CHSAA Championships 2012

Huntington, NY

latest updates through 13 events

RaceTab 3 by MileSplit                  Registered to: George Febles, Fordham Prep HS

              CHSAA Girls Intersectional Champs - 2/17/2012 8:53:45 PM               
                       St. Anthony's HS, South Huntington, NY                        

                   Varsity Girls 55 Meter Dash Semis                   
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time H#
  1 Lauren Lyons               9 Cardinal Spellman              7.34  2
  2 Chynna-Monica Chung       12 St. Anthony's                  7.40  1
  3 jalilissa marcus          11 St. Edmund                     7.47  2
  4 Felicia Cantine           11 Cardinal Spellman              7.57  1
  5 Monique Richards          10 St. Anthony's                  7.58  1
  6 Osha Williams             12 St. Francis Prep               7.65  2
  7 Danielle Correia          10 Kellenberg                     7.72  2
  8 Kathryn Mazzucca          11 St. Anthony's                  7.81  1
  9 Shanna Raboy              11 St. Joseph by the Sea          7.87  1
 10 Lauren Carlino            12 Holy Trinity                   7.89  2
 11 Stephanie Osuji           10 Mary Louis Academy             7.94  2
 12 Kristina Buccellato       11 St. Joseph Hill Academy        8.03  1

                    Varsity Girls 55 Meter Dash Finals                    
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Chynna-Monica Chung       12 St. Anthony's                  7.36     6
  2 Lauren Lyons               9 Cardinal Spellman              7.44     4
  3 jalilissa marcus          11 St. Edmund                     7.45     3
  4 Monique Richards          10 St. Anthony's                  7.61     2
  5 Felicia Cantine           11 Cardinal Spellman              7.62     1
  6 Osha Williams             12 St. Francis Prep               7.81      

                 Varsity Girls 300 Meter Dash Prelims                  
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time H#
  1 Olicia Williams           12 St. Anthony's                 40.60  1
  2 Mariah Claudio            12 St. John Villa Academy        40.74  3
  3 Megan Fiedler             11 St. Anthony's                 41.94  1
  4 Lauren Lyons               9 Cardinal Spellman             42.20  2
  5 Aziza Hawthorne           11 Mary Louis Academy            42.37  4
  6 Carly Montgomery          11 Kellenberg                    43.41  3
  7 Osha Williams             12 St. Francis Prep              44.43  1
  8 Nikiya Harris             12 Cardinal Spellman             44.72  5
  9 Lataza Stephens           12 Bishop Ford                   45.39  2
 10 Sara Genova               12 St. Joseph Hill Academy       46.29  4
 11 Nicole Cecchi              9 St. John the Baptist          46.50  5
 12 Amira Richards            12 St. John's Prep               46.73  4
 13 Brianne Garcia            10 Notre Dame Academy            47.01  3
 14 Tunisia Solomon            9 St. John the Baptist          47.12  5
 15 Ololade Afolayan          11 Archbishop Molloy             47.27  4
 16 Chisom Mokuruah              Notre Dame Academy            47.29  3
 17 Jeanine Perrelli           9 St. John the Baptist          47.60  7
 18 Jamilla Regault           11 Nazareth                      47.87  1
 19 Kelsey Papanicolaou       12 St. John's Prep               48.00  5
 20 Amy Orellana              10 St. Francis Prep              48.27  1
 21 Grace Tierney              9 St. Anthony's                 48.34  6
 22 Christina Peterson        12 Mary Louis Academy            49.40  2
 23 Sarah Hands                9 St. John the Baptist          49.43  7
 24 Michaela Hady             12 St. Joseph Hill Academy       49.48  4
 25 Camille Whyte                                              49.63  6
 26 Thalia Clerveau           11 Mary Louis Academy            49.71  8
 27 Dajhane Gardner           10 Mary Louis Academy            49.74  7
 28 Shannon Gaffney            9 St. Anthony's                 50.47  7
 29 Marie Flaherty            11 St. Francis Prep              50.60  7
 30 Alana Davidson             9 St. Francis Prep              50.65  3
 31 Meagan O'Connor           11 St. Joseph Hill Academy       50.78  8
 32 Christal Mitchell                                          51.30  8
 33 Kayla Rayder               9 Archbishop Molloy             51.48 11
 34 Kelsey Jean-Jacques       10 St. Anthony's                 51.50  7
 35 Ciara Meachum             11 Notre Dame Academy            51.97  9
 36 Letiza Yemma              11 St. John Villa Academy        51.98 10
 37 Kristen Scanlon              Notre Dame Academy            52.08  6
 38 Shannon Rose              12 Mary Louis Academy            52.32  5
 39 chanice archer            11 St. Edmund                    52.39  6
 40 samantha adidison         11 St. Edmund                    52.50  2
 41 Jordan Langley            11 Bishop Ford                   52.67  7
 42 Amanda Hartman            12 Christ The King               52.76  9
 43 Maria Espinoza            10 Mary Louis Academy            52.87  8
 44 Jenna Palazzalo           12 Mary Louis Academy            53.34  8
 45 Mellisa Gabriel           12 Archbishop Molloy             53.36  9
 46 Kelsey Lynch              10 St. Anthony's                 53.47  8
 47 Chrysalis Terrado         11 Archbishop Molloy             53.82  9
 48 Stephanie Yost             9 Archbishop Molloy             53.84 11
 49 Julia Watters              9 Archbishop Molloy             53.94 10
 50 Kristina Morel             9 St. Joseph by the Sea         55.18 10
 51 Morgan Harrington          9 St. Joseph Hill Academy       55.24 10
 52 Orlaith McCaffrey         10 Mary Louis Academy            55.57  8
 53 Melissa Williams             Cardinal Spellman             55.77 11
 54 Christine Quinones        12 Cardinal Spellman             55.87 11
 55 Emily Cirigliano           9 St. Joseph Hill Academy       56.53 11
 56 Mayra Perez               10 St. Francis Prep              57.11 12
 57 Lucia Gambino             10 Mary Louis Academy            57.21  9
 58 Lianne Butler             12 Notre Dame Academy            57.28  9
 59 Marberth Coulanges        11 Nazareth                      57.33  2
 60 Taylor Volini             11 St. Joseph by the Sea         57.63 12
 61 Julia Macron                 Notre Dame Academy            57.82  9
 62 Jennifer Huang            10 Moore Catholic                57.83 12
 63 Alexa Haley                9 Notre Dame Academy            57.93 10
 64 Mary Edward               11 Archbishop Molloy             58.49 11
 65 Danielle Woodman           9 St. Joseph by the Sea         58.61  6
 65 Damilola Tijani              Notre Dame Academy            58.61 11
 67 Gina Costagliola           9 Notre Dame Academy            58.83 10
 68 Katie Wenzler             10 Archbishop Molloy           1:00.22 12
 69 Rachel Rothstein          11 Archbishop Molloy           1:01.80 12
 70 Amber Wagner                 Notre Dame Academy          1:06.02 12
 71 Alyssa Proscia             9 St. Joseph by the Sea       1:09.13 10

                         Varsity Girls 600 Meter Run                         
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time H#   Pts
  1 Olicia Williams           12 St. Anthony's               1:34.04  1     6
  2 Pariis Garcia             12 Notre Dame Academy          1:35.80  1     4
  3 Dominique Claudio         12 St. John Villa Academy      1:36.39  1     3
  4 Chelsea Penn              12 St. John the Baptist        1:38.30  1     2
  5 Bridget Krumholz          12 Our Lady of Mercy Academy   1:44.69  1     1
  6 Jamila Ifill-Jones        11 Bishop Ford                 1:46.17  2      
  7 Kymberly Johnson          12 Mary Louis Academy          1:50.58  2      
  8 Casey Pollock             10 St. John the Baptist        1:51.19  3      
  9 Jackie Roda                9 Notre Dame Academy          1:51.33  2      
 10 Mariella Bilello          12 St. Anthony's               1:52.03  3      
 11 McKenna Amanda                                           1:53.17  4      
 12 Veronica Muratore          9 St. Anthony's               1:53.59  4      
 13 Jessica Malone            11 Holy Trinity                1:53.94  4      
 14 Aisling Sullivan           9 Our Lady of Mercy Academy   1:54.29  5      
 15 Nicole Pietrunti           9 St. Joseph Hill Academy     1:54.37  3      
 16 Jessica Bennett           12 Bishop Ford                 1:54.71  2      
 17 Marie Flaherty            11 St. Francis Prep            1:55.31  3      
 18 Nicole Sanfelipis          9 St. John Villa Academy      1:55.35  4      
 19 Niara Comrie              12 St. Francis Prep            1:55.40  3      
 20 Anne Brozek               10 Our Lady of Mercy Academy   1:55.65  4      
 21 Elizabeth Mastelone       11 Holy Trinity                1:56.63  4      
 22 Anne Brozek               10 Our Lady of Mercy Academy   1:56.64  4      
 23 Kelly Powell               9 Holy Trinity                1:57.81  4      
 24 Kristin Krumenacker       10 Our Lady of Mercy Academy   1:58.21  6      
 25 Christa Accardi           10 Holy Trinity                1:58.57  5      
 26 Rosemary Vu               10 St. Francis Prep            1:59.00  5      
 27 Maggie Garin              11 St. Joseph Hill Academy     1:59.53  4      
 28 Autumn Harris              9 St. John's Prep             1:59.97  4      
 29 Alana Peterson             9 Holy Trinity                2:02.53  6      
 30 Emily Hargous             10 Holy Trinity                2:03.13  5      
 31 Marielle Melconian        10 Our Lady of Mercy Academy   2:03.17  5      
 32 Julia O'Rourke            10 St. Anthony's               2:04.26  5      
 33 Erika Diaz                11 Holy Trinity                2:04.37  5      
 34 Madison Volpe             11 St. Joseph Hill Academy     2:04.58  5      
 35 Amanda Hartman            12 Christ The King             2:05.08  4      
 36 Danielle McKenna          11 Cardinal Spellman           2:05.12  5      
 37 Stephanie Zdazenski        9 Christ The King             2:05.13  4      
 38 Jillian May               12 St. Francis Prep            2:05.35  5      
 39 Kristen Azzopardi         12 Notre Dame Academy          2:06.65  6      
 40 Annie Levinson            11 St. Anthony's               2:07.25  5      
 41 Sarah Mayerhoffer         11 Holy Trinity                2:09.14  6      
 42 Melanie Devlin            10 Holy Trinity                2:10.25  6      
 43 Theresa Arcidiacono       10 Archbishop Molloy           2:11.59  6      
 44 Emily Cirigliano           9 St. Joseph Hill Academy     2:18.09  6      
 45 ALexandria D'Attile       11 Archbishop Molloy           2:19.49  6      
 46 Emma Fitzpatrick           9 Our Lady of Mercy Academy   2:22.74  6      
 47 Emily Hayes               10 Our Lady of Mercy Academy   2:30.62  6      
 48 Melissa Melone             9 St. Anthony's               2:30.83  6      
 49 Mary Kate Carroll         11 Holy Trinity                2:34.68  6      

                       Varsity Girls 3000 Meter Run                       
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time   Pts
  1 Ashlin Conroy             12 Kellenberg                 10:37.17     6
  2 Paige Duca                 9 Sacred Heart Academy       10:37.54     4
  3 Kerri-Anne Flynn          11 St. Anthony's              10:46.60     3
  4 Kathleen Woods            12 Archbishop Molloy          10:56.96     2
  5 Katherine Henri           12 Notre Dame Academy         11:07.56     1
  6 Molly Dearie               9 St. Anthony's              11:15.17      
  7 Mia Imbesi                11 Kellenberg                 11:24.13      
  8 Gina D'Angelo             10 St. Anthony's              11:32.47      
  9 Marianne Bartlotta        10 Holy Trinity               11:32.50      
 10 Ekaterina Meringolo       10 St. Anthony's              11:52.09      
 11 Maura Meehan              12 St. Francis Prep           11:56.34      
 12 Krysta Cosenza               Bishop Kearney             12:05.84      
 13 Rebeca Ramirez            10 St. Francis Prep           12:09.55      
 14 Lisa Farjado               9 Bishop Ford                12:36.17      

                Varsity Girls 55 Meter Hurdles Prelims                 
    Name                      Yr Team                           Time H#
  1 Odrine Belot              12 Kellenberg                     8.30  2
  2 Katherine Cavanaugh       12 Kellenberg                     8.48  1
  3 Niamani Morrison          10 Archbishop Molloy              8.89  2
  4 Alexandria Simon          12 St. John Villa Academy         9.20  2
  5 Melany Belot              10 Kellenberg                     9.31  3
  6 Lisa Abramski             12 Kellenberg                     9.33  3
  7 Mariah Howard              9 Mary Louis Academy             9.48  3
  8 Mary Camarano             11 Kellenberg                     9.75  1
  9 Christie Catterson        10 Kellenberg                     9.95  4
 10 Vanessa Lawrence-Fulton   10 Kellenberg                    10.04  2
 11 Sinclaire Smith           11 Kellenberg                    10.08  3
 12 Annette Pahn              12 St. John Villa Academy        10.11  1
 13 Kayla Challenor            9 St. John the Baptist          10.31  1
 14 Shannon Pizzella          10 Archbishop Molloy             10.34  3
 15 Tersa Samson              11 Kellenberg                    10.39  1
 16 Haley Roberts             10 St. Anthony's                 10.47  6
 17 Jamie Kallipozis          10 St. Anthony's                 10.55  3
 18 Madeline Blantorn          9 St. John the Baptist          10.57  1
 19 Kelly Grogan               9 Archbishop Molloy             11.13  4
 20 Megan McNamara            10 Archbishop Molloy             11.23  5
 21 Vanja Matkovic            11 Archbishop Molloy             11.26  4
 22 Mary Verhulst             11 St. Anthony's                 11.28  4
 23 Sara Baumann              11 St. Anthony's                 11.33  6
 24 Kimberly Javed            12 St. Francis Prep              11.35  2
 25 Bridget McNierney          9 Kellenberg                    11.44  2
 26 Patricia Collier          10 St. Anthony's                 11.58  4
 27 Nika Mais                  9 St. Anthony's                 11.68  5
 27 Rachel Cerrito            10 St. Joseph by the Sea         11.68  4
 29 Julia Watters              9 Archbishop Molloy             11.77  6
 30 Jessica Hannon            11 Archbishop Molloy             11.97  5
 31 Natalie Fargo              9 Archbishop Molloy             12.09  5
 32 Jessica Szymeczek          9 Archbishop Molloy             12.35  6
 33 Gabriella DeLeon           9 Archbishop Molloy             12.37  5
 33 Lucy Peng                 10 Archbishop Molloy             12.37  6
 35 Cassandra Gharnit          9 St. Anthony's                 13.06  6

         Varsity Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Prelims         
    Team                                          Time H#
  1 Saint Anthony                              1:45.85  1
  2 Kellenberg                                 1:50.48  3
  3 Saint Anthony                              1:50.83  5
  4 Spellman                                   1:51.87  4
  5 Kellenberg                                 1:52.79  6
  6 St. John the Baptist                       1:52.83  6
  7 Sacred Heart Academy                       1:53.23  2
  8 Notre Dame Academy                         1:54.34  3
  9 St. Joseph by the Sea                      1:55.16  5
 10 Holy Trinity                               1:56.57  1
 11 Lady of Mercy                              1:57.20  5
 12 St. Joseph Hill Academy                    1:57.28  3
 13 Saint Anthony                              1:58.92  2
 14 Sacred Heart Academy                       1:58.97  6
 15 Spellman                                   2:01.85  1
 16 Mary Louis Academy                         2:02.16  4
 17 Saint Anthony                              2:04.46  5
 18 Lady of Mercy                              2:04.59  3
 19 Mary Louis Academy                         2:05.48  3
 20 Notre Dame Academy                         2:07.23  4
 21 St. John Villa Academy                     2:07.74  6
 22 Mary Louis Academy                         2:09.54  4
 23 Moore Catholic                             2:09.78  1
 24 St. Joseph Hill Academy                    2:14.94  2
 25 Notre Dame Academy                         2:19.99  1
 26 Notre Dame Academy                         2:25.17  2

                         Varsity Girls Long Jump                          
    Name                      Yr Team                           Mark   Pts
  1 Niamani Morrison          10 Archbishop Molloy          18-04.75     6
  2 jalilissa marcus          11 St. Edmund                 18-01.00     4
  3 Emma Cleary               12 St. John the Baptist        17-0.50     3
  4 Ololade Afolayan          11 Archbishop Molloy          16-01.50     2
  5 Kristi Taddoni            12 St. John Villa Academy     16-00.00     1
  6 Alexandria Simon          12 St. John Villa Academy     15-11.50      
  7 Nicole Kelly              12 Archbishop Molloy          15-09.75      
  8 Jazmind Holloman          12 St. John the Baptist       15-09.50      
  9 Victoria Pileggi          11 St. Anthony's              15-07.50      
 10 Bianca Quinnonez          10 St. John the Baptist       15-06.00      
 11 Katherine Cavanaugh       12 Kellenberg                 15-03.00      
 12 Bridget McNierney          9 Kellenberg                 15-01.00      
 13 Celeste Corcoran          10 St. John the Baptist        15-0.50      
 13 Lisa Abramski             12 Kellenberg                  15-0.50      
 15 Annette Pahn              12 St. John Villa Academy     15-00.00      
 16 Kelly Michalak            11 Archbishop Molloy          14-11.00      
 17 Madeline Blantorn          9 St. John the Baptist       14-08.50      
 18 Kaleah Miller              9 Mary Louis Academy         14-08.00      
 19 Sara Hernandez            12 Holy Trinity               14-07.50      
 19 Nicole Burt               11 St. John Villa Academy     14-07.50      
 21 Sarah O'Neill             10 St. John the Baptist       14-05.50      
 22 Danielle Correia          10 Kellenberg                 14-02.25      
 23 Kristina Petrich          12 Kellenberg                 13-11.25      
 24 Rachel Spampinato         10 Mary Louis Academy         13-09.50      
 25 Mary Camarano             11 Kellenberg                 13-09.00      
 26 Kaitlyn Nelson            12 Holy Trinity               13-07.50      
 26 Kristina Buccellato       11 St. Joseph Hill Academy    13-07.50      
 26 Thalia Clerveau           11 Mary Louis Academy         13-07.50      
 29 Giavona Ruggiero          12 Moore Catholic             13-07.00      
 30 Nika Mais                  9 St. Anthony's              13-03.00      
 31 Lauren Carlino            12 Holy Trinity               13-02.50      
 32 Christa Accardi           10 Holy Trinity               13-02.00      
 33 Nicole Gelardi            11 Moore Catholic             13-01.00      
 34 Rachel Luebke             10 Holy Trinity               12-09.75      
 35 Veictoria Rebollo         10 Our Lady of Mercy Academy  12-02.00      
 36 Courtney Mercogliano      12 Holy Trinity               11-11.00      
 37 Meagan O'Connor           11 St. Joseph Hill Academy    11-03.50      
 38 Tara McNally               9 St. Francis Prep           10-09.50      
 39 Alexa Pastor              12 Moore Catholic             10-06.00      

                        Varsity Girls Triple Jump                         
    Name                      Yr Team                           Mark   Pts
  1 Odrine Belot              12 Kellenberg                 39-02.75     6
  2 Niamani Morrison          10 Archbishop Molloy          36-09.00     4
  3 Alexis Fernadez           11 St. Anthony's              35-03.75     3
  4 Osha Williams             12 St. Francis Prep           34-02.50     2
  5 Michelle Goss             12 Kellenberg                 33-10.00     1
  6 Melany Belot              10 Kellenberg                 33-01.00      
  7 Bianca Quinnonez          10 St. John the Baptist       32-11.50      
  8 Catherine Hall            10 St. John's Prep            31-11.50      
  9 Lataza Stephens           12 Bishop Ford                31-11.00      
 10 Celeste Corcoran          10 St. John the Baptist       31-10.00      
 11 Kristi Taddoni            12 St. John Villa Academy     31-08.00      
 12 Annette Pahn              12 St. John Villa Academy     31-07.75      
 13 Vanessa Lawrence-Fulton   10 Kellenberg                 30-09.50      
 14 Kristina Petrich          12 Kellenberg                 30-04.00      
 15 Nicole Burt               11 St. John Villa Academy     30-01.50      
 16 Laura Williams             9 Archbishop Molloy           30-0.50      
 17 Kaitlyn Nelson            12 Holy Trinity               29-08.25      
 18 Alyssa Ragogna            11 St. Francis Prep           29-02.00      
 19 Sarah Agoglia             12 Kellenberg                 28-01.50      
 20 Emily Hargous             10 Holy Trinity               27-11.50      
 21 Grace McGovern             9 Mary Louis Academy         27-06.00      
 22 Alexa Pastor              12 Moore Catholic             26-07.00      
 23 Elizabeth Mastelone       11 Holy Trinity               23-09.75      

                         Varsity Girls High Jump                          
    Name                      Yr Team                           Mark   Pts
  1 Ashley Mayer              12 Archbishop Molloy           5-02.00     6
  2 Elizabeth Kalvoda         12 St. Francis Prep            5-00.00   3.5
  2 Alexis Harris                Holy Trinity                5-00.00   3.5
  4 Brittany LeJouan          11 Kellenberg                  4-10.00   0.5
  4 Samantha Zebuth           10 St. Anthony's               4-10.00   0.5
  4 Victoria Pileggi          11 St. Anthony's               4-10.00   0.5
  4 Elizabeth Fallon          12 St. Anthony's               4-10.00   0.5
  4 Mary Beth Scott           11 St. John the Baptist        4-10.00   0.5
  4 Michelle Goss             12 Kellenberg                  4-10.00   0.5
 10 Maggie Garin              11 St. Joseph Hill Academy     4-08.00      
 11 Alyssa Ragogna            11 St. Francis Prep            4-06.00      
 12 Stephanie Yost             9 Archbishop Molloy           4-04.00      
 12 Sarah Agoglia             12 Kellenberg                  4-04.00      
 14 Julia O'Rourke            10 St. Anthony's               4-02.00      
 14 Alexa Grabowski            9 Archbishop Molloy           4-02.00      

                         Varsity Girls Pole Vault                         
    Name                      Yr Team                           Mark   Pts
  1 Emma Cleary               12 St. John the Baptist       11-03.00     6
  2 Ashley Mayer              12 Archbishop Molloy           9-00.00     4
  3 Erini Farid               10 St. Joseph by the Sea       8-06.00   2.5
  3 Elizabeth Kelsch          11 St. Anthony's               8-06.00   2.5
  5 Alexa Grabowski            9 Archbishop Molloy           7-06.00     1
  6 Laura Williams             9 Archbishop Molloy           7-00.00      
  7 Kristy Colangelo          12 St. Joseph by the Sea       6-06.00      
  7 Hayley Lopreto            10 St. Anthony's               6-06.00      

                          Varsity Girls Shot Put                          
    Name                      Yr Team                           Mark   Pts
  1 Adrienne Alexander        12 Bishop Loughlin            41-07.25     6
  2 Natalie Jean              11 Kellenberg                  36-0.75     4
  3 Imani Williams            12 St. Anthony's              33-09.50     3
  4 Firdaws Sammi             11 St. John Villa Academy     33-05.25     2
  5 Victria Taiibe            11 Archbishop Molloy          33-01.00     1
  6 Nicole LePetri            12 Kellenberg                 32-03.00      
  7 Chisom Mokuruah              Notre Dame Academy         31-07.00      
  8 Marianna Mallen            9 Holy Trinity               31-04.00      
  9 Ashley Haynes             12 Bishop Ford                31-03.25      
 10 Lindsey McErlean          11 St. John the Baptist       30-09.00      
 11 Amanda Sesny              12 Moore Catholic             30-03.50      
 12 Michelle Rispoli          11 Kellenberg                 29-11.50      
 13 Debbie Johnson            12 Our Lady of Mercy Academy  29-06.25      
 14 Kristy Colangelo          12 St. Joseph by the Sea      28-06.00      
 15 Amanda Khozouri           12 Holy Trinity               28-05.00      
 16 Kristen Canova            11 St. Joseph by the Sea      28-04.00      
 17 Elizabeth Governale       11 Archbishop Molloy          28-03.00      
 18 Thalia Torro              11 Archbishop Molloy          28-01.50      
 19 Carrie Hunter             12 Christ The King            26-09.00      
 20 Shannon Cellan            10 St. John the Baptist       26-06.00      
 21 Erini Farid               10 St. Joseph by the Sea      26-04.00      
 22 Brianne Garcia            10 Notre Dame Academy         26-01.50      
 23 Megan Nugent              10 Kellenberg                 26-01.00      
 24 Paige O'Neill             10 St. John the Baptist       26-00.00      
 25 Francesca Vullo           12 St. John the Baptist       25-04.50      
 26 Allison Terranova            Archbishop Molloy          25-01.00      
 27 Samantha Minnigan         12 Holy Trinity               24-10.50      
 28 Giavona Ruggiero          12 Moore Catholic             24-09.50      
 29 Ashley Todaro             10 St. Joseph by the Sea      24-04.00      
 30 Shaakira Parker           12 St. Francis Prep           24-02.50      
 31 Alycia Bini               11 St. Joseph Hill Academy    24-02.00      
 32 Kim Ledger                12 Bishop Ford                23-10.00      
 33 Anna Pignataro            11 St. Francis Prep           23-09.50      
 34 Kerry McCrossen           12 Our Lady of Mercy Academy  22-09.00      
 35 Kimbery John              11 Bishop Ford                22-08.50      
 36 Olivia Remy               12 St. Francis Prep           22-08.25      
 37 Casey McGlone             10 Kellenberg                 22-05.00      
 38 Orlaith McCaffrey         10 Mary Louis Academy         21-08.50      
 39 Rachel Cerrito            10 St. Joseph by the Sea      21-07.00      
 40 Nicole Gotimer            12 Holy Trinity               21-05.00      

                        Varsity Girls Weight Throw                        
    Name                      Yr Team                           Mark   Pts
  1 Natalie Jean              11 Kellenberg                 37-07.50     6
  2 Imani Williams            12 St. Anthony's              35-09.50     4
  3 Victria Taiibe            11 Archbishop Molloy          34-06.00     3

                    Varsiy Girls NS Girls Weight Throw                    
    Name                      Yr Team                           Mark   Pts
  1 Thalia Torro              11 Archbishop Molloy          29-07.00     6
  2 Casey McGlone             10 Kellenberg                 26-08.00     4
  3 Kaitlyn Rhodes            10 St. Anthony's              26-06.00     3

    Freshman Girls  Girls 1600 Meter Sprint Medley Relay    
    Team                                          Time   Pts
  1 St. Francis Prep                           5:05.94     6
  2 Spellman                                   5:06.51     4
  3 St. Francis Prep                           5:18.66     3
  4 Archbishop Molloy                          5:21.23     2
  5 Archbishop Molloy                          5:23.85     1
  6 St. Joseph Hill Academy                    5:26.96      
  7 St. Joseph by the Sea                      5:28.62      

                Team Scores (1 Events Scored)               
    Team                        Pts    Spr  Dst  Hrd  Rel  Fld  Oth 
  1 St. Francis Prep             9      0    0    0    9    0    0  
  2 Spellman                     4      0    0    0    4    0    0  
  3 Archbishop Molloy            3      0    0    0    3    0    0  

        Varsity Girls Team Scores (13 Events Scored)        
    Team                        Pts    Spr  Dst  Hrd  Rel  Fld  Oth 
  1 St. Anthony's               31      8    9    0    0   14    0  
  2 Archbishop Molloy           29      0    2    0    0   27    0  
  3 Kellenberg                  24      0    6    0    0   18    0  
  4 St. John the Baptist       11.5     0    2    0    0   9.5   0  
  5 St. Edmund                   7      3    0    0    0    4    0  
  6 St. John Villa Academy       6      0    3    0    0    3    0  
  6 Bishop Loughlin              6      0    0    0    0    6    0  
  8 St. Francis Prep            5.5     0    0    0    0   5.5   0  
  9 Notre Dame Academy           5      0    5    0    0    0    0  
  9 Cardinal Spellman            5      5    0    0    0    0    0  
 11 Sacred Heart Academy         4      0    4    0    0    0    0  
 12 Holy Trinity                3.5     0    0    0    0   3.5   0  
 13 St. Joseph by the Sea       2.5     0    0    0    0   2.5   0  
 14 Our Lady of Mercy Academy    1      0    1    0    0    0    0  

                Team Scores (1 Events Scored)               
    Team                        Pts    Spr  Dst  Hrd  Rel  Fld  Oth 
  1 Archbishop Molloy            6      0    0    0    0    6    0  
  2 Kellenberg                   4      0    0    0    0    4    0  
  3 St. Anthony's                3      0    0    0    0    3    0