A Strong Return To Championship Racing - State Meet Recap

Boys 55m

Event Info: 2020 Winner: Brandon Smith (South Shore) 6.27, State Record: 6.26, Meet Record (2000s): 6.27

Recap: After disaster almost struck, with Cukerstein sprinting to the line, almost missing the race entirely, the State Record holder managed to find his composure, and put out a decent effort. The time would have been NY #2 All-Time, but Cukerstein wanted more, and with Nationals on the way, we expect to see it there.

1Carter Cukerstein12Shenendehowa6.28
2Eddy Vu12William Floyd6.37
3Josiah Brown10Holy Trinity6.38
4Jadon Spain11James I. O'Neill6.45
5Dayzin Legare11Johnson City6.52
6Cameron Sands12Rondout Valley6.53

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