Starting in Spring 2023, the NYSPHSAA Outdoor Track And Field State Championships are moving to an entirely Online Entry process. Allowing for instant verification of seeds, a unified method of entry, and the power of the MileSplit State Rankings, this process will allow for the most up-to-date information to be compiled for the States biggest meet of the year.
MileSplit State Meet Live Stream - New York State Meet Live Results
With that in mind, we wanted to detail some key information and dates to keep in mind during this introductory year.
Important Dates/Times
Sunday, June 4th - Noon - Online Entries Close
Sunday, June 4th - Midnight - Entries are verified and submitted for seeding
Tuesday, June 6th - 9pm - All scratches due. All Super-Standard updates due. Send to Coordinator/Pat Leone.
Wednesday, June 7th - 5pm - Deadline for Application for Coaches Gate List
Thursday, June 8th - Strict 4pm-8pm - Track open for practice time
Entry Process For Coaches
1. Compete at your State Qualifier.
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2. If your athlete is eligible to attend the State Meet, your Sectional Coordinator will provide a password to enter the State Meet Entry Tab.
2a. Entry is gained by finishing first at the qualifier, by being the next highest finisher at the qualifier while having the State Standard, or having competed at the State Qualifier while previously having hit the Super Standard. An athlete progressing with the State Standard may "leapfrog" athletes without the State Standard in front of them to become the next highest finisher, but may not leapfrog those who qualified with the Super Standard.
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3. Enter your athletes in their respective State Meet Entry Page
3a. Verify your athletes names are spelled correctly. This is what will be used for results and the digital program.
3b. Add your relay legs. Up to 8 Relay Legs are available to be selected.
3c. Confirm your seeded time. All auto-populated seeds should be used. Only exception are marks in the 1600m and 3200m. Times at the full Mile and 2Mile distances may be used, but may not be converted. IE Mile Times can be used as 1600m seeds.
3d. If you have a combined team, most likely, performances will be under the team that is first in the combined name. You can edit your team name to include all combined programs by pressing the pencil button in Online Entries. Do this before adding names.