CHSAA Frosh/Soph Boys Champs 2014

New York, NY

Freshman Boys High Jump

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit               Registered to: Armory FAT, The Armory Foundation

                      CHSAA Frosh/Soph Boys Champs - 2014-02-02                      
                    The Armory Track & Field Center, New York, NY                    

                     Freshman Boys High Jump                     
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Bryant Lewis           9 Saint Anthony's        5-08.00    --
  2 Brian Casper           9 Fordham Prep           5-02.00    --
  3 Eric Krawetz           9 Iona Preparatory Sch   4-10.00    --
  3 Brendon Kersting       9 Fordham Prep           4-10.00    --
  5 Izayah Powell            Archbishop Stepinac    4-10.00    --
  6 Matthew Murawski       9 Archbishop Molloy      4-08.00    --
  7 Garry Tellus           9 Kellenberg Memorial    4-08.00    --
 NH Messiah Bastidas         Cardinal Hayes              NH