NY Sectional Previews, Predictions For CHSAA and PSAL



RankTeamAVGSpreadTop Runners
1LaGuardia8878Douglas, Shupp, Backus, Begley
2Brooklyn Tech8126Sharp, Haidt, Craig, Andrews, O'Neal
3Bronx HS Of Science77.438Petrova, Wang, McDonough, Lyons-Baum, Siegel
4Stuyvesant73.421Savonije, Li, Mutsyori, Patel, Liu


Led by the top ranked athlete in the city, Fiorello LaGuardia took a ten point win over Stuyvesant at the Manhattan Boro Champs. They'll both be back, with strong performers from Brooklyn and the Bronx, with Manhattan looking to keep the city title at home.

Top Athletes

Naomi Douglas11Fiorello133
Ella Cohen12Hunter College120
Melia Murphy10The Clinton School116
Riley Tefft10Curtis108
Gwyneth Shupp11Fiorello108
Rossitsa Petrova12Bronx HS Science99
Noa Yirmiyahu10Hunter College96
Susana Sharp12Brooklyn Tech95
Aisha Wajid9Dewitt Clinton95
Francesca Haidt10Brooklyn Tech89
Kamora Ruelas11James Madison86
Sahar Mollah12McKee/Staten86