Manhattan Tees of 2015 - The Words Around VCP

Teeing It Up at Van Cortlandt Park

Every year we cover the Manhattan Invitational in great detail, bring you the race listings, the previews, the results, and the photos and videos of the races. But everyone knows the most heated action comes in the tee shirt competitions, where runners, coaches, parents, and masses of spectators vie for eyeball hits on the testaments of wisdom, humor, running prowess, creativity, and inspiration posted on their backs, and occasionally their fronts.

Last year was pretty much a wash-out for tee-shirt watching, but this year we had a blast of good weather and were able to capture some of the wit and profundity running around Van Cortlandt. A special shout out to the belles of Bellport for letting everything out on their custom tees, especially about the evil boys and dark chocolate.

Shaker's Ed Springstead and Bison Runners Kick Off the Tee Off

You Must Persevere

Heart and Inspiration

Heart is the difference between those who attempt and those who achieve.

Pride. Family. Tradition.

Champions are made when no one is watching

Good, better, best. Never let it rest, until your good is better and your better is best.

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard

It's supposed to be HARD. If it wasn't HARD, everyone would do it. The HARD is what makes it Great.

Your body can stand just about anything, it's your mind that you have to convince

I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.

The only way to be #1 is to train like you're #2 ---And there will be days when you feel like you're #1002

Team lineup for "training like your #2." ----Clarence has a lot of runners aiming to be #1.

Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out what you put in.

Individual commitment to a group effort. That is what makes a team work.

Bear Everything and Run Strong

Do it with passion or not at all

Cross Country -- A sport that requires more dedication than any other

Champions are not born. They are made.

Pithy Snippets of Wisdom

Wishes Don't Win Races

RunHard ----Couldn't have said it better

Never Give Up

I Can. I Will. I Must.

All In. ---Only way to be in XC

All in. ----Everybody wants in on this thing called XC.

No Excuses. ----Sorry, the dog ate my race shoes is just not good enough in XC.

No Excuses. ----Godzilla ate your running shoes and burned down your city? Still not good enough.

Squad Up ---Think it has something to do with teamwork

It's a great day to be alive. >CC> ---No bad days in XC

Pound the Pavement ---That's why we have pavement in the first place

All Kinds of Fast

Believe ---The simplest of belief systems

Get Moving -- NYSCATE

Humorus Intent and XC Bravura

Catch Me If You Can

Passing on the Left. ---Apparently you should all stay to the right.


The full team weighs in on a meaty subject

Any Given Saturday. ---They're all given over to XC

#BeastMode ---If you're not ready to give your beast, why run?

The place to go when you're serious about running. ---Obviously some serious competition here

[Runner chased by big vicious dog] - This shirt has the power to keep you going when you're tired and your legs and feets be hurtin'. --- Many NY coaches just got an idea for a cool training assistant.

It's a hill. Get over it

Fear the Beard ----Oh, oh. Don't get tangled up with these guys.

My Blood. My Sweat. Your Tears.

Running is a mental sport and we are all insane

Stupendous Deeds

I conquered Parachute Hill. ---And without a parachute

Adirondack Ragner Relay. Is it all uphill? ---Hill courses always seem that way.

Jersey Speed Wicked Pumpkin Run ---If you survive the wicked pumpkins in Jersey, you have a chance in VCP's back hills.

Pain Street America

Pain is inevitable .... Suffering is optional

A moment of PAIN is worth a lifetime of GLORY

PAIN is temporary, PRIDE is forever

School Pride

Starting a Lagacy --Legacies gotta start somewhere

Where It All Begins ---The starting line is a always a challenge

River Rage ---Do not get a Pearl River runner mad at you.

River Rage X 2. ---And be doubly careful when there's two of them.

We run this town. ----That's a big job

We run this city. ---Sounds like an even bigger job

Fight for the Green. Fight for the Gold. ---Still think these guys are just running for the money.

Have Fun. Run Hard. Think Big. Be Strong. --Delhi Cross Country

Once a Wizard always a Wizard. ----Harry, Ron, and Hermione wholeheartedly agree with Washingtonville.

The Best of the Bulls. --Perfect for when you're at San Fermin's Pamplona run

Behzadi is SXC ----Always cool to run for an XC team that begins with an S.

We are one body --Padua

The Best of Bellport - Front and Back

What are the odds? Etc.

Smackin' the Hills. Etc.

Etc. ---Something about chillin'

Manager extraordinaire. Etc.

Boys are evil. -Zeebs. Etc. ----Seems to be a common theme that boys are evil, and even worse, they may be Zeebs.

Nuts. Etc.

Whip! Etc.

Silence is golden

XC Fight Club. Etc.

Make Better Life Choices. Etc.

Dark chocolate. Etc.

The best pace is a suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die. Etc.

Cardiac. Etc.

Burn Fire Burn. Etc.

[Play it Again] 5K = 3.1 Etc.

Gaga. Etc.