Section 6 Varsity Select #1 2015

Lancaster, NY


Licensed to Olean High School          HY-TEK's Meet Manager 1/17/2015 03:24 PM
                        VARSITY SELECT # 1 - 1/17/2 015                         
                                Fredonia State                                  
Boys 55 Meter Dash
=================================================== ================
    Name                    Year School                   Finals  H#
=================================================== ================
  1 Roach, Michael            12 Lake Shore                 6.85   5 
  2 Morris, Michael Jordan    12 Amherst                    6.91   5 
  3 Sikora, Cody              11 N. Tonawanda               6.98   4 
  4 Miles, Mark               12 Hamburg                    7.00   4 
  5 Miller, Nicholas          11 St. Francis                7.02   5 
  6 Johnson, Damien           11 Fredonia                   7.03   5 
  7 Price, Kaylen             11 St. Joe's                  7.17   4 
  8 Moroge, Jake              12 Springville                7.22   5 
  9 Witman, Colin             10 St. Francis                7.23   4 
 10 Janak, Chris              10 Hamburg                    7.37   3 
 10 Dirling, Brenin           10 Jamestown                  7.37   4 
 12 Warner, Latrell              Tapestry                   7.43   3 
 13 Baker, Jeremey             9 Springville                7.52   3 
 14 Walker, Kaleb                Tapestry                   7.60   4 
 15 Marino, Liam               9 Ken West                   7.70   2 
 16 Schull, Ben               10 Lake Shore                 7.72   3 
 17 DeJesus, Sebastian         9 Frontier                   7.75   2 
 18 Figliola, Joseph           9 G. Island                  7.76   3 
 19 Phillips, Adam            12 Jamestown                  7.79   3 
 20 Pope, Sebastian           10 Pion/ALS                   8.04   2 
 21 Korman, Josh              10 Ken West                   8.09   1 
 22 Stevenson, Bradley        10 G. Island                  8.16   2 
 23 Kuebler, Wyatt             8 N. Tonawanda               8.28   2 
 24 Cohen, Kyle                8 Will. North                8.48   1 
 25 Fernando, Joel            11 Ken.East                   8.85   1 
 26 Getenet, Tommy            12 Sweet Home                 9.11   1 
 27 Macris, James              9 Will. North                9.62   1 
Boys 300 Meter Dash 
=================================================== ================
    Name                    Year School                   Finals  H#
=================================================== ================
  1 Walter, Christopher       12 St. Francis               37.6h   8 
  2 Beaver, Awsten            12 Jamestown                 37.8h   8 
  3 Thagard, Nick             12 Jamestown                 38.5h   8 
  4 Brady, Kyle               12 N. Tonawanda              39.0h   8 
  5 Carver, Cameron           10 Amherst                   40.3h   7 
  6 Wallace, Jalen            11 Sweet Home                40.4h   4 
  7 Lambert, Cody             11 Ken West                  40.6h   7 
  8 Roach, Michael            12 Lake Shore                40.8h   7 
  9 Forys, Alexander          12 St. Francis               41.2h   7 
 10 Fiorca, Peter             11 Canisius                  41.4h   6 
 11 Glanowski, Alex           12 Pion/ALS                  41.9h   6 
 12 Warner, Latrell              Tapestry                  42.3h   4 
 13 Ewald, Chris              11 Ken West                  42.5h   5 
 14 Kennedy, Andrew            8 Fredonia                  43.1h   6 
 15 Campanella, Charlie       11 Ken.East                  43.6h   5 
 15 Chazen, Zac                9 Will. North               43.6h   3 
 17 Denz, Roman               10 St. Joe's                 44.1h   4 
 17 Heald, Connor             12 Sweet Home                44.1h   5 
 19 Do, Vincent               11 St. Joe's                 44.6h   6 
 20 DeJesus, Sebastian         9 Frontier                  45.1h   1 
 21 Fuller, Tevin             10 Amherst                  45.2h   5 
 22 Fielitz, Luke              9 Frontier                  48.0h   2 
 23 Schull, Ben               10 Lake Shore                48.5h   4 
 24 Smith, Cody                9 Will. North               49.5h   3 
 25 Brautlacht, Ryan           8 Springville               50.4h   2 
 26 Wasiura, Adam              9 Fredonia                  50.6h   3 
 27 Fernando, Joel            11 Ken.East                  51.3h   1 
 28 Vanderzell, Zachary        9 G. Island                 52.0h   1 
 29 Sweeney, Stephen           9 G. Island                 53.2h   2 
Boys 600 Meter Dash
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Dobozin, Aaron            11 Ken West                1:29.7h  
  2 Manth, Chris              11 N. Tonawanda            1:34.1h  
  3 Carver, Cameron           10 Amherst                 1:34.3h  
  4 Johnson, Andre            12 Jamestown               1:35.9h  
  5 Hess, Matt                10 Hamburg                 1:36.0h  
  6 Minton, Kevin             12 G. Island               1:37.6h  
  7 Foe, Derek                12 Jamestown               1:37.9h  
  8 Kowalski, Daniel          12 Lake Shore              1:41.7h  
  9 Masechia, Raniero          8 Ken West                1:42.3h  
 10 Schultz, Jamie             9 Canisius                1:43.1h  
 11 Cook, Chris               10 N. Tonawanda            1:44.7h  
 12 Campanella, Charlie       11 Ken.East                1:44.8h  
 13 Denz, Roman               10 St. Joe's               1:45.5h  
 14 Hamoudi, Hasan            10 Sweet Home              1:46.3h  
 15 Ryan, Pat                 11 Hamburg                 1:46.9h  
 16 Schunk, David             11 St. Francis             1:48.8h  
 17 Ahmed, Umar                9 Will. North             1:49.2h  
 18 Holland, Justin           10 Lake Shore              1:49.6h  
 19 Murak, Tyler               9 Sweet Home              1:51.4h  
 20 Hall, Andrew              11 Ken.East                1:53.7h  
 21 Dunn, Alex                 9 Canisius                1:54.1h  
 22 Wasiura, Adam              9 Fredonia                1:54.3h  
 23 Minton, Brian              9 G. Island               1:54.7h  
 24 Rizzo, Andrew              9 Will. North             1:55.0h  
 25 Engel, Kyle               11 Fredonia                1:56.0h  
 26 Smith, Mitch              10 Frontier                2:05.3h  
Boys 1000 Meter Run
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Rindfuss, Peter           11 Hamburg                 2:41.5h  
  2 Wheeler, Josh             12 Lake Shore              2:44.4h  
  3 Gargano, Adam             12 St. Francis             2:47.7h  
  4 Zydel, Noah               12 St. Francis             2:52.2h  
  5 Slominski, Matt           11 N. Tonawanda            2:55.3h  
  6 Walsh, Patrick            12 Jamestown               2:56.2h  
  7 Blundell, Dimi            10 Hamburg                 2:57.7h  
  8 Plewa, Austin             10 Pion/ALS                2:58.6h  
  9 Lombardo, Matt            12 Jamestown               3:01.3h  
 10 Schultz, Sam               9 Sweet Home              3:01.7h  
 11 Wheeler, Brendan          10 Lake Shore              3:04.5h  
 12 Barron, Jalen             10 Amherst                 3:05.4h  
 13 Masters, Jerome           10 G. Island               3:05.8h  
 14 Marcin, Mitch             12 Frontier                3:15.5h  
 15 Croop, Colin              10 N. Tonawanda            3:16.1h  
 16 Kalp, Cross                9 G. Island               3:17.9h  
 17 Herman, John              11 Canisius                3:21.5h  
 18 Lehner, Brandon            9 Canisius               3:34.7h  
 19 Carter, Jacob              9 Sweet Home              3:36.5h  
 20 DiLeo, Ryan                9 St. Joe's               3:37.1h  
 21 More, Cameron             10 St. Joe's               3:39.5h  
Boys 1600 Meter Run 
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Fuss, Jarod                9 Pion/ALS                5:08.0h  
  2 Wolf, Robert               9 Lake Shore              5:13.6h  
  3 Young, Jonathan            9 Will. North             5:15.8h  
  4 Slominski, Tyler          11 N. Tonawanda            5:16.7h  
  5 Slominski, Matt           11 N. Tonawanda            5:18.7h  
  6 Poczciwinski, Chandler    10 St. Francis             5:19.5h  
  7 Atkins, Dixon             11 St. Joe's               5:22.0h  
  8 Elia, Matt                11 Jamestown               5:29.6h  
  9 Randle, Tyler             12 St. Francis             5:30.8h  
 10 Boucher, Justin           10 Sweet Home              5:32.7h  
 11 Riordan, Joshua           10 Hamburg                 5:33.4h  
 12 Santana, Christian           Tapestry                5:37.8h  
 13 Coen, Tom                 12 Pion/ALS                5:38.9h  
 14 DeGlopper, dylan           9 G. Island               5:44.9h  
 15 Merrill, Brad             11 Frontier                5:50.3h  
 16 Obrochta, Jordan          10 St. Joe's               5:52.2h  
 17 Cohn, Trevor              11 Ken West                5:58.0h  
 18 Schmidt, Josh              9 Will. North             6:01.2h  
 19 Rushok, Mitchell          10 Lake Shore              6:01.8h  
 20 Hallgren, matt            10 Sweet Home              6:04.7h  
 21 Reynolds, Alex             9 Jamestown               6:48.0h  
Boys 3200 Meter Run 
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Butlak, Calvin            12 Lake Shore             10:06.9h  
  2 Karalus, Adam             10 St. Francis            10:55.0h  
  3 Janak, Daniel             10 St. Francis            10:55.9h  
  4 Brill, Jacob              10 St. Joe's              11:12.4h  
  5 Szymanski, Ben            10 Frontier               11:32.0h  
  6 Elia, Matt                11 Jamestown              11:40.8h  
  7 Bruckel, Drew             12 Lake Shore             11:42.2h  
  8 Howard, Timothy           10 G. Island              11:55.9h  
  9 Lynch, Colin              10 Ken West               12:10.2h  
 10 Lynch, Ethan               9 G. Island              12:16.2h  
 11 Merrill, Brad             11 Frontier               12:18.4h  
 12 Jubert, Danuiel           11 St. Joe's              12:47.1h  
 13 Conn, Noah                10 Hamburg                13:16.7h  
 14 Reilly, Cameron              Hamburg                13:44.5h  
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles 
=================================================== ================
    Name                    Year School                   Finals  H#
=================================================== ================
  1 Becker, Tyler             12 Lake Shore                 8.04   3 
  2 Morris, Michael Jordan    12 Amherst                    8.34   3 
  3 Miller, Nicholas          11 St. Francis                8.74   3 
  4 Walter, Jeffrey           10 St. Francis                8.93   2 
  5 Harrigan, Connor          12 G. Island                  9.13   3 
  6 Wells, Antonio            12 Amherst                    9.25   3 
  7 Lowery, Jacob             12 N. Tonawanda               9.44   2 
  7 Gath, Ed                  10 N. Tonawanda               9.44   2  
  9 Mason, Christian          12 G. Island                 9.69   2 
 10 Kowalski, Daniel          12 Lake Shore                 9.72   3 
 11 Grzechowiak, Austin        9 Hamburg                   10.02   1 
 12 Pierce, Doug              12 Hamburg                   10.27   2 
 13 Szymanski, Nate           12 Frontier                  10.54   1 
 14 Carlson, Tyler            12 Hamburg                   10.57   1 
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
=================================================== ================
    School                                                Finals  H#
=================================================== ================
  1 North Tonawanda  'A'                                 1:40.0h   3 
     1) Brady, Kyle 12                  2) Brady, D amien 12               
     3) Roberts, Josh 11                4) Sikora,  Cody 11                
  2 Jamestown  'A'                                       1:40.4h   3 
     1) Thagard, Nick 12                2) Beaver,  Awsten 12              
     3) Johnson, Andre 12               4) Walsh, P atrick 12              
  3 St. Francis  'A'                                     1:40.7h   3 
     1) Gora, Nathan 10                 2) Walter,  Jeffrey 10             
     3) Walter, Christopher 12          4) Witman,  Colin 10               
  4 Kenmore West  'A'                                    1:57.0h   2 
     1) Cosme, Austin 11                2) Korman,  Josh 10                
     3) Marino, Liam 9                  4) James, E van 12                 
  5 Sweet Home  'A'                                      2:00.4h   1 
     1) Boyle, Pat 10                   2) Duffy, J ohn 10                 
     3) Gerow, Zach 10                  4) Lardill,  Keaun 9               
  6 Springville  'A'                                     2:02.0h   2 
     1) Baker, Jeremey 9                2) Bass, Co dy 10                  
     3) Szudzik, Payton 9               4) O'Neal,  Luke 9                 
  7 Grand Island  'A'                                    2:04.0h   1 
     1) Stevenson, Bradley 10           2) Schwinn,  Ryan 10               
     3) Sweeney, Stephen 9              4) Vanderze ll, Zachary 9          
  8 Williamsville North  'A'                             2:20.7h   1 
     1) Cohen, Kyle 8                   2) Macris,  James 9                
     3) Rizzo, Andrew 9                 4) Smith, C ody 9                  
 -- Hamburg  'A'                                              DQ   2 
     1) Santiago, Sharyel 12            2) Small, C onnor 12               
     3) Miles, Mark 12                  4) Robertso n, Nate 12             
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 
=================================================== ================
    School                                                Finals  H#
=================================================== ================
  1 North Tonawanda  'A'                                 3:59.7h   1 
     1) Essenburg, Connor 11            2) Gath, Ed  10                    
     3) Guagliardo, Joe 11              4) Weglarsk i, Sam 12              
  2 Hamburg  'A'                                         4:03.8h   2 
     1) Giordano, Tristan 11            2) Kostowni ak, Christian 12       
     3) Rindfuss, Peter 11              4) Small, C onnor 12               
  3 Kenmore West  'A'                                    4:06.6h   2 
     1) Smith, Octavio 11               2) Dobozin,  Aaron 11              
     3) Masechia, Raniero 8             4) Lynch, C olin 10                
  4 Jamestown  'A'                                       4:06.8h   2 
     1) Butts, Zack 11                  2) Dirling,  Brenin 10             
     3) Foe, Derek 12                   4) Phillips , Adam 12              
  5 Sweet Home  'A'                                      4:16.4h   2 
     1) Hernandez, Carlos 10            2) Hamoudi,  Hasan 10              
     3) Murak, Tyler 9                  4) Schultz,  Sam 9                 
  6 Williamsville North  'A'                             4:22.0h   1 
     1) Ahmed, Umar 9                   2) Blocher,  Nick 9                
     3) Chazen, Zac 9                   4) Sharlou,  Matthew 10            
  7 Grand Island  'A'                                    4:23.1h   1 
     1) Masters, Jerome 10              2) DeGlopper, dylan 9             
     3) Figliola, Joseph 9              4) Kalp, Cr oss 9                  
  8 Canisius  'A'                                        4:28.4h   1 
     1) Deck, Robbie 10                 2) Dunn, Al ex 9                   
     3) Fiorca, Peter 11                4) Herman,  John 11                
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 
=================================================== =============
    School                                                Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 St. Francis  'A'                                     9:07.4h  
     1) Gargano, Adam 12                2) Janak, D aniel 10               
     3) Karalus, Adam 10                4) Zydel, N oah 12                 
  2 Jamestown  'A'                                       9:17.7h  
     1) Edborg, Christian 12            2) Walsh, P atrick 12              
     3) Johnson, Andre 12               4) Lombardo , Matt 12              
  3 Lake Shore  'A'                                      9:31.6h  
     1) Bruckel, Drew 12                2) Butlak,  Calvin 12              
     3) Wheeler, Josh 12                4) Wheeler,  Brendan 10            
  4 North Tonawanda  'A'                                10:17.7h  
     1) Cook, Chris 10                  2) Croop, C olin 10                
     3) Manth, Chris 11                 4) Slominsk i, Tyler 11            
  5 Hamburg  'A'                                        10:28.6h  
     1) Jordan, Shawn 10                2) Callahan , Liam 11              
     3) Hawes, Jon 9                    4) Hess, Ma tt 10                  
  6 St. Joe's  'A'                                      10:37.7h  
     1) Atkins, Dixon 11                2) Brill, J acob 10                
     3) Obrochta, Jordan 10             4) Jubert,  Danuiel 11             
  7 Canisius  'A'                                       11:05.4h  
     1) Dunn, Alex 9                    2) Fiorca,  Peter 11               
     3) Herman, John 11                 4) Lehner,  Brandon 9              
  8 Grand Island  'A'                                   11:11.3h  
     1) Howard, Timothy 10              2) Lynch, E than 9                 
     3) Minton, Kevin 12                4) Minton,  Brian 9                
Boys High Jump
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Wells, Antonio            12 Amherst                 5-10.00  
  2 Thagard, Nick             12 Jamestown              J5-10.00  
  3 Lambert, Cody             11 Ken West                5-08.00  
  4 Fisher, Patrick           11 St. Francis             5-04.00  
  5 Walker, Kaleb                Tapestry                5-02.00  
  5 Gora, Nathan              10 St. Francis             5-02.00  
  5 Weglarski, Sam            12 N. Tonawanda            5-02.00  
  8 Glosek, Salvatore         11 Ken West                5-00.00  
  9 George, Nate              11 Springville             4-10.00  
  9 Szymanski, Nate           12 Frontier                4-10.00  
 11 Mason, Christian          12 G. Island               4-08.00  
 11 Silva, Jordan             10 Sweet Home              4-08.00  
 11 Wallace, Jalen            11 Sweet Home              4-08.00  
 11 Moroge, Jake              12 Springville             4-08.00  
 11 Lesswing, Jacob           10 Fredonia                4-08.00  
 11 Stevens, Jesse            12 Hamburg                 4-08.00  
 -- Schwinn, Ryan             10 G. Island                    NH  
Boys Pole Vault 
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Willson, Josh             12 Sweet Home             13-06.00  
  2 Koch, Trevor              12 Frontier             J13-06.00  
  3 Beaver, Awsten            12 Jamestown              13-00.00  
  4 Beckley, Chris            11 Lake Shore             12-03.00  
  5 Brady, Damien             12 N. Tonawanda           10-06.00  
  6 Wojnicki, Aaron           11 Hamburg               J10-06.00  
 -- Mclean, Ryan              11 Sweet Home                   NH  
Boys Long Jump
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Becker, Tyler             12 Lake Shore             20-00.00  
  2 Morris, Michael Jordan    12 Amherst                19-07.00  
  3 Wells, Antonio            12 Amherst                19-02.50  
  4 Lambert, Cody             11 Ken West               18-10.00  
  5 Johnson, Damien           11 Fredonia               18-09.25  
  6 McGloin, John             11 St. Joe's              18-01.75  
  7 Janak, Chris              10 Hamburg                17-08.25  
  8 Amatuzzo, Andrew          11 Fredonia               17-03.50  
  9 Mason, Christian          12 G. Island              16-08.25  
 10 Fisher, Patrick           11 St. Francis            16-07.75  
 11 Hernandez, Carlos         10 Sweet Home             16-05.75  
 12 Deck, Robbie              10 Canisius               16-05.25  
 13 Roseboro, Andrew          11 Ken West               16-03.00  
 14 Blocher, Nick              9 Will. North            16-01.00  
 15 Sharlou, Matthew          10 Will. North            15-01.00  
 16 Schwinn, Ryan             10 G. Island              15-00.25  
 17 Heald, Connor             12 Sweet Home             14-06.50  
 18 Barnes, Hunter             9 Hamburg                14-02.50  
 19 Hunter, Miles              8 Tapestry               13-10.75  
 20 Kuebler, Wyatt             8 N. Tonawanda           13-06.00  
 -- Bass, Cody                10 Springville                FOUL  
 -- Baker, Jeremey             9 Springville                FOUL  
 -- Thermidor, Josh           10 St. Joe's                  FOUL  
Boys Triple Jump
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Walter, Christopher       12 St. Francis            38-11.75  
  2 Walter, Jeffrey           10 St. Francis            38-06.50  
  3 McGloin, John             11 St. Joe's              37-04.25  
  4 Lowery, Jacob             12 N. Tonawanda           35-02.00  
  5 Harrigan, Connor          12 G. Island              34-11.50  
  6 Herrington, Jeremy        10 Hamburg                34-09.75  
  7 Thermidor, Josh           10 St. Joe's              34-03.00  
  8 Engel, Kyle               11 Fredonia               33-04.25  
  9 Amatuzzo, Andrew          11 Fredonia               33-04.00  
 10 Deck, Robbie              10 Canisius               32-11.00  
 11 Glosek, Salvatore         11 Ken West               32-08.50  
 12 Sharlou, Matthew          10 Will. North            32-05.50  
 13 Heald, Connor             12 Sweet Home             31-03.50  
 14 Barnes, Hunter             9 Hamburg                30-09.00  
 15 Figliola, Joseph           9 G. Island              29-10.50  
 16 Guagliardo, Joe           11 N. Tonawanda           29-03.25  
 -- Fuller, Tevin             10 Amherst                    FOUL  
 -- Silva, Jordan             10 Sweet Home                 FOUL  
Boys Shot Put
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Greco, Roman              12 Pion/ALS              53-10.50  
  2 Reczak, Will              12 Hamburg                45-09.50  
  3 Anderson, Nathan             Tapestry               36-02.00  
  4 Pugh, Bryce                  Tapestry               35-06.50  
  5 Kovel, Jason              10 St. Joe's              34-10.00  
  6 Harrigan, Connor          12 G. Island              34-08.50  
  7 Steiner, Gavin            10 St. Joe's              34-06.00  
  8 Saeli, Joseph             11 Ken West               34-00.00  
  9 Bluff, Mike               10 Frontier               33-03.50  
 10 Armenia, Dom                 Hamburg                32-08.50  
 11 Howard, Owen              12 N. Tonawanda           31-06.00  
 12 Mahaney, Patrick          12 St. Francis            31-04.50  
 13 Comstock, Drew            12 Frontier               31-03.00  
 14 Kopasz, Jacob             11 Ken West               30-11.00  
 15 Rusch, Jon                11 Ken.East               30-07.00  
 16 Kalnitz, Nate             10 Ken.East               28-11.50  
 17 Ismail, Danyar            12 Will. North            28-08.00  
 18 Stevenson, Bradley        10 G. Island              27-04.00  
 19 Nickens, Caleb             9 Sweet Home             26-01.00  
 20 O'Neal, Luke               9 Springville            25-09.50  
 21 Lowery, Jacob             12 N. Tonawanda           25-00.50  
 22 Szudzik, Payton            9 Springville            20-10.00  
 23 Harrington, Hayden         9 Sweet Home             17-02.00  

Licensed to Olean High School          HY-TEK's Meet Manager 1/17/2015 03:26 PM
                        VARSITY SELECT # 1 - 1/17/2 015                         
                                Fredonia State                                  
Girls 55 Meter Dash
=================================================== ================
    Name                    Year School                   Finals  H#
=================================================== ================
  1 Villarini, Amy            12 Hamburg                    7.59   6 
  2 Alston, Taylor               Tapestry                   7.60   6 
  3 Yoder, Kathryn            12 Amherst                    7.62   6 
  4 Osula, Deidra             10 Fredonia                   7.77   6 
  4 Jamison, Taniya              Tapestry                   7.77   6 
  6 Clark, Anai               12 Mt.St.Mary's               7.81   6 
  7 Whitfield, Phyillicia     10 Sweet Home                 8.02   5 
  8 Dunlap, Jessica            9 Lake Shore                 8.20   4 
  9 Yeoh, Willow              12 Mt.St.Mary's               8.21   5 
 10 Wieclaw, Laney             8 N. Tonawanda               8.22   4 
 11 Blanchard, Isabelle       11 Immaculata                 8.24   5 
 12 Gens, Georgie             10 Fredonia                   8.27   5 
 13 Sliwinski, Erin           10 Immaculata                 8.38   5 
 14 Marren, Sara              11 Springville                8.43   4 
 15 Gartley, Dyllon            8 Lake Shore                 8.54   3 
 16 Bovri, Leila              12 Springville                8.61   3 
 17 Martell, Faith            10 G. Island                  8.95   3 
 18 Scarsella, Emily          10 Frontier                   8.96   4 
 19 Schultz, Heather           9 Ken West                   8.97   3 
 20 Bruce, Kaitlyn             9 Hamburg                    8.98   1 
 21 Stevens, Sommerlyn        12 Ken West                   9.07   4 
 22 Szatkowski, Maddie         9 Will. North                9.09   2 
 23 Coates, Bethany            9 Ken.East                   9.26   3 
 24 Ely, Angela                7 Pion/ALS                   9.36   2 
 25 Haynes, Brittney          11 Ken.East                   9.44   2 
 26 Pascoe, Christina         10 Sweet Home                 9.47   3 
 27 Busch, Victoria            9 G. Island                  9.52   1 
 28 DiVirgilio, Melissa       10 N. Tonawanda              10.24   2 
 29 Ghazy, Rawan               9 Will. North               10.34   1 
 30 Wisz, Eva                 11 Frontier                  10.52   1 
Girls 300 Meter Dash 
=================================================== ================
    Name                    Year School                   Finals  H#
=================================================== ================
  1 Villarini, Amy            12 Hamburg                   43.3h   8 
  2 Garvin, Sarah             10 Jamestown                 43.8h   8 
  3 Hunter, Taylor               Tapestry                  44.4h   7 
  4 Nichols, Kelly            12 N. Tonawanda              44.7h   5 
  5 Yoder, Kathryn            12 Amherst                   45.0h   8 
  6 Stevens, Nia               8 Tapestry                  45.3h   7 
  7 Attea, Grace              12 Immaculata                45.5h   8 
  8 Osula, Deidra             10 Fredonia                  47.3h   7 
  9 Manuel, Shalon            10 Jamestown                 47.4h   6 
 10 Downey, MaryGrace         10 Mt.St.Mary's              48.1h   6 
 11 Kinsman, Alexis           12 Hamburg                   49.3h   6 
 12 Gartley, Dyllon            8 Lake Shore                49.7h   4 
 13 Klimczak, Marissa          7 Pion/ALS                  50.0h   6 
 14 Fiorella, Kate            10 Fredonia                  50.8h   5 
 15 Daigler, Hallie            9 N. Tonawanda              51.0h   7 
 16 Jankowiak, Ally           10 Immaculata                51.2h   5 
 17 Adams, Hannah             10 Springville               51.3h   3  
 18 Burgess, Shelby           10 Frontier                 51.6h   3 
 19 Hall, Breanna              9 Jamestown                 52.0h   4 
 20 Scarsella, Emily          10 Frontier                  52.4h   3 
 21 McClaughlin, Zoe           9 Sweet Home                55.4h   2 
 22 Geldres, Shaolome         12 Ken West                  56.9h   3 
 23 Mau, Elizabeth             7 Pion/ALS                  57.4h   2 
 24 Szatkowski, Maddie         9 Will. North               57.9h   2 
 25 Williams, Imani            9 G. Island               1:01.2h   1 
 -- Schultz, Heather           9 Ken West                     NT   1 
 -- Sanders, Ariana            9 Will. North                  NT   1 
Girls 600 Meter Run 
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Attea, Grace              12 Immaculata              1:47.5h  
  2 Saber, Marissa            11 Mt.St.Mary's            1:48.3h  
  3 Ruszczyk, Samantha        12 Hamburg                 1:48.6h  
  4 Adamczyk, Joelle          12 Springville             1:50.2h  
  5 Joachimi, Rachel          11 Mt.St.Mary's            1:50.6h  
  6 Curtis, Alyssa            11 Amherst                 1:51.2h  
  7 Hoffman, Sarah            12 Amherst                 1:58.9h  
  8 Bortkowski, Abby           9 Ken West                2:02.0h  
  9 Robbins, Jennifer         10 Hamburg                 2:03.5h  
 10 Bachert, Danielle         10 Lake Shore              2:04.5h  
 11 Fiorella, Kate            10 Fredonia                2:06.1h  
 12 Paryz, Raeann             11 Lake Shore              2:06.8h  
 13 Veronica, Erin            10 Ken West                2:07.9h  
 14 Burgio, Carly              8 Will. North             2:08.3h  
 15 Donn, Alyssa              11 Ken.East                2:09.4h  
 16 Dubreville, Paige         11 Frontier                2:09.7h  
 17 Adams, Hannah             10 Springville             2:10.9h  
 18 Leffler, Lily Anna        10 G. Island               2:16.0h  
 19 Dankert, Kara             10 Fredonia                2:27.9h  
 20 Kearney, katie            10 Sweet Home              2:28.4h  
 21 Parmelee, Ashley          10 G. Island               2:29.9h  
Girls 1000 Meter Run 
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Fohrd, Kimberly           11 Mt.St.Mary's            3:11.1h  
  2 Kabza, Molly               9 Hamburg                 3:21.0h  
  3 Sobon, Jordan             11 Ken West                3:23.6h  
  4 Stokes, Gwen              11 Fredonia                3:28.0h  
  5 Maloy, McKenzie           11 Springville             3:30.5h  
  6 Mercado, Frankie           9 Ken West                3:31.2h  
  7 Burke, Janelle            12 Hamburg                 3:31.5h  
  8 Bremer, Morgan            10 Immaculata              3:31.8h  
  9 Sheehan, Haley            11 Amherst                 3:32.7h  
 10 Forbes, Stephanie         10 Amherst                 3:42.6h  
 11 Fusillo, Maricella         9 G. Island               3:45.2h  
 12 Riggie, Ruth               9 Mt.St.Mary's            3:47.8h  
 13 Schmitz, Anna              9 Immaculata              3:52.8h  
 14 Horton, Miranda           11 Jamestown               3:56.7h  
 15 Vail, Madeline            11 Lake Shore              3:57.1h  
 16 Van Slyke, Brooke         10 Sweet Home              3:57.4h  
 17 Mascio, Madison           11 Lake Shore              3:57.7h  
 18 Gemberling, Helen         12 Frontier                3:58.2h  
 19 Broeneman, Ashlea         11 Springville             4:03.8h  
 20 Burley, Erin               7 Pion/ALS                4:13.3h  
 21 Wilde, Jordan             11 Frontier                4:16.6h  
 22 Pigatora, Olivia           7 Sweet Home             4:20.6h  
 23 Shores, Vanessa            9 G. Island               4:35.9h  
 24 Jones, Maggie              9 Fredonia                4:47.9h  
Girls 1500 Meter Run
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Cummings, Natalie         10 Lake Shore              5:18.3h  
  2 Russell, Elie              9 Springville             5:20.9h  
  3 Fohrd, Kimberly           11 Mt.St.Mary's            5:24.0h  
  4 Hider, Kelly              12 Immaculata              5:42.2h  
  5 Brown, Emily               7 Fredonia                5:49.5h  
  6 Pawlowski, Sarah          11 Will. North             5:51.2h  
  7 Hayes, Anna                9 Immaculata              6:02.4h  
  8 Heeter, Caroline          10 Hamburg                 6:07.2h  
  9 Sobczak, Kaitlyn           7 Pion/ALS                6:08.0h  
 10 Carlson, Jamie            10 Hamburg                 6:09.9h  
 11 Langworthy, Maitland      11 Fredonia                6:12.0h  
 12 Mucci, Alexandra           9 Will. North             6:21.7h  
 13 Pfiefer, Gabrielle        11 Springville             6:21.9h  
 14 Ruminski, Alyssa           9 G. Island               6:36.2h  
 15 Gemberling, Helen         12 Frontier                6:37.0h  
 16 Freeman, Shannon          10 Amherst                 6:56.7h  
 17 DiLaura, Jenette           9 G. Island               6:58.5h  
 18 Cinquino, Elyse           11 Ken.East                7:01.6h  
 19 Valle, Emily               9 Lake Shore              7:18.7h  
Girls 3000 Meter Run 
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Russell, Elie              9 Springville            11:33.8h  
  2 Luczak, Rachel            11 Immaculata             11:54.4h  
  3 Simon, Katie              12 Immaculata             11:56.1h  
  4 Brown, Emily               7 Fredonia               12:01.1h  
  5 Perry, Rebecca             8 Lake Shore             12:24.2h  
  6 O'Bryan, Emily             9 N. Tonawanda           12:38.9h  
  7 Fredriksen, Hannah        12 Hamburg                12:55.7h  
  8 Carter, Jessica            7 Sweet Home             13:02.6h  
  9 Dickinson, Isabel          9 G. Island              13:31.8h  
 10 Schlifke, Kelly           10 G. Island              14:06.8h  
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles 
=================================================== ================
    Name                    Year School                   Finals  H#
=================================================== ================
  1 Ruszczyk, Samantha        12 Hamburg                   10.22   4 
  2 Waag, Mindy                9 Fredonia                  10.72   4 
  3 Wolte, Lacey              12 Amherst                   10.96   4 
  4 Stevens, Taliha              Tapestry                  11.07   4 
  5 Marren, Sara              11 Springville               11.10   4 
  6 Burgess, Shelby           10 Frontier                  11.24   4 
  7 Morse, Molly              11 Jamestown                 11.25   3 
  8 Crampton, Meaghan         12 N. Tonawanda              11.51   3 
  9 Stoddard, Megan           10 Springville               11.56   3 
 10 Irish Ryan, Daniele        9 Amherst                   11.63   3 
 11 Nablo, Mariah              9 Will. North               11.68   1 
 12 Milbrand, Julie           10 N. Tonawanda              11.72   2 
 13 Tramontana, Megan         10 Hamburg                   11.73   3 
 14 Murray, Janai                Tapestry                  11.90   2 
 15 Horucy, Emma              10 Frontier                  11.96   3 
 16 Klimczak, Marissa          7 Pion/ALS                 12.74   1 
 17 DeHarder, Shine           10 Jamestown                 12.96   2 
 18 Piecha, Brianna           11 Ken.East                  13.04   1 
 19 Michki, Heather           10 G. Island                 13.59   2 
 -- Surace, Jessica           10 G. Island                   DNF   2 
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 
=================================================== ================
    School                                                Finals  H#
=================================================== ================
  1 Tapestry  'A'                                        1:52.5h   4 
     1) Alston, Taylor                  2) Hunter,  Taylor                 
     3) Jamison, Taniya                 4) Stevens,  Nia 8                 
  2 Amherst  'A'                                         1:56.9h   4 
     1) Rockoff, Aubrey 11              2) Wolte, L acey 12                
     3) Yoder, Kathryn 12               4) Sheehan,  Haley 11              
  3 Jamestown  'A'                                       1:58.3h   4 
     1) Beaver, Samantha 10             2) Garvin,  Sarah 10               
     3) Rew, Becky 12                   4) Manuel,  Shalon 10              
  4 Mt.St.Mary's  'A'                                    1:59.1h   4 
     1) Yeoh, Willow 12                 2) Clark, A nai 12                 
     3) Allen, El'excia 10              4) Downey,  MaryGrace 10           
  5 Hamburg  'A'                                         2:02.5h   3 
     1) Bruce, Kaitlyn 9                2) Hagerty,  Meghan 12             
     3) Ruszczyk, Samantha 12           4) Kinsman,  Alexis 12             
  5 Immaculata  'A'                                      2:02.5h   2 
     1) Blanchard, Isabelle 11          2) Brady, A nna 10                 
     3) Jankowiak, Ally 10              4) Sliwinsk i, Erin 10             
  7 Springville  'A'                                     2:03.0h   3 
     1) Bradford, Sydney 12             2) Brautlac ht, Kalei 11           
     3) Darling, Molly 11               4) Jenis, J ocelyn 9               
  8 North Tonawanda  'A'                                 2:05.30   3 
     1) Crampton, Meaghan 12            2) Wieclaw,  Laney 8               
     3) Hecei, Olivia 10                4) Scutt, R ebecca 11              
  8 Fredonia  'A'                                        2:05.3h   2 
     1) Cortes, Claire 12               2) Osula, D eidra 10               
     3) Jones, Maggie 9                 4) Landis,  Fotini 9               
 10 Sweet Home  'A'                                      2:06.10   3 
     1) Barnes, Courtney 10             2) Escobar,  Amalya 10             
     3) Hornung, Lindsay 10             4) Sedki, s ophia 10               
 11 Kenmore West  'A'                                    2:10.1h   2 
     1) Wimberly, Jordan 10             2) Bortkows ki, Abby 9             
     3) Bortz, Tonya 12                 4) Stevens,  Sommerlyn 12          
 12 Frontier  'A'                                        2:11.7h   1 
     1) Burgess, Shelby 10              2) Dubrevil le, Paige 11           
     3) Horucy, Emma 10                 4) Scarsell a, Emily 10            
 13 Grand Island  'A'                                    2:20.4h   1 
     1) Busch, Victoria 9               2) Williams , Imani 9              
     3) Martell, Faith 10               4) Michki,  Heather 10             
 14 Williamsville North  'A'                             2:21.0h   1 
     1) Auten, Morgan 9                 2) Burgio,  Carly 8                
     3) Mucci, Alexandra 9              4) Nablo, M ariah 9                
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 
=================================================== ================
    School                                                Finals  H#
=================================================== ================
  1 Mt.St.Mary's  'A'                                    4:30.3h   2 
     1) Joachimi, Rachel 11             2) Saber, M arissa 11              
     3) Fohrd, Kimberly 11              4) Downey,  MaryGrace 10           
  2 Immaculata  'A'                                      4:35.1h   2 
     1) Attea, Grace 12                 2) Anderson , Amanda 12            
     3) Krawiec, Meghan 12              4) Luczak, Rachel 11              
  3 Springville  'A'                                     4:44.8h   2 
     1) Adamczyk, Joelle 12             2) Brautlac ht, Kalei 11           
     3) Maloy, McKenzie 11              4) Paler, N icole 12               
  4 North Tonawanda  'A'                                 5:03.9h   2 
     1) Daigler, Hallie 9               2) DalPorto , Danielle 12          
     3) Milbrand, Julie 10              4) Romanow,  Kamryn 12             
  5 Kenmore West  'A'                                    5:12.1h   2 
     1) Chimera, Alessondra 10          2) Veronica , Erin 10              
     3) Knab, Grace 9                   4) Sinatra,  Ciara 9               
  6 Jamestown  'A'                                       5:13.1h   1 
     1) Beaver, Samantha 10             2) DeHarder , Shine 10             
     3) Hall, Breanna 9                 4) Morse, M olly 11                
  7 Grand Island  'A'                                    5:19.8h   1 
     1) Kurek, Hannah 9                 2) Leffler,  Lily Anna 10          
     3) Ruminski, Alyssa 9              4) Schlifke , Kelly 10             
  8 Sweet Home  'A'                                      5:21.9h   1 
     1) Kearney, katie 10               2) O'Brien,  Madison 10            
     3) Van Slyke, Brooke 10            4) Whitfiel d, Phyillicia 10       
  9 Tapestry  'A'                                        5:27.0h   1 
     1) Long, Juaneisha                 2) Taylor,  DaNeesha               
     3) Rivera Jones, Makenzie          4) Stevens,  Taliha                
 10 Hamburg  'A'                                         5:42.5h   1 
     1) Becker, Amanda 11               2) Bogner,  Liz 11                 
     3) Obad, Angela 9                  4) Mule, Ju lia 11                 
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 
=================================================== =============
    School                                                Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Springville  'A'                                    11:12.7h  
     1) Adamczyk, Joelle 12             2) Broenema n, Ashlea 11           
     3) Maloy, McKenzie 11              4) Russell,  Elie 9                
  2 Kenmore West  'A'                                   11:20.8h  
     1) James, Krista 9                 2) Masechia , Olivia 10            
     3) Mercado, Frankie 9              4) Sobon, J ordan 11               
  3 Hamburg  'A'                                        11:25.6h  
     1) Robbins, Jennifer 10            2) Fredriks en, Hannah 12          
     3) Burke, Janelle 12               4) Kabza, M olly 9                 
  4 Immaculata  'A'                                     11:26.7h  
     1) Brady, Anna 10                  2) Bremer,  Morgan 10              
     3) Hayes, Anna 9                   4) Simon, K atie 12                
  5 Lake Shore  'A'                                     11:44.2h  
     1) Bachert, Danielle 10            2) Becker,  Emily 10               
     3) Cummings, Natalie 10            4) Paryz, R aeann 11               
  6 North Tonawanda  'A'                                12:02.5h  
     1) Crampton, Meaghan 12            2) Manth, L eah 9                  
     3) Rollain, Jasmine 9              4) Sly, Mar issa 12                
  7 Grand Island  'A'                                   13:33.7h  
     1) Schlifke, Kelly 10              2) DiLaura,  Jenette 9             
     3) Fusillo, Maricella 9            4) Parmelee , Ashley 10            
Girls High Jump
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Stokes, Gwen              11 Fredonia                4-10.00  
  2 Vail, Madeline            11 Lake Shore              4-06.00  
  3 Landis, Fotini             9 Fredonia                4-04.00  
  3 Wojcik, Bethany           12 Hamburg                 4-04.00  
  3 Parsell, Lauren            9 Pion/ALS                4-04.00  
  3 Thurnherr, Taylor         12 Hamburg                 4-04.00  
  3 Forbes, Stephanie         10 Amherst                4-04.00  
  8 Bradford, Sydney          12 Springville             4-02.00  
  8 Pera, Rachel              12 Ken West                4-02.00  
 10 Surace, Jessica           10 G. Island               3-10.00  
 10 Neudorf, Lauren           10 Sweet Home              3-10.00  
Girls Pole Vault 
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Rockoff, Aubrey           11 Amherst                10-06.00  
  2 Thurnherr, Taylor         12 Hamburg               J10-06.00  
  3 Hagerty, Meghan           12 Hamburg                10-00.00  
  4 Bates, Madison            11 Frontier                8-06.00  
  5 Roncone, Madison           9 Lake Shore              8-00.00  
  6 Gioeli, Maia              10 N. Tonawanda            7-06.00  
  7 Doyle, Meaghan            10 Hamburg                 7-00.00  
  8 Zebrowski, Emily          12 Springville             6-06.00  
  8 Pellicci, Jianna           9 Sweet Home              6-06.00  
  8 James, Krista              9 Ken West                6-06.00  
 11 Bortz, Tonya              12 Ken West                6-00.00  
 11 Stoddard, Megan           10 Springville             6-00.00  
 -- Russo, Gabby              10 Sweet Home                   NH  
 -- Westermeyer, Alexis        9 Ken.East                     NH  
 -- Fezer, Lauren             11 N. Tonawanda                 NH  
Girls Long Jump 
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Brooks, Mckyla            12 Frontier               17-00.00  
  2 Krawiec, Meghan           12 Immaculata             16-04.00  
  3 Rockoff, Aubrey           11 Amherst                15-10.75  
  4 Sly, Marissa              12 N. Tonawanda           15-08.75  
  5 Dunlap, Jessica            9 Lake Shore             15-05.00  
  6 Joachimi, Rachel          11 Mt.St.Mary's           15-02.50  
  6 Garvin, Sarah             10 Jamestown              15-02.50  
  8 Gens, Georgie             10 Fredonia               14-07.50  
  9 Brady, Anna               10 Immaculata             14-06.50  
 10 Waag, Mindy                9 Fredonia               14-01.00  
 11 Darling, Molly            11 Springville            14-00.00  
 12 Sinatra, Ciara             9 Ken West               13-03.00  
 13 Parsell, Lauren            9 Pion/ALS               12-07.00  
 14 Hussey, Neena                Tapestry               12-06.75  
 15 Kinsman, Alexis           12 Hamburg                12-05.25  
 16 Martell, Faith            10 G. Island              12-04.00  
 17 Hodges, Sarah             12 Amherst                12-01.75  
 18 Stoddard, Megan           10 Springville            12-00.50  
 19 Becker, August             8 Lake Shore             11-08.75  
 20 Obad, Angela               9 Hamburg                11-05.00  
 21 Kaufman, Mikaela          12 Ken West               11-01.00  
 22 Auten, Morgan              9 Will. North            11-00.50  
 -- Suhay, Elizabeth          11 Mt.St.Mary's               FOUL  
 -- Nablo, Mariah              9 Will. North                FOUL  
Girls Triple Jump
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Brooks, Mckyla            12 Frontier               38-00.00  
  2 Krawiec, Meghan           12 Immaculata             33-07.50  
  3 Brautlacht, Kalei         11 Springville            31-00.25  
  4 Suhay, Elizabeth          11 Mt.St.Mary's          30-11.50  
  5 Dunlap, Jessica            9 Lake Shore             30-10.00  
  6 Blanchard, Isabelle       11 Immaculata             30-08.00  
  7 Darling, Molly            11 Springville            29-06.75  
  8 Robbins, Jennifer         10 Hamburg                29-05.00  
  9 Gens, Georgie             10 Fredonia               28-10.25  
 10 Sinatra, Ciara             9 Ken West               28-05.50  
 11 Hussey, Neena                Tapestry               27-07.00  
 12 Escobar, Amalya           10 Sweet Home             26-10.00  
 13 Brown, Emily               7 Fredonia               26-05.50  
 14 Wimberly, Jordan          10 Ken West               24-10.50  
 15 Zuchlewski, Mia           10 Mt.St.Mary's           24-03.50  
 16 Fusillo, Maricella         9 G. Island              24-02.50  
 -- Michki, Heather           10 G. Island                  FOUL  
 -- Hornung, Lindsay          10 Sweet Home                 FOUL  
Girls Shot Put
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Milks, Justyn             12 Pion/ALS               35-10.00  
  2 Gerard, Maggie            12 Immaculata             35-09.50  
  3 Weide, Jessica            12 Springville            35-06.00  
  4 Kelichner, Cathryn        11 Ken West               31-08.00  
  5 Stevens, Sommerlyn        12 Ken West               29-03.50  
  6 Farmer, LaStar            10 Jamestown              27-05.50  
  7 Ansett, Jessica           12 Mt.St.Mary's           26-11.50  
  8 Giles, Alicia             12 Hamburg                26-03.75  
  9 Gerard, Theresa           11 Immaculata             25-01.00  
 10 Zebrowski, Emily          12 Springville            24-09.00  
 11 Webster, Gwen             12 Frontier               24-04.00  
 12 Milliner, Icelynn         10 Jamestown              23-10.50  
 13 Guilmain, Kaila           10 Frontier               23-06.00  
 14 Pettit, Carlie            10 Mt.St.Mary's           23-04.25  
 15 Emhof, Sam                 9 Lake Shore             22-10.50  
 16 Becker, Amanda            11 Hamburg                22-08.00  
 17 Etcheverry, Elizabeth     11 Pion/ALS               22-00.00  
 18 Piecha, Brianna           11 Ken.East               19-05.00  
 19 Williams, Imani            9 G. Island              17-02.00  
 20 Busch, Victoria            9 G. Island              16-11.00  
Girls 1500 Meter Race Walk
=================================================== =============
    Name                    Year School                   Finals 
=================================================== =============
  1 Tender, Jessica           11 Hamburg                 9:32.7h  
  2 Sacilowski, Corrin         9 Springville             9:42.2h  
  3 Mule, Julia               11 Hamburg                10:32.2h  
  4 Hulsing, Emma             11 Mt.St.Mary's           11:06.3h  
 -- Shores, Vanessa            9 G. Island                    DQ