Big Day At PSAL Champs For Kiera Davis Leads To State Record

It was a weekend of big times at Icahn Stadium, between the Catholic State Champs and the PSAL City Championships.

And for Kiera Davis (Hillcrest), the winds aligned just right.

In the trials of the 100m Dash, the senior from Queens blasted a huge personal best of 11.57 to win her heat, with a positive legal wind of 1.9m/s. The max allowable is 2.0m/s.

That mark bettered the current Senior Class State Record in the 100m Dash. That mark was held by another veteran of the NYC-Scene, Natasha Hastings of AP Randolph, set back in 2004. Hastings would go on to become a multi-time Olympian after her record of 11.61 at Golden South her Senior Year.

Davis would come back to win the 100m final in 11.65, also under a legal wind. But her day wasn't done.

In the open 400m, Davis unleashed a huge personal best, runner 53.98 for the fastest time in the open event since Paris Peoples in 2017.

Davis is now ranked NY #2 All-Time, only behind the State Record by Keyon Soley (Uniondale) at 11.40. She is also NY #24 All-Time for 400m.

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Davis wasn't the only one speeding along at Icahn. One day earlier, albeit with an illegal wind of 2.2m/s, Samantha Walz (St. Joe's By The Sea) clocked an 11.82, which would have been NY #16 All-Time had it been legal.