CHSAA Frosh/Soph Boys Champs 2014

New York, NY

Freshman Boys Long Jump

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit               Registered to: Armory FAT, The Armory Foundation

                      CHSAA Frosh/Soph Boys Champs - 2014-02-02                      
                    The Armory Track & Field Center, New York, NY                    

                     Freshman Boys Long Jump                     
    Name                  Yr Team                      Mark   Pts
  1 Cameron Jones          9 Holy Trinity          17-06.00    --
  2 Brendon Kersting       9 Fordham Prep          17-01.75    --
  3 Garry Tellus           9 Kellenberg Memorial   17-00.25    --
  4 Sean Hobbs             9 Holy Trinity          16-10.50    --
  5 Luke Molinelli         9 Regis                 16-05.75    --
  6 Steve Bongiovanni      9 Archbishop Molloy     16-04.25    --
  7 Kevin Busuttill          Xavier                16-01.00    --
  8 Kyle Brehm             9 St. Francis Prep      15-06.75    --
  9 Nicholas Schieda       9 Saint Anthony's       15-06.50    --
 10 Michael Russo          9 Saint Anthony's       15-02.25    --
 11 Kevin Busuttil         9 Saint Anthony's       15-00.50    --
 12 Richard Terranova        Xavier                14-10.50    --
 13 Frank Calderoni        9 Chaminade             14-10.00    --
 14 Kevin Lopez              Xavier                14-06.50    --
 15 Christopher Reitano    9 Fordham Prep          14-05.75    --
 16 Michael Kennedy        9 Fordham Prep          14-03.00    --
 17 Paul Heyden            9 Regis                 14-01.50    --
 18 Keivon Williams        9 Christ the King       13-11.50    --
 19 Eamon O'Hare           9 Chaminade             13-11.00    --
 20 Raffaele Lagos         9 Archbishop Molloy     12-09.50    --
 21 Patrick Johnson        9 Chaminade             12-06.75    --
 22 Nick Ranallo           9 Archbishop Molloy     12-04.50    --
 23 Garrett Crowley        9 St. Francis Prep      11-09.25    --