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Race Report - By School
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 7 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 11 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 5 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 19 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 6 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 12 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 8 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 11 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 3 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
Alexander Central
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 10 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 10 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 13 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 3 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 16 runners#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 5 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
Aquinas Institute
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 1 runners#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 3 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 8 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 6 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 8 runners
Archbishop Walsh Academy
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 1 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 1 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 10 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 13 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 8 runners
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 5 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
Avon Central
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 3 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 12 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 23 runners#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 46 runners
Barker HS
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 15 runners#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 19 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 9 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 5 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 8 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 6 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 4 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 4 runners#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 7 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 5 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 3 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 7 runners#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 8 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 10 runners
Birchmount Park-ONT
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 4 runners#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 3 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 8 runners
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 4 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 10 runners
Bishop Kearney
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 3 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 10 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 23 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 11 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 8 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 4 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 4 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 5 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 25 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 27 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 21 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 8 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 9 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 16 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 10 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 4 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 8 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 17 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 6 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 4 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 4 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools) - 0 runners (race entries needed)
Bromfield School
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 1 runnersBurnt Hills-Ballston Lake
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 21 runners#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 3 runners
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 7 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 8 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 10 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 9 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 9 runners
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 5 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 4 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 10 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 14 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 18 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 16 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 15 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 7 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 17 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 8 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 5 runners#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 5 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 40 runners
Cardinal Leger SS
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 6 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 7 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 8 runners
Cardinal OHara
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 1 runnersCarthage
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 10 runners#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 9 runners
Cathedral Prep
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 7 runners#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 13 runners#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 10 runners
Central Square
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 5 runners#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 10 runners
Centre Wellington-ON
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools - 0 runners (race entries needed)#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 5 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools) - 0 runners (race entries needed)
Charter School App T
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 4 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 4 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 11 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 9 runners
Chenango Forks
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 10 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 13 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 22 runners#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 24 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 10 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 23 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 43 runners
City Honors School
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 10 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 13 runners#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 23 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 3 runners#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 10 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 8 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 2 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 6 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 5 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 7 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 5 runners
College catholique Franco-Ouest
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 1 runnersCorning
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 12 runners#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 9 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 9 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 10 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 10 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 30 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 2 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 4 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 4 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 4 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 1 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 5 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 1 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 2 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 10 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 2 runners
Cowanesque Valley
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 9 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 9 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 4 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 4 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 8 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 8 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 11 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 8 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 13 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 9 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
East Aurora
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 11 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 23 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 30 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 8 runners
East HS-Roch
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 8 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners
East Northumberland
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 9 runners#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 5 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 9 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 1 runners
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 5 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 8 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 5 runners
East Rochester
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 3 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 8 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 7 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 1 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 11 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 6 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 4 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 4 runners
Edison Tech
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 1 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 4 runners
Elk County Cath-PA
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 4 runners#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 2 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 13 runners#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 21 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 8 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 8 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 13 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 10 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 17 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 25 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 11 runners
#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 16 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 16 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 8 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 6 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 6 runners
Faith Heritage
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 5 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 3 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 11 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 9 runners
Fordham Prep
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runnersFranklinville
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 4 runners
Fredonia Central
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 13 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 7 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 7 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 13 runners
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 7 runners#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 1 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 7 runners#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 15 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 14 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 11 runners
General McLane
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 8 runners#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 11 runners
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 3 runners#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 11 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 10 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 6 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 8 runners
Glebe Collegiate
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 9 runners#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 6 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 4 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 8 runners
Gowanda Central
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 15 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 10 runners
Grand Island
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 13 runners#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 14 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
Greece Arcadia
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 9 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 6 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 18 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 9 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 16 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 4 runners
Greece Athena
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 3 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools - 0 runners (race entries needed)
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 9 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 8 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 5 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools - 0 runners (race entries needed)
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 9 runners
Greece Odyssey
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 11 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 5 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 5 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 9 runners
Greece Olympia
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 1 runners#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 5 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 7 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 1 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 1 runnersGreenwich
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 1 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 1 runners
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 4 runners
Guelph Collegiate
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 1 runnersHamburg
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 11 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 23 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 14 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 8 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 8 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 9 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 6 runners
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 3 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 7 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 6 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 24 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 18 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 12 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 11 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 17 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 10 runners
#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 26 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 8 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 21 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 3 runners
Holley Central
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
Honeoye Central
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 12 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 9 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 5 runners
Honeoye Falls-Lima
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 23 runners#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 24 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 36 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 28 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 3 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 3 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 12 runners#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 12 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners
Hutch Tech
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 8 runners#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 7 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
Immaculata Academy
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 20 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 8 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 3 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 29 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 16 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 11 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 5 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 8 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 16 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 4 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 5 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 4 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 13 runners#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 9 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 10 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 16 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 2 runners
John F Kennedy
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 4 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 8 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 3 runners
Johnson City-NY
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 13 runners#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 8 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 5 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
Jordan Elbridge
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 16 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 8 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 9 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 2 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 11 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 8 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 12 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 12 runners
Lake Shore HS-NY
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 11 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 2 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 10 runners
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 7 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 15 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 7 runners#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 8 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 16 runners#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 8 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 8 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 9 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 3 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 8 runners#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 5 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 10 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 5 runners#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 36 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 39 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 26 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 16 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 16 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 19 runners#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 5 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 10 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 3 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 10 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 13 runners
Longfields-Davidson Heights S.S.
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 1 runnersMagnificat
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 10 runners#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 5 runners
Mansfield HS-PA
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 7 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 8 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 3 runners
Maple Grove
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 6 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 8 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 8 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 2 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 3 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 12 runners#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 10 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 10 runners
Marcus Whitman
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 4 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 5 runners
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 8 runners
McQuaid Jesuit
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 7 runners#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 33 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 18 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 21 runners#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 13 runners
Mercyhurst Prep-PA
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 9 runners#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 9 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 7 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 16 runners#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 16 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 1 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 2 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
Mount Saint Mary Aca
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 12 runnersMynderse Academy
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 9 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 4 runners
Nardin Academy
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 10 runners#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
Neil McNeil-ONT
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 6 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 5 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 5 runners
New Hartford
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 10 runners#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 10 runners
New York Mills
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 11 runners
Newark HS-NY
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 8 runners
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 7 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 5 runners
Newark Valley
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 7 runners#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
Newfane Central
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 15 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 12 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 11 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 9 runners
North Brunswick Township
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 5 runners#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 2 runners
North Clarion
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 1 runnersNorth East-PA
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 19 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 10 runners
North Rose-Wolcott
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners
North Tonawanda
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 6 runners#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
Northeast Bradford
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 16 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 14 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 8 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
Northern Potter-PA
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 4 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 2 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 5 runners
Norwood-Norfolk Central
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 2 runners#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 1 runners
Notre Dame - Elmira
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 16 runners#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
Notre Dame-Batavia
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners
Notre Dame-Easton-PA
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 9 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 19 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 13 runners
Oil City
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools - 0 runners (race entries needed)#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 1 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 10 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 4 runners#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 4 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 2 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 2 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 10 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 3 runners
Orchard Park
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 5 runners#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 40 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 35 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 17 runners
Oswayo Valley-PA
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 5 runners
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 7 runners#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 3 runners
Otto Eldred-PA
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 5 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 9 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 6 runners
Our Lady of Lourdes
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 7 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 5 runners
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 10 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 5 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 5 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 8 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 1 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 4 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 3 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 11 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 4 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 5 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 20 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 13 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 21 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 9 runners
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 9 runners#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 5 runners
Pittsford Mendon
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 18 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 18 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 20 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 13 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 14 runners
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 9 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 8 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 12 runners
Pittsford Sutherland
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 27 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 9 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 32 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 14 runners
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 7 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 15 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 2 runners#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 2 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 10 runners
Red Creek
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 11 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 11 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 7 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 7 runners
Red Jacket
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 8 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 9 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 9 runners
Rocky Grove-PA
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 9 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 2 runners
Royal St. George's College
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 8 runners#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 9 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 9 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 4 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 6 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 13 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 4 runners
#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 16 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 12 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 8 runners
Sacred Heart Academy
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 16 runners#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 14 runners
Saranac Central
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 7 runners#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 8 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
Seton Catholic-Platt
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 2 runners#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 1 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 29 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 34 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 11 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 10 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 8 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 11 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 8 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 6 runners
Siena Catholic Acad
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 9 runners
Silver Creek
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
Simcoe Composite-ONT
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 1 runnersSir Winston Churchill
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 6 runners#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 6 runners
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 11 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 10 runners
Smethport Area-PA
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 12 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 5 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
Sodus Central
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 3 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners
South Jefferson
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 10 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 9 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 7 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 3 runners
Spencer Van-Etten
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 5 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 5 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools - 0 runners (race entries needed)
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 20 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 10 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 6 runners
St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 1 runnersSt. James Catholic
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 6 runners#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 8 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 7 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 1 runners
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 3 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 7 runners
St. Joes
#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 9 runners#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 18 runners
St. Marcellinus
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 8 runnersSt. Mary-Canandaigua
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 4 runners
St.Peters Prep-NJ
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 10 runnersStarpoint
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 8 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools - 0 runners (race entries needed)
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 19 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 5 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 8 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 3 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 4 runners#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 7 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 9 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 7 runners
Susquehanna Comm-PA
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 7 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 5 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 12 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 1 runners
Susquehanna Valley
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 1 runnersSweet Home
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 15 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 5 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 21 runners
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools) - 0 runners (race entries needed)
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools) - 0 runners (race entries needed)
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 8 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 8 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 7 runners#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 10 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 10 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 10 runners
The Gow School
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 3 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 6 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 2 runners
Tonawanda HS
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 5 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 9 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools - 0 runners (race entries needed)
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 19 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 9 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 9 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 14 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 9 runners
Union Endicott
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 7 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 9 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 14 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 7 runners
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 7 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 5 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 9 runners#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 7 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 9 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 9 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 4 runners
Victor Central
#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 10 runners#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 3 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 12 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 12 runners
Villa Maria Academy
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 21 runners#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 21 runners
Walsh Jesuit
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 24 runners#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 18 runners
#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools) - 0 runners (race entries needed)
#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 10 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 8 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 20 runners
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 3 runners#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 5 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 6 runners#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 11 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 1 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 3 runners
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 6 runners#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 5 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 6 runners
Watkins Glen
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 6 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 6 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 8 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 7 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 7 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 10 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 1 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 3 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 8 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
Wayne Central
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 10 runners#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 5 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 7 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 4 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
Webster Schroeder
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 12 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 19 runners
#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 19 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 3 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 9 runners
#22------Boys Unseeded Varsity AAA-2 (large schools)- 6 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 4 runners
Webster Thomas
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 20 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 23 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 15 runners
#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 44 runners
#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 29 runners
#23------Girls Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#24------Boys Seeded Varsity AAA (Large schools)- 7 runners
#25------Boys Varsity B (A J.V. race) for Large schools- 10 runners
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 5 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 4 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 14 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 7 runners
West Genesee
#19------Boys Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 20 runners#21------Girls Jr. High #3 (Large schools)- 22 runners
West Seneca East
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 8 runners#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 7 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 7 runners
#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 6 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 6 runners
#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
Williamson Central
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 11 runners#2------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 8 runners
#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 11 runners
#4------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-3 (Smallest schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 7 runners
Williamsville East
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 14 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 1 runners
Williamsville North
#13------Sophomore Girls (All schools)- 11 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 17 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 6 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 5 runners
#20------Girls Unseeded Varsity AA-2 (Medium/Large schools)- 4 runners
Williamsville South
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 15 runners#15------Girls Varsity AA (Seeded Medium schools)- 1 runners
#16------Boys Unseeded Varsity AA-2- 7 runners
#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 8 runners
Wilson HS (Sec 6)
#1------Girls Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 1 runners#3------Boys Jr High #1 (Smallest/Small schools)- 2 runners
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 12 runners
#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 7 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 1 runners
Wilson Magnet
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 5 runners#18------Girls Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium and Large schools- 2 runners
#7------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for small schools- 13 runners#8------Boys Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 7 runners
#9------Girls Seeded Varsity A (Small schools)- 9 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 1 runners
#12------Boys Jr. High #2 (Small/Medium schools)- 5 runners
World of Inquiry
#5------Girls Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools) - 0 runners (race entries needed)#6------Boys Unseeded Varsity A-2 (Small schools)- 8 runners
#10------Girls Jr High #2 (Small/Medium schools) - 0 runners (race entries needed)
#11------Boys Varsity B (a J.V. race) for Medium schools- 16 runners#14------Sophomore Boys (All schools)- 12 runners
#17------Boys Seeded Varsity AA- 7 runners