When you are truly elite, you do not need a warm-up competition to put down a big performance. As Mount Olive (NJ) senior Keturah Orji showed on Wednesday in her first triple jump competition of the indoor season as she broke the New Jersey state record and took over as the US leader in the event by nearly two full feet with a mark of 42'1.50". The performance from the mid-week New Jersey Metropolitan Invitational puts her just outside of US top 10 all-time territory in the event (current US top 10 HS indoor all-time cut-off is 42'2.75").
Keturah Orji sets NJ state record & US #1 mark in TJ (42'1.50") on Wednesday!
Jan 29, 2014
The Metropolitan Invitational NJ Elites!
Jan 30, 2014
NJ Elites from the Metropolitan Invitational! Including a State Record and US#1 leap from Keturah Orji of Mt Olive HS!
2/1 Northeast Region National Highlights: Busy weekend of NJ sectionals in Toms River
Feb 01, 2014
Coverage, information, results and highlights of national caliber performances from major high school indoor track & field meets in the Northeast region of the United States during the week ending on Sunday, February 2nd.