
     1) Coddington, Andrew 9            2) Festa, Matt 10                 
     3) Mercado, Robert 11              4) VanSaders, Thomas 9            
     5) Tierney, Matt 9                 6) Edwards, Evan 11               
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Warwick Valley  'A'                               8:17.51    8:17.80   2  10   
     1) Dellabough, Blake 12            2) Gardiner, Tom 10               
     3) Lindstrom, Dan 11               4) Nafash, Thomas 11              
     5) Quinn, Sean 11                  6) Soto, Dave 12                  
  2 Newburgh Free Academy  'A'                        8:00.64    8:18.11   2   8   
     1) Boone, Xaiver 12                2) Lawrence, Jordan 11            
     3) Onwuka, David 12                4) Ramos, Brian 10                
     5) Walker, Robert 11               6) Dorsett, Ivan 12               
  3 Fdr  'A'                                          8:19.66    8:19.47   2   6   
     1) Burnett, Garrett 12             2) Hues, Joe 12                   
     3) Martinez, Dino 12               4) McGill, Brian 11               
     5) Pineda, James 11                6) Tan, Sean 11                   
  4 Kingston  'A'                                     8:13.36    8:31.12   2   4   
     1) Lopez, Lucas 11                 2) Lopez, Andy 9                  
     3) Lancer, Aidan 11                4) Hines, Jayson 11               
     5) Trowbridge, Thorr 12            6) Becker, Robert 10              
  5 Monroe-Woodbury  'A'                              8:36.85    8:38.85   2   2   
     1) Byrnes, Bradley 10              2) Alshoubeki, Adam 12            
     3) Egan, Kyle 12                   4) Urio, Chris 12                 
     5) Tyler-Modeste, Alex 12          6) Ladue, Trevor 10               
  6 Cornwall  'A'                                     8:17.84    8:40.51   2   1   
     1) Brubacher, David 12             2) Miller, Michael 12             
     3) Rivera, Francisco 12            4) St. Germain, Connor 11         
     5) Torres, Nick 11                 6) Vega, Alex 12                  
  7 Washingtonville  'A'                              8:36.00    8:57.19   2 
     1) Catalano, Paul 11               2) Garrison, Thomas 9             
     3) Lawless, Thomas 11              4) Messler, Jon 12                
     5) Pagano, Ryan 12                 6) Sostre, Aaron 12               
  8 Goshen  'A'                                       8:52.60    9:09.61   2 
     1) Higgins, Liam 10                2) Haller, Kyle 12                
     3) Paneto, Nicolas 9               4) Greco, Louis 10                
     5) Medina, Joseph 10               6) Long, Kevin 11                 
  9 Minisink Valley  'A'                              9:01.83    9:10.37   1 
     1) Herrera, Mike 12                2) Habert, Jude 11                
     3) Jung, Brenden 12                4) Wortmann, Scott 10             
     5) Giuga, Vince 12                 6) Long, Anthony 12               
 10 Pine Bush  'A'                                    8:45.00    9:11.71   2 
     1) Berlin, Phillip 12              2) Edwards, Jaelin 9              
     3) Lopez, Nick 11                  4) Lorenzen, Tim 11               
     5) Parsells, John 9                6) Ramirez, Isaiah 11             
 11 John S. Burke Catholic  'A'                       8:51.90    9:14.77   2 
     1) Drumgoole, Liam 12              2) Daleo, Nicholas 11             
     3) Rainelli, Dominic 11            4) Gunn, Patrick 10               
     5) Wojciechawski, Ethan 9          6) Crispino, Brandon 9            
 12 Wallkill  'A'                                     8:22.68    9:17.86   2 
     1) Moran, Mike 12                  2) Burke, Andrew 12               
     3) Vallejo, Samuel 11              4) Samuels, Richard 11            
     5) Bonnetti, Zack 12               6) Craner, Toby 11                
 13 Middletown  'A'                                   8:45.00    9:20.52   2 
     1) Colon, Joe 11                   2) Guattery, Matt 11              
     3) Lynch, Ryan 12                  4) Ponce, Oscar 11                
     5) Campbell, Leon 8                6) Medina, Jordan 12              
 14 Dover  'A'                                        9:06.80    9:24.54   1 
     1) Esposito, William 12            2) Lee, Andrew 12                 
     3) Maas, Tyler 12                  4) Mcmorrow, Kevin 12             
     5) Nguyen, Zachary 12              6) Pakrad, Dan 10                 
 15 Ellenville  'A'                                   9:41.00    9:42.20   1 
     1) Gorr, Daniel 9                  2) Quick, Caleb 9                 
     3) Smith, Devante 12               4) Troin, Ethan 11                
     5) Gurny, Brandon 12               6) Murr, Cody 12                  
 16 Marlboro  'A'                                     9:48.30    9:43.65   1 
     1) Lofaro, Nick 10                 2) Rood, Cliff 11                 
     3) Dawson, Braxxdon 9              4) Bernicker, William 11          
     5) Orlando, Willliam 12            6)                                
 17 Valley Central  'A'                               9:40.41    9:49.26   1 
     1) Blackwell, Matthew 8            2) O'Brien, Matthew 9             
     3) Romano, David 9                 4) Addington, Ben 8               
     5) Bonanno, Nick 9                 6)                                
 18 Tri-Valley  'A'                                  10:00.50    9:51.13   1 
     1) Berteau, Quintin 11             2) Coddington, Andrew 9           
     3) Glinski, Tim 12                 4) Zieres, Josh 11                
     5) Turner, Zachary 12              6)                                
 19 Poughkeepsie  'A'                                10:15.70   10:03.02   1 
     1) Pillsbury, Christopher 10       2) Ojeda, Alexis 10               
     3) Lee, Tyler 11                   4) Pillsbury, Benjamin 10         
     5) Jamal, Mohmed 11                6)                                
 20 James I. O'Neill  'A'                            10:01.70   10:07.60   1 
     1) Cruz, Ikaika 11                 2) Farina, Anthony 9              
     3) Neary, Liam 12                  4) Sabotka, Dawson 10             
     5) Sharifi, Shawn 10               6) Spain, Josiah 10               
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Zanger, Troy              12 Port Jervis          6-05.00    6-04.00   10   
  2 Black, Shane              12 Liberty              6-04.00    6-02.00    8   
  3 Deloatch, Kesigh          11 Warwick Vall         5-10.00    6-01.00    6   
  4 VanDunk, Dennis           11 Warwick Vall         5-10.00    5-10.00    4   
  5 Taylor, Vern              11 Middletown           5-10.00    5-08.00    2   
  6 Monroe, Christopher       11 Newburgh Fre         5-09.00   J5-08.00    1   
  7 Philips, Chris             9 Middletown           5-06.00   J5-08.00  
  8 Martinez, Lou             12 Washingtonvi         5-10.00   J5-08.00  
  8 Farrow, Jesse             11 Monticello           5-08.00   J5-08.00  
 10 Przybocki, Mark           10 John S. Burk         5-03.00   J5-08.00  
 11 Iovino, Giovanni          11 Monroe-Woodb         5-10.00    5-06.00  
 11 Ruebenstahl, Andrew       12 Washingtonvi         5-06.00    5-06.00  
 13 Lafalce, Max              11 Fdr                  5-09.00    5-04.00  
 13 Roman, Adrian             12 Ellenville           5-06.00    5-04.00  
 13 Molzahn, Daniel           12 Washingtonvi         5-08.00    5-04.00  
 13 Prentiss, Sam             12 Fdr                  5-08.00    5-04.00  
 13 Bush, Adam                11 Pine Bush            5-06.00    5-04.00  
 18 Matta, Andrew             12 Newburgh Fre         5-03.00    5-02.00  
 18 Tompkins, Will            11 Marlboro             5-02.00    5-02.00  
 18 Hedderton, Scott          12 John S. Burk         5-02.00    5-02.00  
 18 Rhumble, Justin           10 James I. O'N         5-03.00    5-02.00  
 -- Decker, Brandon            9 Sullivan Wes         4-10.00         NH  
 -- Mitterwagen, Ben          11 Sullivan Wes         5-00.00         NH  
 -- Sakovsky, Anthony         10 Marlboro             5-04.00         NH  
 -- Duffus, Najanni           10 Middletown           5-06.00         NH  
 -- Shust, Colin              10 John S. Burk         5-02.00         NH  
 -- Conners, Andrew           12 Marlboro             5-04.00         NH  
 -- Martinez, Matthew         11 Monroe-Woodb         5-02.00         NH  
 -- Dolansky, Jeremy          10 Pine Plains          5-00.00         NH  
 -- Kopilak, Zeke             11 Millbrook            5-00.00         NH  
 -- Hall, Justin              11 Monroe-Woodb                         NH  
Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Heatley, Isaac            11 Warwick Vall        13-00.00   12-06.00   10   
  2 Delorenzo, Matt           12 Wallkill            13-00.00  J12-06.00    8   
  3 Sorensen, Dane            10 Warwick Vall        12-00.00   12-00.00    6   
  4 Depaolo, Vinnie           11 Monroe-Woodb        12-01.00  J12-00.00    4   
  5 Matta, Andrew             12 Newburgh Fre        13-00.00  J12-00.00    2   
  6 Ruebenstahl, Andrew       12 Washingtonvi        12-06.00   11-06.00    1   
  7 Jeong, Joshua             10 Monroe-Woodb        11-06.00  J11-06.00  
  8 Endrizzi, Christopher     11 Monroe-Woodb         7-00.00   11-00.00  
  8 Mcshane, Brendan          11 Warwick Vall        11-00.00   11-00.00  
 10 McCarthy, Kieran          12 Valley Centr        11-00.00   10-06.00  
 11 O'Malley, Austin          10 Goshen              10-00.00   10-00.00  
 12 Beauregard, John          12 Monticello          10-00.00    9-06.00  
 12 Lofaro, Nick              10 Marlboro            10-00.00    9-06.00  
 12 Bernicker, William        11 Marlboro            10-06.00    9-06.00  
 12 Foster, Jeniel            10 Middletown           9-00.00    9-06.00  
 16 Gagliardi, Michael        11 Wallkill             9-06.00    9-00.00  
 16 Mullally, Mike            10 Sullivan Wes         9-00.00    9-00.00  
 16 Larkin, Jake              12 Dover               10-00.00    9-00.00  
 16 Gibson, Colin             12 Sullivan Wes         9-00.00    9-00.00  
 20 Cruz, Ikaika              11 James I. O'N         8-06.00    8-06.00  
 20 Biery, Chris              11 Fdr                  9-00.00    8-06.00  
 20 Mercado, Robert           11 Tri-Valley           7-00.00    8-06.00  
 23 Jimenez, Brandon           9 Wallkill             9-06.00    8-00.00  
 23 Warren, Matt              10 Washingtonvi         9-06.00    8-00.00  
 23 Spain, Josiah             10 James I. O'N         8-06.00    8-00.00  
 23 Smith, Justin              9 Pine Bush            8-00.00    8-00.00  
 -- Berlin, Phillip           12 Pine Bush            8-00.00         NH  
 -- Wallace, Lamar            11 Middletown           7-00.00         NH  
 -- Ramirez, Isaiah           11 Pine Bush            9-06.00         NH  
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Scott, Stephon            11 Newburgh Fre        20-05.00   21-00.25   10   
  2 Carrion, Chris            12 Monroe-Woodb        21-00.00   20-08.00    8   
  3 Deloatch, Kesigh          11 Warwick Vall        20-05.00   20-07.75    6   
  4 Burton, Dejevaun          12 Cornwall            19-07.00   20-06.75    4   
  5 VanDunk, Dennis           11 Warwick Vall        19-05.25   19-09.50    2   
  6 Price, Chayne             11 Pine Bush           19-11.00   19-06.75    1   
  7 Monroe, Christopher       11 Newburgh Fre        20-01.00   19-01.50  
  8 Ebbrell, Christopher      12 Pine Bush           18-06.00   18-04.25  
  9 Tamburri, Onorino         12 Marlboro            18-02.75   18-00.25  
 10 Clark, Rashawn            12 Middletown          19-05.00   17-11.50  
 11 Molzahn, Daniel           12 Washingtonvi        18-10.50   17-10.00  
 12 Ruebenstahl, Andrew       12 Washingtonvi        19-06.00   17-09.25  
 13 Pietrzak, Mark            12 Washingtonvi        18-06.75   17-06.25  
 14 Matta, Andrew             12 Newburgh Fre        19-04.50   17-04.00  
 14 Chevalier, Christian      12 John S. Burk        18-00.50   17-04.00  
 16 Guzman, Dan               12 Port Jervis         17-04.00   17-03.50  
 17 Hall, Justin              11 Monroe-Woodb        20-04.00   17-03.25  
 18 Martinez, Matthew         11 Monroe-Woodb        17-07.50   17-02.75  
 19 Quimby, Matt              10 Middletown          18-08.00   17-00.50  
 20 Walker, Monte              9 Wallkill            16-05.00   16-10.00  
 21 Rhumble, Justin           10 James I. O'N        16-11.50   16-07.50  
 22 Jung, Brenden             12 Minisink Val        17-06.00   16-06.00  
 23 Roman, Adrian             12 Ellenville          17-00.50   16-03.75  
 23 Bush, Adam                11 Pine Bush           17-00.00   16-03.75  
 25 Martinez, Richard         12 Marlboro            16-07.50   16-03.50  
 26 Olavarria, Maximo         10 Cornwall            16-04.00   16-02.00  
 26 Londo, Austin             11 John S. Burk        16-08.50   16-02.00  
 28 Bailey, Terence           12 Fdr                 16-10.25   15-09.75  
 29 Shelby, Markese           11 Fdr                 18-06.75   15-08.50  
 30 Connolly, Matt            11 Valley Centr        15-05.75   15-07.00  
 31 Civil, Lawrence           10 Cornwall            16-01.00   15-03.50  
 32 Pasquini, Dom              9 Goshen              13-07.00   15-02.00  
 33 Abreu, Raymond            11 Dover               15-06.00   14-09.50  
 34 Lattin, David             10 Kingston            16-00.50   14-08.25  
 35 Gibson, Colin             12 Sullivan Wes        15-02.00   14-07.25  
 36 Colon, Julius              9 Tri-Valley                     14-04.75  
 37 Przybocki, Mark           10 John S. Burk                   14-04.25  
 38 Vainblat, Mikhail         10 Tri-Valley                     14-02.50  
 39 Pena, Alex                10 Port Jervis         15-00.00   14-00.50  
 40 Richard, Ryan             11 Millbrook           13-10.00   13-02.75  
 41 Mccombs, Evan              9 Sullivan Wes        14-10.00   13-01.00  
 -- Pagan, Andre              12 Marlboro            18-06.00       FOUL  
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Deloatch, Kesigh          11 Warwick Vall        44-10.00   44-00.00   10   
  2 Ebbrell, Christopher      12 Pine Bush           43-03.00   43-01.00    8   
  3 Black, Shane              12 Liberty             40-11.00   41-05.00    6   
  4 Burton, Dejevaun          12 Cornwall            39-04.50   40-11.75    4   
  5 VanDunk, Dennis           11 Warwick Vall        40-05.50   40-09.25    2   
  6 Shelby, Markese           11 Fdr                 39-05.75   40-07.75    1   
  7 Carrion, Chris            12 Monroe-Woodb        41-07.00   40-01.00  
  8 Price, Chayne             11 Pine Bush           40-00.00   39-00.25  
  9 Martinez, Matthew         11 Monroe-Woodb        37-05.50   38-01.75  
 10 Byrne, James              10 Warwick Vall        37-01.00   37-09.00  
 11 Prokopiv, Andriy          11 Monroe-Woodb        37-06.00   36-09.50  
 12 Barrett, Nick             11 Pine Bush           36-06.00   36-01.00  
 12 Quimby, Matt              10 Middletown          38-08.50   36-01.00  
 14 Civil, Lawrence           10 Cornwall            35-11.50   35-10.50  
 15 Van Orden, Ryan           11 Wallkill            37-02.25   35-09.25  
 16 Roman, Adrian             12 Ellenville          36-00.00   35-03.00  
 17 Pietrzak, Mark            12 Washingtonvi        38-07.75   35-01.50  
 18 Farrow, Jesse             11 Monticello          36-00.00   35-01.25  
 19 Quinn, Sean                9 Washingtonvi        36-01.00   34-07.50  
 20 Bailey, Terence           12 Fdr                 34-01.00   34-07.25  
 20 Shust, Colin              10 John S. Burk        33-08.75   34-07.25  
 22 Clarke, Brandon           12 Newburgh Fre        36-04.00   34-05.00  
 23 Garlinghouse, Dan          9 Tri-Valley                     34-03.75  
 24 Walker, Monte              9 Wallkill            31-10.00   33-11.00  
 25 Sood, Anthony             12 Port Jervis         36-01.50   33-05.75  
 26 Pasquini, Dom              9 Goshen              33-01.50   33-04.75  
 27 Tompkins, Will            11 Marlboro            32-00.00   33-04.50  
 28 Boateng, Eric             10 Middletown          34-05.50   33-03.50  
 29 Whitehead, Cole           10 Onteora             33-06.00   33-02.50  
 30 Edghill, Mark             10 Newburgh Fre        36-02.00   32-08.00  
 31 Romero, Gustavo           12 Liberty             32-08.75   32-07.75  
 32 Wagner, Tyler             11 Valley Centr        33-01.00   32-05.50  
 33 Conte, Justin             11 Marlboro            33-09.50   32-05.25  
 34 Lindsell, Kyle             9 Cornwall            29-07.25   31-11.50  
 35 Corcillo, Gabriel         12 Sullivan Wes        33-01.00   30-10.50  
 36 Colon, Julius              9 Tri-Valley                     30-07.25  
 -- Hedderton, Scott          12 John S. Burk        32-05.25       FOUL  
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Brinkman, Chris           12 Kingston            49-00.00   50-02.75   10   
  2 Lytovchenko, Roman        12 Monroe-Woodb        49-07.75   49-06.50    8   
  3 Mannese, Marshall         12 Marlboro            42-11.75   44-06.50    6   
  4 Degravius, Hadonel        12 Cornwall            40-01.50   43-06.00    4   
  5 Pironti, Steven           12 John S. Burk        43-02.75   42-05.25    2   
  6 Matuiata, Sui'ga          11 James I. O'N        38-11.25   41-06.75    1   
  7 Galvin, James             12 John S. Burk        38-07.50   40-11.50  
  8 Whitney, Robert           12 Port Jervis         38-06.00   40-09.25  
  9 Braunstein, Tim           12 Monticello          41-04.00   40-07.75  
 10 Konopka, Nick             12 Warwick Vall        40-11.25   40-01.25  
 11 Ike, Joe                  10 Middletown          37-02.00   39-10.75  
 12 Lounsbery, Zachary        11 Middletown          39-11.00   39-08.50  
 13 Kamil, Fady               10 Monroe-Woodb        39-03.50   39-03.50  
 14 Muller, Colin             12 Washingtonvi        40-02.25   39-03.00  
 15 Reiser, Tom               11 Minisink Val        44-10.50   38-11.00  
 16 Arnold, Tyler             12 Warwick Vall        39-11.75   38-06.00  
 17 McDonough, Jack              Kingston            36-04.00   38-01.75  
 18 Perry, Frank              11 Kingston            39-07.00   37-10.75  
 19 Beers, Zach               12 Port Jervis         37-03.25   37-06.50  
 20 Shaw, Matt                12 Cornwall            37-07.50   37-00.50  
 21 Belcher, Tyler            12 Dover               37-05.50   36-08.25  
 22 Alverio, Lorenzo          12 Pine Bush           36-06.00   36-06.00  
 23 Alexander, Kutory         11 Newburgh Fre        38-04.00   36-02.50  
 24 Michura, Will             12 John S. Burk        33-09.00   36-00.00  
 25 Reyes, Kyle               11 Middletown          35-05.00   35-11.75  
 26 Pizarro, Victor           11 Ellenville          36-01.00   35-07.75  
 27 Hart, Adam                11 Pine Bush           35-11.00   35-06.50  
 28 Psarakis, George          12 Monroe-Woodb        34-11.50   35-01.50  
 29 Merchan, Rodrigo          11 Dover               37-11.75   35-01.00  
 30 Steward, Justin           11 Port Jervis         34-00.00   34-07.50  
 31 Santos, Anthony           12 Washingtonvi        34-08.00   34-05.75  
 32 Mitterwagen, Ben          11 Sullivan Wes        32-09.75   34-03.75  
 33 Knight, Chris             11 Valley Centr        34-01.25   34-01.00  
 34 Devito, William           11 Tri-Valley          32-00.00   33-11.00  
 35 Sipple, Alan              12 Sullivan Wes        34-06.25   33-08.75  
 36 Collazos, Nick            11 Valley Centr        38-00.00   33-06.50  
 37 Saintus, Alan             12 Wallkill            34-11.00   33-05.75  
 38 Davey, Matt               11 Washingtonvi        34-02.00   33-03.50  
 39 Delarosa, Dante           11 James I. O'N        31-01.50   32-05.00  
 40 Tejada, Chris              9 Wallkill            27-08.25   31-04.50  
 41 Richard, Ryan             11 Millbrook           28-02.00   30-11.25  
 42 O`connell, Aaron          12 Eldred              34-01.00   30-00.50  
 43 Simon, Devin               9 Tri-Valley          32-00.00   29-04.50  
 44 Banse, Jacob              11 Minisink Val        29-11.75   28-00.50  
 45 Boniface, Nick            10 Pine Bush           27-00.00   27-01.25  
 46 Khan, Imman                9 Tri-Valley                     26-10.25  
 47 Murphy, Aidan             10 Cornwall            26-07.00   26-06.00  
 48 Grant, Joe                11 Eldred              25-10.00   26-00.00  
 49 Malloy, Hunter            11 Wallkill            25-09.00   25-10.25  
 50 Maroni, Adam               9 Goshen              25-10.00   25-01.75  
 51 Pizzonia, Anthony         11 Minisink Val        26-07.00   24-09.50  
Boys Weight Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Brinkman, Chris           12 Kingston            49-00.50   58-10.25   10   
  2 Reiser, Tom               11 Minisink Val        55-05.25   57-07.75    8   
  3 Mannese, Marshall         12 Marlboro            53-00.50   55-02.50    6   
  4 Banse, Jacob              11 Minisink Val        50-00.00   52-01.75    4   
  5 Lytovchenko, Roman        12 Monroe-Woodb        49-05.25   51-10.75    2   
  6 Pizarro, Victor           11 Ellenville          39-05.75   46-08.25    1   
  7 Muller, Colin             12 Washingtonvi        40-03.00   45-08.00  
  8 Lounsbery, Zachary        11 Middletown          45-04.00   45-02.00  
  9 Matuiata, Sui'ga          11 James I. O'N        41-04.25   42-08.50  
 10 Psarakis, George          12 Monroe-Woodb        40-00.00   42-02.25  
 11 Alverio, Lorenzo          12 Pine Bush           42-03.00   42-01.00  
 12 Degravius, Hadonel        12 Cornwall            41-07.00   41-05.50  
 13 Delarosa, Dante           11 James I. O'N        36-00.25   41-03.25  
 14 Hipsman, Matt             12 Monroe-Woodb        32-08.00   39-03.25  
 15 Shaw, Matt                12 Cornwall            38-00.25   38-09.50  
 16 Simon, Devin               9 Tri-Valley          33-00.00   37-06.75  
 17 Reyes, Kyle               11 Middletown          36-04.50   37-05.25  
 18 Sipple, Alan              12 Sullivan Wes        37-10.00   37-03.00  
 19 Hays, Austin              11 Warwick Vall        33-04.75   37-01.25  
 20 Seminaro, Matt            11 Marlboro            29-02.00   36-07.50  
 21 Leonardo, Elijah          11 Middletown          38-01.50   36-03.75  
 22 Boniface, Nick            10 Pine Bush           31-00.00   34-05.50  
 23 Davey, Matt               11 Washingtonvi        35-06.00   34-03.00  
 24 Przybocki, Mark           10 John S. Burk        32-07.50   33-10.50  
 25 Kearns, Jared             11 Fdr                 33-10.00   33-08.50  
 26 McDonough, Jack              Kingston            36-04.00   32-05.75  
 27 Whitney, Robert           12 Port Jervis         36-00.50   32-00.00  
 28 Mitterwagen, Ben          11 Sullivan Wes        33-00.00   30-08.00  
 29 Uhl, Jack                 10 Kingston            30-04.00   29-09.00  
 30 Saintus, Alan             12 Wallkill            31-06.00   28-10.25  
 31 Santos, Anthony           12 Washingtonvi        33-01.00   28-07.25  
 32 Robisch, Alex             11 Wallkill            27-07.00   27-11.50  
 33 Steward, Justin           11 Port Jervis         29-05.50   27-10.25  
 34 Murphy, Aidan             10 Cornwall            24-04.00   24-09.25  
 35 O`connell, Aaron          12 Eldred                         24-04.25  
 36 Grant, Joe                11 Eldred                         22-05.25  
 37 Richard, Ryan             11 Millbrook           28-02.00   22-04.50  
 38 Mentnech, Aidan            9 Tri-Valley                     21-09.00  
 39 Singh, Vishal             11 John S. Burk        18-00.00   21-07.75  
 40 Schifani, Matthew         12 Wallkill            21-11.00   21-00.75  
 41 Devito, William           11 Tri-Valley          31-03.00   10-02.25  
 -- Konopka, Nick             12 Warwick Vall        34-11.00       FOUL  
                    Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Monroe-Woodbury            111        2) Goshen                     59   
    3) Cornwall                    55        3) Warwick Valley             55   
    5) Washingtonville             41        6) Newburgh Free Academy      39   
    7) Pine Bush                   31        8) Middletown                 26   
    9) Kingston                    22       10) Valley Central             16   
   10) John S. Burke Catholic      16       12) Wallkill                   14   
   13) Ellenville                  13       14) Onteora                    12   
   15) Dover                       10       16) Marlboro                    5   
   17) Eldred                       1                                           
                    Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
    1) Warwick Valley              96        2) Newburgh Free Academy      75   
    3) Monroe-Woodbury             60        4) Pine Bush                  39   
    4) Kingston                    39        6) Wallkill                   26   
    7) Washingtonville             21        8) Cornwall                   18   
    9) Middletown                  15       10) Spackenkill                14   
   10) Liberty                     14       12) Minisink Valley            13   
   13) Marlboro                    12       14) Monticello                 10   
   14) Port Jervis                 10       16) FDR                         9   
   17) Tri-Valley                   6       18) Sullivan West               5   
   18) Ellenville                   5       20) Dover                       4   
   21) John S. Burke Catholic       2       21) James I. O'Neill            2